86 research outputs found

    Desenvolvimento de um Novo Produto Panificável: rosca recheada com coco guariroba

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    Este artigo tem como principais finalidades apresentar o desenvolvimento de um novo produto, avaliar sua aceitação no mercado, estudar a viabilidade de implantação de um sistema de informação e analisar a viabilidade de comercialização, utilizando um fruto regional em sua formulação. Conclui-se que a rosca recheada com coco guariroba apresentou características sensoriais satisfatórias, sendo um indicativo de lançamento no mercado

    Preparation, Characterization and Effectiveness to Delay Lipid Oxidation in Almonds and Beef Meat

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    Funding Information: This study was carried out under the VIPACFood project, funded by ARIMNet2 (Coordination of Agricultural Research in the Mediterranean; 2014–2017), an ERA-NET Action financed by the European Union under the Seventh Framework Programme, and by the Programa de Cooperación Interreg V-A España–Portugal (POCTEP) 2014–2020 (project 0377_IBERPHENOL_6_E). Cássia H. Barbosa is grateful for her research grant in the frame of the VIPACFood project (ARIMNET2/0003/2016) and the Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT), Portugal, for the Ph.D. grant 2021.08154.BD. This research was also funded by PT national funds (FCT/MCTES, Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia and Ministério da Ciência, Tecnologia e Ensino Superior) through grants UIDB/50006/2020 and UIDB/00211/2020. L. Barbosa-Pereira is grateful to the Spanish Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities for her “Juan de la Cierva-Incorporación” grant (Agreement No. IJCI-2017-31665). Publisher Copyright: © 2023 by the authors.Low-density polyethylene-based packaging with 4% lemon extract (LDPE/4LE) and two polylactic-based (PLA) packaging materials with 4% and 6% lemon extract (PLA/PEG/4LE and PLA/6LE) were produced. O2 and water permeability tests were performed, the total and individual phenolic compounds content were measured, and the films’ antioxidant activities were determined. The films’ ability to delay lipid oxidation was tested in two model foods: almonds, packaged with LDPE/4LE, PLA/4LE and PLA/6LE for a maximum period of 60 days at 40 °C (accelerated assay); and beef meat, packaged with the PLA/6LE for a maximum period of 11 days at 4 °C. The LE improved the WVP in all of the active films by 33%, 20% and 60% for the LDPE/4LE, PLA/4LE and PLA/6LE films, respectively. At the end of 10 days, the migration of phenolic compounds through the PLA films was measured to be 142.27 and 114.9 μg/dm2 for the PLA/4LE and PLA/6LE films, respectively, and was significantly higher than phenolic compounds migration measured for the LDPE/4LE (15.97 μg/dm2). Naringenin, apigenin, ferulic acid, eriocitrin, hesperidin and 4-hydroxybenzoic acid were the main identified compounds in the PLA, but only 4-hydroxybenzoic acid, naringenin and p-coumaric acid were identified in the LDPE films. Regarding the films’ ability to delay lipid oxidation, LDPE/4LE presented the best results, showing a capacity to delay lipid oxidation in almonds for 30 days. When applied to raw beef meat, the PLA/6LE packaging was able to significantly inhibit lipid oxidation for 6 days, and successfully inhibited total microorganisms’ growth until the 8th day of storage.publishersversionpublishe

    Encapsulation into Stealth Liposomes Enhances the Antitumor Action of Recombinant Cratylia mollis Lectin Expressed in Escherichia coli

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    This study evaluated the in vivo antitumor potential of new recombinant lectin from seeds of Cratylia mollis (rCramoll) expressed in Escherichia coli, free or encapsulated in stealth liposomes, using mice transplanted with sarcoma 180. rCramoll-loaded stealth liposomes (rCramoll-lipo) were formulated by hydration of the lipid film followed by cycles of freezing and thawing, and about 60% of rCramoll was encapsulated. This novel preparation showed particle size, polydispersity index, and pH suitable for the evaluation of antitumor activity in vivo. Tumor growth inhibition rates were 68% for rCramoll and 80% for rCramoll-lipo. Histopathological analysis of the experimental groups showed that both free and encapsulated lectin caused no changes in the kidneys of animals. Hematological analysis revealed that treatment with rCramoll-lipo significantly increased leukocyte concentration when compared with the untreated and pCramoll group. In conclusion, the encapsulation of rCramoll in stealth liposomes improves its antitumor activity without substantial toxicity; this approach was more successful than the previous results reported for pCramoll loaded into conventional liposomes. At this point, a crucial difference between the antitumor action of free and encapsulated rCramoll was found along with their effects on immune cells. Further investigations are required to elucidate the mechanism(s) of the antitumor effect induced by rCramoll

    A atuação do enfermeiro na prevenção de microrganismos multirresistentes em unidade de terapia intensiva

