69 research outputs found

    Bildungsmanagement im Innovationsprozess: Eine fallbezogene Untersuchung der Interaktion von Innovations- und Bildungsaktivitäten in Organisationen

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    Auf der Suche nach der Basis von Innovationen rücken zunehmend Lernprozesse in den Vordergrund. Dies führt zu einer Verknüpfung von technologischen Entwicklungen mit Konzepten der Personal-, Organisations- und Kompetenzentwicklung. Dabei wird Bildung gern als Nebenprodukt, Voraussetzung oder Konsequenz technischer, ökonomischer oder sozialer Innovationen behandelt. Im Rahmen der vorliegenden Arbeit wird das Ineinandergreifen von Innovations- und Bildungsaktivitäten thematisiert und zur übergreifenden Fragestellung: Wie, wann und warum unterstützen organisationale Bildungsaktivitäten das Hervorbringen von Innovationen? Zur Beantwortung der Forschungsfragen wird einer explorativen Forschungsstrategie sowie einer qualitativen Forschungsmethodologie gefolgt. Im Rahmen einer Fallstudie wurden sieben Organisationen untersucht. Durch die Analyse der empirischen Daten konnte das soziale Agieren aufgedeckt sowie eine Tiefenstruktur erarbeitet werden. Die Erkenntnisse führen zur Konstruktion einer Innovationsdidaktik, die eingehend beschrieben wird und mit Implikationen für den Innovationsalltag verknüpft ist.In the search for the basis of innovation, learning processes increasingly emerge in the foreground. This leads to a linkage of technological developments with concepts of personnel, organisational and competence development. Education is often treated as a co-product, prerequisite or consequence of technical, economic or social innovations. Within the present work, the linkage of innovation and education practices is addressed and the general question is: How, when and why do organisational education activities support the production of innovations? To answer the research questions, an explorative research strategy and a qualitative research methodology will be used. Within the framework of a case study, seven organisations were examined. Through the analysis of the empirical data, social action was uncovered and a depth structure was elaborated. The findings lead to the construction of an innovation didactic, which is described in detail and linked with implications for everyday innovation life

    Expansionslernprojekt Nachhaltigkeitsbeauftragter (ELP NHB)

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    Veränderungen sind in Lebens- und Arbeitskontexten allgegenwärtig. Sie führen zum Durchbrechen von routinierten Pfaden und Auflösen von Rezeptwissen. Darüber hinaus generieren sie Unsicherheit, Komplexität und Widersprüchlichkeit. Studierenden diese Phänomene zu vergegenwärtigen bzw. sie für diese zu sensibilisieren ist ebenso eine Herausforderung der Hochschuldidaktik. Des Weiteren sieht sich die Hochschule des 21. Jahrhunderts mit der Bildung für nachhaltige Entwicklung konfrontiert. Im Rahmen des Lehr-Lern-Projekts haben wir uns dieser Schwerpunkte angenommen. Der Werkstattbericht verdeutlicht die Generierung einer expansiven Bildungskonzeption und versucht einen Möglichkeitsraum für die Hochschuldidaktik zu schaffen. Des Weiteren stellen wir die Evaluation sowie Implikationen für eine Weiterentwicklung des didaktischen Konzepts dar

    Confining Metal-Halide Perovskites in Nanoporous Thin Films

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    Controlling size and shape of semiconducting nanocrystals advances nanoelectronics and photonics. Quantum confined, inexpensive, solution derived metal halide perovskites offer narrow band, color-pure emitters as integral parts of next-generation displays and optoelectronic devices. We use nanoporous silicon and alumina thin films as templates for the growth of perovskite nanocrystallites directly within device-relevant architectures without the use of colloidal stabilization. We find significantly blue shifted photoluminescence emission by reducing the pore size; normally infrared-emitting materials become visibly red, green-emitting materials cyan and blue. Confining perovskite nanocrystals within porous oxide thin films drastically increases photoluminescence stability as the templates auspiciously serve as encapsulation. We quantify the template-induced size of the perovskite crystals in nanoporous silicon with microfocus high-energy X-ray depth profiling in transmission geometry, verifying the growth of perovskite nanocrystals throughout the entire thickness of the nanoporous films. Low-voltage electroluminescent diodes with narrow, blue-shifted emission fabricated from nanocrystalline perovskites grown in embedded nanoporous alumina thin films substantiate our general concept for next generation photonic devices

    Evolution of Porosity in Suspension Thermal Sprayed YSZ Thermal Barrier Coatings through Neutron Scattering and Image Analysis Techniques

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    Porosity is a key parameter on thermal barrier coatings, directly influencing thermal conductivity and strain tolerance. Suspension high velocity oxy-fuel (SHVOF) thermal spraying enables the use of sub-micron particles, increasing control over porosity and introducing nano-sized pores. Neutron scattering is capable of studying porosity with radii between 1 nm and 10 µm, thanks to the combination of small-angle and ultra-small-angle neutron scattering. Image analysis allows for the study of porosity with radii above ~100 nm. For the first time in SHVOF 8YSZ, pore size distribution, total porosity and pore morphology were studied to determine the effects of heat treatment. X-ray diffraction and micro-hardness measurements were performed to study the phase transformation, and its effects on the mechanical properties. The results show an abundant presence of nano-pores in the as-sprayed coatings, which are eliminated after heat treatment at 1100 °C; a transition from inter-splat lamellar to globular pores and the appearance of micro-cracks along with the accumulation of micro-strains associated with the phase transformation at 1200 °C

    Giant capsids from lattice self-assembly of cyclodextrin complexes

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    Proteins can readily assemble into rigid, crystalline and functional structures such as viral capsids and bacterial compartments. Despite ongoing advances, it is still a fundamental challenge to design and synthesize protein-mimetic molecules to form crystalline structures. Here we report the lattice self-assembly of cyclodextrin complexes into a variety of capsidlike structures such as lamellae, helical tubes and hollow rhombic dodecahedra. The dodecahedral morphology has not hitherto been observed in self-assembly systems. The tubes can spontaneously encapsulate colloidal particles and liposomes. The dodecahedra and tubes are respectively comparable to and much larger than the largest known virus. In particular, the resemblance to protein assemblies is not limited to morphology but extends to structural rigidity and crystallinity-a well-defined, 2D rhombic lattice of molecular arrangement is strikingly universal for all the observed structures. We propose a simple design rule for the current lattice self-assembly, potentially opening doors for new protein-mimetic materials

    Structural studies of thermally stable, combustion-resistant polymer composites

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    Composites of the industrially important polymer, poly(methyl methacrylate) (PMMA), were prepared by free-radical polymerization of MMA with varying amounts (1–30 wt. %) of sodium dioctylsulfosuccinate (Aerosol OT or AOT) surfactant added to the reaction mixture. The composites with AOT incorporated show enhanced resistance to thermal degradation compared to pure PMMA homopolymer, and micro-cone combustion calorimetry measurements also show that the composites are combustion-resistant. The physical properties of the polymers, particularly at low concentrations of surfactant, are not significantly modified by the incorporation of AOT, whereas the degradation is modified considerably for even the smallest concentration of AOT (1 wt. %). Structural analyses over very different lengthscales were performed. X-ray scattering was used to determine nm-scale structure, and scanning electron microscopy was used to determine μm-scale structure. Two self-assembled species were observed: large phase-separated regions of AOT using electron microscopy and regions of hexagonally packed rods of AOT using X-ray scattering. Therefore, the combustion resistance is observed whenever AOT self-assembles. These results demonstrate a promising method of physically incorporating a small organic molecule to obtain a highly thermally stable and combustion-resistant material without significantly changing the properties of the polymer