1,257 research outputs found

    El cambio climático abordado desde el español, el inglés y el francés

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    Nowadays languages has become more important in the teaching-learning process. In the same way, climate change is increasingly affecting us. This is the biggest socioenvironmental problem for humanity, and it is important that children, who are going to be the future of the planet, be aware of it. The objective of the project is to tackle the climate change from Spanish, English and French for children between 10 and 12. It will be worked from an ingenious and innovative way, and because of that a special didactic material designed specifically for these activities will be used. The activity is intended to be as realistic as possible, with the aim that children realize that it is important to take care of the environment.Las lenguas extranjeras cada día cobran más importancia en el proceso de enseñanzaaprendizaje. De la misma manera, el cambio climático cada vez nos afecta más. Se trata del mayor problema socioambiental al que se enfrenta la humanidad y es importante que los niños, que son el futuro del planeta, estén concienciados de ello. Este trabajo tiene como objetivo abordar el cambio climático desde el español, el inglés y el francés para niños de entre 10 y 12 años. Se trabajará desde una manera ingeniosa e innovadora, y para ello se utilizará un material didáctico especial diseñado para estas actividades. Para conseguir que el alumnado interiorice el cuidado del medioambiente, se pretende que la actividad sea lo más realista posible, y que esta muestre la realidad tal y como es

    Perfil lipídico, antropométrico y condición física de estudiantes deportistas universitarios

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    Introduction: Recognizing aspects such as lipid profile, body composition and physical composition of athletes can avoid recurrent errors in sports training. Objective: To establish the lipid, anthropometric and physical condition profile of students belonging to the sports teams of the University of Quindío. Materials and methods: Members of 14 sports teams were valued in their anthropometric measurements according to the guidelines of the International Society for the Advancement in Kinanthropometric (ISAK). For this, different tests were applied to determine strength, speed, resistance and flexibility and commercial kits were used to establish the lipid profile. Results: The population has normal ranges of lipid profile. Regarding the anthropometric profile, averages of fat percentage were found above those that are considered normal for athletes, although they correspond to the normality of the population in general. On a conditional level, flexibility was the capacity with lower averages from those considered as acceptable ranks. Conclusions: It is necessary to look for strategies to improve aspects such as: levels of fatty percentage and flexibility, which in some participants are not in line with the established ranges for performance athletes

    An Estimation of the Mexican Peso´s Overvaluation for 2023

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    Estimamos la sobrevaluación del peso mexicano para el segundo trimestre y junio de 2023. El tipo de cambio real de equilibrio se aproxima reestimando una ecuación de cointegración donde la variable de interés depende del PIB de México, el Índice de Producción Industrial de EE. UU., la suma del consumo privado, el consumo y las exportaciones del gobierno de México y la inversión fija privada de EE. UU. Usamos estas variables para aproximar la oferta y la demanda relativas de los dos países. Bajo ciertos supuestos, estimamos que el peso mexicano se encuentra sobrevaluado en 13.7% y 15.3% en el segundo trimestre y en junio de 2023, con información disponible a mediados de julio del mismo año. Proporcionamos una estimación del tipo de cambio nominal compatible con la eliminación del desajuste cambiario, si esta variable fuera la única que se ajusta.We estimate the overvaluation of the Mexican peso for the second quarter and June 2023. The equilibrium real exchange rate is approximated by reestimating a cointegration equation where the variable of interest depends on Mexico's GDP, the US Industrial Production Index, the sum of private consumption, the government consumption and exports of Mexico, and US private fixed investment. We use these variables to approximate the relative supply and demand of the two countries. Under certain assumptions, we estimate that the Mexican peso is overvalued by 13.7% and 15.3% in the second quarter and in June 2023, respectively, with information available as of mid-July of the same year. We provide an estimate of the nominal exchange rate compatible with the elimination of the exchange rate misalignment, if this variable were the only one that adjusts

    Análisis del gasto monetario en salud asumido por los hogares con un paciente que padece enfermedad renal crónica; en la ciudad de Bogotá 2011-2014.

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    Práctica EmpresarialEsta investigación corresponde a un análisis descriptivo que tiene como objeto analizar el gasto, desde los ingresos netos, que asumen los hogares con un paciente que presenta Enfermedad Renal Crónica; en la ciudad de Bogotá en sus 19 localidades, según la Encuesta Multipropósito del año 2014. Con lo anterior se busca determinar las posibles soluciones que se podrían dar para reducir el gasto en salud de las familias que acarrean día a día con un paciente de Enfermedad Renal Crónica en sus hogares.1. Marco Teórico 2. Marco Histórico 3. Marco Legal 4. Caracterización de la población de la ciudad de Bogotá que padece ERC 5. Barreras al servicio de saludPregradoEconomist

    Risk Factors for Relapse in People with Severe Mental Disorders during the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Multicenter Retrospective Study

