1,166 research outputs found

    Thermoelectric spin voltage in graphene

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    In recent years, new spin-dependent thermal effects have been discovered in ferromagnets, stimulating a growing interest in spin caloritronics, a field that exploits the interaction between spin and heat currents. Amongst the most intriguing phenomena is the spin Seebeck effect, in which a thermal gradient gives rise to spin currents that are detected through the inverse spin Hall effect. Non-magnetic materials such as graphene are also relevant for spin caloritronics, thanks to efficient spin transport, energy-dependent carrier mobility and unique density of states. Here, we propose and demonstrate that a carrier thermal gradient in a graphene lateral spin valve can lead to a large increase of the spin voltage near to the graphene charge neutrality point. Such an increase results from a thermoelectric spin voltage, which is analogous to the voltage in a thermocouple and that can be enhanced by the presence of hot carriers generated by an applied current. These results could prove crucial to drive graphene spintronic devices and, in particular, to sustain pure spin signals with thermal gradients and to tune the remote spin accumulation by varying the spin-injection bias

    Acetabular retroversion: Diagnosis and treatment

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    Acetabular retroversion (AR) consists of a malorientation of the acetabulum in the sagittal plane. AR is associated with changes in load transmission across the hip, being a risk factor for early osteoarthrosis. The pathophysiological basis of AR is an anterior acetabular hyper-coverage and an overall pelvic rotation.The delay or the non-diagnosis of AR could have an impact in the overall management of femoroacetabular impingement (FAI). AR is a subtype of (focal) pincer deformity.The objective of this review was to clarify the pathophysiological, diagnosis and treatment fundaments inherent to AR, using a current literature review.Radiographic evaluation is paramount in AR: the cross-over, the posterior wall and ischial spine signs are classic radiographic signs of AR. However, computed tomography (CT) evaluation permits a three-dimensional characterization of the deformity, being more reliable in its recognition.Acetabular rim trimming (ART) and periacetabular osteotomy (PAO) are the best described surgical options for the treatment of AR.The clinical outcomes of both techniques are dependent on the correct characterization of existing lesions and adequate selection of patients. Cite this article: EFORT Open Rev 2018;3:595-603. DOI: 10.1302/2058-5241.3.180015

    Response of Quercus ilex seedlings to Phytophthora spp. root infection in a soil infestation test

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    [EN] Phytophthora species are the main agents associated with oak (Quercus spp.) decline, together with the changing environmental conditions and the intensive land use. The aim of this study was to evaluate the susceptibility of Quercus ilex to the inoculation with eight Phytophthora species. Seven to eight month old Q. ilex seedlings grown from acorns, obtained from two Spanish origins, were inoculated with P. cinnamomi, P. cryptogea, P. gonapodyides, P. megasperma, P. nicotianae, P. plurivora, P. psychrophila and P. quercina. All Phytophthora inoculated seedlings showed decline and symptoms including small dark necrotic root lesions, root cankers, and loss of fine roots and tap root. The most aggressive species were P. cinnamomi, P. cryptogea, P. gonapodyides, P. plurivora and P. psychrophila followed by P. megasperma., while Phytophthora quercina and P. nicotianae were the less aggressive species. Results obtained confirm that these Phytophthora species could constituted a threat to Q. ilex ecosystems and the implications are further discussed.The authors are grateful to A. Solla and his team from the Centro Universitario de Plasencia-Universidad de Extremadura (Spain) for helping in the acorns collection and to the CIEF (Centro para la Investigación y Experimentación Forestal, Generalitat Valenciana, Valencia, Spain) for providing the acorns. This research was supported by funding from the project AGL2011- 30438-C02-01 (Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad, Spain).Mora-Sala, B.; Abad Campos, P.; Berbegal Martinez, M. (2018). Response of Quercus ilex seedlings to Phytophthora spp. root infection in a soil infestation test. European Journal of Plant Pathology. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10658-018-01650-6SÁlvarez, L. A., Pérez-Sierra, A., Armengol, J., & García-Jiménez, J. (2007). 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    Deleción terminal del brazo largo del cromosoma 9 en leucemia promielocítica aguda

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    La Leucemia Promielocítica Aguda (LPA), definida como M3 en la clasificación francesa-americana- británica (FAB)(1), se caracteriza por presentar una translocación cromosómica al azar t(15;17)(q22;q21). En esta translocación se fusionan los receptores del ácido retinoíco ?(? RAR) gen localizado en el cromosoma 17 y el gen PML sobre el cromosoma 15(2). Por otra lado, la deleción del brazo largo del cromosoma 9(9q-) es una alteración rara específica encontrada en (LMA) como una anormalidad única del cariotipo o como un cambio secundario, particularmente junto con t(8;21)(q22;q22)(3,4). La mayoría de ellas son deleciones intersticiales, 9q12 y 9q22; constituyen el sitio más común de ruptura proximal y distal (5)

    Association between proton pump inhibitor therapy and clostridium difficile infection: a contemporary systematic review and meta-analysis.

