5,397 research outputs found

    The enterocyte proteome of gilthead seabream (Sparus Aurata) acclimated to two salinited conditions

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    Control of the chemical composition and thickness of deposited coatings over carbon nanotubes using acrylic acid plasma

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    In this study, it is demonstrated that the surface of carbonnanotubes can be coated with a polymer nanometer size film (nanocoating) with tailored surface polar behavior when treated with acrylic acid plasma. The polar behavior of the polymer nanocoating can be hydrophilic or hydrophobic depending deposition and erosion processes caused by ionized species in the plasma. In turn, deposition and erosion can be controlled by plasma power. Deposition dominates at 20 W power, where a significant amount of polymer nanocoating is produced with carboxylic acid functional groups in the surface thus having an hydrophilic behavior. On the contrary, a smaller amount of polymer nanocoating with hydrophobic behavior (i.e. without any functional groups on its surface) suggests that erosion isthe dominant process when 40 W power is used. Finally, a competition between deposition and erosion processes results in different polar behavior and amount of polymer nanocoating depending of the treatment time

    Nivel de información médica sobre diabetes, actitud de los pacientes hacia la enfermedad y su asociación con el nivel de control glucémico

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    ObjetivoDeterminar el nivel de información y de actitud que sobre su enfermedad tienen pacientes con diabetes tipo 2 (DM2) y su asociación con el nivel de control glucémico.DiseñoEncuesta transversal survey.EmplazamientoDos unidades de medicina familiar.PacientesDoscientos sujetos con DM2.IntervencionesSe aplicaron 2 instrumentos validados para valorar nivel de conocimientos y actitud, y se midió el promedio de las últimas 6 glucemias.Mediciones y resultadosLa calificación global del instrumento de conocimientos fue 58,6 ± 17,9 (escala 0-100). Para el instrumento de actitud fue de 18,9 ± 2,1 (escala 0-35). La calificación de conocimientos del grupo controlado fue de 55,48 ± 16,8, y la del grupo descontrolado de 59,2 ± 18,1. La calificación sobre actitud del grupo controlado fue de 17,8 ± 2,3, y la del grupo descontrolado de 19,1 ± 2 (p = 0,001). El nivel de información proporcionado por el médico familiar fue del 42,9%, por el equipo de salud del 10,2% y por otras fuentes del 6,3%. En cuanto al análisis del grado de actitud y el nivel de información, hubo una mejor actitud cuando la información fue proporcionada por otras fuentes (p < 0,05). Por lo que respecta al porcentaje de información y el control glucémico, el nivel de control fue mejor cuando la información fue proporcionada por el equipo de salud (p < 0,01).ConclusionesEl nivel de información médica sobre diabetes proporcionada por el médico familiar y el equipo de salud es bajo, y sólo en este último caso se asocia a un mejor control glucémico. La actitud es mejor cuando se recibe información sobre diabetes de otras fuentes.ObjectiveTo determine the level of information and attitude that it has more than enough their illness has patient with diabetes type 2 (DM2), and their association with level of glucemic control.DesignCross-sectional.SettingTwo units of family medicine.Patient200 subject with DM2.InterventionsTwo instruments were applied validated to measure, level of knowledge and attitude was measured the average of the last 6 glucaemias.Measurements and resultsThe qualification average of the instrument of knowledge was 58.6 ± 17.9 (it scale 0–100). For the instrument of attitude it was of 18.9 ± 2.1 (it scale 0 at 35). The qualification of knowledge of the controlled group was of 55.48 ± 16.8, and of the uncontrolled group it was of 59.2 ± 18.1. The qualification has more than enough attitude of the controlled group it was of 17.8 ± 2.3, and of the uncontrolled group of 19.1 ± 2, p = 0.001. The proportionate level of information the family doctor was of 42.9%, of the team of health of 10.2% and of other sources of 6.3%. At the analysis of the degree of attitude and the level of information, there was a better attitude when the information was provided by other sources p < 0.05. In the percentage of information and the level of glucemic control, the control level was better when the information was for the team of health p < 0.01.ConclusionsThe level of medical information on diabetes provided by the family doctor and the team of health is low and it doesn't and only this last are associate to better glucemic control. The attitude is better when one receives information of other sources

    Survival of several Rhizobium/Bradyrhizobium strains on different inoculant formulations and inoculated seeds

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    The effect of a variety factors on the survival of several rhizobia strains on inoculants and inoculated seeds has been evaluated. Since the rhizobia strains showed different cell-density-evolution patterns on peat-based inoculants and on inoculated seeds, several inoculant formulations with highly effective Rhizobium/ Bradyrhizobium strains (for Lupinus, Hedysarum, Phaseolus and Glycine max. ) were monitored under the following storage conditions: (a) the inoculants were kept refrigerated (at 4°C), or (b) at room temperature (25°C). The effect of water content (30–50%, w/w) in the inoculants as well as that of several seed-coating adhesives were also investigated. Alternative carriers including perlite and vermiculite were tested. For all of the strains, survival on sterile peat-based inoculants was higher than on the corresponding unsterile peat formulation; for the latter, refrigerated storage conditions are recommended to ensure high bacterial densities. The water content of the inoculants had a differential effect on strain survival depending on the sterility of the peat, such that a high water content was more detrimental when unsterilized peat was employed. The best adherent for rhizobia survival was a gum arabic/water solution. Perlite was as effective as peat in maintaining a high population of rhizobia, at least for 6 months of storage

