2,939 research outputs found

    The scientific thought of Salvador Reguant

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    Depto. de Geodinámica, Estratigrafía y PaleontologíaFac. de Ciencias GeológicasTRUEpu

    Bang Bang! : Music and dance from the motion pictures directed by Quentin Tarantino

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    Tiivistelmä Kemppaisen ja Väisäsen opinnäytetyö oli musiikki- ja tanssiproduktio, joka koostui Quentin Tarantinon elokuvien musiikista. Produktio esitettiin 18.2.2011 klo 19 Tanssiteatteri Minimin tiloissa Sotkulla Kuopiossa. Aikaisemmin samana päivänä produktiosta järjestettiin myös koululaisnäytös. Produktion raportissa tarkastellaan elokuvaohjaaja-käsikirjoittaja Quentin Tarantinoa, produktioon valittuja elokuvia ja kappaleita sekä itse produktion syntymistä ja toteuttamista. Lisäksi raportissa kiinnitetään huomiota sovitustyöhön ja esityskokonaisuuteen. Produktio koostui suunnittelusta, produktioon tulevien kappaleiden sovittamisesta, kappaleiden ja kokonaisuuden harjoittamisesta sekä itse esityksestä. Mukana produktiossa oli 15 muusikkoa ja 13 tanssijaa, jotka yhdessä toteuttivat suuren näyttämöteoksen. Kemppainen ja Väisänen suunnittelivat produktiokokonaisuuden, tekivät esitetyistä kappaleista sovitukset, harjoittivat bändin ja lauloivat kappaleiden soolo-osuudet. Työpari toimi myös produktion tuottajina ja ohjaajina. Koreografioista ja tanssijoiden harjoittamisesta vastasivat tanssinopettajaopiskelijat Soja Heino ja Taina Ilmarinen. Heino ja Ilmarinen olivat mukana produktion markkinoinnissa, ohjauksessa ja produktion visuaalisessa suunnittelussa. Tekijät saivat opinnäytetyöproduktion aikana kokemusta suuren produktion tuottamisesta, ohjaamisesta ja suunnittelemisesta. Työskentely ison kokoonpanon kanssa antoi tärkeää kokemusta johtamistaidoista ja vastuunottamisesta sekä vastuun jakamisesta. Produktio myös kehitti tekijöiden omaa taiteellista osaamista.Abstract The project by Kemppainen and Väisänen was a music and dance production, which consisted of music from motion pictures directed by Quentin Tarantino. The show was performed on February 18th 2011 at Sotku, in Kuopio. The show was also performed for students from the local middle and high schools earlier that day. The written part of the project examines movie director-writer Quentin Tarantino, the movies and music chosen for the production, as well as the birth and realization of the production itself. The written part also focuses on the work put in the arrangements and the entirety of the performance. The production consisted of planning, music arrangement, rehearsing the production and the performance itself. 15 musicians and 13 dancers worked in the production and together accomplished a large stage performance. Kemppainen and Väisänen planned together the entire production, arranged the music, trained the band and sang the leading vocals. They also produced and directed the show. Soja Heino and Taina Ilmarinen choreographed the production and trained the dancers. Heino and Ilmarinen helped with marketing, directing and creating the visual look of the show. During the production the authors gained a lot of experience in producing, directing and planning a big show. Working with a large ensemble improved the authors’ leadership skills and gave experience in taking and sharing responsibility. The production also further developed the authors’ artistic skills

    Nota previa sobre el Pérmico de la Cordillera Ibérica y bordes del Sistema Central

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    The principal stratigraphic characteristics from severa1 per- mian oatcrops from the Bordes del Macizo Central and Cor- dillera Ibérica are described here. The comparative study of these series, as well as the data apported by previous works allow certain conclusions about development of the sedimen- tation during the Permian and the limit between that system and the Trias

    Length–weight relationships of bivalve species in Italian razor clam Ensis minor (Chenu, 1843) (Mollusca: Bivalvia) fishery

