86 research outputs found

    Foot disorders in dairy cattle : a socio-economic approach to improve dairy cow welfare

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    Klauwaandoeningen en de kreupelheid die daardoor ontstaat zijn een belangrijk probleem in de huidige melkveehouderij. Op basis van de incidentie, duur en ernst van klauwaandoeningen, worden ze aangemerkt als het belangrijkste welzijnsprobleem. Ondanks dat er veel kennis is over de klauwaandoeningen en de risicofactoren, is het probleem nog niet afgenomen. Bovendien onderschatten melkveehouders de grootte van het probleem van klauwaandoeningen, evenals de relatie met kreupelheid

    Assessing the welfare impact of foot disorders in dairy cattle by a modeling approach

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    Foot disorders are the main cause of dairy cow lameness and are considered to have a major impact on the welfare of dairy cattle. This study adopts a modeling approach, using a dynamic stochastic model, to provide more insight into the welfare impact of different types of foot disorders, both clinical and subclinical. The impact of specific foot disorders on welfare was assessed by simulating the incidence and duration of foot disorders and the pain associated with them. Pain assessment was based on locomotion scores, with underlying knowledge obtained from scientific literature and experts. The results demonstrated the seriousness of the welfare impact of foot disorders. The negative welfare impact was measured on a scale from 0 to 60, where the maximum outcome represents a cow having very severe pain during the whole year. On average, each cow achieves a welfare impact score of 12, which is 20% of the maximum welfare impact score. This welfare score equals having severe pain for a period of 3 months, indicating a serious impact on welfare. On average, digital dermatitis impacts most on welfare, which is caused by a high incidence of the painful clinical stage, followed by sole hemorrhages (SoH) and interdigital dermatitis and heel horn erosion (IDHE). The combination of a high incidence and long duration of SoH and IDHE causes this relatively high welfare impact of foot disorders that occur mostly subclinically. On average, over 1 year, 46% of the welfare impact due to foot disorders is caused by clinical foot disorders. The fact that subclinical foot disorders contribute more or less equally to the effects on welfare as clinical ones, indicates that farmers may readily underestimate the welfare impact by a factor two. Modeling welfare impact at cow level, individual cases of foot disorders, stresses the importance of pain intensity, indicating the importance of clinical foot disorders. This study demonstrated the serious welfare impact of foot disorders in dairy cattle and pointed out the considerable impact of subclinical foot disorders. Furthermore, the approach of welfare assessment, for example herd v. cow level, influenced the ranking of foot disorders for their impact on animal welfare. Potentially, this leads to different prioritization of specific solution strategies for dairy farmers, for example, focusing on cow comfort, hygiene or preventive medical treatments, foot trimming and/or health monitoring. The findings in this study support in raising awareness about this welfare issue

    Impact of lameness and claw lesions in cows on health and production

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    Lameness is one of the most important endemic diseases of cattle, particularly in the dairy sector. It has a significant impact on health and welfare and leads to a range of production losses. This article reviews the English language peer reviewed literature on the impacts of lameness in cattle on measures of health and production. There is a wealth of evidence from around the world demonstrating that lameness reduces milk yield. The extent of the reductions identified is difficult to summarise, however when losses have been calculated across a whole lactation, most are between 270 and 574kg. It is noteworthy that there is now strong evidence that lameness is a disease of high milk production i.e. high yielding animals are more likely to become lame. The impacts of lameness on nutrition and body condition appear complex. Overall the literature suggests that lameness leads to a reduction in the time spent feeding. A positive correlation between low body condition score and lameness has been demonstrated in a range of studies. Historically it was considered that lame cows lost weight as a consequence of the largely negative impacts of disease, on nutrition. Increasingly, evidence is appearing which suggests that the association between body condition score and lameness may in fact be the other way around i.e. high yielding cows which loose body condition during periods of negative energy balance become lame. The effect of lameness on fertility, measured in studies from around the world, is unequivocal. Lameness has substantial negative effects on fertility performance and reproductive parameters across a wide range of areas. Evidence on the association between lameness and culling is mixed. The majority of published work suggests that animals which suffer from lameness are more likely to be culled, although the converse has also been demonstrated. A review of the literature in this area demonstrates just how substantial the negative effects of lameness are on cattle health and production. The impacts are wide ranging and significant from both a welfare and an economic performance perspective. Further work is urgently required to control this important and prevalent condition

    Interdigital dermatitis, heel horn erosion, and digital dermatitis in 14 Norwegian dairy herds

