112 research outputs found

    Kinetic Relationship between the Voltage Sensor and the Activation Gate in spHCN Channels

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    Hyperpolarization-activated cyclic nucleotide-gated (HCN) channels are activated by membrane hyperpolarizations that cause an inward movement of the positive charges in the fourth transmembrane domain (S4), which triggers channel opening. The mechanism of how the motion of S4 charges triggers channel opening is unknown. Here, we used voltage clamp fluorometry (VCF) to detect S4 conformational changes and to correlate these to the different activation steps in spHCN channels. We show that S4 undergoes two distinct conformational changes during voltage activation. Analysis of the fluorescence signals suggests that the N-terminal region of S4 undergoes conformational changes during a previously characterized mode shift in HCN channel voltage dependence, while a more C-terminal region undergoes an additional conformational change during gating charge movements. We fit our fluorescence and ionic current data to a previously proposed 10-state allosteric model for HCN channels. Our results are not compatible with a fast S4 motion and rate-limiting channel opening. Instead, our data and modeling suggest that spHCN channels open after only two S4s have moved and that S4 motion is rate limiting during voltage activation of spHCN channels

    Evidence for a Deep Pore Activation Gate in Small Conductance Ca2+-activated K+ Channels

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    Small conductance calcium-gated potassium (SK) channels share an overall topology with voltage-gated potassium (Kv) channels, but are distinct in that they are gated solely by calcium (Ca2+), not voltage. For Kv channels there is strong evidence for an activation gate at the intracellular end of the pore, which was not revealed by substituted cysteine accessibility of the homologous region in SK2 channels. In this study, the divalent ions cadmium (Cd2+) and barium (Ba2+), and 2-aminoethyl methanethiosulfonate (MTSEA) were used to probe three sites in the SK2 channel pore, each intracellular to (on the selectivity filter side of) the region that forms the intracellular activation gate of voltage-gated ion channels. We report that Cd2+ applied to the intracellular side of the membrane can modify a cysteine introduced to a site (V391C) just intracellular to the putative activation gate whether channels are open or closed. Similarly, MTSEA applied to the intracellular side of the membrane can access a cysteine residue (A384C) that, based on homology to potassium (K) channel crystal structures (i.e., the KcsA/MthK model), resides one amino acid intracellular to the glycine gating hinge. Cd2+ and MTSEA modify with similar rates whether the channels are open or closed. In contrast, Ba2+ applied to the intracellular side of the membrane, which is believed to block at the intracellular end of the selectivity filter, blocks open but not closed channels when applied to the cytoplasmic face of rSK2 channels. Moreover, Ba2+ is trapped in SK2 channels when applied to open channels that are subsequently closed. Ba2+ pre-block slows MTSEA modification of A384C in open but not in closed (Ba2+-trapped) channels. The findings suggest that the SK channel activation gate resides deep in the vestibule of the channel, perhaps in the selectivity filter itself

    Mode shift of the voltage sensors in Shaker K+ channels is caused by energetic coupling to the pore domain

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    The voltage sensors of voltage-gated ion channels undergo a conformational change upon depolarization of the membrane that leads to pore opening. This conformational change can be measured as gating currents and is thought to be transferred to the pore domain via an annealing of the covalent link between voltage sensor and pore (S4-S5 linker) and the C terminus of the pore domain (S6). Upon prolonged depolarizations, the voltage dependence of the charge movement shifts to more hyperpolarized potentials. This mode shift had been linked to C-type inactivation but has recently been suggested to be caused by a relaxation of the voltage sensor itself. In this study, we identified two ShakerIR mutations in the S4-S5 linker (I384N) and S6 (F484G) that, when mutated, completely uncouple voltage sensor movement from pore opening. Using these mutants, we show that the pore transfers energy onto the voltage sensor and that uncoupling the pore from the voltage sensor leads the voltage sensors to be activated at more negative potentials. This uncoupling also eliminates the mode shift occurring during prolonged depolarizations, indicating that the pore influences entry into the mode shift. Using voltage-clamp fluorometry, we identified that the slow conformational change of the S4 previously correlated with the mode shift disappears when uncoupling the pore. The effects can be explained by a mechanical load that is imposed upon the voltage sensors by the pore domain and allosterically modulates its conformation. Mode shift is caused by the stabilization of the open state but leads to a conformational change in the voltage sensor

    Mechanism of activation at the selectivity filter of the KcsA K(+) channel

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    Potassium channels are opened by ligands and/or membrane potential. In voltage-gated K(+) channels and the prokaryotic KcsA channel, conduction is believed to result from opening of an intracellular constriction that prevents ion entry into the pore. On the other hand, numerous ligand-gated K(+) channels lack such gate, suggesting that they may be activated by a change within the selectivity filter, a narrow region at the extracellular side of the pore. Using molecular dynamics simulations and electrophysiology measurements, we show that ligand-induced conformational changes in the KcsA channel removes steric restraints at the selectivity filter, thus resulting in structural fluctuations, reduced K(+) affinity, and increased ion permeation. Such activation of the selectivity filter may be a universal gating mechanism within K(+) channels. The occlusion of the pore at the level of the intracellular gate appears to be secondary