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    Length–weight relationships of bivalve species collected during razor clam (Ensis minor) surveys along Italian coastal waters (Northern Adriatic and Tyrrhenian Sea) in the 3-year period 2016–2018 are reported. A total of 13,588 individuals, belonging to 12 bivalve species and 20 populations between the Adriatic and Tyrrhenian Seas, were sampled for this study. Analyzing growth parameters for each population, we found 11 allometries and nine isometries. About half of the species investigated showed different growth characteristics between the two areas

    Pots vs trammel nets: A catch comparison study in a Mediterranean small-scale fishery

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    Passive bottom-set nets are the most widely used fishing gears in Mediterranean small-scale fisheries (SSFs). Trammel nets, in particular, have key advantages such as their ease of use and handling and high capture efficiency for numerous commercial species. However, they entail high discard rates (5\u201344% of the total catch) connected to high mortality, thus exerting an adverse impact on benthic communities, besides catching individuals of commercial species under the minimum conservation reference size (MCRS) and specimens of protected species. Fish pots are seen as alternative and a more sustainable gear type that allow reducing discards in SSFs. In this study, a collapsible pot was tested at three coastal sites in the north-western Adriatic Sea (GFCM GSA 17) to compare its catch efficiency with that of the local traditional trammel nets. Data analysis demonstrated a similar catch efficiency for the commercial species, both among sites and as a whole. Moreover, the trammel net caught a larger amount of discards, both in terms of species number and of CPUEW. The catch comparison study involved the two most abundant landed species, common cuttlefish Sepia officinalis and annular sea bream Diplodus annularis. The pots were more effective for S. officinalis, whereas the trammel net was more effective for the shorter length classes for D. annularis, which were mostly under the MCRS (12 cm). The innovative pots could provide a valuable alternative to the trammel nets traditionally used in the Adriatic Sea, at least in certain areas and periods. Their main advantages include that they do not require a different rigging and they can be used without bait, while their foldable design allows large numbers to be easily loaded on board SSF vessels. The results of this pilot study indicate that pots can achieve the objectives of reducing discards and bycatch in SSFs without penalizing the catch of commercial species

    La construcción mediática de la comunidad política: la prensa en la transición española a la democracia

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    El artículo analiza el comportamiento y las actitudes adoptadas por la prensa española durante el primer periodo de la transición a la democracia (noviembre de 1975-diciembre de 1978), momento en el que se realizaron los cambios políticos e institucionales más relevantes del proceso. Desde diversas perspectivas se explica el papel que jugaron los principales periódicos, así como las razones que les llevaron al consenso en los temas fundamentales de discusión pública. De esta forma, se constata cómo los medios de comunicación colaboraron de forma decisiva en la construcción de una nueva comunidad política democrática. A través de varios ejemplos de diarios, tomados uno por uno y en conjunto, se explican las especiales características de este interesante caso de colaboración entre poder político y periodismo, incluyendo algunas excepciones como la prensa de extrema derecha y los sectores nacionalistas vascos

    A convex-programming-based guidance algorithm to capture a tumbling object on orbit using a spacecraft equipped with a robotic manipulator

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    An algorithm to guide the capture of a tumbling resident space object by a spacecraft equipped with a robotic manipulator is presented. A solution to the guidance problem is found by solving a collection of convex programming problems. As convex programming offers deterministic convergence properties, this algorithm is suitable for onboard implementation and real-time use. A set of hardware-in-the-loop experiments substantiates this claim. To cast the guidance problem as a collection of convex programming problems, the capture maneuver is divided into two simultaneously occurring sub-maneuvers: a system-wide translation and an internal re-configuration. These two sub-maneuvers are optimized in two consecutive steps. A sequential convex programming procedure, overcoming the presence of non-convex constraints and nonlinear dynamics, is used on both optimization steps. A proof of convergence is offered for the system-wide translation, while a set of structured heuristics—trust regions—is used for the optimization of the internal re-configuration sub-maneuver. Videos of the numerically simulated and experimentally demonstrated maneuvers are included as supplementary material

