66 research outputs found

    A productivity collapse to end earth's great oxidation

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    Author Posting. © National Academy of Sciences, 2019. This article is posted here by permission of National Academy of Sciences for personal use, not for redistribution. The definitive version was published in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 116 (35), (2019): 17207-17212, doi:10.1073/pnas.1900325116.It has been hypothesized that the overall size of—or efficiency of carbon export from—the biosphere decreased at the end of the Great Oxidation Event (GOE) (ca. 2,400 to 2,050 Ma). However, the timing, tempo, and trigger for this decrease remain poorly constrained. Here we test this hypothesis by studying the isotope geochemistry of sulfate minerals from the Belcher Group, in subarctic Canada. Using insights from sulfur and barium isotope measurements, combined with radiometric ages from bracketing strata, we infer that the sulfate minerals studied here record ambient sulfate in the immediate aftermath of the GOE (ca. 2,018 Ma). These sulfate minerals captured negative triple-oxygen isotope anomalies as low as ∼ −0.8‰. Such negative values occurring shortly after the GOE require a rapid reduction in primary productivity of >80%, although even larger reductions are plausible. Given that these data imply a collapse in primary productivity rather than export efficiency, the trigger for this shift in the Earth system must reflect a change in the availability of nutrients, such as phosphorus. Cumulatively, these data highlight that Earth’s GOE is a tale of feast and famine: A geologically unprecedented reduction in the size of the biosphere occurred across the end-GOE transition.Olivia M. J. Dagnaud assisted during fieldwork. S. V. Lalonde and E. A. Sperling provided helpful comments on an early version of the manuscript. We thank N. J. Planavsky and an anonymous reviewer for their constructive feedback. M.S.W.H. was supported by an NSERC PGS-D and student research grants from National Geographic, the APS Lewis and Clark Fund, Northern Science Training Program, McGill University Graduate Research Enhancement and Travel Awards, Geological Society of America, Mineralogical Association of Canada, and Stanford University. P.W.C. acknowledges support from the University of Colorado Boulder, the Agouron Institute Geobiology postdoctoral Fellowship program, a Natural Sciences and Engineering Council of Canada Postgraduate Scholarship–Doctoral Program scholarship, and the NSTP. Y.P. was supported by the Strategic Priority Research Program of CAS (XDB26000000). T.J.H. thanks Maureen E. Auro for laboratory assistance and the NSF for supporting isotope research in the NIRVANA Labs.2020-02-1

    A multiple sulfur record of super-large volcanic eruptions in Archaean pyrite nodules

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    Archaean supracrustal rocks carry a record of mass-independently fractionated S that is interpreted to be derived from UV-induced photochemical reactions in an oxygen-deficient atmosphere. Experiments with photochemical reactions of SO2 gas have provided some insight into these processes. However, reconciling experimental results with the multiple S isotopic composition of the Archaean sedimentary record has proven difficult and represents one of the outstanding issues in understanding the Archaean surface S-cycle. We present quadruple S isotope data (32S, 33S, 34S, 36S) for pyrite from Mesoarchaean carbonaceous sediments of the Dominion Group, South Africa, deposited in an acidic volcanic lake, which help reconcile observations from the Archaean sedimentary record with the results of photochemical experiments. The data, which show low S/S ratios (mostly ≪ 1) and very negative S/S ratios (−4 and lower), contrast with the composition of most Archaean sedimentary sulfides and sulfates, having S/ (the so-called ‘Archaean reference array’), but match those of modern photochemical sulfate aerosols produced in the stratosphere, following super-large volcanic eruptions, and preserved in Antarctic ice. These data are also consistent with the results of UV-irradiation experiments of SO2 gas at variable gas pressure. The S isotope composition of the Dominion Group pyrite is here interpreted to reflect the products of photolysis in a low-oxygen-level atmosphere at high SO2 pressure during large volcanic eruptions, mixed with Archaean ‘background’ (having a composition broadly similar to the Archaean reference array) S pools. It is inferred that high sedimentation rates in a terrestrial basin resulted in an instantaneously trapped input of atmospheric S during short-lasted depositional intervals, which faithfully represents transient photochemical signals in comparison with marine sedimentary records

