115 research outputs found

    Enhancing treatment success in inflammatory bowel disease: Optimising the use of anti-TNF agents and utilising their biosimilars in clinical practice.

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    Abstract Anti-tumour necrosis factor (TNF) agents such as infliximab and adalimumab have greatly altered the treatment landscape in inflammatory bowel disease (IBD). However, there are remaining unmet needs and opportunities to optimise their use. Recent data suggest that proactive therapeutic drug monitoring may lead to more efficient usage of these agents, with potential for higher rates of corticosteroid-free clinical remission than with reactive monitoring. Expanded application of faecal calprotectin measurements may also be valuable, given the ease of use of the assay and its proven effectiveness as a diagnostic tool and predictor of relapse risk. From a practical viewpoint, improved multidisciplinary working may be essential to optimise patient care, with IBD nurse specialists playing an increasingly central role within this model. Finally, the availability of biosimilars of the anti-TNF agents allow drug costs to be reduced without compromising safety or efficacy – thereby providing opportunities to improve accessibility. Alongside extensive data on originator to biosimilar infliximab switch, new studies are beginning to demonstrate the safety of biosimilar to biosimilar switch, as well as adalimumab biosimilar transitions. The risk of a nocebo effect when switching to a biosimilar can be reduced through improved patient education and preparation

    Conformational Changes in an Epitope Localized to the NH2-terminal Region of Protein C

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    Murine monoclonal antibodies, developed following immunization with human protein C, were characterized for their ability tboin d antigen in thpe resence of either CaClz or excess EDTA. Three stablec lones were obtained which produced antiboditehsa t bound to protein C only itnh e presence of EDTA. Allt hree antibodies bound to the light choafi np rotein C on immunoblots and also bound to the homologous proteins factor X and prothrombin in solid-phase radioimmunoassays. One antibody, 7D7B10 was purified and studied further. The binding of 7D7B10 to human protein C was characterized bya KOo f 1.4 nM. In competition studies, it was found that the relative affinityo f the antibody for protein C was 20-40-fold higher than for prothrombin, fragment 1 of prothrombin, or factor X. In contrast, 7D7B10 was unable to bind to factor 1X or bovine protein C. The effect of varying Ca2+ concentration on the interaction of the antibody with protein C was complex. Low concentrations of Ca2+ enhanced the formation of the protein C-antibody complex with half-maximal effect occurring at approximately6 0 PM metal ion. However, higher concentrations of Ca2+ completely inhibited 7D7B10 binding to protein C with a K o .o~f 1.1 mM. Furthermore, millimolar concentrations of Mn2+, Ba2+, or Mg2+ also completely abolished antibody binding to protein C. The location of the epitope was delineatedby immunoblotting and peptide studies andf ound to be present in the NHz-termin1a5l residues of protein C. Although residues corresponding to positions 10-13 of human protein C wernee cessary for maximal binding of the antibody, they were not sufficient. No evidence could be found for involvement of the epitope in metal binding per se. Therefore, the effect of Ca2+ on antibody binding is thought to be due to metal-dependent conformational changes in protein C. It seems likelyth at Ca2+ occupatioonf a high affinity site, shown by others to be located in the epidermal growth factor-like domain, causes a conformational change in the NHz-terminarel gion of protein C which is favorable for antibody interaction, whereas Ca2+ binding to thleo w affinity site($, known to be present in the y-carboxyglutamic acid domain, causes an unfavorable conformational change

    The culture of combination: solidarities and collective action before tolpuddle

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    Beyond the repression of the national waves of food rioting during the subsistence crises of the 1790s, workers in the English countryside lost the will and ability to collectively mobilise. Or so the historical orthodoxy goes. Such a conceptualisation necessarily positions the Bread or Blood riots of 1816, the Swing rising of 1830, and, in particular, the agrarian trade unionism practised at Tolpuddle in 1834 as exceptional events. This paper offers a departure by placing Tolpuddle into its wider regional context. The unionists at Tolpuddle, it is shown, were not making it up as they went along but instead acted in ways consistent with shared understandings and experiences of collective action and unionism practiced throughout the English west. In so doing, it pays particular attention to the forms of collective action – and judicial responses – that extended between different locales and communities and which joined farmworkers, artisans and industrial workers together. So conceived, Tolpuddle was not an exception. Rather, it can be more usefully understood as a manifestation of deeply entrenched cultures, an episode that assumes its historical potency because of its subsequent politicised representation

    Do birds of a feather flock together? Comparing habitat preferences of piscivorous waterbirds in a lowland river catchment

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    Waterbirds can move into and exploit new areas of suitable habitat outside of their native range. One such example is the little egret (Egretta garzetta), a piscivorous bird which has colonised southern Britain within the last 30 years. Yet, habitat use by little egrets within Britain, and how such patterns of habitat exploitation compare with native piscivores, remains unknown. We examine overlap in habitat preferences within a river catchment between the little egret and two native species, the grey heron (Ardea cinerea) and great cormorant (Phalacrocorax carbo). All species showed strong preferences for river habitat in all seasons, with other habitat types used as auxiliary feeding areas. Seasonal use of multiple habitat types is consistent with egret habitat use within its native range. We found strong egret preference for aquatic habitats, in particular freshwaters, compared with pasture and arable agricultural habitat. Egrets showed greater shared habitat preferences with herons, the native species to which egrets are most morphologically and functionally similar. This is the first study to quantify little egret habitat preferences outside of its native range

    QTL meta-analysis of root traits in Brassica napus under contrasting phosphorus supply in two growth systems

