53 research outputs found

    OCRL1 engages with the F-BAR protein pacsin 2 to promote biogenesis of membrane-trafficking intermediates

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    Mutation of the inositol 5-phosphatase OCRL1 causes Lowe syndrome and Dent-2 disease. Loss of OCRL1 function perturbs several cellular processes, including membrane traffic, but the underlying mechanisms remain poorly defined. Here we show that OCRL1 is part of the membrane-trafficking machinery operating at the trans-Golgi network (TGN)/endosome interface. OCRL1 interacts via IPIP27A with the F-BAR protein pacsin 2. OCRL1 and IPIP27A localize to mannose 6-phosphate receptor (MPR)–containing trafficking intermediates, and loss of either protein leads to defective MPR carrier biogenesis at the TGN and endosomes. OCRL1 5-phosphatase activity, which is membrane curvature sensitive, is stimulated by IPIP27A-mediated engagement of OCRL1 with pacsin 2 and promotes scission of MPR-containing carriers. Our data indicate a role for OCRL1, via IPIP27A, in regulating the formation of pacsin 2–dependent trafficking intermediates and reveal a mechanism for coupling PtdIns(4,5)P2 hydrolysis with carrier biogenesis on endomembranes

    Expression of HIV-1 Vpu Leads to Loss of the Viral Restriction Factor CD317/Tetherin from Lipid Rafts and Its Enhanced Lysosomal Degradation

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    CD317/tetherin (aka BST2 or HM1.24 antigen) is an interferon inducible membrane protein present in regions of the lipid bilayer enriched in sphingolipids and cholesterol (often termed lipid rafts). It has been implicated in an eclectic mix of cellular processes including, most notably, the retention of fully formed viral particles at the surface of cells infected with HIV and other enveloped viruses. Expression of the HIV viral accessory protein Vpu has been shown to lead to intracellular sequestration and degradation of tetherin, thereby counteracting the inhibition of viral release. There is evidence that tetherin interacts directly with Vpu, but it remains unclear where in the cell this interaction occurs or if Vpu expression affects the lipid raft localisation of tetherin. We have addressed these points using biochemical and cell imaging approaches focused on endogenous rather than ectopically over-expressed tetherin. We find i) no evidence for an interaction between Vpu and endogenous tetherin at the cell surface, ii) the vast majority of endogenous tetherin that is at the cell surface in control cells is in lipid rafts, iii) internalised tetherin is present in non-raft fractions, iv) expression of Vpu in cells expressing endogenous tetherin leads to the loss of tetherin from lipid rafts, v) internalised tetherin enters early endosomes, and late endosomes, in both control cells and cells expressing Vpu, but the proportion of tetherin molecules destined for degradation rather than recycling is increased in cells expressing Vpu vi) lysosomes are the primary site for degradation of endogenous tetherin in cells expressing Vpu. Our studies underlie the importance of studying endogenous tetherin and let us propose a model in which Vpu intercepts newly internalised tetherin and diverts it for lysosomal destruction rather than recycling to the cell surface

    Tetherin is an exosomal tether.

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    Exosomes are extracellular vesicles that are released when endosomes fuse with the plasma membrane. They have been implicated in various functions in both health and disease, including intercellular communication, antigen presentation, prion transmission, and tumour cell metastasis. Here we show that inactivating the vacuolar ATPase in HeLa cells causes a dramatic increase in the production of exosomes, which display endocytosed tracers, cholesterol, and CD63. The exosomes remain clustered on the cell surface, similar to retroviruses, which are attached to the plasma membrane by tetherin. To determine whether tetherin also attaches exosomes, we knocked it out and found a 4-fold reduction in plasma membrane-associated exosomes, with a concomitant increase in exosomes discharged into the medium. This phenotype could be rescued by wild-type tetherin but not tetherin lacking its GPI anchor. We propose that tetherin may play a key role in exosome fate, determining whether they participate in long-range or short-range interactions

    The amyloid precursor protein (APP) binds the PIKfyve complex and modulates its function

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    Phosphoinositides are important components of eukaryotic membranes that are required for multiple forms of membrane dynamics. Phosphoinositides are involved in defining membrane identity, mediate cell signalling and control membrane trafficking events. Due to their pivotal role in membrane dynamics, phosphoinositide de-regulation contributes to various human diseases. In this review, we will focus on the newly emerging regulation of the PIKfyve complex, a phosphoinositide kinase that converts the endosomal phosphatidylinositol-3-phosphate [PI(3)P] to phosphatidylinositol-3,5-bisphosphate [PI(3,5)P2)], a low abundance phosphoinositide of outstanding importance for neuronal integrity and function. Loss of PIKfyve function is well known to result in neurodegeneration in both mousemodels and human patients. Our recent work has surprisingly identified the amyloid precursor protein (APP), the central molecule in Alzheimer s disease aetiology, as a novel interaction partner of a subunit of the PIKfyve complex, Vac14. Furthermore, it has been shown that APP modulates PIKfyve function and PI(3,5)P2 dynamics, suggesting that the APP gene family functions as regulator of PI(3,5)P2 metabolism. The recent advances discussed in this review suggest a novel, unexpected, â-amyloid-independent mechanism for neurodegeneration in Alzheimer s disease

    Control of actin polymerization via the coincidence of phosphoinositides and high membrane curvature