    Sulfide immiscibility induced by wall-rock assimilation in a fault-guided basaltic feeder system, Franklin Large Igneous Province, Victoria Island (Arctic Canada)

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    The Southern Feeder Dike Complex is part of the Franklin Large Igneous Province (LIP), exposed in the Minto Inlier of Victoria Island in the Canadian Arctic. Previous field and geochemical studies on the Franklin LIP considered its igneous rocks to be prospective for Fe-Ni-Cu mineralization. The Southern Feeder Dike Complex comprises a series of NW-SE-trending gabbroic intrusions and sedimentary hosts. Field and textural relationships show that the Complex intrusions were emplaced contemporaneously with Neoproterozoic normal faulting. Faulted contact zones correspond to prominent first derivative magnetic lineaments. Gabbroic dikes have intrusive contacts against brecciated country rock, and diabasic microxenoliths in basaltic matrices indicate multiple intrusive/brecciation events. Intrusive breccias are commonly overprinted by hydrothermal greenschist facies assemblages, with calcite + pyrite veins filling open spaces between breccia fragments. Late dikes emplaced into these heterogeneous breccias contain disseminated globular and net-textured sulfides suggesting that sulfide immiscibility was triggered on a local scale by assimilation of local wall rock. This inference is supported by elevated δ34S values of sulfides in these dikes, consistent with assimilation of country rocks. Wall-rock assimilation would have been facilitated by fault-related brecciation and cataclasis, which would expose extensive xenolith surface areas to fresh magma. Gossanous and meter-scale semimassive sulfide showings associated with dikes and sills located upsection from the Southern Feeder Dike Complex suggest that immiscible sulfide liquids may have been flushed downstream (or upsection) during replenishment of composite dike systems. Fault-mediated melt ascent along northwest-southeast faults has been documented elsewhere in the Minto Inlier, providing equivalent opportunities for wall-rock assimilation and consequent triggering of sulfide immiscibility and sulfide melt redistribution. The evidence preserved in the Complex confirms the Fe-Ni-Cu potential of the Franklin LIP and informs current models of ore deposit formation in conduit-type magmatic plumbing systems

    Pelagic barite precipitation at micromolar ambient sulfate

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    The question of how significant barite deposits were able to form from early Earth’s low-sulfate seas remains controversial. Here, the authors show pelagic barite precipitation within a strongly barite-undersaturated ecosystem, highlighting the importance of particle-associated microenvironments

    Publisher Correction : Pelagic barite precipitation at micromolar ambient sulfate

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    © The Author(s), 2018. This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License. The definitive version was published in Nature Communications 9 (2018): 305, doi:10.1038/s41467-017-02701-y.Correction to: Nature Communications https://doi.org/10.1038/s41467-017-01229-5, Article published online 07 November 201

    In situ multiple sulfur isotope analysis by SIMS of pyrite, chalcopyrite, pyrrhotite, and pentlandite to refine magmatic ore genetic models