    No evidence that selection for egg production persistency causes loss of bone quality in laying hens

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    ERANET grant BBSRC BB/M028291/1Swedish Research Council Formas 2014-01840ARN (Instituto Nacional de Investigación y Tecnología Agraria y Alimentaria) 291815European Cooperation in Science and Technology (COST) CA15224UK Research & Innovation (UKRI) Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council (BBSRC) BB/P013759/


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    La preocupación por considerar la heterogeneidad en los comportamientos empresariales dentro de un sector de actividad, ha sido uno de los principales motivos para la búsqueda e identificación de grupos estratégicos, generando un debate inagotable en el ámbito de la estrategia empresarial. Sin embargo, esta preocupación no se ha limitado a identificar arquetipos o configuraciones empresariales, sino que también se ha extendido al estudio de posibles diferencias en el rendimiento entre los grupos identificados. En el presente trabajo, intentamos dar respuesta a esta doble preocupación y todo ello centrándonos en el ámbito de la franquicia. Para ello, se ha elaborado una base de datos con el total de cadenas franquiciadoras (664) que en el año 2005 operaban en España. Los resultados obtenidos revelan la existencia de cinco grupos estratégicos (tipos de franquiciadores) perfectamente diferenciados, los cuales son descritos a partir de las variables estratégicas que los definen. Igualmente, se demuestra la existencia de diferencias en los resultados inter-grupales a partir de determinados indicadores de desempeño (ingresos, resultados ordinarios y rentabilidad)

    CuentosIE: can a chatbot about “tales with a message” help to teach emotional intelligence?

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    In this article, we present CuentosIE (TalesEI: chatbot of tales with a message to develop Emotional Intelligence), an educational chatbot on emotions that also provides teachers and psychologists with a tool to monitor their students/patients through indicators and data compiled by CuentosIE. The use of “tales with a message” is justified by their simplicity and easy understanding, thanks to their moral or associated metaphors. The main contributions of CuentosIE are the selection, collection, and classification of a set of highly specialized tales, as well as the provision of tools (searching, reading comprehension, chatting, recommending, and classifying) that are useful for both educating users about emotions and monitoring their emotional development. The preliminary evaluation of the tool has obtained encouraging results, which provides an affirmative answer to the question posed in the title of the article.The research work conducted is part of the R&D projects “CORTEX: Conscious Text Generation” (PID2021-123956OB-I00), funded by MCIN/ AEI/10.13039/501100011033/ and the project “NL4DISMIS: Natural Language Technologies for dealing with dis- and misinformation with grant reference (CIPROM/2021/021)” funded by the Generalitat Valenciana. Furthermore, it has been funded by the BALLADEER project (PROMETEO/2021/088) from the Consellería Valenciana and by the AETHER-UA (PID2020-112540RB-C43) project from the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation

    Procesos de alteración asociados al contenido de minerales arcillosos en materiales pétreos

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    Stone alterability/durability is depending upon a number of intrinsic and extrinsic factors among which "clay minerals" constituents, either diffused throughout the stone framework or as coating-filling of void spaces, can play an important role. Swelling-shrinking and aggregation-disaggregation phenomena occurring by interaction of argillaceous particles with water and other fluids can cause destructuration of the stone resulting in a variety of pathologies. Also salt crystallization which is depending on fluid transfer, moisture evaporation and ion concentration in the circulating solutions, can be influenced by clay mineral reactivity. Furthermore, saline solutions can drastically change the clay minerals behaviour, resulting in enhanced "osmotic" swelling and variations in clay aggregation geometry; these phenomena resulting in significant stone damage. Case histories concerning several lithotypes used for monumental buildings and artistic manufacts are reported for showing the role of different clay mineral types in determining trend and intensity of decay processes.Varios factores, tanto intrínsecos como extrínsecos, pueden condicionar la alterabilidad/durabilidad de materiales pétreos. Entre ellos, la presencia de minerales arcillosos, bien como constituyentes difusos o recubriendo-rellenando huecos, puede jugar un papel importante. El resultado de la interacción de las partículas arcillosas y el agua (u otros fluidos) da lugar a patologías que son consecuencia de una serie de daños internos producidos por las continuas variaciones plásticas, asociadas a parámetros físicos y cristaloquímicos de este tipo de minerales. Entre los que podemos citar la desestructuración de la piedra (bien por agregación-desagregación de las partículas arcillosas o por procesos de hinchamiento-contracción) que está asociado, por ejemplo, con la cristalización de sales, producida por la transferencia de fluidos a su través, o a variaciones de humedad, a concentraciones iónicas de la solución, en función de la reactividad de las arcillas presentes, o a efectos provocados por tensiones osmóticas que modifican la geometría de aglutinación de las propias partículas. En este artículo se analizan diferentes litotipos utilizados en la construcción y ornamentación de edificios históricos, todos ellos con minerales arcillosos, así como sus patologías, definiéndose las tendencias y los procesos degradativos encontrados