1,169 research outputs found

    Differential chemical abundance analysis of a 47 Tuc AGB star with respect to Arcturus

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    This study resolves a discrepancy in the abundance of Zr in the 47 Tucanae asymptotic giant branch star Lee 2525. This star was observed using the echelle spectrograph on the 2.3 m telescope at Siding Spring Observatory. The analysis was undertaken by calibrating Lee 2525 with respect to the standard giant star Arcturus. This work emphasises the importance of using a standard star with stellar parameters comparable to the star under analysis rather than a calibration with respect to the Sun (Koch & McWilliam 2008). Systematic errors in the analysis process are then minimised due to the similarity in atmospheric structure between the standard and programme stars. The abundances derived for Lee 2525 were found to be in general agreement with the Brown & Wallerstein (1992) values except for Zr. In this study Zr has a similar enhancement ([Zr/Fe] = +0.51 dex) to another light s-process element, Y ([Y/Fe] = +0.53 dex), which reflects current theory regarding the enrichment of s-process elements by nuclear processes within AGB stars (Busso et al. 2001). This is contrary to the results of Brown & Wallerstein (1992) where Zr was under-abundant ([Zr/Fe] = +0.51 dex) and Y was over-abundant ([Y/Fe] = +0.50 dex) with respect to Fe.Comment: 11 pages, 5 figures Accepted for publication in MNRA

    Recent progress on the accurate determination of the equation of state of neutron and nuclear matter

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    The problem of accurately determining the equation of state of nuclear and neutron matter at density near and beyond saturation is still an open challenge. In this paper we will review the most recent progress made by means of Quantum Monte Carlo calculations, which are at present the only ab-inito method capable to treat a sufficiently large number of particles to give meaningful estimates depending only on the choice of the nucleon-nucleon interaction. In particular, we will discuss the introduction of density-dependent interactions, the study of the temperature dependence of the equation of state, and the possibility of accurately studying the effect of the onset of hyperons by developing an accurate hyperon-nucleon and hyperon-nucleon-nucleon interaction.Comment: 3 figures, 1 table, to appear in the Proceedings of "XIII Convegno di Cortona su Problemi di Fisica Nucleare Teorica", Cortona (Italy), April 6-8, 201

    Stellar twins determine the distance of the Pleiades

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    © 2016 ESO.Since the release of the Hipparcos catalogue in 1997, the distance to the Pleiades open cluster has been heavily debated. The distance obtained from Hipparcos and those by alternative methods differ by 10 to 15%. As accurate stellar distances are key to understanding stellar structure and evolution, this dilemma puts the validity of some stellar evolution models into question. Using our model-independent method to determine parallaxes based on twin stars, we report individual parallaxes of 15 FGK type stars in the Pleiades in anticipation of the astrometric mission Gaia. These parallaxes give a mean cluster parallax of 7.42 ± 0.09 mas,which corresponds to a mean cluster distance of 134.8 ± 1.7 pc. This value agrees with the current results obtained from stellar evolution models

    The Gaia-ESO Survey: Separating disk chemical substructures with cluster models

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    (Abridged) Recent spectroscopic surveys have begun to explore the Galactic disk system outside the solar neighborhood on the basis of large data samples. In this way, they provide valuable information for testing spatial and temporal variations of disk structure kinematics and chemical evolution. We used a Gaussian mixture model algorithm, as a rigurous mathematical approach, to separate in the [Mg/Fe] vs. [Fe/H] plane a clean disk star subsample from the Gaia-ESO survey internal data release 2. We find that the sample is separated into five groups associated with major Galactic components; the metal-rich end of the halo, the thick disk, and three subgroups for the thin disk sequence. This is confirmed with a sample of red clump stars from the Apache Point Observatory Galactic Evolution Experiment (APOGEE) survey. The two metal-intermediate and metal-rich groups of the thin disk decomposition ([Fe/H]>-0.25 dex) highlight a change in the slope at solar metallicity. This holds true at different radial regions. The distribution of Galactocentric radial distances of the metal-poor part of the thin disk ([Fe/H]<-0.25 dex) is shifted to larger distances than those of the more metal-rich parts. Moreover, the metal-poor part of the thin disk presents indications of a scale height intermediate between those of the thick and the rest of the thin disk, and it displays higher azimuthal velocities than the latter. These stars might have formed and evolved in parallel and/or dissociated from the inside-out formation taking place in the internal thin disk. Their enhancement levels might be due to their origin from gas pre-enriched by outflows from the thick disk or the inner halo. The smooth trends of their properties (their spatial distribution with respect to the plane, in particular) with [Fe/H] and [Mg/Fe] suggested by the data indicates a quiet dynamical evolution, with no relevant merger events

    Microscopic calculation of the equation of state of nuclear matter and neutron star structure

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    We present results for neutron star models constructed with a new equation of state for nuclear matter at zero temperature. The ground state is computed using the Auxiliary Field Diffusion Monte Carlo (AFDMC) technique, with nucleons interacting via a semi-phenomenological Hamiltonian including a realistic two-body interaction. The effect of many-body forces is included by means of additional density-dependent terms in the Hamiltonian. In this letter we compare the properties of the resulting neutron-star models with those obtained using other nuclear Hamiltonians, focusing on the relations between mass and radius, and between the gravitational mass and the baryon number.Comment: modified version with a slightly different Hamiltonian and parametrization of the EO

