15 research outputs found

    Stakeholders' perspectives on the operationalisation of the ecosystem service concept : Results from 27 case studies

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    The ecosystem service (ES) concept is becoming mainstream in policy and planning, but operational influence on practice is seldom reported. Here, we report the practitioners' perspectives on the practical implementation of the ES concept in 27 case studies. A standardised anonymous survey (n = 246), was used, focusing on the science-practice interaction process, perceived impact and expected use of the case study assessments. Operationalisation of the concept was shown to achieve a gradual change in practices: 13% of the case studies reported a change in action (e.g. management or policy change), and a further 40% anticipated that a change would result from the work. To a large extent the impact was attributed to a well conducted science-practice interaction process (>70%). The main reported advantages of the concept included: increased concept awareness and communication; enhanced participation and collaboration; production of comprehensive science-based knowledge; and production of spatially referenced knowledge for input to planning (91% indicated they had acquired new knowledge). The limitations were mostly case-specific and centred on methodology, data, and challenges with result implementation. The survey highlighted the crucial role of communication, participation and collaboration across different stakeholders, to implement the ES concept and enhance the democratisation of nature and landscape planning. (C) 2017 Published by Elsevier B.V.Peer reviewe


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    This article describes the design options of sensing weight based on the principle of strain gauges. Measuring method is based on the measurement of deformations on the surface of the body, which is converted to the change in electrical resistance. This is an electrical resistance sensor, which consists of smaller cross-section wire of a suitable material and substrate for wire attached. Depending on what principle the sensor works, there are various types: such as bending, membrane, staple, ring and other. Moreover, the sensor can be made of different materials, most often of steel or aluminum alloy. The article describes two options of measuring the bead wires: dynamic measurement about the effector and measurement on the measuring stand.Описаны варианты дизайна веса зондирования, основанные на принципе тензодатчиков. Метод измерения основан на измерении деформаций на поверхности тела, который преобразуется в изменение электрического сопротивления. Это электрическое сопротивление датчика, которое состоит из меньшего поперечного сечения проволоки подходящего материала и подложки для прикрепленной проволоки. В зависимости от принцип работы датчика, существуют их различные типы: изгибающийся, мембранное, штапельное, кольцевое и другие. Кроме того, датчик может быть изготовлен из различных материалов, чаще всего из стали или алюминиевого сплава. В статье описаны два варианта измерения бортовых проволок: динамическое измерение эффектора и измерения на измерительной стойке.Розглянуто варіанти дизайну ваги зондування, засновані на принципі тензодатчиків. Метод вимірювання заснований на вимірюванні деформацій на поверхні тіла, який перетворюється у зміну електричного опору. Це електричний опір датчика, який складається з меншого поперечного перерізу дроту відповідного матеріалу і підкладки для прикріпленою дроту. Залежно від принципу роботи датчика, існують їх різні типи: звивистий, мембранне, штапельне, кільцеве і інші. Крім того, датчик може бути виготовлений з різних матеріалів, найчастіше зі сталі або алюмінієвого сплаву. У статті описані два варіанти вимірювання бортових дротів: динамічний вимір ефектора і вимірювання на вимірювальної стійці

    Can We Compare the Health-Related Quality of Life of Childhood Cancer Survivors Following Photon and Proton Radiation Therapy? A Systematic Review

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    Paediatric cancer patients have a risk of late side effects after curative treatment. Proton radiation therapy (PRT) has the potential to reduce the incidence and severity of toxicities produced by conventional photon radiation therapy (XRT), which may improve the health-related quality of life (HRQoL) in children. This systematic review aimed to identify the evidence of HRQoL outcomes in childhood cancer survivors following XRT and PRT. Medline, Embase, and Scopus were systematically searched. Thirty studies were analysed, which described outcomes of 1986 childhood cancer survivors. Most studies (n = 24) described outcomes for children with a central nervous system (CNS) tumour, four studies reported outcomes for children with a non-CNS tumour, and two studies combined CNS and non-CNS diagnoses within a single cohort. No studies analysed routine HRQoL collection during paediatric radiation oncology clinical practice. There is insufficient quality evidence to compare HRQoL outcomes between XRT and PRT. Therefore, the current state of the literature does not conclude that PRT produces superior HRQoL outcomes for childhood cancer survivors. Standardised clinical implementation of HRQoL assessment using patient-reported outcomes is recommended to contribute to improvements in clinical care whilst assisting the progression of knowledge comparing XRT and PRT


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    In this article is describes how to measure the circumference of the bead wires via optical sensor, which is commonly found in optical mice. The sensors have different resolution in the range from 400 DPI to 5000 DPI. For testing was selected sensor ADNS-2610 with a resolution of 400 DPI.Описан способ измерения окружности бортовых проволок с помощью оптического датчика, который обычно находится в оптических мышах. Датчики имеют различное разрешение в диапазоне от 400 до 5000 DPI. Для тестирования был выбран датчик ADNS-2610 с разрешением 400 пикселей на дюйм.Описано спосіб вимірювання окружності бортових дротів за допомогою оптичного датчика, який зазвичай знаходиться в оптичних мишах. Датчики мають різний дозвіл у діапазоні від 400 до 5000 DPI. Для тестування було обрано датчик ADNS-2610 з роздільною здатністю 400 пікселів на дюйм

    Climate change increases the number of landslides at the juncture of the Alpine, Pannonian and Mediterranean regions

