35 research outputs found

    First observations with SuperCam and future plans

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    Supercam is a 345 GHz, 64-pixel heterodyne imaging array for the Heinrich Hertz Submillimeter Telescope (HHSMT). By integrating SIS mixer devices with Low Noise Ampliers (LNAs) in 8 - 1x8 pixel modules, the size needed for the cryostat and the complexity of internal wiring is signicantly reduced. All subsystems including the optics, cryostat, bias system, IF boxes, and spectrometer have been integrated for all 64 pixels. In the spring of 2012, SuperCam was installed on the HHSMT for an engineering run where it underwent system level tests and performed rst light observations. In the fall of 2012 SuperCam will begin a 500 square degree survey of the Galactic Plane in ^(12)CO J=3-2. This large-scale survey will help answer fundamental questions about the formation, physical conditions, and energetics of molecular clouds within the Milky Way. The data set will be available via the web to all interested researchers

    Genetic correlation between amyotrophic lateral sclerosis and schizophrenia

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    A. Palotie on työryhmän Schizophrenia Working Grp Psychiat jäsen.We have previously shown higher-than-expected rates of schizophrenia in relatives of patients with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), suggesting an aetiological relationship between the diseases. Here, we investigate the genetic relationship between ALS and schizophrenia using genome-wide association study data from over 100,000 unique individuals. Using linkage disequilibrium score regression, we estimate the genetic correlation between ALS and schizophrenia to be 14.3% (7.05-21.6; P = 1 x 10(-4)) with schizophrenia polygenic risk scores explaining up to 0.12% of the variance in ALS (P = 8.4 x 10(-7)). A modest increase in comorbidity of ALS and schizophrenia is expected given these findings (odds ratio 1.08-1.26) but this would require very large studies to observe epidemiologically. We identify five potential novel ALS-associated loci using conditional false discovery rate analysis. It is likely that shared neurobiological mechanisms between these two disorders will engender novel hypotheses in future preclinical and clinical studies.Peer reviewe

    Interspecies website leads to a reduction in laboratory animal use

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    De RIVM interspecies website heeft ertoe bijgedragen dat het aantal proefdieren de afgelopen vijf jaar is afgenomen. Dit blijkt uit een enquête die in 2010 onder de gebruikers van deze website is gehouden. Daarmee levert de website een effectieve bijdrage aan een van de beleidsdoelstellingen van VWS om het aantal proefdieren te verminderen. De website (www.rivm.nl/interspeciesinfo) is vijf jaar geleden opgezet om het aantal proefdieren te verminderen. De website bevat fysiologische en anatomische gegevens van proefdieren en mensen. Door deze gegevens met elkaar te vergelijken kan de meest relevante proefdieropzet worden gekozen, bijvoorbeeld de juiste proefdierkeuze waardoor geen onnodig proefdieronderzoek plaatsvindt. De proefdiergegevens worden gebruikt om effecten van stoffen op de mens te voorspellen. Maandelijks maken 5500 unieke bezoekers gebruik van de site. De helft van de 73 respondenten van de enquête geeft aan dat het gebruik van de website ertoe heeft geleid dat het aantal proefdieren voor hun werk is gedaald. De besparing varieert van 1 tot 65 procent op jaarbasis met een gemiddelde van 22 procent. Dat zijn ongeveer 20.000 dieren per jaar. Gezien de beperkte omvang van het aantal respondenten is deze vermindering erg hoog.A website user survey showed that information provided by the interspecies website of the National Institute for Public Health and the Environment has led to a reduction in laboratory animal use. The survey was carried out in 2010. It can therefore be concluded that the website effectively contributes to the policy goal of the Dutch Ministry of Health, Welfare and Sport to effect a reduction in the use of laboratory animals. The website (www.rivm.nl/interspeciesinfo) was set up in 2006 with the objective of reducing the use of laboratory animals. Data freely available on the website include physiological and anatomical parameters of laboratory animals and humans. By comparing these parameters, the user of the website is able to design more efficient animal studies; for example, the appropriate animal species can be chosen and unnecessary animal studies prevented. The results of such animal studies are used to predict the effects of compounds in humans. The website has 5,500 unique visitors per month. Half of the respondents (73 in total) indicated that the use of the website has led to a reduction in the number of laboratory animals being used in their work. The reported reduction varied between 1 and 65% of the number of animals used annually, with an average of 22%. This is a decrease of approximately 20,000 animals per year. This reduction is very high taking into account the limited size of this user survey.VW

    Engineering and science data from SuperCam: A 64-pixel heterodyne receiver for CO J=3−2 at 345 GHz

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    SuperCam is a 64-pixel heterodyne imaging array designed for use on ground-based submillimeter telescopes to observe the astrophysically important CO J=3-2 emission line at 345 GHz. Each pixel in the array has its own integrated superconductor-insulator-superconductor (SIS) mixer and low noise amplifier. In spring 2012, SuperCam was installed on the University of Arizona Submillimeter Telescope (SMT) for its first engineering run. SuperCam completed two additional science runs in May 2013 and March 2014. During these science runs, over 80% of the pixels were in operation with a median double sideband receiver temperature of 104 K and an Allan time of ~100 s

    Engineering and science data from SuperCam: A 64-pixel heterodyne receiver for CO J=3−2 at 345 GHz

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    SuperCam is a 64-pixel heterodyne imaging array designed for use on ground-based submillimeter telescopes to observe the astrophysically important CO J=3-2 emission line at 345 GHz. Each pixel in the array has its own integrated superconductor-insulator-superconductor (SIS) mixer and low noise amplifier. In spring 2012, SuperCam was installed on the University of Arizona Submillimeter Telescope (SMT) for its first engineering run. SuperCam completed two additional science runs in May 2013 and March 2014. During these science runs, over 80% of the pixels were in operation with a median double sideband receiver temperature of 104 K and an Allan time of ~100 s