76 research outputs found

    Biogeography of species richness gradients:Linking adaptive traits, demography and diversification

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    Here we review how adaptive traits contribute to the emergence and maintenance of species richness gradients through their influence on demographic and diversification processes. We start by reviewing how demographic dynamics change along species richness gradients. Empirical studies show that geographical clines in population parameters and measures of demographic variability are frequent along latitudinal and altitudinal gradients. Demographic variability often increases at the extremes of regional species richness gradients and contributes to shape these gradients. Available studies suggest that adaptive traits significantly influence demographic dynamics, and set the limits of species distributions. Traits related to thermal tolerance, resource use, phenology and dispersal seem to play a significant role. For many traits affecting demography and/or diversification processes, complex mechanistic approaches linking genotype, phenotype and fitness are becoming progressively available. In several taxa, species can be distributed along adaptive trait continuums, i.e. a main axis accounting for the bulk of inter-specific variation in some correlated adaptive traits. It is shown that adaptive trait continuums can provide useful mechanistic frameworks to explain demographic dynamics and diversification in species richness gradients. Finally, we review the existence of sequences of adaptive traits in phylogenies, the interactions of adaptive traits and community context, the clinal variation of traits across geographical gradients, and the role of adaptive traits in determining the history of dispersal and diversification of clades. Overall, we show that the study of demographic and evolutionary mechanisms that shape species richness gradients clearly requires the explicit consideration of adaptive traits. To conclude, future research lines and trends in the field are briefly outlined

    Does fire increase the seasonal variability of bird communities? A case in Mediterranean shrublands

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    Les incendies, phanomènes habituels dans les paysages méditerranéens, sont l'une des principales perturbations écologiques des systèmes terrestres. On a cherché à vérifier l'hypothèse selon laquelle les variations saisonnières des communautés d'oiseaux augmenteraient dans les zones brûlées. En utilisant la méthode des points d'écoute pendant la période de nidification et l'hiver 1997 et 1998, on a déterminé la composition et l'abondance de ces communautés dans trois zones (non-brûlée, brûlée en 1982 et brûlée en 1994). Entre ces deux saisons, les zones incendiées ont montré un accroissement du nombre d'espèces forestières, tandis que dans la zone intacte la communauté est restée stable le long du gradient forêt-milieux ouverts. De plus, le turn-over saisonnier fut supérieur dans les zones brûlées sans que ceci implique une variation de la richesse spécifique au long de l'année. Contrairement aux zones brûlées, les parties intactes n'ont pas montré de grandes fluctuations d'abondance des espèces, ce qui y suggère une plus forte cyclicité annuelle de la disponibilité des ressources. Ces résultats indiquent que le feu augmenterait la variabilité saisonnière des communautés d'oiseaux.Fire, a frequent phenomenon in Mediterranean landscapes, is a major ecological disturbance in terrestrial ecosystems. We hypothesized that bird communities undergo greater seasonal changes in burnt areas than in unburnt ones. Using the point-count method we assessed bird species composition and abundance in three zones (unburnt, burnt in 1982, and burnt in 1994) during the breeding and wintering seasons of 1997 and 1998. From the breeding to the wintering seasons, burnt zones showed an increase in forest species, whereas the bird community of the unburnt zone remained stable in the gradient open-forest species. Moreover, the seasonal turnover of communities was higher in burnt zones than in the unburnt ones, although this did not imply that the former varied in richness through the year. The pattern of bird abundance in the unburnt zone was similar during the two study years, in contrast with that of burnt zones, suggesting higher annual cyclicity in resource availability in unburnt areas. These findings suggest that fire increases the seasonal variability of bird communities

    Efficiency of species survey networks can be improved by integrating different monitoring approaches in a spatial prioritization design

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    Public participation to monitoring programs is increasingly advocated to overcome scarcity of resources and deliver important information for policy-making. Here, we illustrate the design of optimal monitoring networks for bird species of conservation concern in Catalonia (NE Spain), under different scenarios of combined governmental and citizen-science monitoring approaches. In our case study, current government efforts, limited to protected areas, were insufficient to cover the whole spectrum of target species and species-threat levels, reinforcing the assumption that citizen-science data can greatly assist in achieving monitoring targets. However, simply carrying out both government and citizen-science monitoring ad hoc led to inefficiency and duplication of efforts: some species were represented in excess of targets while several features were undersampled. Policy-making should concentrate on providing an adequate platform for coordination of government and public-participatory monitoring to minimize duplicated efforts, overcome the biases of each monitoring program and obtain the best from both

