648 research outputs found

    Object-oriented implementations of the MPDATA advection equation solver in C++, Python and Fortran

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    Three object-oriented implementations of a prototype solver of the advection equation are introduced. The presented programs are based on Blitz++ (C++), NumPy (Python), and Fortran's built-in array containers. The solvers include an implementation of the Multidimensional Positive-Definite Advective Transport Algorithm (MPDATA). The introduced codes exemplify how the application of object-oriented programming (OOP) techniques allows to reproduce the mathematical notation used in the literature within the program code. A discussion on the tradeoffs of the programming language choice is presented. The main angles of comparison are code brevity and syntax clarity (and hence maintainability and auditability) as well as performance. In the case of Python, a significant performance gain is observed when switching from the standard interpreter (CPython) to the PyPy implementation of Python. Entire source code of all three implementations is embedded in the text and is licensed under the terms of the GNU GPL license

    libcloudph++ 0.2: single-moment bulk, double-moment bulk, and particle-based warm-rain microphysics library in C++

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    This paper introduces a library of algorithms for representing cloud microphysics in numerical models. The library is written in C++, hence the name libcloudph++. In the current release, the library covers three warm-rain schemes: the single- and double-moment bulk schemes, and the particle-based scheme with Monte-Carlo coalescence. The three schemes are intended for modelling frameworks of different dimensionality and complexity ranging from parcel models to multi-dimensional cloud-resolving (e.g. large-eddy) simulations. A two-dimensional prescribed-flow framework is used in example simulations presented in the paper with the aim of highlighting the library features. The libcloudph++ and all its mandatory dependencies are free and open-source software. The Boost.units library is used for zero-overhead dimensional analysis of the code at compile time. The particle-based scheme is implemented using the Thrust library that allows to leverage the power of graphics processing units (GPU), retaining the possibility to compile the unchanged code for execution on single or multiple standard processors (CPUs). The paper includes complete description of the programming interface (API) of the library and a performance analysis including comparison of GPU and CPU setups.Comment: The library description has been updated to the new library API (i.e. v0.1 -> v0.2 update). The key difference is that the model state variables are now mixing ratios as opposed to densities. The particle-based scheme was supplemented with the "particle recycling" process. Numerous editorial corrections were mad

    Network Communication. Big Data information sources

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    Komunikacja sieciowa, fundamentalna składowa nauk o mediach, niezależnie od jej kategorii: bezpośrednia-synchroniczna, pośrednia-asynchroniczna, aktywna, autonomicznych maszyn, generuje ogromne ilości danych cyfrowych określanych jako Big Data. Dane te, udostępnione w sieci za pośrednictwem różnych usług i formatów, stanowią cenny surowiec badawczy, z którego możliwe jest pozyskanie nowych użytecznych informacji. Przedmiotem pracy jest problematyka źródeł dużych zasobów informacyjnych Big Data, ich zautomatyzowanego kolekcjonowania i przetwarzania do postaci umożliwiającej ilościową analizę. Przedstawiono cztery różne badania, ilustrujące potencjał drzemiący w informacyjnych zasobach Big Data, zrealizowane za pomocą narzędzia teleinformatycznego robota Big Data Jazon, skonstruowanego w ramach niniejszej dysertacji.A fundamental component of media science is network communication. All forms of network communication – direct and synchronous, intermediate and asynchronous, and active and autonomous – generate huge amounts of digital data called Big Data. This data is available on the network through various services and formats and is very valuable in terms of research, as it can be used to acquire new useful information. This work discusses the sources of Big Data and their automated collection and processing that allow analyses to be made. Four different studies that illustrate the potential of Big Data were conducted as part of this dissertation. These were implemented using a new ICT tool – the Big Data robot, Jazon

    Three hundredth anniversary of Rigisches rechenbuch by Johann Wolck

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    Despite the handbooks on accounting and merchant arithmetics edited in Gdansk, many manuals in this field of foreign origin were used. One of them was a book by Johann Wolck entitled Rigisches Rechenbuch worinnen nach der neusten und besten Art... (the real principles of accounting as a noble art of bookkeeping) edited in George Matthias Noller\u27s printing house in Riga in 1687

    Prezentowanie funkcji i znaczenia komunikacyjnego wybranych struktur językowych na zajęciach z chemii

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    Zadanie pt. „Digitalizacja i udostępnienie w Cyfrowym Repozytorium Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego kolekcji czasopism naukowych wydawanych przez Uniwersytet Łódzki” nr 885/P-DUN/2014 zostało dofinansowane ze środków MNiSW w ramach działalności upowszechniającej naukę

    E-voting : nadzieje i rozczarowania współczesnego wyborcy

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    Estimativa da qualidade de mapas procedurais para jogos do gênero roguelike

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    Monografia (graduação)—Universidade de Brasília, Faculdade UnB Gama, Curso de Engenharia de Software, 2014.Conteúdos gerados proceduralmente, isto é, criados de maneira automática e aleatória, estão cada vez mais presentes em jogos para dar o apelo a sua rejogabilidade ao depararse com situações sempre diferentes. A adequação destes mapas automatizados pode por vezes se basear apenas no sentimento sem nenhuma métrica efetiva para aferir a qualidade dos mesmos o que pode levar o processo da construção dos algoritmos de mapas longo e repetitivo. A fim de identificar métricas que caracterizem para um bom mapa foram analisadas as principais características da jogabilidade do gênero roguelike. Tais métricas caracterizarão um indicador que será utilizado para estimar a qualidade de um mapa. Para tal fim, foi desenvolvida uma ferramenta capaz de realizar testes através de jogos simulados automáticos para um dado mapa de entrada, que permitiu a extração das métricas de jogo e a estimação da qualidade do mapa para assegurar que os valores esperados para o mapa estão correspondentes as expectativas. O objetivo deste trabalho não é retirar o usuário do processo e sim deixar nas mãos dos desenvolvedores uma poderosa ferramenta capaz de agilizar o processo de produção de mapas e aumentando a eficácia dos testes utilizando usuários. ________________________________________________________________________________ ABSTRACTProcedurally generated content, that is, created in an automated and random manner, are increasingly present in games to give the appeal for its replayability by facing different situations each time. The adaptation of such maps can be at times based on feeling without any effective metric to support it. That can lead to long and repetitive tests. In order to identify the metrics that defines a good map, the main characteristics of the roguelike genre was analysed. Such metrics will compose a indicator which will be used to estimate the quality of a map. It was developed a tool capable of using a map data as input to perform an automated simulation of games to assure the quality of the map based in several metrics and their expected values. The objective of this work is not to remove the user from the proccess but to give the developers a powerfull tool capable of quicken the production of automated maps and increasing the effectiveness of the user in the latter tests