    Ab interno trabecular bypass surgery with Schlemm´s canal microstent (Hydrus) for open angle glaucoma

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    Background: Glaucoma is a leading cause of irreversible blindness. A number of minimally‐invasive surgical techniques have been introduced as a treatment to prevent glaucoma from progressing; ab interno trabecular bypass surgery with the Schlemm's canal Hydrus microstent is one of them. / Objectives: To evaluate the efficacy and safety of ab interno trabecular bypass surgery with the Hydrus microstent in treating people with open angle glaucoma (OAG). / Search methods: On 7 May 2019, we searched CENTRAL (2019, Issue 5), which contains the Cochrane Eyes and Vision Trials Register; Ovid MEDLINE; Ovid Embase; the ISRCTN registry; ClinicalTrials.gov; and the WHO ICTRP. / Selection criteria: We searched for randomised controlled trials (RCTs) of the Hydrus microstent, alone or with cataract surgery, compared to other surgical treatments (cataract surgery alone, other minimally‐invasive glaucoma device techniques, trabeculectomy), laser treatment, or medical treatment. / Data collection and analysis: A minimum of three authors independently extracted data from reports of included studies, using a data collection form and analysed data, based on standard Cochrane methods. / Main results: We included three published studies, with 808 people randomised. Two studies had multiple international recruitment centres in the USA and other countries. The third study had several sites based in Europe. All three studies were sponsored by the Hydrus manufacturer Ivantis Inc. All studies included participants with mainly mild or moderate OAG (mean deviation between ‐3.6 dB (decibel) and ‐8.4 dB in all study arms), which was controlled with medication in many participants (mean medicated intraocular pressure (IOP) 17.9 mmHg to 19.1 mmHg). There were no concerns regarding allocation concealment bias, but masking of outcome assessors was high or unclear risk in all studies; masking of participants was achieved, and losses to follow‐up were not a concern. Two studies compared the Hydrus microstent combined with cataract surgery to cataract surgery alone, in participants with visually significant cataracts and OAG. We found moderate‐certainty evidence that adding the Hydrus microstent to cataract surgery increased the proportion of participants who were medication‐free from about half to more than three quarters at 12‐month, short‐term follow‐up (risk ratio (RR) 1.59, 95% confidence interval (CI) 1.39 to 1.83; 2 studies, 639 participants; I² = 0%; and 24‐month, medium‐term follow‐up (RR 1.63, 95% CI 1.40 to 1.88; 2 studies, 619 participants; I² = 0%). The Hydrus microstent combined with cataract surgery reduced the medium‐term mean change in unmedicated IOP (after washout) by 2 mmHg more compared to cataract surgery alone (mean difference (MD) ‐2.00, 95% CI ‐2.69 to ‐1.31; 2 studies, 619 participants; I² = 0%; moderate‐certainty evidence), and the mean change in IOP‐lowering drops (MD ‐0.41, 95% CI ‐0.56 to ‐0.27; 2 studies, 619 participants; I² = 0%; low‐certainty evidence). We also found low‐certainty evidence that adding a Hydrus microstent to cataract surgery reduced the need for secondary glaucoma surgery from about 2.5% to less than 1% (RR 0.17, 95% CI 0.03 to 0.86; 2 studies, 653 participants; I² = 27%; low‐certainty evidence). Intraocular bleeding, loss of 2 or more visual acuity (VA) lines, and IOP spikes of 10 mmHg or more were rare in both groups; estimates were imprecise, and included both beneficial and harmful effects. There were no cases of endophthalmitis in either group. No data were available on the proportion of participants achieving IOP less than 21 mmHg, 17 mmHg, or 14 mmHg; health‐related quality of life (HRQOL), or visual field progression. One study provided short‐term data for the Hydrus microstent compared with the iStent trabecular micro‐bypass stent (iStent: implantation of two devices in a single procedure) in 152 participants with OAG (148 in analyses). Use of the Hydrus increased the proportion of medication‐free participants from about a quarter to about half compared to those who received iStent, but this estimate was imprecise (RR 1.94, 95% CI 1.21 to 3.11; low‐certainty evidence). Use of the Hydrus microstent reduced unmedicated IOP (after washout) by about 3 mmHg more than the iStent (MD ‐3.10, 95% CI ‐4.17 to ‐2.03; moderate‐certainty evidence), and the use of IOP‐lowering medication (MD ‐0.60, 95% CI ‐0.99 to ‐0.21; low‐certainty evidence). Both devices achieved a final IOP < 21 mmHg in most participants (Hydrus microstent: 91.8%; iStent: 84%; RR 1.09, 95% CI 0.97 to 1.23; low‐certainty evidence). None of the participants who received the Hydrus microstent (N = 74) required additional glaucoma surgery; two participants who received the iStent (N = 76) did. Few adverse events were found in either group. No data were available on the proportion of participants achieving IOP less than 17 mmHg or 14 mmHg, or on HRQOL. / Authors' conclusions: In people with cataracts and generally mild to moderate OAG, there is moderate‐certainty evidence that the Hydrus microstent with cataract surgery compared to cataract surgery alone, likely increases the proportion of participants who do not require IOP lowering medication, and may further reduce IOP at short‐ and medium‐term follow‐up. There is moderate‐certainty evidence that the Hydrus microstent is probably more effective than the iStent in lowering IOP of people with OAG in the short‐term. Few studies were available on the effects of the Hydrus microstent, therefore the results of this review may not be applicable to all people with OAG, particularly in selected people with medically uncontrolled glaucoma, since IOP was controlled with medication in many participants in the included studies. Complications may be rare using the Hydrus microstent, as well as the comparator iStent, but larger studies are needed to investigate its safety