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    AbstractThe aim of this study was to assess infectious foot diseases, including identification and characterization of Dichelobacter nodosus and Treponema spp., in herds having problems with interdigital dermatitis (ID) and heel horn erosion (E) and in control herds expected to have few problems. We also wanted to compare diseased and healthy cows in all herds. The study included 14 dairy herds with a total of 633 cows. Eight herds had a history of ID and E, and 6 were control herds. All cows were scored for lameness, and infectious foot diseases on the hind feet were recorded after trimming. Swabs and biopsies were taken from the skin of 10 cows in each herd for bacterial analyses. In total, samples were taken from 34 cows with ID, 11 with E, 40 with both ID and E, and 8 with digital dermatitis (DD), and from 47 cows with healthy feet. Swabs were analyzed for identification and characterization of D. nodosus by PCR, culture, virulence testing, and serotyping. Biopsies were analyzed by fluorescent in situ hybridization regarding histopathology, identification, and characterization of Treponema spp., and identification of D. nodosus. Interdigital dermatitis was the most frequent foot disease, with a prevalence of 50.4% in problem herds compared with 26.8% in control herds. Heel horn erosion was recorded in 34.8% of the cows in problem herds compared with 22.1% in control herds. Dichelobacter nodosus was detected in 97.1% of the cows with ID, in 36.4% with E, in all cows with both ID and E, in all cows with DD, and in 66.0% of cows with healthy feet. All serogroups of D. nodosus except F and M were detected, and all isolates were defined as benign by the gelatin gel test. Treponema spp. were detected in 50.0% of the cows with ID, in 9.1% with E, in 67.5% with ID and E, in all cows with DD, and in 6.4% of those with healthy feet. In total, 6 previously described phylotypes (PT) of Treponema were detected: PT1, PT3, PT6, PT13, and PT15 in cows with ID, PT1 in a cow with E, and PT1, PT2, PT3, PT6, and PT13 in cows with both ID and E. One new phylotype (PT19) was identified. The epidermal damage score was higher but the difference in inflammatory response of the dermis was minor in cows with ID versus those with healthy feet. Fisher’s exact test revealed an association between ID and D. nodosus, and between ID and Treponema spp. Logistic regression revealed an association between both ID and E and dirty claws (odds ratios=1.9 and 2.0, respectively). Our study indicates that D. nodosus, Treponema spp., and hygiene are involved in the pathogenesis of ID

    A Public Survey on Handling Male Chicks in the Dutch Egg Sector

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    In 2035 global egg demand will have risen 50% from 1985. Because we are not able to tell in the egg whether it will become a male or female chick, billons of one day-old male chicks will be killed. International research initiatives are underway in this area, and governments encourage the development of an alternative with the goal of eliminating the culling of day-old male chicks. The Netherlands holds an exceptional position in the European egg trade, but is also the only country in the European Union where the downside of the egg sector, the practice of killing day-old male chicks, is a recurrent subject of societal debate. ‘Preventing the killing of young animals’ and ‘in ovo sex determination’ are the two alternative approaches available to solve this problem. It is clear that both approaches solve the problem of killing day-old male chicks, either by keeping them alive or by preventing them from living, but they also raise a lot of new animal welfare-related dilemmas. A thorough analysis was undertaken of these dilemmas and the results are presented in this article. The analysis resulted in an ethical framework based on the two main approaches in bioethics: a consequentialist approach and a deontological approach. This ethical framework was used to develop an online survey administered to ascertain Dutch public opinion about these alternative approaches. The results show that neither alternative will be fully accepted, or accepted by more than half of Dutch society. However, the survey does provide an insight into the motives that are important for people’s choice: food safety and a good treatment of animals. Irrespective of the approach chosen, these values should be safeguarded and communicated clearly

    Use of Extended Characteristics of Locomotion and Feeding Behavior for Automated Identification of Lame Dairy Cows.

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    This study was carried out to detect differences in locomotion and feeding behavior in lame (group L; n = 41; gait score ≄ 2.5) and non-lame (group C; n = 12; gait score ≀ 2) multiparous Holstein cows in a cross-sectional study design. A model for automatic lameness detection was created, using data from accelerometers attached to the hind limbs and noseband sensors attached to the head. Each cow's gait was videotaped and scored on a 5-point scale before and after a period of 3 consecutive days of behavioral data recording. The mean value of 3 independent experienced observers was taken as a definite gait score and considered to be the gold standard. For statistical analysis, data from the noseband sensor and one of two accelerometers per cow (randomly selected) of 2 out of 3 randomly selected days was used. For comparison between group L and group C, the T-test, the Aspin-Welch Test and the Wilcoxon Test were used. The sensitivity and specificity for lameness detection was determined with logistic regression and ROC-analysis. Group L compared to group C had significantly lower eating and ruminating time, fewer eating chews, ruminating chews and ruminating boluses, longer lying time and lying bout duration, lower standing time, fewer standing and walking bouts, fewer, slower and shorter strides and a lower walking speed. The model considering the number of standing bouts and walking speed was the best predictor of cows being lame with a sensitivity of 90.2% and specificity of 91.7%. Sensitivity and specificity of the lameness detection model were considered to be very high, even without the use of halter data. It was concluded that under the conditions of the study farm, accelerometer data were suitable for accurately distinguishing between lame and non-lame dairy cows, even in cases of slight lameness with a gait score of 2.5
