79 research outputs found

    Estudo da época de monta em novilhas da raca nelore no municipio de Ribas do Rio Pardo, MS.

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    Nas regios brasileiras produtoras de bovinos de corte, a monta e, em muitos casos, efetuada durante os doze meses do ano. Nas regioes Centro-Oeste e Sudeste, a epoca da estacao de monta (EM) natural, nao controlada, concentra-se entre os meses de outubro a fevereiro, coincidindo com o periodo de maior disponibilidade de pastagens. Em consequencia, ocorrem os nascimentos de junho a outubro e a desmama de abril a maio. O periodo de monta adotado pelos criadores e muito variavel mas, geralmente, entre os meses de marco a abril os touros nao permanecem com as vacas. Qualquer que seja o manejo da EM, o periodo de outubro a janeiro e o de maior consenso, entre os criadores, quanto a permanencia dos touros junto as vacas, segundo Trovo & Duarte (1981). No Pantanal, Sereno & Saturnino (1987) observaram que, a partir do mes de marco ate fins de julho, os touros naturalmente permanencem longe e separados das femeas, sendo vistos geralmente em grupos, dificilmente isolados, ocorrendo a estacao de nascimento no periodo de abril a novembro, com um pico de nascimento em setembro e outubro. Entretanto, Albuquerque (1987), trabalhando em clima temperado relatou que no segundo semestre, especialmente nos meses de outubro e novembro, nascem mais bezerros que em qualquer outra epoca do ano, e estes, sao desmamados geralmente em pastos secos. Este trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar o desempenho reprodutivo de femeas Nelore, submetidas a tres diferentes epocas de estacao de monta em pastagens cultivadas de Brachiaria sp no municipio de Ribas do Rio Pardo, MS.bitstream/item/79396/1/COT24.pd

    Benchmarking CRISPR-BP34 for point-of-care melioidosis detection in low-income and middle-income countries: a molecular diagnostics study

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    Background: Melioidosis is a neglected but often fatal tropical disease. The disease has broad clinical manifestations, which makes diagnosis challenging and time consuming. To improve diagnosis, we aimed to evaluate the performance of the CRISPR-Cas12a system (CRISPR-BP34) to detect Burkholderia pseudomallei DNA across clinical specimens from patients suspected to have melioidosis. Methods: We conducted a prospective, observational cohort study of adult patients (aged ≥18 years) with melioidosis at Sunpasitthiprasong Hospital, a tertiary care hospital in Thailand. Participants were eligible for inclusion if they had culture-confirmed B pseudomallei infection from any clinical samples. Data were collected from patient clinical records and follow-up telephone calls. Routine clinical samples (blood, urine, respiratory secretion, pus, and other body fluids) were collected for culture. We documented time taken for diagnosis, and mortality at day 28 of follow-up. We also performed CRISPR-BP34 detection on clinical specimens collected from 330 patients with suspected melioidosis and compared its performance with the current gold-standard culture-based method. Discordant results were validated by three independent qualitative PCR tests. This study is registered with the Thai Clinical Trial Registry, TCTR20190322003. Findings: Between Oct 1, 2019, and Dec 31, 2022, 876 patients with culture-confirmed melioidosis were admitted or referred to Sunpasitthiprasong Hospital, 433 of whom were alive at diagnosis and were enrolled in this study. Median time from sample collection to diagnosis by culture was 4·0 days (IQR 3·0–5·0) among all patients with known survival status at day 28, which resulted in delayed treatment. 199 (23%) of 876 patients died before diagnosis and 114 (26%) of 433 patients in follow-up were treated, but died within 28 days of admission. To test the CRISPR-BP34 assay, we enrolled and collected clinical samples from 114 patients with melioidosis and 216 patients without melioidosis between May 26 and Dec 31, 2022. Application of CRISPR-BP34 reduced the median sample-to-diagnosis time to 1·1 days (IQR 0·7–1·5) for blood samples, 2·3 h (IQR 2·3–2·4) for urine, and 3·3 h (3·1–3·4) for respiratory secretion, pus, and other body fluids. The overall sensitivity of CRISPR-BP34 was 93·0% (106 of 114 samples [95% CI 86·6–96·9]) compared with 66·7% (76 of 114 samples [57·2–75·2]) for culture. The overall specificity of CRISPR-BP34 was 96·8% (209 of 216 samples [95% CI 93·4–98·7]), compared with 100% (216 of 216 samples [98·3–100·0]) for culture. Interpretation: The sensitivity, specificity, speed, and window of clinical intervention offered by CRISPR-BP34 support its prospective use as a point-of-care diagnostic tool for melioidosis. Future development should be focused on scalability and cost reduction

    Radiative forcing in the 21st century due to ozone changes in the troposphere and the lower stratosphere

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    Radiative forcing due to changes in ozone is expected for the 21st century. An assessment on changes in the tropospheric oxidative state through a model intercomparison ("OxComp'') was conducted for the IPCC Third Assessment Report (IPCC-TAR). OxComp estimated tropospheric changes in ozone and other oxidants during the 21st century based on the "SRES'' A2p emission scenario. In this study we analyze the results of 11 chemical transport models (CTMs) that participated in OxComp and use them as input for detailed radiative forcing calculations. We also address future ozone recovery in the lower stratosphere and its impact on radiative forcing by applying two models that calculate both tropospheric and stratospheric changes. The results of OxComp suggest an increase in global-mean tropospheric ozone between 11.4 and 20.5 DU for the 21st century, representing the model uncertainty range for the A2p scenario. As the A2p scenario constitutes the worst case proposed in IPCC-TAR we consider these results as an upper estimate. The radiative transfer model yields a positive radiative forcing ranging from 0.40 to 0.78 W m(-2) on a global and annual average. The lower stratosphere contributes an additional 7.5-9.3 DU to the calculated increase in the ozone column, increasing radiative forcing by 0.15-0.17 W m(-2). The modeled radiative forcing depends on the height distribution and geographical pattern of predicted ozone changes and shows a distinct seasonal variation. Despite the large variations between the 11 participating models, the calculated range for normalized radiative forcing is within 25%, indicating the ability to scale radiative forcing to global-mean ozone column change

    Idade e peso a primeira monta de novilhas no Pantanal.

