71 research outputs found

    Laterality and performance in combat sports

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    P. 167-177La literatura ha demostrado una relación entre la lateralidad y una representación excesiva de atletas zurdos en ciertos deportes, y especialmente en deportes uno contra uno, como el judo, el tenis, el boxeo o la esgrima; La explicación principal se ha atribuido a una mayor probabilidad de éxito. Algunos autores lo han explicado a través de una hipótesis de superioridad genética o innata, sin embargo otros defienden la hipótesis de la ventaja estratégica. El objetivo del estudio es una visión general sobre la lateralidad, el éxito deportivo, la representación excesiva de atletas dominantes de izquierda que ejecutan técnicas y la posibilidad de modular esa representación excesiva a través del entrenamiento y basada en hipótesis de selección negativa dependiente de la frecuencia, dado que en deportes como esgrima, boxeo o judo, se han desarrollado diseños tácticos y acciones de entrenamiento basadas en el lado predominante del oponente mientras se ejecutan habilidades. Se plantea la hipótesis de que si existe algún tipo de relación entre la lateralidad y el éxito deportivo, y se ha adquirido la lateralidad que ejecuta las habilidades deportivas, entonces puede modificarse mediante diferentes metodologías de aprendizaje y / o entrenamiento; Uno de ellos se basa en procesos de transferencia bilateral de habilidades motoras, pero carece de investigación experimental. Sugerimos que la noción de crear o hacer atletas desde la perspectiva de la preferencia lateral al correr con habilidades deportivas y en comportamientos deportivos basados en la lateralidad, podría modificar la hipótesis de selección dependiente de la frecuencia, especialmente en ciertos deportesS

    Antioxidant capacity, fatty acids profile, and descriptive sensory analysis of table olives as affected by deficit irrigation

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    preprintThe influence of three irrigation treatments (T0, no stress; T1, soft stress; and, T2, moderate stress) on the key functional properties [fatty acids, sugar alcohols, organic acids, minerals, total polyphenols content (TPC), and antioxidant activity (AA)], sensory quality, and consumers' acceptance of table olives, cv. ‘Manzanilla’, was evaluated. RESULTS: A soft water stress, T1, led to table olives with the highest oil and dry matter contents, with the highest intensities of key sensory attributes and slightly, although not significant, higher values of consumer satisfaction degree. Besides, RDI in general (T1 and T2) slightly increased green colour, the content of linoleic acid, but decreased the content of phytic acid and some minerals. CONCLUSION: The soft RDI conditions are a good option for the cultivation of olive trees because they are environmentally friendly and simultaneously maintain or even improve the functionality, sensory quality, and consumer acceptance of table olives. © 2016 Society of Chemical Industry.Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad AGL2013-45922-C2-1-RMinisterio de Economía y Competitividad AGL2013-45922-C2-2-

    Construïm cap al cel

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    Treballs de l'alumnat del Grau de Comunicació Audiovisual, Facultat de Biblioteconomia i Documentació, Universitat de Barcelona, [Projectes I - Grup X]. Curs: 2015-2016, Tutor: Jaume Vilaseca Corderroure.Directora: Marina Botí; Aj. Direcció: Laura Burló; Productora: Miriam Nassim, Aj. Producció: Laura Burló, Altres: Anna Matosas; Guionista: Anna Matosas; Directora de fotografia: Anna Matosas, Càmera: Miriam Nassim, Aj. Càmera: Laura Burló, Il·luminadora: Marina Botí; Direcció artística: Marina Botí; Direcció de so: Laura Burló; Muntatge: Marina Botí, Miriam Nassim, Laura Burló; Música: Laura Burló; Post-producció: Miriam Nassim, Laura Burló, Marina Botí; Equip artístic: Claudia Pinya, Inés Durán.Una àvia porta a la seva néta Clàudia, una enxaneta de nou anys, a veure la Sagrada Família per què trobi la valentia per coronar el castell. L'àvia li ensenya la relació que existeix entre els castells i l'obra de Gaudí. Després d'observar l'edifici es produeix un canvi en l'enxaneta i aconsegueix agafar la confiança en sí mateixa i deixa de tenir por

    Evaluation of Pulsed Light to Inactivate Brettanomyces bruxellensis in White Wine and Assessment of Its Effects on Color and Aromatic Profile

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    Brettanomyces bruxellensis is a wine spoilage yeast that could be inactivated by pulsed light (PL); however, this technology may induce changes in the quality of this alcoholic drink. The present research aimed to determine the potential of PL to inactivate B. bruxellensis inoculated in white wine and to assess the effect of this technology on the color and aromatic profile of the wine. For this, a cocktail of B. bruxellensis strains was inoculated into the wine and its inactivation by PL was determined and fitted to a microbial inactivation model. Along with this, the effect of PL on instrument-measured color, and the volatile compounds of the wine were evaluated by GC/MS and descriptive sensory analysis, respectively. B. bruxellensis was inactivated according to the Geeraerd model including the tail effect, with a maximum inactivation of 2.10 log reduction at 10.7 J/cm2; this fluence was selected for further studies. PL affected wine color but the total color difference was below the just noticeable difference at 10.7 J/cm2. The concentration of 13 out of 15 volatile compounds decreased due to the PL, which was noticeable by the panel. It is not clear if these compounds were photolyzed or volatilized in the open reactor during treatment. In conclusion, PL is able to inactivate B. bruxellensis in white wine but the treatment impairs the volatile profile. The use of a closed reactor under turbulent flow is recommended for disaggregating yeast clumps that may cause the tailing of the inactivation curve, and to avoid the possible escape of volatile compounds during treatment.Ciencias de la Alimentació

