585 research outputs found

    Women Counselor Educators: Strategies for Success in Academia

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    In order to achieve gender equity in the academy, it is necessary to understand how traditional gender roles impact university practices and policies. In this session, the impact of gender norms on women counselor educators’ teaching, research, and service responsibilities will be explored. Results from recent studies on this topic will be provided. Strategies for successfully navigating the academic culture will be discussed. Ethical responsibilities related to the recruitment and retention of a diverse faculty will be considered. Advocacy activities designed to promote equity in academia will be recommended

    Genomic imprinting variations in the mouse type 3 deiodinase gene between tissues and brain regions.

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    The Dio3 gene, which encodes for the type 3 deiodinase (D3), controls thyroid hormone (TH) availability. The lack of D3 in mice results in tissue overexposure to TH and a broad neuroendocrine phenotype. Dio3 is an imprinted gene, preferentially expressed from the paternally inherited allele in the mouse fetus. However, heterozygous mice with paternal inheritance of the inactivating Dio3 mutation exhibit an attenuated phenotype when compared with that of Dio3 null mice. To investigate this milder phenotype, the allelic expression of Dio3 was evaluated in different mouse tissues. Preferential allelic expression of Dio3 from the paternal allele was observed in fetal tissues and neonatal brain regions, whereas the biallelic Dio3 expression occurred in the developing eye, testes, and cerebellum and in the postnatal brain neocortex, which expresses a larger Dio3 mRNA transcript. The newborn hypothalamus manifests the highest degree of Dio3 expression from the paternal allele, compared with other brain regions, and preferential allelic expression of Dio3 in the brain relaxed in late neonatal life. A methylation analysis of two regulatory regions of the Dio3 imprinted domain revealed modest but significant differences between tissues, but these did not consistently correlate with the observed patterns of Dio3 allelic expression. Deletion of the Dio3 gene and promoter did not result in significant changes in the tissue-specific patterns of Dio3 allelic expression. These results suggest the existence of unidentified epigenetic determinants of tissue-specific Dio3 imprinting. The resulting variation in the Dio3 allelic expression between tissues likely explains the phenotypic variation that results from paternal Dio3 haploinsufficiency.This is the final version of the article. It is available from the Endocrine Society in Molecular Endocrinology here: http://press.endocrine.org/doi/pdf/10.1210/me.2014-1210

    Radiometric measurements of the microwave emissivity of foam

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    Includes bibliographical references.Radiometric measurements of the microwave emissivity of foam were conducted during May 2000 at the Naval Research Laboratory's Chesapeake Bay Detachment using radiometers operating at 10.8 and 36.5 GHz. Horizontal and vertical polarization measurements were performed at 36.5 GHz; horizontal, vertical, +45°, ­45°, left-circular, and right-circular polarization measurements were obtained at 10.8 GHz. These measurements were carried out over a range of incidence angles from 30° to 60°. Surface foam was generated by blowing compressed air through a matrix of gas-permeable tubing supported by an aluminum frame and floats. Video micrographs of the foam were used to measure bubble size distribution and foam layer thickness. A video camera was boresighted with the radiometers to determine the beam-fill fraction of the foam generator. Results show emissivities that were greater than 0.9 and approximately constant in value over the range of incidence angles for vertically polarized radiation at both 10.8 and 36.5 GHz, while emissivities of horizontally polarized radiation showed a gradual decrease in value as incidence angle increased. Emissivities at +45°, ­45°, left-circular, and right-circular polarizations were all very nearly equal to each other and were in turn approximately equal to the average values of the horizontal and vertical emissivities in each case.This work was sponsored by the Department of the Navy, Office of Naval Research under Award N0014-00-1-280 to the University of Massachusetts, Award N00014-00-0152 to the University of Washington, and Award N0001400WX21032 to the Naval Research Laboratory

    Photometric Properties of Six Local Volume Dwarf Galaxies from Deep Near-Infrared Observations

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    We have obtained deep near-infrared JJ- (1.25 μ\mum), HH- (1.65μ \mum) and KsK_s-band (2.15 μ\mum) imaging for a sample of six dwarf galaxies (M_B\ga-17 mag) in the Local Volume (LV, D\la10 Mpc). The sample consists mainly of early-type dwarf galaxies found in various environments in the LV. Two galaxies (LEDA 166099 and UGCA 200) in the sample are detected in the near-infrared for the first time. The deep near-infrared images allow for a detailed study of the photometric and structural properties of each galaxy. The surface brightness profiles of the galaxies are detected down to the ~24magarcsec224 mag arcsec^{-2} isophote in the JJ- and HH-bands, and 23magarcsec223 mag arcsec^{-2} in the KsK_s-band. The total magnitudes of the galaxies are derived in the three wavelength bands. For the brightest galaxies (M_B\la-15.5 mag) in the sample, we find that the Two Micron All Sky Survey (2MASS) underestimates the total magnitudes of these systems by up to \la0.5 mag. The radial surface brightness profiles of the galaxies are fitted with an exponential (for those galaxies having a stellar disk) or S\'ersic law to derive the structure of the underlying stellar component. In particular, the effective surface brightness (μe\mu_e) and effective radius (rer_e) are determined from the analytic fits to the surface brightness profile. The JJ-KsK_s colours for the galaxies have been measured to explore the luminosity-metallicity relation for early-type dwarfs. In addition, the BB-KsK_s colours of the galaxies are used to assess their evolutionary state relative to other galaxy morphologies. The total stellar masses of the dwarf galaxies are derived from the HH-band photometric measurements. These will later be compared to the dynamical mass estimates for the galaxies to determine their dark matter content.Comment: 14 pages, 8 figures, submitted to MNRA