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    Abstract Introduction Emerging epidemiological evidence suggests that proton pump inhibitor (PPI) acid-suppression therapy is associated with an increased risk of Clostridium difficile infection (CDI). Methods Ovid MEDLINE, EMBASE, ISI Web of Science, and Scopus were searched from 1990 to January 2012 for analytical studies that reported an adjusted effect estimate of the association between PPI use and CDI. We performed random-effect meta-analyses. We used the GRADE framework to interpret the findings. Results We identified 47 eligible citations (37 case-control and 14 cohort studies) with corresponding 51 effect estimates. The pooled OR was 1.65, 95% CI (1.47, 1.85), I2 = 89.9%, with evidence of publication bias suggested by a contour funnel plot. A novel regression based method was used to adjust for publication bias and resulted in an adjusted pooled OR of 1.51 (95% CI, 1.26–1.83). In a speculative analysis that assumes that this association is based on causality, and based on published baseline CDI incidence, the risk of CDI would be very low in the general population taking PPIs with an estimated NNH of 3925 at 1 year. Conclusions In this rigorously conducted systemic review and meta-analysis, we found very low quality evidence (GRADE class) for an association between PPI use and CDI that does not support a cause-effect relationship

    Ecological factors related to the widespread distribution of sylvatic Rhodnius ecuadoriensis populations in southern Ecuador

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Chagas disease transmission risk is a function of the presence of triatomines in domestic habitats. <it>Rhodnius ecuadoriensis </it>is one of the main vectors implicated in transmission of <it>Trypanosoma cruzi </it>in Ecuador. This triatomine species is present in domestic, peridomestic and sylvatic habitats in the country. To determine the distribution of sylvatic populations of <it>R. ecuadoriensis </it>and the factors related to this distribution, triatomine searches were conducted between 2005 and 2009 in southern Ecuador.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Manual triatomine searches were conducted by skilled bug collectors in 23 communities. Sylvatic searched sites were selected by a) directed sampling, where microhabitats were selected by the searchers and b) random sampling, where sampling points where randomly generated. Domiciliary triatomine searches were conducted using the one man-hour method. Natural trypanosome infection was determined by microscopic examination and PCR. Generalized linear models were used to test the effect of environmental factors on the presence of sylvatic triatomines.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>In total, 1,923 sylvatic individuals were collected representing a sampling effort of 751 man-hours. Collected sylvatic triatomines were associated with mammal and bird nests. The 1,219 sampled nests presented an infestation index of 11.9%, a crowding of 13 bugs per infested nest, and a colonization of 80% of the nests. Triatomine abundance was significantly higher in squirrel (<it>Sciurus stramineus</it>) nests located above five meters from ground level and close to the houses. In addition, 8.5% of the 820 examined houses in the same localities were infested with triatomines. There was a significant correlation between <it>R. ecuadoriensis </it>infestation rates found in sylvatic and synanthropic environments within communities (<it>p </it>= 0.012). Parasitological analysis revealed that 64.7% and 15.7% of the sylvatic bugs examined (n = 300) were infected with <it>Trypanosoma cruzi </it>and <it>T. rangeli </it>respectively, and 8% of the bugs presented mixed infections.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>The wide distribution of sylvatic <it>R. ecuadoriensis </it>populations may jeopardize the effectiveness of control campaigns conducted to eliminate domestic populations of this species. Also, the high <it>T. cruzi </it>infection rates found in sylvatic <it>R. ecuadoriensis </it>populations in southern Ecuador could constitute a risk for house re-infestation and persistent long-term Chagas disease transmission in the region.</p

    Laparoscopic cholecystectomy for melanoma metastatic to the gallbladder: is it an adequate surgical procedure? Report of a case and review of the literature