    Comparison of root absorption, translocation and tolerance of arsenic in the hyperaccumulator Pteris vittata and the nonhyperaccumulator Pteris tremula

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    Several fern species can hyperaccumulate arsenic, although the mechanisms are not fully understood. Here we investigate the roles of root absorption, translocation and tolerance in As hyperaccumulation by comparing the hyperaccumulator Pteris vittata and the nonhyperaccumulator Pteris tremula. The two species were grown in a pot experiment with 0-500 mg As kg(-1) added as arsenate, and in a short-term (8 h) uptake experiment with 5 pm arsenate under phosphorus-sufficient conditions. In the pot experiment, P. vittata accumulated up to 2500 mg As kg(-1) frond d. wt and suffered no phytotoxicity. P. tremula accumulated < 100 mg As kg(-1) frond d. wt and suffered severe phytotoxicity with additions of ! 25 mg As kg-1. In the short-term uptake experiment, P. vittata had a 2.2-fold higher rate of arsenate uptake than P. tremula, and distributed more As taken up to the fronds (76%) than did P. tremula (9%). Our results show that enhanced root uptake, efficient root-to-shoot translocation, and a much elevated tolerance through internal detoxification all contribute to As hyperaccumulation in P. vittata

    Sustainability of the Legal Endowments of Water in Almond Trees and a New Generation of High Quality Hydrosustainable Almonds

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    The great consumption of water and its scarcity in many areas of the world leads „irremediably” to accept that Spanish agriculture, like other Mediterranean agricultures, must adapt to the lack of this natural resource. Deficit irrigation (DI) strategies are routine practices used worldwide in order to increase net farm income by growing the crops effectiveness to use water. The importance of using this type of strategies is the fact that farmers have the opportunity not just to reduce the water consumption but also to obtain hydro sustainable products. Those are “theoretically” characterized by a high accumulation of secondary carbon metabolites in plant and a great accumulation of bioactive compounds in fruit, according to other studies already done in pistachio or table olives. As almond is the major nut crop in Mediterranean area different DI strategies are presented within this review together with their effect on the final product quality. Thus, the aim of the current review paper is to find all the necessary information about which DI strategies are the recommended to be applied in the almond crop in order to obtain high-quality fruits environmentally friendly. In addition, methods used to determine de quality and steps necessary to certify and protect this type of products are also presented

    Sofá is fine

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    Treballs de l'alumnat del Grau de Comunicació Audiovisual, Facultat de Biblioteconomia i Documentació, Universitat de Barcelona, [Projectes II - Grup 5] . Curs: 2016-2017, Tutor: Ricard Belis Garcia.Directora: Ana Rovira; Aj. Direcció: Sandra Funes; Altres: Marina Pons; Productora: Marina Pons; Aj. Producció: Sandra Funes, Ana Matosas; Altres: Juliette Morin, Victoire Dravet; Guionista: Ana Rovira, Sandra Funes; Storyboard: Juliette Morin, Laura Burló; Director fotografia: Kim Laviós; Càmera: Kim Laviós; Il·luminador: Kim Laviós; Direcció artística: Ana Rovira; Direcció de so: Miquel Nadal; Muntatge: Miquel Nadal, Ana Rovira; Making of: Laura Burló; Xarxes socials: Laura Burló; Repartiment: Jonas Fischer, Elena Baliarda, Núria Font, Marc Vilaclara, Guillem Moseguí.La Blanca, és una noia de 18 anys que convida al seu nòvio Thomas, un noi alemany, a viure a casa dels seus pares, Calisto y Dulcinea, i el seu germà, Verde. Només arribar en Thomas decideix tallar la relació amb la Blanca, però tot i així es queda a casa seva el temps que tenia previst. Al principi a la Blanca li costa acceptar la situació i se li fa difícil la convivència, però en canvi, la resta de la família acull a en Thomas com si fos un fill més. A mida que passen els dies, la Blanca comença a superar la ruptura fins al punt d'acceptar-lo com un més i passar més temps amb ell i la seva família. La història acaba quan la Blanca busca en Thomas per tota la casa i troba una nota a sobre del sofà dient que ha marxat

    Rapid reduction of arsenate in the medium mediated by plant roots

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    Microbes detoxify arsenate by reduction and efflux of arsenite. Plants have a high capacity to reduce arsenate, but arsenic efflux has not been reported. Tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum) and rice (Oryza sativa) were grown hydroponically and supplied with 10 mu M marsenate or arsenite, with or without phosphate, for 1-3 d. The chemical species of As in nutrient solutions, roots and xylem sap were monitored, roles of microbes and root exudates in As transformation were investigated and efflux of As species from tomato roots was determined. Arsenite remained stable in the nutrient solution, whereas arsenate was rapidly reduced to arsenite. Microbes and root exudates contributed little to the reduction of external arsenate. Arsenite was the predominant species in roots and xylem sap. Phosphate inhibited arsenate uptake and the appearance of arsenite in the nutrient solution, but the reduction was near complete in 24 h in both -P- and +P-treated tomato. Phosphate had a greater effect in rice than tomato. Efflux of both arsenite and arsenate was observed; the former was inhibited and the latter enhanced by the metabolic inhibitor carbonylcyanide m-chlorophenylhydrazone. Tomato and rice roots rapidly reduce arsenate to arsenite, some of which is actively effluxed to the medium. The study reveals a new aspect of As metabolism in plants