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    Background: Evidence suggests that different variables associated with the COVID-19 pandemic may increase the risk of relapse in people with Severe Mental Disorders (SMDs). However, no studies have yet looked closely at the different risk factors involved to determine their influence on the worsening of these patients’ illnesses. Objective: To analyze which variables related to the COVID-19 pandemic have increased the risk of relapse in patients with SMDs. Method: A multicenter retrospective cohort study in which data were collected from 270 patients with mental disorders who had been under follow-up in day hospitals during the year 2020. Results: The proportion of full mental health inpatient admissions was significantly higher in those who lost their employment (40.7% vs. 18.1%; p = 0.01), in those who were not receiving psychotherapy interventions (33.9% vs. 16.6%; p = 0.006), and in those who were not receiving occupational therapy (25.7% vs. 13.6%: p = 0.013). Significant associations were detected between urgent mental health consultations, the number of COVID-19 symptoms (B = 0.274; p = 0.02), and the low-income group (1.2424 vs. 0.4583; p = 0.018). Conclusions: COVID-19 symptoms and certain consequences of the pandemic, such as loss of employment, economic hardship, and loss of interventions, have brought about clinical worsening in people with SMDs. Knowledge of these factors is important for health-related decision-making in future outbreaks or pandemics

    Intraocular pressure responses to a virtual reality shooting simulation in active-duty members of the Spanish Army: The influence of task complexity

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    Ocular physiology is sensitive to cognitively demanding tasks. However, it is unknown whether the intraocular pressure is also affected by the cognitive demands of military operations. The main objective was to determine the impact of a virtual reality shooting simulation with two levels of complexity on intraocular pressure levels in military personnel. Eighteen active-duty members of the Spanish Army and eighteen civilians performed two 4 min simulated shooting tasks with two levels of complexity using a virtual reality. In the “easy” task participants performed a simulated shoot when the stimulus (military with a rifle) appeared, while in the “difficult” task the stimulus randomly was a military with a rifle or with his hands on the air and participants were instructed to respond only when the military with a rifle appeared. Intraocular pressure was measured with a rebound tonometer before and immediately after each task. Complementarily, perceived levels of mental load and shooting performance (reaction time) were assessed. Intraocular pressure was greater after completing the more complex task in both military personnel (p-value < 0.01, Cohen´s d = 1.19) and civilians (p-value < 0.01, Cohen´s d = 1.16). Also, perceived levels of task load and reaction time were higher in the difficult compared to the easy shooting tasks (both p < 0.001). The rise in intraocular pressure is positively associated with the cognitive demands of simulated military operations. The potential application of this finding is the development of objective tools based on intraocular pressure for the evaluation of the mental state in real-world contexts, permitting to improve soldiers´safety and performance.CEMIX (Centro Mixto UGR-MADOC, Army of Spain) 5/4/20 TR-COMBAT

    Association of military-specific reaction time performance with physical fitness and visual skills

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    Background: The aim of the present study was to explore whether military-specific reaction time (RT) test performance is affected by individuals’ physical and visual skills. Method: In a single testing session, the military-specific Simple and Go, No-Go RT, aerobic power (20-m Multistage Shuttle Run test), maximal upper- and lower-body mechanical capacities (bench press and squat against different loads), and visual skills (multiple object tracking and dynamic visual acuity) of 30 young men (15 active-duty military personnel and 15 sport science students) were evaluated. Results: The main findings revealed that the Simple RT and Go, No-Go RT presented (1) with aerobic power non-significant small correlations in military personnel (r = −0.39 and −0.35, respectively) and non-significant negligible correlations in sport science students (r = −0.10 and 0.06, respectively), (2) inconsistent and generally non-significant correlations with the maximal mechanical capacities of the upper- and lower-body muscles (r range = −0.10, 0.67 and −0.27, 0.48, respectively), (3) non-significant correlations with visual skills (r magnitude ≥ 0.58) with the only exception of the Go, No-Go RT that was significantly correlated to all visual variables in the group of students (i.e., students who achieved better results during visual tests had shorter RT; r magnitude ≥ 0.58), and (4) none of the physical and visual variables significantly predicted the Simple RT or Go, No-Go RT. Conclusion: Altogether, these results indicate that military-specific RT performance is generally independent of physical and visual skills in both military personnel and active university students.CEMIX (Centro Mixto UGR-MADOC, Army of Spain) 5/4/20 TR-COMBATEMinistry of Education, Science & Technological Development, Serbia 451-03-9/2021-14/20015

    Rapid hemodilution induced by desmopressin after erythropoietin administration in humans

