460 research outputs found

    Determination of a colour index for fruit of pomegranate varietal group “Mollar de Elche”

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    Pomegranate acceptability by consumers and processors depends basically on a combination of several quality attributes, among them rind colour, sugar content, acidity and flavour. The pomegranate varietal group “Mollar de Elche” is one of the most highly valued worldwide because of its outstanding flavour and high antioxidant content. The aim of this study was to determine how the external colour of the fruit evolves from the young state to harvesting, focusing on obtaining a maturity index to provide growers with a cheap, rapid and non-destructive way of assessing the optimal time for harvesting. The colorimetric maturity index (MIc) proposed, which integrates the three colorimetric coordinates, L*, a* and b*, shows very little interannual variability. It also shows a high degree of correlation with the number of days elapsing since the beginning of fruit development, with fruit growth and with the chemical maturity index, permitting the period of fruit growth and ripening to be divided into four phases running from the beginning of fruit development (MIc 25, mature reddish yellow or red fruit). The index proved to be robust, with little interannual variability and a high degree of correlation with the number of days since the beginning of fruit development, fruit growth and the evolution of the chemical maturity index, permitting growers to determine cheaply, non-destructively and objectively the optimal moment for harvesting the varietal group “Mollar de Elche”

    Editorial: Resource Recovery From Waste

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    This is the final version. Available from Frontiers Media via the DOI in this record. NERCESRCDEFR

    Le défigement linguistique comme recours stylistique, et les écueils traductologiques induits de l’espagnol vers le français

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    The man\u27s gaze transcends reality to so often cosmetic purposes. Referring to literature, here we will only tackle the part of the narrative creation which are the metaphorical interpretation and its derivatives to linger over this other type of diversion realized by the language de-fossilization in its phraseology and lexical applications, leading to many puns. The translator must accommodate to this sign of discursive freedom of authors, establishing semantic and semiotic relations of collusion between the source language and the target language. This is what we will develop on the basis of about ten illustrations from Hispanic literature. For each case, we will emphasize the intuitive logic of the original find, to propose its transfer in French, pointing that through a translatological "intuitivo-cognitive" posture, the translator can develop his very own creativity, a true wager of literary faithfulness

    Evaluación de la eficacia de un programa integral de prevención secundaria de la enfermedad cardiovascular en atención primaria: estudio PREseAP

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    ObjetivosEvaluar la eficacia de un programa integral de prevención secundaria para reducir la morbimortalidad en los pacientes que han tenido una enfermedad cardiovascular, controlar los factores de riesgo y el cumplimiento de la medicación profiláctica para prevenir recurrencias y mejorar la calidad de vida de los pacientes con enfermedad cardiovascular.DiseñoEnsayo clínico aleatorizado por clusters, abierto, pragmático, en atención primaria.EmplazamientoUn total de 42 centros de salud de 8 comunidades autónomas del Estado español.ParticipantesVarones y mujeres hasta 85 años de edad, diagnosticados de enfermedad coronaria y/o accidente cerebrovascular y/o enfermedad vascular periférica en el último año, y que no presenten una enfermedad grave o terminal.IntervenciónSe aleatorizarán los centros de salud para seguir la atención habitual en los pacientes diagnosticados de enfermedad cardiovascular (grupo control) o para implantar un programa integral de prevención secundaria (grupo intervención).Mediciones principalesAcontecimientos letales atribuibles a enfermedad cardiovascular, acontecimientos no letales atribuibles a enfermedad cardiovascular, acontecimientos letales por cualquier causa y calidad de vida relacionada con la salud (SF-36).ObjectivesTo assess the efficacy of a comprehensive secondary prevention programme to reduce morbidity and mortality in patients who have suffered a cardiovascular (CV) event; to control CV risk factors and prophylactic treatment in order to prevent recurrence; and to improve the quality of life of patients with cardiovascular disease.DesignRandomised, pragmatic, open clinical trial in primary care.SettingA total of 42 primary care centres of 8 different areas in Spain.ParticipantsMen and women below 86 years old, diagnosed with coronary disease and/or stroke and/or peripheral vascular disease in the preceding year, and who have no serious or terminal disease.InterventionPrimary care centres will be randomised to following usual care (control group), or to following a comprehensive programme of secondary prevention (intervention group).Main measurementsCardiovascular fatal events, cardiovascular non-fatal events, total mortality and health-related quality of life (SF-36)