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    O Pantanal e considerado a maior regiao (140 mil km2) brasileira de cria de bovinos de corte, onde a atividade e desenvolvida extensivamente em pastos nativos com carga animal de 0,27 UA/ha. A exploracao pecuaria e de fundamental importancia para o desenvolvimento e conservacao do ecossistema pantaneiro, pois representa a principal fonte de renda dos produtores locais, que praticam na sua grande maioria uma pecuaria que pode ser considerada ecologica, pois aproveita de forma racional os recursos naturais da regiao produzindo carne oriunda de bovinos criados exclusivamente em pastagem nativa. A idade a primeira monta no Pantanal e considerada tardia quando comparada aos demais sistemas de producao de gado de corte brasileiro, estando situada em torno dos tres-quatro anos de idade. Como consequencxia a idade ao primeiro parto ocorre aos quatro-cinco anos. Esse retrocesso provoca maior intervalo entre partos e retardo nos avancos geneticos, dificultando sobremaneira a renovacao do plantel e encarecendo os custos de producao. O peso a primeira monta parece ser mais importante que a idade pois significa, em outras palavras, que este animal atingiu a maturidade sexual e mostra-se apto para reproducao. O objetivo deste trabalho foi estimar a idade e peso a primeira monta de novilhas das racas Pantaneira (P), Nelore (N) e Mesticas Pantaneira x Nelore (PxN), uma vez que a regiao carece de informacoes desta natureza.bitstream/item/79401/1/COT26.pd

    External Ocular Surface Bacterial Isolates and their Antimicrobial Susceptibility Patterns among Pre-operative Cataract Patients at Mulago National Hospital in Kampala, Uganda.

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    Endophthalmitis is a severe complication of cataract surgery which leads to high ocular morbidity and visual loss even with antibiotic treatment. Bacterial ocular floras are the implicated causative agents. This study was undertaken to evaluate the external ocular surface bacterial isolates and their antimicrobial susceptibility patterns among pre-operative cataract patients at Mulago National Hospital. This cross sectional study enrolled consecutively 131 patients scheduled for routine cataract surgery in the Department of Ophthalmology at Mulago National Hospital in Kampala, Uganda. Eyelid margin and conjunctival swabs were collected and processed using standard microbiological procedures to identify bacterial isolates and their respective antimicrobial susceptibility patterns. Of 131 patients involved (mean age 63.3 ± 14.5 years), 54.2% (71/131) were females. The eyelid margin and conjunctival samples were culture positive in 59.5% (78/138) and 45.8% (60/138) respectively. The most common organisms identified were Coagulase-negative Staphylococci (CoNS) [65.9% (91/138)] and Staphylococcus aureus [21.0% (29/138)]. CoNS showed the highest resistance to tetracycline (58.2%, 53/91) and erythromycin (38.5%, 35/91), whereas in S. aureus the resistance to tetracycline and erythromycin were 55.2% (16/29) and 31.0% (9/29) respectively. Methicillin resistant CoNS (MRS) and Methicillin resistance S. aureus (MRSA) were 31.9% (29/91) and 27.6% (8/29) respectively. There were low resistance rates for CoNS, S. aureus and other bacterial isolates to ciprofloxacin (11.1%-24.2%), gentamicin (5.6-31.0%), tobramycin (17.2% -25.3%) and vancomycin (0.0%). CoNS and S. aureus are the most common bacterial isolates found on the external ocular surface of the pre-operative cataract patients. Ciprofloxacin, gentamicin, tobramycin and vancomycin showed the lowest resistance rates to all bacterial isolates, therefore may be used to reduce bacteria load in the conjunctiva sac among cataract patients prior to surgery

    Características das Famílias, Estruturação da Produção e Estratégias de Comercialização em um Assentamento de Reforma Agrária

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    Resumo: A estruturação dos estabelecimentos rurais está associada às características das famílias e às suas estratégias de inserção no mercado, em termos de geração de renda e exposição a riscos. Para entender essa associação foram estudados os casos de sete famílias assentadas em Araraquara (SP), região dominada por cana-de-açúcar e citros. Os indicadores foram o valor agregado total, o valor agregado por trabalhador, a estrutura e a dinâmica familiar e a organização do trabalho. Os casos incluíram dois estabelecimentos integrados à agroindústria (cana e frango, leite e frango), três estabelecimentos produtores de hortaliças (venda em atacado, semiatacado e direta ao consumidor), um caso de produção exclusivamente para consumo doméstico e um sem nenhuma produção econômica. As famílias vinculadas à agroindústria obtiveram valores agregados mais elevados, mas precisaram fazer investimentos maiores, o que fragilizou seus sistemas de produção frente a riscos. A crise financeira mundial de 2008 quebrou as agroindústrias integradoras e, com elas, as duas propriedades integradas. Para os produtores de hortaliças, para o mercado local, o valor agregado foi inferior ao do das integradas, como também seus investimentos em infraestrutura. A opção pela via de escoamento das hortaliças foi associada ao tamanho, ao conhecimento tecnológico e do mercado pelas famílias