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    With growing interest in the application of in situ multiple sulfur isotope analysis to a variety of mineral systems, we report here the development of a suite of sulfur isotope standards for distribution relevant to magmatic, magmatic-hydrothermal, and hydrothermal ore systems. These materials include Sierra pyrite (FeS2), Nifty-b chalcopyrite (CuFeS2), Alexo pyrrhotite (Fe(1 −x)S), and VMSO pentlandite ((Fe,Ni)9S8) that have been chemically characterized by electron microprobe analysis, isotopically characterized for δ33S, δ34S, and δ36S by fluorination gas-source mass spectrometry, and tested for homogeneity at the micro-scale by secondary ion mass spectrometry. Beam-sample interaction as a function of crystallographic orientation is determined to have no effect on δ34S and Δ33S isotopic measurements of pentlandite. These new findings provided the basis for a case study on the genesis of the Long-Victor nickel-sulfide deposit located in the world class Kambalda nickel camp in the southern Kalgoorlie Terrane of Western Australia. Results demonstrate that precise multiple sulfur isotope analyses from magmatic pentlandite, pyrrhotite and chalcopyrite can better constrain genetic models related to ore-forming processes. Data indicate that pentlandite, pyrrhotite and chalcopyrite are in isotopic equilibrium and display similar Δ33S values + 0.2‰.This isotopic equilibrium unequivocally fingerprints the isotopic signature of the magmatic assemblage. The three sulfide phases show slightly variable δ34S values (δ34Schalcopyrite = 2.9 ± 0.3‰, δ34Spentlandite = 3.1 ± 0.2‰, and δ34Spyrrhotite = 3.9 ± 0.5‰), which are indicative of natural fractionation. Careful in situ multiple sulfur isotope analysis of multiple sulfide phases is able to capture the subtle isotopic variability of the magmatic sulfide assemblage, which may help resolve the nature of the ore-forming process. Hence, this SIMS-based approach discriminates the magmatic sulfur isotope signature from that recorded in metamorphic- and alteration-related sulfides, which may not be resolved during bulk rock fluorination analysis. The results indicate that, unlike the giant dunite-hosted komatiite systems that thermo-mechanically assimilated volcanogenic massive sulfides proximal to vents and display negative Δ33S values, the Kambalda ores formed in relatively distal environments assimilating abyssal sulfidic shales

    The impact of waiting time on patient outcomes : Evidence from Early Intervention in Psychosis services in England

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    Recently, new emphasis was put on reducing waiting times in mental health services as there is an ongoing concern that longer waiting time for treatment leads to poorer health outcomes. However, little is known about delays within the mental health service system and its impact on patients. We explore the impact of waiting times on patient outcomes in the context of Early Intervention in Psychosis (EIP) services in England from April 2012 to March 2015. We use the Mental Health Services Data Set and the routine outcome measure the Health of the Nation Outcome Scale. In a generalised linear regression model, we control for baseline outcomes, previous service use and treatment intensity to account for possible endogeneity in waiting time. We find that longer waiting time is significantly associated with a deterioration in patient outcomes 12 months after acceptance for treatment for patients that are still in EIP care. Effects are strongest for waiting times longer than 3 months and effect sizes are small to moderate. Patients with shorter treatment periods are not affected. The results suggest that policies should aim to reduce excessively long waits in order to improve outcomes for patients waiting for treatment for psychosis

    A randomized controlled trial to prevent glycemic relapse in longitudinal diabetes care: Study protocol (NCT00362193)

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    BACKGROUND: Diabetes is a common disease with self-management a key aspect of care. Large prospective trials have shown that maintaining glycated hemoglobin less than 7% greatly reduces complications but translating this level of control into everyday clinical practice can be difficult. Intensive improvement programs are successful in attaining control in patients with type 2 diabetes, however, many patients experience glycemic relapse once returned to routine care. This early relapse is, in part, due to decreased adherence in self-management behaviors. OBJECTIVE: This paper describes the design of the Glycemic Relapse Prevention study. The purpose of this study is to determine the optimal frequency of maintenance intervention needed to prevent glycemic relapse. The primary endpoint is glycemic relapse, which is defined as glycated hemoglobin greater than 8% and an increase of 1% from baseline. METHODS: The intervention consists of telephonic contact by a nurse practitioner with a referral to a dietitian if indicated. This intervention was designed to provide early identification of self-care problems, understanding the rationale behind the self-care lapse and problem solve to find a negotiated solution. A total of 164 patients were randomized to routine care (least intensive), routine care with phone contact every three months (moderate intensity) or routine care with phone contact every month (most intensive). CONCLUSION: The baseline patient characteristics are similar across the treatment arms. Intervention fidelity analysis showed excellent reproducibility. This study will provide insight into the important but poorly understood area of glycemic relapse prevention
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