    Relative motion of transmembrane segments S0 and S4 during voltage sensor activation in the human BKCa channel

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    Large-conductance voltage- and Ca2+-activated K+ (BKCa) channel α subunits possess a unique transmembrane helix referred to as S0 at their N terminus, which is absent in other members of the voltage-gated channel superfamily. Recently, S0 was found to pack close to transmembrane segments S3 and S4, which are important components of the BKCa voltage-sensing apparatus. To assess the role of S0 in voltage sensitivity, we optically tracked protein conformational rearrangements from its extracellular flank by site-specific labeling with an environment-sensitive fluorophore, tetramethylrhodamine maleimide (TMRM). The structural transitions resolved from the S0 region exhibited voltage dependence similar to that of charge-bearing transmembrane domains S2 and S4. The molecular determinant of the fluorescence changes was identified in W203 at the extracellular tip of S4: at hyperpolarized potential, W203 quenches the fluorescence of TMRM labeling positions at the N-terminal flank of S0. We provide evidence that upon depolarization, W203 (in S4) moves away from the extracellular region of S0, lifting its quenching effect on TMRM fluorescence. We suggest that S0 acts as a pivot component against which the voltage-sensitive S4 moves upon depolarization to facilitate channel activation

    The gating mechanism in cyclic nucleotide-gated ion channels

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    Cyclic nucleotide-gated (CNG) channels mediate transduction in several sensory neurons. These channels use the free energy of CNs' binding to open the pore, a process referred to as gating. CNG channels belong to the superfamily of voltage-gated channels, where the motion of the \uce\ub1-helix S6 controls gating in most of its members. To date, only the open, cGMP-bound, structure of a CNG channel has been determined at atomic resolution, which is inadequate to determine the molecular events underlying gating. By using electrophysiology, site-directed mutagenesis, chemical modification, and Single Molecule Force Spectroscopy, we demonstrate that opening of CNGA1 channels is initiated by the formation of salt bridges between residues in the C-linker and S5 helix. These events trigger conformational changes of the \uce\ub1-helix S5, transmitted to the P-helix and leading to channel opening. Therefore, the superfamily of voltage-gated channels shares a similar molecular architecture but has evolved divergent gating mechanisms

    Anti-calmodulins and Tricyclic Adjuvants in Pain Therapy Block the TRPV1 Channel

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    Ca2+-loaded calmodulin normally inhibits multiple Ca2+-channels upon dangerous elevation of intracellular Ca2+ and protects cells from Ca2+-cytotoxicity, so blocking of calmodulin should theoretically lead to uncontrolled elevation of intracellular Ca2+. Paradoxically, classical anti-psychotic, anti-calmodulin drugs were noted here to inhibit Ca2+-uptake via the vanilloid inducible Ca2+-channel/inflamatory pain receptor 1 (TRPV1), which suggests that calmodulin inhibitors may block pore formation and Ca2+ entry. Functional assays on TRPV1 expressing cells support direct, dose-dependent inhibition of vanilloid-induced 45Ca2+-uptake at µM concentrations: calmidazolium (broad range)≥trifluoperazine (narrow range)>chlorpromazine/amitriptyline>fluphenazine>>W-7 and W-13 (only partially). Most likely a short acidic domain at the pore loop of the channel orifice functions as binding site either for Ca2+ or anti-calmodulin drugs. Camstatin, a selective peptide blocker of calmodulin, inhibits vanilloid-induced Ca2+-uptake in intact TRPV1+ cells, and suggests an extracellular site of inhibition. TRPV1+, inflammatory pain-conferring nociceptive neurons from sensory ganglia, were blocked by various anti-psychotic and anti-calmodulin drugs. Among them, calmidazolium, the most effective calmodulin agonist, blocked Ca2+-entry by a non-competitive kinetics, affecting the TRPV1 at a different site than the vanilloid binding pocket. Data suggest that various calmodulin antagonists dock to an extracellular site, not found in other Ca2+-channels. Calmodulin antagonist-evoked inhibition of TRPV1 and NMDA receptors/Ca2+-channels was validated by microiontophoresis of calmidazolium to laminectomised rat monitored with extracellular single unit recordings in vivo. These unexpected findings may explain empirically noted efficacy of clinical pain adjuvant therapy that justify efforts to develop hits into painkillers, selective to sensory Ca2+-channels but not affecting motoneurons

    Interdomain Interactions Control Ca2+-Dependent Potentiation in the Cation Channel TRPV4

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    Several Ca2+-permeable channels, including the non-selective cation channel TRPV4, are subject to Ca2+-dependent facilitation. Although it has been clearly demonstrated in functional experiments that calmodulin (CaM) binding to intracellular domains of TRP channels is involved in this process, the molecular mechanism remains elusive. In this study, we provide experimental evidence for a comprehensive molecular model that explains Ca2+-dependent facilitation of TRPV4. In the resting state, an intracellular domain from the channel N terminus forms an autoinhibitory complex with a C-terminal domain that includes a high-affinity CaM binding site. CaM binding, secondary to rises in intracellular Ca2+, displaces the N-terminal domain which may then form a homologous interaction with an identical domain from a second subunit. This represents a novel potentiation mechanism that may also be relevant in other Ca2+-permeable channels
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