35 research outputs found

    Neue Berufe in Bibliotheken: 2 // TYPO3-Entwickler: Alexander Bigga, SLUB Dresden

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    FĂŒr verschiedene Projekte und Web-Portale der SLUB wird TYPO3 eingesetzt. Die Webseite der SLUB ist das wohl wichtigste Werkzeug fĂŒr die Bibliotheksnutzer. FĂŒr die Weiterentwicklung und den laufenden Betrieb sorgt unter anderen Alexander Bigga

    Resources – the health between self-reliance and social responsibility

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    Die Herstellung und Aufrechterhaltung von Gesundheit und Wohlergehen wird in vielen Diskursen als alleinige Aufgabe des Individuums angesehen. Die Ressource Gesundheit hĂ€ngt vom individuellem Verhalten ab, aber auch von gesellschaftlichen Rahmenbedingungen. Es wird der Frage nachgegangen, welche Ă€ußeren Bedingungen sich negativ oder positiv auf die Bildung der Ressource Gesundheit auswirken. (DIPF/Orig.)In many discourses, the production and maintenance of health and well-being are seen as the sole responsibility of the individual. Health as a resource depends on individual behaviour, but also societal conditions. The question is examined, which external conditions have a negative or positive effect on the formation of health as a resource. (DIPF/Orig.

    Der internationale Weiterbildungsstudiengang „International Construction: Practice and Law“ an der UniversitĂ€t Stuttgart

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    Das Institut fĂŒr Baubetriebslehre der UniversitĂ€t Stuttgart bietet seit dem Jahr 2015 einen Weiterbildungsstudiengang zum internationalen Bauen und Baurecht an. Das englischsprachige Bildungsangebot mit dem Ziel eines Master of Business Engineering zieht internationale Studierende aus der ganzen Welt an und ist ein interessantes Beispiel dafĂŒr, wie wissenschaftliche Weiterbildung mit internationalem Bezug funktionieren kann. Der Beitrag erlĂ€utert nach einfĂŒhrenden Worten zur verantwortlichen Bildungseinrichtung die Motivation zur Einrichtung des Studiengangs, die Historie und die Entwicklung sowie inhaltliche Fragestellungen. Vorgestellt wird auch das Distance Learning Angebot, das den Studierenden eine Teilnahme an den Veranstaltungen ĂŒber das Internet ermöglicht. Zudem wird aufgezeigt, welcher Austausch und welche Lernmöglichkeiten auf wissenschaftlicher Ebene bereits stattfinden und kĂŒnftig möglich sind

    Cybathlon experiences of the Graz BCI racing team Mirage91 in the brain-computer interface discipline

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    Abstract Background In this work, we share our experiences made at the world-wide first CYBATHLON, an event organized by the Eidgenössische Technische Hochschule ZĂŒrich (ETH ZĂŒrich), which took place in Zurich in October 2016. It is a championship for severely motor impaired people using assistive prototype devices to compete against each other. Our team, the Graz BCI Racing Team MIRAGE91 from Graz University of Technology, participated in the discipline “Brain-Computer Interface Race”. A brain-computer interface (BCI) is a device facilitating control of applications via the user’s thoughts. Prominent applications include assistive technology such as wheelchairs, neuroprostheses or communication devices. In the CYBATHLON BCI Race, pilots compete in a BCI-controlled computer game. Methods We report on setting up our team, the BCI customization to our pilot including long term training and the final BCI system. Furthermore, we describe CYBATHLON participation and analyze our CYBATHLON result. Results We found that our pilot was compliant over the whole time and that we could significantly reduce the average runtime between start and finish from initially 178 s to 143 s. After the release of the final championship specifications with shorter track length, the average runtime converged to 120 s. We successfully participated in the qualification race at CYBATHLON 2016, but performed notably worse than during training, with a runtime of 196 s. Discussion We speculate that shifts in the features, due to the nonstationarities in the electroencephalogram (EEG), but also arousal are possible reasons for the unexpected result. Potential counteracting measures are discussed. Conclusions The CYBATHLON 2016 was a great opportunity for our student team. We consolidated our theoretical knowledge and turned it into practice, allowing our pilot to play a computer game. However, further research is required to make BCI technology invariant to non-task related changes of the EEG

    The earliest evidence for Upper Paleolithic occupation in the Armenian Highlands at Aghitu-3 Cave

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    With its well-preserved archaeological and environmental records, Aghitu-3 Cave permits us to examine the settlement patterns of the Upper Paleolithic (UP) people who inhabited the Armenian Highlands. We also test whether settlement of the region between ∌39–24,000 cal BP relates to environmental variability. The earliest evidence occurs in archaeological horizon (AH) VII from ∌39–36,000 cal BP during a mild, moist climatic phase. AH VI shows periodic occupation as warm, humid conditions prevailed from ∌36–32,000 cal BP. As the climate becomes cooler and drier at ∌32– 29,000 cal BP (AH V-IV), evidence for occupation is minimal. However, as cooling continues, the deposits of AH III demonstrate that people used the site more intensively from ∌29–24,000 cal BP, leaving behind numerous stone artifacts, faunal remains, and complex combustion features. Despite the climatic fluctuations seen across this 15,000-year sequence, lithic technology remains attuned to one pattern: unidirectional reduction of small cores geared towards the production of bladelets for tool manufacture. Subsistence patterns also remain stable, focused on medium-sized prey such as ovids and caprids, as well as equids. AH III demonstrates an expansion of social networks to the northwest and southwest, as the transport distance of obsidian used to make stone artifacts increases. We also observe the addition of bone tools, including an eyed needle, and shell beads brought from the east, suggesting that these people manufactured complex clothing and wore ornaments. Remains of micromammals, birds, charcoal, pollen, and tephra relate the story of environmental variability. We hypothesize that UP behavior was linked to shifts in demographic pressures and climatic changes. Thus, by combining archaeological and environmental data, we gain a clearer picture about the first UP inhabitants of the Armenian Highlands

    OJS Software Workshop Report

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    This report summarizes the achievements of the OJS community members from Germany and Switzerland in the OJS Workshop in Heidelberg University Library, Germany from February 20 and 21, 2020. Main goal of the workshop was to share knowledge and challenges, conceptualize and document problem solving suggestions and collectively develop software in and around OJS. Participants worked on a variety of subjects including data import/export plugins, search functionality, containerization, long-time archiving and XML workflows in and around OJS and OMP. The workshop is a continuation of fruitful meetings within the German OJS user and developer community under auspices of OJS-de.net networ

    Neue Berufe in Bibliotheken: 2 // TYPO3-Entwickler: Alexander Bigga, SLUB Dresden

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    FĂŒr verschiedene Projekte und Web-Portale der SLUB wird TYPO3 eingesetzt. Die Webseite der SLUB ist das wohl wichtigste Werkzeug fĂŒr die Bibliotheksnutzer. FĂŒr die Weiterentwicklung und den laufenden Betrieb sorgt unter anderen Alexander Bigga

    Archaeobotanical Analysis of Fruit and Seed Findings from the Site of Mege (Northeastern-Nigeria)

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    Auswertung verkohlter Frucht- und Samenfunde aus der 3000 Jahre wĂ€hrenden Siedlungsgeschichte (Later Stone Age - 20. Jh.) der Fundstelle Mege in Nigeria. Magisterarbeit an der UniversitĂ€t TĂŒbingen