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    A high-density SNP-based genetic linkage map was constructed and integrated with a previous map in the Tapidor x Ningyou7 (TNDH) Brassica napus population, giving a new map with a total of 2041 molecular markers and an average marker density which increased from 0.39 to 0.97 (0.82 SNP bin) per cM. Root and shoot traits were screened under low and β€˜normal’ phosphate (Pi) supply using a β€˜pouch and wick’ system, and had been screened previously in an agar based system. The P-efficient parent Ningyou7 had a shorter primary root length (PRL), greater lateral root density (LRD) and a greater shoot biomass than the P-inefficient parent Tapidor under both treatments and growth systems. Quantitative trait loci (QTL) analysis identified a total of 131 QTL, and QTL meta-analysis found four integrated QTL across the growth systems. Integration reduced the confidence interval by ~41%. QTL for root and shoot biomass were co-located on chromosome A3 and for lateral root emergence were co-located on chromosomes A4/C4 and C8/C9. There was a major QTL for LRD on chromosome C9 explaining ~18% of the phenotypic variation. QTL underlying an increased LRD may be a useful breeding target for P uptake efficiency in Brassica

    Root morphology and seed and leaf ionomic traits in a Brassica napus L. diversity panel show wide phenotypic variation and are characteristic of crop habit

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    Background: Mineral nutrient uptake and utilisation by plants are controlled by many traits relating to root morphology, ion transport, sequestration and translocation. The aims of this study were to determine the phenotypic diversity in root morphology and leaf and seed mineral composition of a polyploid crop species, Brassica napus L., and how these traits relate to crop habit. Traits were quantified in a diversity panel of up to 387 genotypes: 163 winter, 127 spring, and seven semiwinter oilseed rape (OSR) habits, 35 swede, 15 winter fodder, and 40 exotic/unspecified habits. Root traits of 14 d old seedlings were measured in a β€˜pouch and wick’ system (n = ~24 replicates per genotype). The mineral composition of 3–6 rosette-stage leaves, and mature seeds, was determined on compost-grown plants from a designed experiment (n = 5) by inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (ICP-MS). Results: Seed size explained a large proportion of the variation in root length. Winter OSR and fodder habits had longer primary and lateral roots than spring OSR habits, with generally lower mineral concentrations. A comparison of the ratios of elements in leaf and seed parts revealed differences in translocation processes between crop habits, including those likely to be associated with crop-selection for OSR seeds with lower sulphur-containing glucosinolates. Combining root, leaf and seed traits in a discriminant analysis provided the most accurate characterisation of crop habit, illustrating the interdependence of plant tissues. Conclusions: High-throughput morphological and composition phenotyping reveals complex interrelationships between mineral acquisition and accumulation linked to genetic control within and between crop types (habits) in B. napus. Despite its recent genetic ancestry (<10 ky), root morphology, and leaf and seed composition traits could potentially be used in crop improvement, if suitable markers can be identified and if these correspond with suitable agronomy and quality traits

    Metabolic Profiling of a Mapping Population Exposes New Insights in the Regulation of Seed Metabolism and Seed, Fruit, and Plant Relations

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    To investigate the regulation of seed metabolism and to estimate the degree of metabolic natural variability, metabolite profiling and network analysis were applied to a collection of 76 different homozygous tomato introgression lines (ILs) grown in the field in two consecutive harvest seasons. Factorial ANOVA confirmed the presence of 30 metabolite quantitative trait loci (mQTL). Amino acid contents displayed a high degree of variability across the population, with similar patterns across the two seasons, while sugars exhibited significant seasonal fluctuations. Upon integration of data for tomato pericarp metabolite profiling, factorial ANOVA identified the main factor for metabolic polymorphism to be the genotypic background rather than the environment or the tissue. Analysis of the coefficient of variance indicated greater phenotypic plasticity in the ILs than in the M82 tomato cultivar. Broad-sense estimate of heritability suggested that the mode of inheritance of metabolite traits in the seed differed from that in the fruit. Correlation-based metabolic network analysis comparing metabolite data for the seed with that for the pericarp showed that the seed network displayed tighter interdependence of metabolic processes than the fruit. Amino acids in the seed metabolic network were shown to play a central hub-like role in the topology of the network, maintaining high interactions with other metabolite categories, i.e., sugars and organic acids. Network analysis identified six exceptionally highly co-regulated amino acids, Gly, Ser, Thr, Ile, Val, and Pro. The strong interdependence of this group was confirmed by the mQTL mapping. Taken together these results (i) reflect the extensive redundancy of the regulation underlying seed metabolism, (ii) demonstrate the tight co-ordination of seed metabolism with respect to fruit metabolism, and (iii) emphasize the centrality of the amino acid module in the seed metabolic network. Finally, the study highlights the added value of integrating metabolic network analysis with mQTL mapping

    Trait to gene analysis reveals that allelic variation in three genes determines seed vigour

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    Predictable seedling establishment is essential for resource-efficient and cost-effective crop production; it is widely accepted as a critically important trait determining yield and profitability. Seed vigour is essential to this, but its genetic basis is not understood. We used natural variation and fine mapping in the crop Brassica oleracea to show that allelic variation at three loci influence the key vigour trait of rapid germination. Functional analysis in both B. oleracea and the model Arabidopsis identified and demonstrated activity of genes at these loci. Two candidate genes were identified at the principal Speed of Germination QTL (SOG1) in B. oleracea. One gene BoLCVIG2 is a homologue of the alternative-splicing regulator (AtPTB1). The other gene BoLCVIG1 was unknown, but different alleles had different splice forms that were coincident with altered abscisic acid (ABA) sensitivity. We identified a further QTL, Reduced ABscisic Acid 1 (RABA1) that influenced ABA content and provide evidence that this results from the activity of a homologue of the ABA catabolic gene AtCYP707A2 at this locus. Lines containing beneficial alleles of these three genes had greater seed vigour. We propose a mechanism in which both seed ABA content and sensitivity to it determines speed of germination
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