260 research outputs found

    Synthesis of Nanoparticle Model Systems for Sustainable Catalysis by Gas Aggregation

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    Fremont-Smith: The Foundations and Government: State and Federal Law and Supervision

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    Digimergo är en digitalisering av Emergo Train System, ett system där personal inom räddningstjänst kan öva på olika katastrofscenarion. För att göra Digimergo användbart behövdes ytterligare programvara: ett administrationsverktyg till övningar och en scenarioeditor. I det programvaruutvecklingsprojekt som denna rapport behandlar har ny programvara utvecklats och integrerats med det ursprungliga Digimergosystemet. I den här rapporten diskuteras vilka risker som existerar när ny funktionalitet skall läggas till ett gammalt projekt samt hur dessa risker kan minimeras. Rapporten undersöker också vilka utvecklingsmetoder som lämpar sig i projekt där ny funktionalitet ska läggas till befintliga system. Resultatet visar att den största risken med att utöka befintliga projekt är att underskatta tiden som krävs för att sätta sig in i projektet i fråga. Det mest effektiva sättet att minimera risken för detta är att mycket tidigt studera det tidigare arbetet och utbilda projektmedlemmarna i det gamla systemet. Ett annat angreppssätt är att välja en metod som är flexibel när det kommer till nya risker eller ändringar i projektets plan, förslagsvis iterativa metoder

    Short-Term Thermal Acclimation Modifies the Metabolic Condition of the Coral Holobiont

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    The nutritional symbiosis between coral hosts and photosynthetic dinoflagellates is fundamental to the functioning of coral reefs. Rising seawater temperatures destabilize this relationship, resulting in drastic declines in world-wide coral cover. Thermal history is thought to play an important role in shaping a coral\u27s response to subsequent thermal stress. Here, we exposed Pocillopora damicornis to two thermal acclimation regimes (ambient vs. warm) and compared the effect that acclimation had on the coral holobiont\u27s response to a subsequent seven day heat stress event. We conducted daily physiological measurements at the holobiont level (gross photosynthesis, respiration, host protein content, symbiont density and chlorophyll content) throughout the heating event, as well as cellular-level imaging of 13C-bicarbonate and 15N-nitrate assimilation (using NanoSIMS) at the end of the heat stress event. Thermal acclimation history had a negligible effect on the measurements conducted at the holobiont level during the heat stress event. No differences were observed in the O2-budget between ambient and warm-acclimated corals and only small fluctuations in host protein, symbiont density and chlorophyll content were detected. In contrast, this lack of differential response, was not mirrored at the cellular level. Warm-acclimated corals had substantially higher 13C enrichment in the host gastrodermis and lipid bodies, but significantly lower 15N-nitrate assimilation in the symbionts and the host tissue layers, relative to the ambient-acclimated corals. We discuss potential reasons for the disconnect that occurred between symbiont bicarbonate and nitrate assimilation (in the absence of photosynthetic breakdown) in the warm-acclimated corals. We suggest this represents either a shift in nitrogen utilization, or supply limitation by the host. Our findings raise several interesting hypotheses regarding the role that nitrogen metabolism plays in thermal stress, which will warrant further investigation if we are to understand the acclimatization capacity of the coral holobiont

    Calidad de la dispensarización familiar, en el sector número 2 del Puesto de Salud San Judas del Municipio de Jinotega; según el modelo de salud familiar y comunitario II Semestre año 2015.