    Soil carbon stocks and their variability across the forests, shrublands and grasslands of peninsular Spain

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    Accurate estimates of C stocks and fluxes of soil organic carbon (SOC) are needed to assess the impact of climate and land use change on soil C uptake and soil C emissions to the atmosphere. Here, we present an assessment of SOC stocks in forests, shrublands and grasslands of peninsular Spain based on field measurements in more than 900 soil profiles. SOC to a depth of 1 m was modelled as a function of vegetation cover, mean annual temperature, total annual precipitation, elevation and the interaction between temperature and elevation, while latitude and longitude were used to model the correlation structure of the errors. The resulting statistical model was used to estimate SOC in the ∼8 million pixels of the Spanish Forest Map (29.3 × 10⁶ ha). We present what we believe is the most reliable estimation of current SOC in forests, shrublands and grasslands of peninsular Spain thus far, based on the use of spatial modelling, the high number of profiles and the validity and refinement of the data layers employed. Mean concentration of SOC was 8.7 kg m-₂, ranging from 2.3 kg m-₂ in dry Mediterranean areas to 20.4 kg m-₂ in wetter northern locations. This value corresponds to a total stock of 2.544 Tg SOC, which is four times the amount of C estimated to be stored in the biomass of Spanish forests. Climate and vegetation cover were the main variables influencing SOC, with important ecological implications for peninsular Spanish ecosystems in the face of global change. The fact that SOC was positively related to annual precipitation and negatively related to mean annual temperature suggests that future climate change predictions of increased temperature and reduced precipitation may strongly reduce the potential of Spanish soils as C sinks. However, this may be mediated by changes in vegetation cover (e.g. by favouring the development of forests associated to higher SOC values) and exacerbated by perturbations such as fire. The estimations presented here provide a baseline to estimate future changes in soil C stocks and to assess their vulnerability to key global change drivers, and should inform future actions aimed at the conservation and management of C stocks

    Xenoestrogens released from lacquer coatings in food cans

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    We present data showing that some foods preserved in lacquer-coated cans and the liquid in them may acquire estrogenic activity. Hormonal activity was measured using the E-screen bioassay. The biological activity of vegetables packed in cans was a result of plastic monomers used in manufacturing the containers. The plastic monomer bisphenol-A, identified by mass spectrometry, was found as a contaminant not only in the liquid of the preserved vegetables but also in water autoclaved in the cans. The amount of bisphenol-A in the extracts accounted for all the hormonal activity measured. Although the presence of other xenoestrogens cannot be ruled out, it is apparent that all estrogenic activity in these cans was due to bisphenol-A leached from the lacquer coating. The use of plastic in food-packaging materials may require closer scrutiny to determine whether epoxy resins and polycarbonates contribute to human exposure to xenoestrogens.This work was supported by grant 94/1551 from the Fondo de Investigaciones Sanitarias (FIS), Spanish Ministry of Health

    Mountain farmland protection and fire-smart management jointly reduce fire hazard and enhance biodiversity and carbon sequestration