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    The aim was to describe the risk factors for infection, describe how the spread occurs and propose improvements for quality work performed by professionals, in order to reduce the number, length of stay and number of deaths. In addition, seek to qualify the team so that they provide care based on scientific knowledge, adopting actions, planning measures and execution of the care provided. Through effective communication where everyone speaks objectively and clearly, so that there is quality and effectiveness in actions and reduce the proliferation of multi-resistant organisms.Objetivou-se descrever os fatores de risco de infecção, descrever como ocorre a disseminação e propor melhorias para um trabalho prestado com qualidade pelos profissionais atuantes, a fim de reduzir o número, tempo de internação e número de óbitos. Além disso, buscar  qualificar a equipe de forma que prestem cuidados baseados em conhecimento científicos, adotando ações, medidas de planejamento e execução do cuidado prestado. Por meio de uma comunicação eficaz onde todos falam de forma objetiva e clara, para que tenha qualidade e efetividade nas ações e reduzam a proliferação de organismos multirresistentes

    A atuação do enfermeiro na prevenção de microrganismos multirresistentes em unidade de terapia intensiva

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    The aim was to describe the risk factors for infection, describe how the spread occurs and propose improvements for quality work performed by professionals, in order to reduce the number, length of stay and number of deaths. In addition, seek to qualify the team so that they provide care based on scientific knowledge, adopting actions, planning measures and execution of the care provided. Through effective communication where everyone speaks objectively and clearly, so that there is quality and effectiveness in actions and reduce the proliferation of multi-resistant organisms.Objetivou-se descrever os fatores de risco de infecção, descrever como ocorre a disseminação e propor melhorias para um trabalho prestado com qualidade pelos profissionais atuantes, a fim de reduzir o número, tempo de internação e número de óbitos. Além disso, buscar  qualificar a equipe de forma que prestem cuidados baseados em conhecimento científicos, adotando ações, medidas de planejamento e execução do cuidado prestado. Por meio de uma comunicação eficaz onde todos falam de forma objetiva e clara, para que tenha qualidade e efetividade nas ações e reduzam a proliferação de organismos multirresistentes

    Response of nitrate transporters and PM H + -ATPase expression to nitrogen flush on two upland rice varieties contrasting in nitrate uptake kinetics

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    These authors contributed equally to this work. Abstract The aim of this study was to evaluate the behavior of high-affinity nitrate (NO 3 -) transporters and plasma membrane H + -ATPase isoforms in rice varieties, contrasting in NO 3 -uptake kinetics parameters. Two varieties of rice were studied: cv. IAC-47 (improved for high N input) and cv. Piauí (a local landrace variety cultivated for low input farmers). We evaluated the expression of two PM H + -ATPase isoforms (OsA2 and OsA7), two NO 3 -transporters (OsNRT2.1 and OsNRT2.2), and OsNAR2.1, the rice regulatory genes for nitrate transport. The results showed that the Piauí variety has higher expression of OsNRT2.1-2.2, OsNAR2.1 and OsA2 and 7, compared to IAC-47 variety, mainly after 24h under low N condition. After 24h of 0.2 mM NO 3 --N resupply, the Piauí variety showed a net nitrate uptake and PM-H + -ATPase activity, 71% and 47% higher than IAC-47, respectively. This behavior of Piauí variety may be a strategy for better harnessing of available N that occurs in the tropical environment in a short period of time, after the onset of the rainy season. Changes in the expression levels of OsNRT2.1-2.2/OsNAR2.1 and OsA2 and 7 occur synchronously over time. Our results suggest the synchronized behavior of high affinity nitrate transporters and PM-H + -ATPases under N flush conditions