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    El Modelo de salud familiar y comunitario se basa en un esquema de manejo de los determinantes de salud a nivel de las personas, las familias y la comunidad. Enfatiza en la dispensarización y los diagnósticos comunitarios, busca garantizar el acceso y mejorar el funcionamiento de la atención a los grupos poblacionales, especialmente los que viven en condiciones de extrema y alta pobreza. Este estudio se realizó en el Puesto de Salud San Judas Tadeo ubicado en la periferia sur del municipio de Jinotega, está dividido en 3 sectores urbanos los cuales son atendidos según las normativas del MOSAFC, con el objetivo de describir la calidad de la dispensarización familiar, en el sector número 2 en el II Semestre año 2015. Mediante el análisis estadísticos de las fichas dispensariales de una muestra 337 fichas revisadas del universo; es un estudio descriptivo en el que se encontró que se han dispensarizado un total de 2411 familias del sector 2 del Puesto de Salud San Judas, de las cuales se disponen únicamente 2274 fichas y de estas, todas contiene al menos un dato errado que convierte a la ficha en inadecuada, además casi todas contenían la clasificación adecuada del grado dispensarial para cada individuo de la familia, lo que hace posible clasificar a la población en estudio según factores de riesgo asociados, menciona que las subvariables que con más dificultad fueron llenadas son aquellas de la información de la familia, haciendo que se dificulte emprender el control y seguimiento oportuno de enfermedades que pudiesen afectar a la población. Por lo que es de utilidad recomendar que se instauren estrategias para corregir las debilidades que tiene el personal que realiza la dispensarización; realizando capacitaciones sobre el MOSAFC y la correcta recolección de los datos de la ficha familiar en relación a los parámetros con que cada variable debe ser completad

    Common reef-building coral in the Northern Red Sea resistant to elevated temperature and acidification

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    Coral reefs are currently experiencing substantial ecological impoverishment as a result of anthropogenic stressors, and the majority of reefs are facing immediate risk. Increasing ocean surface temperatures induce frequent coral mass bleaching events—the breakdown of the nutritional photo-symbiosis with intracellular algae (genus: Symbiodinium). Here, we report that Stylophora pistillata from a highly diverse reef in the Gulf of Aqaba showed no signs of bleaching despite spending 1.5 months at 1–2°C above their long-term summer maximum (amounting to 11 degree heating weeks) and a seawater pH of 7.8. Instead, their symbiotic dinoflagellates exhibited improved photochemistry, higher pigmentation and a doubling in net oxygen production, leading to a 51% increase in primary productivity. Nanoscale secondary ion mass spectrometry imaging revealed subtle cellular-level shifts in carbon and nitrogen metabolism under elevated temperatures, but overall host and symbiont biomass proxies were not significantly affected. Now living well below their thermal threshold in the Gulf of Aqaba, these corals have been evolutionarily selected for heat tolerance during their migration through the warm Southern Red Sea after the last ice age. This may allow them to withstand future warming for a longer period of time, provided that successful environmental conservation measures are enacted across national boundaries in the region

    Temperature and feeding induce tissue level changes in autotrophic and heterotrophic nutrient allocation in the coral symbiosis – A NanoSIMS study

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    Corals access inorganic seawater nutrients through their autotrophic endosymbiotic dinoflagellates, but also capture planktonic prey through heterotrophic feeding. Correlating NanoSIMS and TEM imaging, we visualized and quantified the subcellular fate of autotrophic and heterotrophic C and N in the coral Stylophora pistillata using stable isotopes. Six scenarios were compared after 6 h: autotrophic pulse (13C-bicarbonate, 15N-nitrate) in either unfed or regularly fed corals, and heterotrophic pulse (13C-, 15N-labelled brine shrimps) in regularly fed corals; each at ambient and elevated temperature. Host assimilation of photosynthates was similar under fed and unfed conditions, but symbionts assimilated 10% more C in fed corals. Photoautotrophic C was primarily channelled into host lipid bodies, whereas heterotrophic C and N were generally co-allocated to the tissue. Food-derived label was detected in some subcellular structures associated with the remobilisation of host lipid stores. While heterotrophic input generally exceeded autotrophic input, it was more negatively affected by elevated temperature. The reduced input from both modes of nutrition at elevated temperature was accompanied by a shift in the partitioning of C and N, benefiting epidermis and symbionts. This study provides a unique view into the nutrient partitioning in corals and highlights the tight connection of nutrient fluxes in symbiotic partners

    Scaling of fracture systems in geological media

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