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    We have shown that treatment with desmopressin has a very effective hemodilution effect in healthy humans. These results led us to suggest the possible role of desmopressin to mask blood doping in sports. Based on our results, the World Anti-Doping Agency included the desmopressin in the 2011 List of Prohibited Substances and Methods. On this occasion, the aim of our study was to test the desmopressin-induced hemodilution after rHuEpo administration in humans. This was an intra-subject, crossover study in which five physically active males acted as their own controls. A basal blood sample was taken on their first visit to the laboratory. The next day, the subjects began the treatment. They received a subcutaneous rHuEpo injection three times/week for a two-week period. On the second visit to the laboratory, seventeen days later, a blood sample was taken. Thereafter, the subjects received an oral dose of 4.3 μg/kg of desmopressin and were instructed to ingest 1.5 liters of mineral water during the following fifteen minutes. Three hours after the water ingestion a second blood sample was obtained. The samples were analyzed for hematocrit (HCT), hemoglobin (Hb), reticulocytes (Ret%) and OFF Hr-Score. We found significantly higher HCT, Hb and Ret% levels after rHuEpo administration. Administration of desmopressin significantly decreased the HCT and Hb values but we did not find significant changes in Ret%. The values of the OFF Hr-Score also decreased after treatment with desmopressin. Desmopressin has a very effective hemodilution effect after rHuEpo administration and significantly modifies the hematological values measured by the anti-doping authorities to detect blood doping. We consider that these results reinforce the conclusions reported in our first study and confirm that desmopressin is a very effective masking agent for blood doping.This work was supported by grants SAF2008-00270; SAF2009-08334; BFU2007-65803/BFI; from the Spanish Ministry of Education and Science (MEC); PROMETEO/2010/074 from the Consellería de Educación de la Generalitat Valenciana. ISCIII2006-RED13-027 from the “Red Temática de investigación cooperativa en envejecimiento y fragilidad (RETICEF)”, EU Funded COSTB35 and DPS2008-06968 from Spanish Ministry of Innovation and Science. This study has been co-financed by FEDER funds from the European Union

    A 3D Peptide/[60]Fullerene Hybrid for Multivalent Recognition

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    Multivalent ligand presentation is a powerful strategy for the development of specific binders and inhibitors. Peptide/[60]fullerene hybrids have now been synthesized that exploit the complete substitution of the fullerene scaffold to afford globular structures presenting twelve copies of a peptide ligand for the recognition of E-selectin. Fully substituted peptide/[60]fullerene hexakis-adducts offer an excellent opportunity for multivalent protein recognition. In contrast to monofunctionalized fullerene hybrids, peptide/[60]fullerene hexakis-adducts display multiple copies of a peptide in close spatial proximity and in the three dimensions of space. High affinity peptide binders for almost any target can be currently identified by in vitro evolution techniques, often providing synthetically simpler alternatives to natural ligands. However, despite the potential of peptide/[60]fullerene hexakis-adducts, these promising conjugates have not been reported to date. Here we present a synthetic strategy for the construction of 3D multivalent hybrids that are able to bind with high affinity the E-selectin. The here synthesized fully substituted peptide/[60]fullerene hybrids and their multivalent recognition of natural receptors constitute a proof of principle for their future application as functional biocompatible materialsThis work was partially supported by the Spanish Agencia Estatal de Investigación (AEI) [SAF2017-89890-R, PCI2019-103400, PID2020-117143RB-I00, PID2020-114653RB-I00 and PID2020-115120GB-I00], Xunta de Galicia (ED431C 2017/25 and Centro singular de investigación de Galicia accreditation 2019–2022, ED431G 2019/03) and the European Commission (EC) (European Regional Development Fund-ERDF). J.M. thanks the ERC-STG (DYNAP, 677786), ERC-POC (TraffikGene, 838002), Xunta de Galicia (Oportunius Program) and Human Frontier Science Programme Young Investigator Grant (RGY0066/2017) for funding. J.J.R. received a Beatriz Galindo Grant (BEAGAL18-00051) by the Spanish Ministerio de Universidades. I.G. received predoctoral fellowships (ED481A-2018/116 and FPU17/00941). J.C.-G. thanks the Comunidad de Madrid Atracción de Talento program (2018-T2/BMD-10275)S

    Estudios de lingüística clínica

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    La lingüística clínica desarrolla una función descriptiva de la patología verbal, una función interpretativa de la conducta verbal patológica y de los procesos cognitivos subyacentes y una función rehabilitadora ajustada a los diferentes tipos de deficiencia verbal. A estos objetivos hay que añadir la función que la orientación clínica puede cumplir para la propia lingüística teórica. Las orientaciones aplicadas de la lingüística (y de otras disciplinas) constituyen el terreno ineludible en el que las aproximaciones teóricas al lenguaje deben someterse a crítica y, cuando ello se hace necesario, reformularse. En los artículos que contiene esta obra se encuentran representadas, en mayor o menor medida, las diferentes funciones que acabamos de atribuir a la lingüística clínica