    Antropoestratigrafía: nuevas unidades litológicas del Cuaternario controladas por la actividad humana

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    Many areas around the world such as the Mediterranean region have been inhabited without interruption for thousands of years. This is the case of the city of Barcelona (Spain), where remains of human settlements dating from pre-Roman times until the present have been found. A detailed geological mapping of the area occupied by the city of Barcelona raises a number of questions about the Holocene stratigraphy affected by human activity. In the old urban and surrounding areas most of the sedimentary deposits accumulated during settlement result from human interactions. Thus, new anthropostratigraphic units are proposed. The sedimentary deposits and the infill of rock excavations due to human presence may be divided into three categories: Natural lithoanthropogenic units (NAU) when their formation is not directly affected by anthropogenic activity but these contain artefacts of human origin. Induced lithoanthropogenic units (IAU) when natural processes together with human actions produce sedimentation or erosion due to natural phenomena; Constructed lithoanthropogenic units (CAU) when sedimentary accumulations and sharp contacts result from direct human activity.A lo largo de todo el globo terrestre, existen muchas zonas como la región mediterránea que han sido habitadas ininterrumpidamente durante miles de años. Este es el caso de la ciudad de Barcelona donde se han encontrado restos de asentamientos humanos desde los tiempos pre-romanos hasta la actualidad. Un mapa geológico detallado de la zona ocupada por la ciudad de Barcelona plantea una serie de interrogantes sobre la estratigrafía del Holoceno influenciado por la actividad humana. En la zona urbana antigua y en áreas circundantes, la mayoría de los depósitos acumulados durante el asentamiento se han producido por las interacciones humanas. Por tanto, se proponen nuevas unidades antropoestratigráficas. Los depósitos sedimentarios así como los rellenos de lasexcavaciones debidos a la presencia humana pueden ser divididos en tres categorías: Unidades litoantropogénicas naturales (NAU) cuando su generación no ha sido afectada directamente por la actividad humana, pero contienen diversos artefactos artificiales. Unidades litoantropogénicas inducidas (IAU) cuando los procesos naturales junto a las acciones humanas producen sedimentación o erosión debido a los fenómenos naturales. Unidades litoantropogénicas construidas (CAU) cuando las acumulaciones sedimentarias y los contactos nítidos son el resultado de la actividad humana directa