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Only 2% to 4% of patients with melanoma will be diagnosed with gastrointestinal metastasis during the course of their disease. The most common sites of gastrointestinal metastases from melanoma include the small bowel (35%–67%), colon (9%–15%) and stomach (5%–7%), with a median survival of 6–10 months after surgery, and 18% survival at five years. Metastatic melanoma to the gallbladder is extremely rare and it is associated with a very poor prognosis.</p> <p>Case presentation</p> <p>We report a case of a 54-year old man presented to observation with diagnosis of 6.1 mm thick, Clark's level IV, ulcerated melanoma of the trunk, developing in the course of the disease metastatic involvement of the gallbladder as first site of recurrence, treated by laparoscopic cholecystectomy. To date only few cases of patients with metastatic melanoma of the gallbladder treated by this surgical procedure have been reported in literature.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Gallbladder metastasis represents a rare event as a first site of recurrence. It must be considered a possible expression of systemic disease also despite radiological absence of other metastatic lesions. Laparoscopic approach has a possible therapeutic role, but open surgery has also a concomitant diagnostic purpose because gives the possibility of manual exploration of abdominal cavity, useful particularly to reveal bowel metastatic lesions, not easily identifiable by preoperative imaging examinations.</p

    TRY plant trait database - enhanced coverage and open access

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    Plant traits-the morphological, anatomical, physiological, biochemical and phenological characteristics of plants-determine how plants respond to environmental factors, affect other trophic levels, and influence ecosystem properties and their benefits and detriments to people. Plant trait data thus represent the basis for a vast area of research spanning from evolutionary biology, community and functional ecology, to biodiversity conservation, ecosystem and landscape management, restoration, biogeography and earth system modelling. Since its foundation in 2007, the TRY database of plant traits has grown continuously. It now provides unprecedented data coverage under an open access data policy and is the main plant trait database used by the research community worldwide. Increasingly, the TRY database also supports new frontiers of trait-based plant research, including the identification of data gaps and the subsequent mobilization or measurement of new data. To support this development, in this article we evaluate the extent of the trait data compiled in TRY and analyse emerging patterns of data coverage and representativeness. Best species coverage is achieved for categorical traits-almost complete coverage for 'plant growth form'. However, most traits relevant for ecology and vegetation modelling are characterized by continuous intraspecific variation and trait-environmental relationships. These traits have to be measured on individual plants in their respective environment. Despite unprecedented data coverage, we observe a humbling lack of completeness and representativeness of these continuous traits in many aspects. We, therefore, conclude that reducing data gaps and biases in the TRY database remains a key challenge and requires a coordinated approach to data mobilization and trait measurements. This can only be achieved in collaboration with other initiatives

    Study of Bc+B_c^+ decays to the K+Kπ+K^+K^-\pi^+ final state and evidence for the decay Bc+χc0π+B_c^+\to\chi_{c0}\pi^+

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    A study of Bc+K+Kπ+B_c^+\to K^+K^-\pi^+ decays is performed for the first time using data corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 3.0 fb1\mathrm{fb}^{-1} collected by the LHCb experiment in pppp collisions at centre-of-mass energies of 77 and 88 TeV. Evidence for the decay Bc+χc0(K+K)π+B_c^+\to\chi_{c0}(\to K^+K^-)\pi^+ is reported with a significance of 4.0 standard deviations, resulting in the measurement of σ(Bc+)σ(B+)×B(Bc+χc0π+)\frac{\sigma(B_c^+)}{\sigma(B^+)}\times\mathcal{B}(B_c^+\to\chi_{c0}\pi^+) to be (9.83.0+3.4(stat)±0.8(syst))×106(9.8^{+3.4}_{-3.0}(\mathrm{stat})\pm 0.8(\mathrm{syst}))\times 10^{-6}. Here B\mathcal{B} denotes a branching fraction while σ(Bc+)\sigma(B_c^+) and σ(B+)\sigma(B^+) are the production cross-sections for Bc+B_c^+ and B+B^+ mesons. An indication of bˉc\bar b c weak annihilation is found for the region m(Kπ+)<1.834GeV ⁣/c2m(K^-\pi^+)<1.834\mathrm{\,Ge\kern -0.1em V\!/}c^2, with a significance of 2.4 standard deviations.Comment: All figures and tables, along with any supplementary material and additional information, are available at https://lhcbproject.web.cern.ch/lhcbproject/Publications/LHCbProjectPublic/LHCb-PAPER-2016-022.html, link to supplemental material inserted in the reference