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    The conditional use of actin during clathrin-mediated endocytosis in mammalian cells suggests that the cell controls whether and how actin is used. Using a combination of biochemical reconstitution and mammalian cell culture, we elucidate a mechanism by which the coincidence of PI(4,5)P2 and PI(3)P in a curved vesicle triggers actin polymerization. At clathrin-coated pits, PI(3)P is produced by the INPP4A hydrolysis of PI(3,4)P2, and this is necessary for actin-driven endocytosis. Both Cdc42⋅guanosine triphosphate and SNX9 activate N-WASP–WIP- and Arp2/3-mediated actin nucleation. Membrane curvature, PI(4,5)P2, and PI(3)P signals are needed for SNX9 assembly via its PX–BAR domain, whereas signaling through Cdc42 is activated by PI(4,5)P2 alone. INPP4A activity is stimulated by high membrane curvature and synergizes with SNX9 BAR domain binding in a process we call curvature cascade amplification. We show that the SNX9-driven actin comets that arise on human disease–associated oculocerebrorenal syndrome of Lowe (OCRL) deficiencies are reduced by inhibiting PI(3)P production, suggesting PI(3)P kinase inhibitors as a therapeutic strategy in Lowe syndrome.J.L. Gallop is supported by a Wellcome Trust Research Career Development Fellowship (grant WT095829AIA). F.  Daste, A.  Walrant, J.R. Gadsby, and J. Mason are supported by an H2020 European Research Council Starting Grant (281971) awarded to J.L. Gallop. Gurdon Institute funding is provided by the Wellcome Trust (grant 092096) and Cancer Research UK (grant C6946/A14492). The Swedish Medical Research Council and the Swedish Foundation for Strategic Research supported the work of M.R. Holst and R. Lundmark. S.F. Lee is funded by a Royal Society University Research Fellowship (grant UF120277). M. Mettlen is funded by grant MH73125 to Sandra L. Schmid (University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center)

    dOCRL maintains immune cell quiescence in Drosophila by regulating endosomal traffic

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    Lowe Syndrome is a developmental disorder characterized by eye, kidney, and neurological pathologies, and is caused by mutations in the phosphatidylinositol-5-phosphatase OCRL. OCRL plays diverse roles in endocytic and endolysosomal trafficking, cytokinesis, and ciliogenesis, but it is unclear which of these cellular functions underlie specific patient symptoms. Here, we show that mutation of Drosophila OCRL causes cell-autonomous activation of hemocytes, which are macrophage-like cells of the innate immune system. Among many cell biological defects that we identified in docrl mutant hemocytes, we pinpointed the cause of innate immune cell activation to reduced Rab11-dependent recycling traffic and concomitantly increased Rab7-dependent late endosome traffic. Loss of docrl amplifies multiple immune-relevant signals, including Toll, Jun kinase, and STAT, and leads to Rab11-sensitive mis-sorting and excessive secretion of the Toll ligand Spåtzle. Thus, docrl regulation of endosomal traffic maintains hemocytes in a poised, but quiescent state, suggesting mechanisms by which endosomal misregulation of signaling may contribute to symptoms of Lowe syndrome

    The life of Thomas Edward Taylor, M.P., 1863-1911.

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    The thesis I advance for his place in the political life of this democracy is that he, essentially a self-taught man, entered the political life of the country from a strong sense of public duty and served as a spearhead for the humanitarian legislation of the Seddon Government as well as in local government. Then, I examine the reasons that impelled Taylor to enter public life and become drawn into ever widening activities. I submit that his restless energy, stirred by an intense religious experience in his youth, caused him to try to help those closest at hand. More often than not these people were drunkards. Frustrated by their continual lapses, Taylor girded himself to battle for the removal of all licences to sell liquor in the district of Sydenham. Success seemed to have been attained when a legal technicality nullified his efforts. To change the law became a necessity for him. He entered the political world and served his fellows with a much broader outlook than was first expected of him. There is evidence to support the contention that Taylor was a spearhead for the Liberals, but because of the lack of information as to the precise time Seddon became committed to any particular reform, I cannot say that Taylor provided the underlying ideas. But he did educate public opinion as to them, and saw those ideas written into the Statute Book by Seddon. But any view of Taylor as a politician is incomplete that ignores his stimulating effect upon political integrity. Friends and opponents alike agree that he followed his conception of right fearlessly and was ever alert to denounce anything that smacked of intrigue or jobbery. It is to be regretted that this work was not undertaken ten years earlier when most of those who were intimately associated with Taylor were still alive. L. M. Isitt made a collection of letters intending to write a life as Taylor, but these were destroyed by fire and the work was put aside

    Inositol lipid phosphatases in membrane trafficking and human disease

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    The specific interaction of phosphoinositides with proteins is critical for a plethora of cellular processes, including cytoskeleton remodelling, mitogenic signalling, ion channel regulation and membrane traffic. The spatiotemporal restriction of different phosphoinositide species helps to define compartments within the cell, and this is particularly important for membrane trafficking within both the secretory and endocytic pathways. Phosphoinositide homoeostasis is tightly regulated by a large number of inositol kinases and phosphatases, which respectively phosphorylate and dephosphorylate distinct phosphoinositide species. Many of these enzymes have been implicated in regulating membrane trafficking and, accordingly, their dysregulation has been linked to a number of human diseases. In the present review, we focus on the inositol phosphatases, concentrating on their roles in membrane trafficking and the human diseases with which they have been associated.</jats:p