33 research outputs found

    The role of discharge variability in the formation and preservation of alluvial sediment bodies

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    Extant, planform-based facies models for alluvial deposits are not fully fit for purpose, because they over-emphasise plan form whereas there is little in the alluvial rock record that is distinctive of any particular planform, and because the planform of individual rivers vary in both time and space. Accordingly, existing facies models have limited predictive capability. In this paper, we explore the role of inter-annual peak discharge variability as a possible control on the character of the preserved alluvial record. Data from a suite of modern rivers, for which long-term gauging records are available, and for which there are published descriptions of subsurface sedimentary architecture, are analysed. The selected rivers are categorized according to their variance in peak discharge or the coefficient of variation (CVQp = standard deviation of the annual peak flood discharge over the mean annual peak flood discharge). This parameter ranges over the rivers studied between 0.18 and 1.22, allowing classification of rivers as having very low ( 0.90) annual peak discharge variance. Deposits of rivers with very low and low peak discharge variability are dominated by cross-bedding on various scales and preserve macroform bedding structure, allowing the interpretation of bar construction processes. Rivers with moderate values preserve mostly cross-bedding, but records of macroform processes are in places muted and considerably modified by reworking. Rivers with high and very high values of annual peak discharge variability show a wide range of bedding structures commonly including critical and supercritical flow structures, abundant in situ trees and transported large, woody debris, and their deposits contain pedogenically modified mud partings and generally lack macroform structure. Such a facies assemblage is distinctively different from the conventional fluvial style recorded in published facies models but is widely developed both in modern and ancient alluvial deposits. This high-peak-variance style is also distinctive of rivers that are undergoing contraction in discharge over time because of the gradual annexation of the channel belt by the establishment of woody vegetation. We propose that discharge variability, both inter-annual peak variation and “flashiness” may be a more reliable basis for classifying the alluvial rock record than planform, and we provide some examples of three classes of alluvial sediment bodies (representing low, intermediate, and high/very high discharge variability) from the rock record that illustrate this point

    Influences de la sylviculture sur le risque de dégâts biotiques et abiotiques dans les peuplements forestiers

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    Incidental finding of malignancy in patients preoperatively evaluated for aneurysm wall pathology using PET/CT.

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    Contains fulltext : 80256.pdf (publisher's version ) (Closed access)Preoperative positron emission tomography/computed tomography (PET/CT) was performed in 26 consecutive patients considered fit for aneurysm repair. Besides information on aneurysm wall pathology, PET/CT identified 6 patients with concomitant malignancy. As a result of this coincidental finding, the operation was postponed in 2 patients and cancelled in 1. Although previous studies have shown that PET/CT might affect patient selection based on aneurysm wall inflammation, our preliminary results show a big impact on patient management as a result of the sensitivity of PET/CT for detecting malignancy. Future larger studies are warranted to investigate the effect and cost effectiveness of routine PET/CT in abdominal aortic aneurysm (AAA) patients

    Composition and Diversity of the Fecal Microbiome and Inferred Fecal Metagenome Does Not Predict Subsequent Pneumonia Caused by <i>Rhodococcus equi</i> in Foals

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    <div><p>In equids, susceptibility to disease caused by <i>Rhodococcus equi</i> occurs almost exclusively in foals. This distribution might be attributable to the age-dependent maturation of immunity following birth undergone by mammalian neonates that renders them especially susceptible to infectious diseases. Expansion and diversification of the neonatal microbiome contribute to development of immunity in the gut. Moreover, diminished diversity of the gastrointestinal microbiome has been associated with risk of infections and immune dysregulation. We thus hypothesized that varying composition or reduced diversity of the intestinal microbiome of neonatal foals would contribute to increased susceptibility of their developing <i>R</i>. <i>equi</i> pneumonia. The composition and diversity indices of the fecal microbiota at 3 and 5 weeks of age were compared among 3 groups of foals: 1) foals that <u><i>subsequently</i></u> developed <i>R</i>. <i>equi</i> pneumonia after sampling; 2) foals that <u><i>subsequently</i></u> developed ultrasonographic evidence of pulmonary abscess formation or consolidation but <u><i>not</i></u> clinical signs (subclinical group); and, 3) foals that developed neither clinical signs nor ultrasonographic evidence of pulmonary abscess formation or consolidation. No significant differences were found among groups at either sampling time, indicating absence of evidence of an influence of composition or diversity of the fecal microbiome, or predicted fecal metagenome, on susceptibility to subsequent <i>R</i>. <i>equi</i> pneumonia. A marked and significant difference identified between a relatively short interval of time appeared to reflect ongoing adaptation to transition from a milk diet to a diet including available forage (including hay) and access to concentrate fed to the mare.</p></div

    Optimizing Oriented Planar-Supported Lipid Samples for Solid-State Protein NMR

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    Sample orientation relative to the static magnetic field of an NMR spectrometer allows study of membrane proteins in the lipid bilayer setting. The straightforward preparation and handling of extremely thin mica substrates with consistent surface properties has prompted us to examine oriented phospholipid bilayer and hexagonal phases on mica. The spectral characteristics of oriented lipid samples formed on mica are as good as or better than those on glass. Nine solvents with varying dielectric constants were used to cast lipid films or for vesicle spreading; film characteristics were then compared, and static solid-state (31)P-NMR was used to characterize the degree of orientation of the hydrated lipid species. Lipids with four headgroup chemistries were tested: 1-palmitoyl-2-oleoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphocholine (POPC), 1-palmitoyl-2-oleoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphoglycerol (POPG), 1,2-dioleoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphate (DOPA), and 1,2-dioleoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphoethanolamine (DOPE). Solvent affected orientation of POPG, DOPA, and DOPE, but not POPC. Film characteristics varied with solvent, with ramifications for producing homogeneous oriented lipid samples. POPC was used to optimize the amount of lipid per substrate and compare hydration methods. POPG did not orient reproducibly, whereas POPG-POPC mixtures did. DOPA showed 1–2 oriented states depending upon hydration level and deposition method. DOPE formed an oriented hexagonal phase that underwent a reversible temperature-induced phase transition to the oriented bilayer phase