30 research outputs found


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    Nell’area di produzione dei vini D.O.C. “Colli del Trasimeno” è stato eseguito uno studio pedologico tramite sopralluoghi in aziende vitivinicole rispondenti alle prescrizioni del disciplinare ed i cui terreni fossero rappresentativi dei substrati presenti nel territorio. Lo studio dei suoli rappresentativi ha consentito di mettere in evidenza, notevoli differenze circa le caratteristiche morfologiche, chimiche, fisiche ed idrologiche chiaramente correlate con gli aspetti edafici e quelli biologici, produttivi e tecnologici. Tra i fattori della pedogenesi, il rilievo assume un ruolo decisivo per il condizionamento dei tipi pedologici.In the territory of production of wines “Colli del Trasimeno” D.O.C. it has been executed a pedological survey and, through various inspections in grapevine companies, have been characterize and study several vineyards representative for different pedological zones. It has been executed the description of the soils profiles and remarkable differences in morphologic, physics, chemical and idrological characteristics, are emerged. Inside the specific geological area the values oscillate in a geomorfological logic and, among the pedogenetic factors, the relief has a decisive role


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    Si propone una correlazione tra i suoli ed i prodotti tipici della nostra regione e si presenta un itinerario che, attraversando l’Umbria nord-occidentale, prenda in considerazione 5 prodotti tipici del settore agroalimentare ed i relativi suoli che sostengono tali produzioni.About correlation among the soils and the typical products of our region, we purpose an itinerary that, crossing north-western Umbria, considers fi ve agricultural typical products and the relative soils that sustain these productions

    Excursion to the Conero regional natural park

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    The Regional Natural Park of Conero is situated in the central-eastern part of the Italian peninsula where it covers an area of about 6,000 ha (Fig. 1). The protected area extends in a north-south direction for a distance of about 20 Km, reaching a maximum width corresponding to Conero Mountain (about 7 Km) and narrowing towards its northern extremity. The wide floristic and biocoenotic biodiversity which characterises the area is determined by its central position with respect to the basin of the Adriatic Sea, by the height of the Conero promontory, which with its height of 572 m greatly surpasses the average of the Italian Adriatic coast, and by the diversity of the geological, geomorphological and climatic conditions of the territory enclosed by the Natural Park (Brilli-Cattarini, 1967; Biondi, 1986). The agricultural, timbering and shepherding activities that were very developed in the past have contributed in part to the increase in the biodiversity of the territory, determining a high diversification of the plant landscape and favouring the development of ecotonal areas. The abandonment of the agricultural activities in large areas that followed, and of the timbering and shepherding activities in almost all of the territory, has determined the development of the natural dynamic processes of the recovery of the vegetation

    The importance of immune dysfunction in determining outcome in acute liver failure

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    Acute liver failure (ALF) shares striking similarities with septic shock with regard to the features of systemic inflammation, progression to multiple organ dysfunction and functional immunoparesis. While the existence of opposing systemic pro- and anti-inflammatory profiles resulting in organ failure and immune dysfunction are well recognised in septic shock, characterization of these processes in ALF has only recently been described. This review explores the evolution of the systemic inflammation in acute liver failure, its relation to disease progression, exacerbation of liver injury and development of innate immune dysfunction and extra-hepatic organ failure as sequelae. Defects in innate immunity are described in hepatic and extra-hepatic compartments. Clinical studies measuring levels of pro- and anti-inflammatory cytokines and expression of the antigen presentation molecule HLA-DR on monocytes, in combination with ex-vivo experiments, demonstrate that the persistence of a compensatory anti-inflammatory response syndrome, leading to functional monocyte deactivation, is a central event in the evolution of systemic immune dysfunction. Accurate immune profiling in ALF may permit the development of immunomodulatory strategies in order to improve outcome in this condition