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    The environmental and socio-economic impacts of wildfires are foreseen to increase across southern Europe over the next decades regardless of increasing resources allocated for fire suppression. This study aims to identify fire-smart management strategies that promote wildfire hazard reduction, climate regulation ecosystem service and biodiversity conservation. Here we simulate fire-landscape dynamics, carbon sequestration and species distribution (116 vertebrates) in the Transboundary Biosphere Reserve Gerês-Xurés (NW Iberia). We envisage 11 scenarios resulting from different management strategies following four storylines: Business-as-usual (BAU), expansion of High Nature Value farmlands (HNVf), Fire-Smart forest management, and HNVf plus Fire-Smart. Fire-landscape simulations reveal an increase of up to 25% of annual burned area. HNVf areas may counterbalance this increasing fire impact, especially when combined with fire-smart strategies (reductions of up to 50% between 2031 and 2050). The Fire-Smart and BAU scenarios attain the highest estimates for total carbon sequestered. A decrease in habitat suitability (around 18%) since 1990 is predicted for species of conservation concern under the BAU scenario, while HNVf would support the best outcomes in terms of conservation. Our study highlights the benefits of integrating fire hazard control, ecosystem service supply and biodiversity conservation to inform better decision-making in mountain landscapes of Southern Europe.This research work was funded by national funds through the FCT – Foundation for Science and Technology, I.P., under the FirESmart project (PCIF/MOG/0083/2017) and the project INMODES (CGL2017- 89999-C2-2-R) funded by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation. A.R. was funded by the Xunta de Galicia (postdoctoral fellowship ED481B2016/084-0) and IACOBUS program (INTERREG VA España – Portugal, POCTEP 2014-2020). J.D. and A.R. thanks the support of Xunta de Galicia ED431B 2018/36. Â. Sil received support from the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT) through Ph.D. Grant SFRH/BD/132838/2017, funded by the Ministry of Science, Technology and Higher Education, and by the European Social Fund - Operational Program Human Capital within the 2014- 2020 EU Strategic Framework. FM-F has a contract from FCT (ref. DL57/2016/CP1440/CT0010). We thank to Adrián Lamosa Torres, Xosé Pardavila and Alberto Gil for their help during fieldwork in Xurés and Rafael Vázquez for providing additional data for amphibians and reptiles.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Using fire to enhance rewilding when agricultural policies fail

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    Rewilding has been proposed as an opportunity for biodiversity conservation in abandoned landscapes. However, rewilding is challenged by the increasing fire risk associated with more flammable landscapes, and the loss of open-habitat specialist species. Contrastingly, supporting High Nature Value farmlands (HNVf) has been also highlighted as a valuable option, but the effective implementation of agricultural policies often fails leading to uncertain scenarios wherein the effects of wildfire management remain largely unexplored. Herein, we simulated fire-landscape dynamics to evaluate howfire suppression scenarios affect fire regime and biodiversity (102 species of vertebrates) under rewilding and HNVf policies in the future (2050), in a transnational biosphere reserve (Gerês-Xurés Mountains, Portugal-Spain). Rewilding and HNVf scenarios were modulated by three different levels of fire suppression effectiveness. Then, we quantified scenario effects on fire regime (burned and suppressed areas) and biodiversity (habitat suitability change for 2050). Simulations confirm HNVf as a longterm opportunity for fire suppression (up to 30,000 ha of additional suppressed areas between 2031 and 2050 in comparison to rewilding scenario) and for conservation (benefiting around 60% of species). Rewilding benefits some species (20%), including critically endangered, vulnerable and endemic taxa, while several species (33%) also profit from open habitats created by fire. Although HNVf remains the best scenario, rewilding reinforced by low fire suppression management may provide a nature-based solution when societal support through agricultural policies failsinfo:eu-repo/semantics/acceptedVersio

    Pipelines and Systems for Threshold-Avoiding Quantification of LC-MS/MS Data

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    The accurate processing of complex liquid chromatography coupled to tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) data from biological samples is a major challenge for metabolomics, proteomics, and related approaches. Here, we present the pipelines and systems for threshold-avoiding quantification (PASTAQ) LC-MS/MS preprocessing toolset, which allows highly accurate quantification of data-dependent acquisition LC-MS/MS datasets. PASTAQ performs compound quantification using single-stage (MS1) data and implements novel algorithms for high-performance and accurate quantification, retention time alignment, feature detection, and linking annotations from multiple identification engines. PASTAQ offers straightforward parameterization and automatic generation of quality control plots for data and preprocessing assessment. This design results in smaller variance when analyzing replicates of proteomes mixed with known ratios and allows the detection of peptides over a larger dynamic concentration range compared to widely used proteomics preprocessing tools. The performance of the pipeline is also demonstrated in a biological human serum dataset for the identification of gender-related proteins.</p