    Prevalence of Post COVID-19 Condition in Primary Care : A Cross Sectional Study

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    Background: The COVID-19 pandemic is a major challenge for health systems, citizens and policymakers worldwide. It is not known how many people are affected with longer term se-quelae after acute COVID-19 and a wide range of prevalence estimates have been reported with a high heterogeneity between studies. Methods: We designed a cross-sectional study to estimate the prevalence of post COVID-19 conditions in a community setting. We selected a random sample of 579 individuals from three different primary health care centers and collected information on symptoms through a standardized questionnaire. Results: Our main study finding was an overall population prevalence of 14.34% (95% CI 11.58%-17.46%) of post COVID-19. Only 9% of patients were hospitalized in our study. Prevalence was higher in women than men (15.63% versus 13.06%) and the most frequent persistent symptoms were fatigue (44.6%), smell impairment (27.7%) and dysp-nea (24.09%). Conclusions: The prevalence of post COVID-19 condition was lower than expected according to other studies published in the literature. The prevalence was higher in women than men, and the most frequent persistent symptoms were fatigue, smell impairment, and dyspnea

    More future synergies and less trade-offs between forest ecosystem services with natural climate solutions instead of bioeconomy solutions

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    To reach the Paris Agreement, societies need to increase the global terrestrial carbon sink. There are many climate change mitigation solutions (CCMS) for forests, including increasing bioenergy, bioeconomy, and protection. Bioenergy and bioeconomy solutions use climate-smart, intensive management to generate high quantities of bioenergy and bioproducts. Protection of (semi-)natural forests is a major component of "natural climate solution" (NCS) since forests store carbon in standing biomass and soil. Furthermore, protected forests provide more habitat for biodiversity and non-wood ecosystem services (ES). We investigated the impacts of different CCMS and climate scenarios, jointly or in isolation, on future wood ES, non-wood ES, and regulating ES for a major wood provider for the international market. Specifically, we projected future ES given by three CCMS scenarios for Sweden 2020-2100. In the long term, fulfilling the increasing wood demand through bioenergy and bioeconomy solutions will decrease ES multifunctionality, but the increased stand age and wood stocks induced by rising greenhouse gas (GHG) concentrations will partially offset these negative effects. Adopting bioenergy and bioeconomy solutions will have a greater negative impact on ES supply than adopting NCS. Bioenergy or bioeconomy solutions, as well as increasing GHG emissions, will reduce synergies and increase trade-offs in ES. NCS, by contrast, increases the supply of multiple ES in synergy, even transforming current ES trade-offs into future synergies. Moreover, NCS can be considered an adaptation measure to offset negative climate change effects on the future supplies of non-wood ES. In boreal countries around the world, forestry strategies that integrate NCS more deeply are crucial to ensure a synergistic supply of multiple ES

    Incorporating fire-smartness into agricultural policies reduces suppression costs and ecosystem services damages from wildfires

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    In southern Europe, land abandonment and an unbalanced investment toward fire suppression instead of prevention has gradually increased wildfire risk, which calls for a paradigm change in fire management policies. Here we combined scenario analysis, fire landscape modelling, and economic tools to identify which land-use policies would reduce the expected wildfire-related losses in the Transboundary Biosphere Reserve ‘Gerês-Xurés’ (Spain-Portugal). To do so, we applied the least-cost-plus-net-value-change approach and estimated net changes in wildfire damages based on their implications for the 2010-2050 period and five ecosystem services: agriculture, pasture, timber, recreation and climate regulation. Four land-use scenarios were considered: (1) Business as Usual (BAU); (2) fire-smart, fostering more fire-resistant (less flammable) and/or fire-resilient landscapes (fire-smart); (3) High Nature Value farmlands (HNVf), wherein the abandonment of extensive agriculture is reversed; and (4) a combination of HNVf and fire-smart. HNVf is the best scenario for suppression cost savings, but it generates the lowest net present value of societal benefits from climate regulation. In fact, the most efficient scenario with the lowest societal discounted net suppression costs and change on ecosystem services damages is the HNVf + fire-smart scenario, as it also generates suppression cost savings from agricultural expansion, and lead to a significant reduction in damages on timber and recreational benefits. Therefore, reverting land abandonment through recultivation and promoting fire-resistant tree species is the most efficient way to reduce wildfire hazard. In this sense, payments for ecosystem services should reward farmers and landowners for their role in wildfire prevention. This study improves the understanding of the financial and societal benefits derived from reducing fire suppression spending and ecosystem services damage by undertaking fire-smart land-use strategies, which can be essential to enhance local stakeholders' support for Payments of Ecosystem Services policies for wildfire prevention

    Using the first European Breeding Bird Atlas for science and perspectives for the new Atlas