    Avaliação da inflamabilidade de seis espécies nativas na região sul do Tocantins

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    The woody vegetation of the Cerrado presents adaptive properties to the fire. The fires during the dry season may cause significant changes in the structure and floristic composition of the vegetation. This study aimed to evaluate the flammability of six native species of a Cerrado fragment located in southern Tocantins. Samples composed of fine materials of the selected species were collected, with a diameter of less than 7 mm, excluding young leaves and apical buds. For each species, 50 repetitions were performed, being analyzed: ignition frequency, ignition time, combustion duration, combustion index, and the determination of flammability value. Among the evaluated species, Curatella americana L., Clethra scabra Pers. and Anacardium occidentale L. Obtained significant values with emphasis on Clethra scabra Pers. Which obtained the highest mean values of the flammability variables. We also observed that most species had a combustion index classified as very high (CI = 4 and CI = 5). With this study we can conclude that most species are flammable, and Clethra scabra Pers. Was the species that presented the best result of the flammability variables being classified as highly flammable. On the other hand, Macrolobium limbatum Spruce ex Benth. var. limbatum and Ziziphus Cinnamomum Triana & Planch. Were the species that obtained the lowest results being classified as weakly flammable.A vegetação lenhosa do Cerrado apresenta propriedades adaptativas ao fogo. As queimadas durante a estação seca podem ocasionar em mudanças significativas na estrutura e composição florística da vegetação. Este trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar a inflamabilidade de seis espécies nativas de um fragmento de Cerrado, localizado no sul do Tocantins. Foram coletadas amostras compostas de materiais finos das espécies selecionadas, com diâmetro inferior a 7 mm, excluindo folhas jovens e gemas apicais. Para cada espécie, realizou-se 50 repetições, sendo analisados: frequência de ignição, tempo para ignição, duração da combustão, índice de combustão, além da determinação do valor de inflamabilidade. Dentre as espécies avaliadas, Curatella americana L., Clethra scabra Pers. e Anacardium occidentale L. obtiveram valores significativos com destaque para Clethra scabra Pers. que obteve os maiores valores médios das variáveis de inflamabilidade. Observamos também que a maioria das espécies tiveram um índice de combustão classificados como muito alto (IC = 4 e IC = 5). Com este estudo podemos concluir que a maioria das espécies são inflamáveis, sendo que Clethra scabra Pers. foi a espécie que apresentou o melhor resultado das variáveis de inflamabilidade sendo classificada como altamente inflamável. Por outro lado, Macrolobium limbatum Spruce ex Benth. var. limbatum e Ziziphus cinnamomum Triana & Planch. foram as espécies que obtiveram os menores resultados sendo classificadas como fracamente inflamáveis

    Sentimientos de adolescentes con Diabetes Mellitus delante del proceso de vivir con la enfermedad

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    Qualitative research conducted in a diabetes service in the countryside of the state of Ceará, Brazil, with 11 teenagers with diabetes mellitus. The study aimed to understand the experience of adolescents facing the process of living with diabetes. Data were collected in 2007 May and June, through semi-structured interviews. It was observed that the teenager faces difficulties since the moment of diagnosis, especially because their food habits and lifestyles need to change, triggering feelings like fear, insecurity and anger. Over time, they incorporate the necessary changes to treatment and care, and begin to see the disease as normal. One concludes that it is necessary to understand teenagers, their behaviors, fears and desires and support them in the different areas of this experience.Investigación cualitativa, llevada a cabo en un servicio de diabetes del interior del estado de Ceará, Brasil, con 11 adolescentes con diabetes mellitus. El objetivo fue comprender la experiencia del adolescente delante del proceso de vivir con diabetes. Los datos fueron recolectados entre mayo y junio de 2007 a través de entrevistas semi estructuradas. Se observó que el adolescente enfrenta dificultades desde el momento del diagnóstico, sobre todo en el plan alimentar y cambios en el estilo de vida, desencadenando sentimientos como miedo, inseguridad e ira. Con el tiempo, incorporan los cambios necesarios al tratamiento y atención, y llegan a ver la enfermedad como algo normal. En conclusión, que es necesario entender los adolescentes, sus comportamientos, miedos y deseos, y apoyarlos en las diferentes áreas de esta experiencia.Pesquisa de natureza qualitativa, realizada em um serviço de diabetes do interior do Ceará com 11 adolescentes portadores de diabetes mellitus. O estudo objetivou compreender a experiência do adolescente frente ao processo de viver com o diabetes. Os dados foram coletados nos meses de maio e junho de 2007 por meio de entrevista semiestruturada. Constatou-se que o adolescente enfrenta dificuldades desde o momento do diagnóstico, principalmente no plano alimentar e nas mudanças no estilo de vida, desencadeando sentimentos como medo, insegurança e revolta. Com o passar do tempo, incorporam as mudanças necessárias ao tratamento e cuidados; e passam a ver a doença de forma normal. Conclui-se que é necessário compreender os adolescentes, seus comportamentos, medos e anseios e apoiá-los nos diversos âmbitos dessa experiência.Secretaria Municipal de Saúde de Pio IX-PI Programa de Saúde da FamíliaUniversidade Federal do Ceará Faculdade de Farmácia Odontologia e Enfermagem Departamento de EnfermagemUniversidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP) Programa de Pós-Graduação em Saúde ColetivaUNIFESP, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Saúde ColetivaSciEL


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    Objetivou-se de avaliar a produção de matéria seca do capim-braquiarão (Brachiaria brizantha cv. Marandu) em lotação rotacionada nos períodos de seca e águas em Rondonópolis- MT. O delineamento experimental foi o inteiramente casualizado com 6 tratamentos e 31 repetições (piquetes). Os tratamentos foram dispostos em esquema fatorial 2x3, sendo: duas épocas (seca e águas) e três períodos (meses). Não houve diferença na produção de matéria seca entre as épocas de seca e águas. Provavelmente, as variações entre duas épocas não ocorreram em função da adição periódica dos dejetos líquidos de bovinos (chorume)