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    Abstract During the next few decades, changes in rainfall frequency and magnitude are expected to have major impacts on landscape evolution, social, and economic aspects of human society. We focus on seasonal rainfall variations by the end of the twenty-first century to define affected landslide-prone areas, future landslide alerts and the impact of landslides on landscape development in the juncture of the Alpine, Pannonian, and Mediterranean region. A moderate and a worst-case climate scenario from CMIP5 global climate simulations were considered to determine the impact of rainfall on the two most common types of landslides in region, shallow and deep-seated landslides. The observed changes in the occurrence of shallow landslides are significant, especially in the winter months, where we can expect more landslide-prone areas compared to the baseline period. Shallow landslides will have a greater impact on the landscape in spring and summer than deep-seated landslides, especially in vineyards

    Envisioning upland futures: Stakeholder responses to scenarios for Europe's mountain landscapes

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    International audienceIn a period of agricultural decline in the uplands of Europe, agriculture is ceasing to provide the primary rationale for the organisation, utilisation and functioning of rural space. Policy reform, market trends and changes to the way citizens and consumers think about the countryside all suggest a need for thinking strategically about the future development of these areas. However, without a broad involvement of stakeholders, land use conflicts, and social and cultural conflicts in general, may increase. Involving stakeholders in upland areas can be facilitated by using scenario technique and by discussing alternative futures in local stakeholder panels. In this paper we present four scenarios of land-use change for the year 2030, and their assessments by stakeholder panels in Scotland, France, Norway, Switzerland, Slovakia and Greece. The aim of the paper is to explore the ways in which stakeholders in these locations advocate and assess these scenarios. We also explore how stakeholders in different countries weight the visual landscape impacts, the livelihood and biodiversity aspects of the scenarios in their assessment, and the reasons for their prioritising. The cross-country analysis shows that stakeholders across the study areas are united in their overall rejection of agricultural liberalisation, advocating a production-oriented, but multifunctional and environmentally-friendly agriculture that maintains landscapes and biodiversity

    MODIS snowline elevation changes during snowmelt runoff events in Europe

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    This study evaluates MODIS snow cover characteristics for large number of snowmelt runoff events in 145 catchments from 9 countries in Europe. The analysis is based on open discharge daily time series from the Global Runoff Data Center database and daily MODIS snow cover data. Runoff events are identified by a base flow separation approach. The MODIS snow cover characteristics are derived from Terra 500 m observations (MOD10A1 dataset, V005) in the period 2000–2015 and include snow cover area, cloud coverage, regional snowline elevation (RSLE) and its changes during the snowmelt runoff events. The snowmelt events are identified by using estimated RSLE changes during a runoff event. The results indicate that in the majority of catchments there are between 3 and 6 snowmelt runoff events per year. The mean duration between the start and peak of snowmelt runoff events is about 3 days and the proportion of snowmelt events in all runoff events tends to increase with the maximum elevation of catchments. Clouds limit the estimation of snow cover area and RSLE, particularly for dates of runoff peaks. In most of the catchments, the median of cloud coverage during runoff peaks is larger than 80%. The mean minimum RSLE, which represents the conditions at the beginning of snowmelt events, is situated approximately at the mean catchment elevation. It means that snowmelt events do not start only during maximum snow cover conditions, but also after this maximum. The mean RSLE during snowmelt peaks is on average 170 m lower than at the start of the snowmelt events, but there is a large regional variability

    LTSER platforms as a place-based transdisciplinary research infrastructure: learning landscape approach through evaluation

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    Context Place-based transdisciplinary research involves multiple academic disciplines and non-academic actors. Long-Term Socio-Ecological Research (LTSER) platform is one concept with similar to 80 initiatives globally.Objectives As an exercise in learning through evaluation we audited (1) the siting, construction and maintenance of individual LTSER platforms, and (2) them as a distributed infrastructure for place-based transdisciplinary research with focus on the European continent.MethodsFirst, we defined a normative model for ideal performance at both platform and network levels. Second, four surveys were sent out to the 67 self-reported LTSER platforms officially listed at the end of 2016. Third, with a focus on the network level, we analyzed the spatial distribution of both long-term ecological monitoring sites within LTSER platforms, and LTSER platforms across the European continent. Fourth, narrative biographies of 18 platforms in different stages of development were analyzed.ResultsWhile the siting of LTSER platforms represented biogeographical regions well, variations in land use history and democratic governance were not well represented. Platform construction was based on 2.1 ecological monitoring sites, with 72% ecosystem and 28% social system research. Maintenance of a platform required three to five staff members, focused mostly on ecosystem research, was based mainly on national funding, and had 1-2years of future funding secured. Networking with other landscape approach concepts was common.ConclusionsIndividually, and as a network, LTSER platforms have good potential for transdisciplinary knowledge production and learning about sustainability challenges. To improve the range of variation of Pan-European social-ecological systems we encourage interfacing with other landscape approach concepts.Peer reviewe

    Stakeholders’ perspectives on the operationalisation of the ecosystem service concept: results from 27 case studies

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    The ecosystem service (ES) concept is becoming mainstream in policy and planning, but operational influence on practice is seldom reported. Here, we report the practitioners’ perspectives on the practical implementation of the ES concept in 27 case studies. A standardised anonymous survey (n = 246), was used, focusing on the science-practice interaction process, perceived impact and expected use of the case study assessments. Operationalisation of the concept was shown to achieve a gradual change in practices: 13% of the case studies reported a change in action (e.g. management or policy change), and a further 40% anticipated that a change would result from the work. To a large extent the impact was attributed to a well conducted science-practice interaction process (>70%). The main reported advantages of the concept included: increased concept awareness and communication; enhanced participation and collaboration; production of comprehensive science-based knowledge; and production of spatially referenced knowledge for input to planning (91% indicated they had acquired new knowledge). The limitations were mostly case-specific and centred on methodology, data, and challenges with result implementation. The survey highlighted the crucial role of communication, participation and collaboration across different stakeholders, to implement the ES concept and enhance the democratisation of nature and landscape planning. 2017 Published by Elsevier B.V.acceptedVersio