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    Capsule The first European Bird Census Council (EBCC) Atlas of European Breeding Birds has been widely used in scientific publications. Aims To quantify how scientific publications have used data from the first European Bird Census Council (EBCC) Atlas of European Breeding Birds, what the topics of these studies have been, and to identify key aspects in which a second European Breeding Bird Atlas will provide new opportunities for basic and applied science. Methods We searched Google Scholar to find papers published in scientific journals that cited the first atlas. We analysed the contents of a random selection of 100 papers citing this atlas and described the way these papers used information from it. Results The first atlas has been cited in 3150 scientific publications, and can be regarded as a fundamental reference for studies about birds in Europe. It was extensively used as a key reference for the studied bird species. A substantial number of papers re-analysed atlas data to derive new information on species distribution, ecological traits and population sizes. Distribution and ecology were the most frequent topics of studies referring to the atlas, but this source of information was used in a diverse range of studies. In this context, climate change, impact of agriculture and habitat loss were, by order, the most frequently studied environmental pressures. Constraints in the atlas, such as the poor coverage in the east of Europe, the lack of information on distribution change and the coarse resolution were identified as issues limiting the use of the atlas for some purposes. Conclusions This study demonstrates the scientific value of European-wide breeding bird atlases. A second atlas, with its almost complete coverage across Europe, the incorporation of changes in distribution between the two atlases and the inclusion of modelled maps at a resolution of 10 x 10 km will certainly become a key data source and reference for researchers in the near future.Peer reviewe

    Using fire to enhance rewilding when agricultural policies fail

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    Rewilding has been proposed as an opportunity for biodiversity conservation in abandoned landscapes. However, rewilding is challenged by the increasing fire risk associated with more flammable landscapes, and the loss of open-habitat specialist species. Contrastingly, supporting High Nature Value farmlands (HNVf) has been also highlighted as a valuable option, but the effective implementation of agricultural policies often fails leading to uncertain scenarios wherein the effects of wildfire management remain largely unexplored. Herein, we simulated fire-landscape dynamics to evaluate howfire suppression scenarios affect fire regime and biodiversity (102 species of vertebrates) under rewilding and HNVf policies in the future (2050), in a transnational biosphere reserve (Gerês-Xurés Mountains, Portugal-Spain). Rewilding and HNVf scenarios were modulated by three different levels of fire suppression effectiveness. Then, we quantified scenario effects on fire regime (burned and suppressed areas) and biodiversity (habitat suitability change for 2050). Simulations confirm HNVf as a longterm opportunity for fire suppression (up to 30,000 ha of additional suppressed areas between 2031 and 2050 in comparison to rewilding scenario) and for conservation (benefiting around 60% of species). Rewilding benefits some species (20%), including critically endangered, vulnerable and endemic taxa, while several species (33%) also profit from open habitats created by fire. Although HNVf remains the best scenario, rewilding reinforced by low fire suppression management may provide a nature-based solution when societal support through agricultural policies failsinfo:eu-repo/semantics/acceptedVersio

    Synthesizing plausible futures for biodiversity and ecosystem services in Europe and Central Asia using scenario archetypes

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    Scenarios are a useful tool to explore possible futures of social-ecological systems. The number of scenarios has increased dramatically over recent decades, with a large diversity in temporal and spatial scales, purposes, themes, development methods, and content. Scenario archetypes generically describe future developments and can be useful in meaningfully classifying scenarios, structuring and summarizing the overwhelming amount of information, and enabling scientific outputs to more effectively interface with decision-making frameworks. The Intergovernmental Platform for Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES) faced this challenge and used scenario archetypes in its assessment of future interactions between nature and society. We describe the use of scenario archetypes in the IPBES Regional Assessment of Europe and Central Asia. Six scenario archetypes for the region are described in terms of their driver assumptions and impacts on nature (including biodiversity) and its contributions to people (including ecosystem services): business-as-usual, economic optimism, regional competition, regional sustainability, global sustainable development, and inequality. The analysis shows that trade-offs between nature’s contributions to people are projected under different scenario archetypes. However, the means of resolving these trade-offs depend on differing political and societal value judgements within each scenario archetype. Scenarios that include proactive decision making on environmental issues, environmental management approaches that support multifunctionality, and mainstreaming environmental issues across sectors, are generally more successful in mitigating trade-offs than isolated environmental policies. Furthermore, those scenario archetypes that focus on achieving a balanced supply of nature’s contributions to people and that incorporate a diversity of values are estimated to achieve more policy goals and targets, such as the UN Sustainable Development Goals and the Convention on Biological Diversity Aichi targets. The scenario archetypes approach is shown to be helpful in supporting science-policy dialogue for proactive decision making that anticipates change, mitigates undesirable trade-offs, and fosters societal transformation in pursuit of sustainable development