    Impact of UV Radiation from Giant Spirals on the Evolution of Dwarf Galaxies

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    We show that ultraviolet radiation, with wavelengths shorter than 2000 A, escaping from the disks of giant spirals could be one of the principal factors affecting the evolution of low mass satellite galaxies. We demonstrate, using a semi-qualitative model, that the Lyman continuum part of the radiation field can lead to ionization of the ISM of the dwarf galaxies through the process of photoevaporation, making the ISM virtually unobservable. The FUV part (912 < lambda < 2000 A) is shown to dominate over the internal sources of radiation for most of the Galactic dwarf spheroidals. The proposed environmental factor could be at least partially responsible for the bifurcation of the low mass proto-galaxies into two sequences - dwarf irregulars and dwarf spheroidals. We discuss many peculiarities of the Local Group early-type dwarfs which can be accounted for by the impact of the UV radiation from the host spiral galaxy (Milky Way or M31).Comment: 15 pages, 12 figures. Accepted for publication in MNRAS. More consistent photoionization model is used in Sect. 2. All main results stay unchange

    Evaluating the effectiveness of a radiation safety training intervention for oncology nurses: a pretest – intervention – posttest study

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    BACKGROUND: Radiation, for either diagnosis or treatment, is used extensively in the field of oncology. An understanding of oncology radiation safety principles and how to apply them in practice is critical for nursing practice. Misconceptions about radiation are common, resulting in undue fears and concerns that may negatively impact patient care. Effectively educating nurses to help overcome these misconceptions is a challenge. Historically, radiation safety training programs for oncology nurses have been compliance-based and behavioral in philosophy. METHODS: A new radiation safety training initiative was developed for Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center (MSKCC) adapting elements of current adult education theories to address common misconceptions and to enhance knowledge. A research design for evaluating the revised training program was also developed to assess whether the revised training program resulted in a measurable and/or statistically significant change in the knowledge or attitudes of nurses toward working with radiation. An evaluation research design based on a conceptual framework for measuring knowledge and attitude was developed and implemented using a pretest-intervention-posttest approach for 15% of the study population of 750 inpatient registered oncology nurses. RESULTS: As a result of the intervention program, there was a significant difference in nurse's cognitive knowledge as measured with the test instrument from pretest (58.9%) to posttest (71.6%). The evaluation also demonstrated that while positive nursing attitudes increased, the increase was significant for only 5 out of 9 of the areas evaluated. CONCLUSION: The training intervention was effective for increasing cognitive knowledge, but was less effective at improving overall attitudes. This evaluation provided insights into the effectiveness of training interventions on the radiation safety knowledge and attitude of oncology nurses

    Flight Development for Cryogenic Fluid Management in Support of Exploration Missions

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    This paper describes the results of the "Experimentation for the Maturation of Deep Space Cryogenic Refueling Technology" study. The purposes of this study were to identify cryogenic fluids management technologies requiring low gravity flight experiments to bring to technology readiness level (TRL) 5-6; to study many possible flight experiment options; and to develop near-term low-cost flight experiment concepts to mature core technologies of refueling. A total of twenty-five white papers were prepared in the course of this study. Each white paper is briefly summarized and relevant references cited. A total of 90 references are cited

    VLT/FORS1 spectrophotometry of the first planetary nebula discovered in the Phoenix dwarf galaxy

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    Context: A planetary nebula (PN) candidate was discovered during FORS imaging of the Local Group dwarf galaxy Phoenix. Aims: We use this PN to complement abundances from red-giant stars. Methods: FORS spectroscopy was used to confirm the PN classification. Empirical methods and photoionization modeling were used to derive elemental abundances from the emission line fluxes and to characterize the central star. Results: For the elements deemed most reliable for measuring the metallicity of the interstellar medium (ISM) from which the PN formed, [O/H] ∼ −0.46 and [Ar/H] ∼ −1.03. [O/H] has lower measurement errors but greater uncertainties due to the unresolved issue of oxygen enrichment in the PN precursor star. Conclusions: Earlier than 2 Gyr ago (the lower limit of the derived age for the central star) the ISM had Z = 0.002–0.008, a range slightly more metal-rich than the one provided by stars. Comparing our PN-to-stellar values to surveys of other dwarf Local Group galaxies, Phoenix appears to be an outlier

    Effective Rheology of Bubbles Moving in a Capillary Tube

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    We calculate the average volumetric flux versus pressure drop of bubbles moving in a single capillary tube with varying diameter, finding a square-root relation from mapping the flow equations onto that of a driven overdamped pendulum. The calculation is based on a derivation of the equation of motion of a bubble train from considering the capillary forces and the entropy production associated with the viscous flow. We also calculate the configurational probability of the positions of the bubbles.Comment: 4 pages, 1 figur