    CoRoT high-precision photometry of the B0.5 IV star HD 51756

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    OB stars are important constituents for the ecology of the Universe, and there are only a few studies on their pulsational properties detailed enough to provide important feedback on current evolutionary models. Our goal is to analyse and interpret the behaviour present in the CoRoT light curve of the B0.5 IV star HD 51756 observed during the second long run of the space mission, and to determine the fundamental stellar parameters from ground-based spectroscopy gathered with the CORALIE and HARPS instruments after checking for signs of variability and binarity, thus making a step further in mapping the top of the Beta Cep instability strip. We compare the newly obtained high-resolution spectra with synthetic spectra of late O-type and early B-type stars computed on a grid of stellar parameters. We match the results with evolutionary tracks to estimate stellar parameters. We use various time series analysis tools to explore the nature of the variations present in the light curve. Additional calculations are carried out based on distance and historical position measurements of the components to impose constraints on the binary orbit. We find that HD 51756 is a wide binary with both a slow (v sin i \approx 28 km s^-1) and a fast (v sin i \approx 170 km s^-1) early-B rotator whose atmospheric parameters are similar (T_eff \approx 30000 K and log g \approx 3.75). We are unable to detect pulsation in any of the components, and we interpret the harmonic structure in the frequency spectrum as sign of rotational modulation, which is compatible with the observed and deduced stellar parameters of both components. The non-detection of pulsation modes provides a feedback on the theoretical treatment, given that non-adiabatic computations applied to appropriate stellar models predict the excitation of both pressure and gravity modes for the fundamental parameters of this star.Comment: Accepted for publication in Astronomy and Astrophysics on 14/01/2011, 11 pages, 9 figures, 4 table

    Comparative Modelling of the Spectra of Cool Giants

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    Our ability to extract information from the spectra of stars depends on reliable models of stellar atmospheres and appropriate techniques for spectral synthesis. Various model codes and strategies for the analysis of stellar spectra are available today. We aim to compare the results of deriving stellar parameters using different atmosphere models and different analysis strategies. The focus is set on high-resolution spectroscopy of cool giant stars. Spectra representing four cool giant stars were made available to various groups and individuals working in the area of spectral synthesis, asking them to derive stellar parameters from the data provided. The results were discussed at a workshop in Vienna in 2010. Most of the major codes currently used in the astronomical community for analyses of stellar spectra were included in this experiment. We present the results from the different groups, as well as an additional experiment comparing the synthetic spectra produced by various codes for a given set of stellar parameters. Similarities and differences of the results are discussed. Several valid approaches to analyze a given spectrum of a star result in quite a wide range of solutions. The main causes for the differences in parameters derived by different groups seem to lie in the physical input data and in the details of the analysis method. This clearly shows how far from a definitive abundance analysis we still are.Comment: accepted for publication in A&A. This version includes also the online tables. Reference spectra will later be available via the CD

    Gaia FGK benchmark stars: new candidates at low metallicities

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    We have entered an era of large spectroscopic surveys in which we can measure, through automated pipelines, the atmospheric parameters and chemical abundances for large numbers of stars. Calibrating these survey pipelines using a set of "benchmark stars" in order to evaluate the accuracy and precision of the provided parameters and abundances is of utmost importance. The recent proposed set of Gaia FGK benchmark stars of Heiter et al. (2015) has no recommended stars within the critical metallicity range of 2.0<-2.0 < [Fe/H] <1.0< -1.0 dex. In this paper, we aim to add candidate Gaia benchmark stars inside of this metal-poor gap. We began with a sample of 21 metal-poor stars which was reduced to 10 stars by requiring accurate photometry and parallaxes, and high-resolution archival spectra. The procedure used to determine the stellar parameters was similar to Heiter et al. (2015) and Jofre et al. (2014) for consistency. The effective temperature (Teff_{\mathrm{eff}}) of all candidate stars was determined using the Infrared Flux Method utilizing multi-band photometry. The surface gravity (log g) was determined through fitting stellar evolutionary tracks. The [Fe/H] was determined using four different spectroscopic methods fixing the Teff_{\mathrm{eff}} and log g from the values determined independent of spectroscopy. We discuss, star-by-star, the quality of each parameter including how it compares to literature, how it compares to a spectroscopic run where all parameters are free, and whether Fe I ionisation-excitation balance is achieved. From the 10 stars, we recommend a sample of five new metal-poor benchmark candidate stars which have consistent Teff_{\mathrm{eff}} , log g, and [Fe/H] determined through several means. These stars can be used for calibration and validation purpose of stellar parameter and abundance pipelines and should be of highest priority for future interferometric studies

    Gaia FGK Benchmark stars: Opening the black box of stellar element abundance determination

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    Gaia and its complementary spectroscopic surveys combined will yield the most comprehensive database of kinematic and chemical information of stars in the Milky Way. The Gaia FGK benchmark stars play a central role in this matter as they are calibration pillars for the atmospheric parameters and chemical abundances for various surveys. The spectroscopic analyses of the benchmark stars are done by combining different methods, and the results will be affected by the systematic uncertainties inherent in each method. In this paper, we explore some of these systematic uncertainties. We determined line abundances of Ca, Cr, Mn and Co for four benchmark stars using six different methods. We changed the default input parameters of the different codes in a systematic way and found, in some cases, significant differences between the results. Since there is no consensus on the correct values for many of these default parameters, we urge the community to raise discussions towards standard input parameters that could alleviate the difference in abundances obtained by different methods. In this work, we provide quantitative estimates of uncertainties in elemental abundances due to the effect of differing technical assumptions in spectrum modelling