557 research outputs found

    Stringy Space-Time Foam, Finsler-like Metrics and Dark Matter Relics

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    We discuss modifications of the thermal Dark Matter (DM) relic abundances in stringy cosmologies with D-particle space-time foamy backgrounds. As a result of back-reaction of massive DM on the background space-time, owing to its interaction with D-particle defects in the foam, quantum fluctuations are induced in the space-time metric. We demonstrate that these lead to the presence of extra source terms in the Boltzmann equation used to determine the thermal dark matter relic abundances. The source terms are determined by the specific form of the induced metric deformations; the latter depend on the momentum transfer of the DM particle during its interactions with the D-particle defects and so are akin to Finsler metrics. In the case of low string scales arising from large extra dimensions our results may have phenomenological implications for the search of viable supersymmetric models

    Third-order cosmological perturbations of zero-pressure multi-component fluids: Pure general relativistic nonlinear effects

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    Present expansion stage of the universe is believed to be mainly governed by the cosmological constant, collisionless dark matter and baryonic matter. The latter two components are often modeled as zero-pressure fluids. In our previous work we have shown that to the second-order cosmological perturbations, the relativistic equations of the zero-pressure, irrotational, multi-component fluids in a spatially near flat background effectively coincide with the Newtonian equations. As the Newtonian equations only have quadratic order nonlinearity, it is practically interesting to derive the potential third-order perturbation terms in general relativistic treatment which correspond to pure general relativistic corrections. Here, we present pure general relativistic correction terms appearing in the third-order perturbations of the multi-component zero-pressure fluids. We show that, as in a single component situation, the third-order correction terms are quite small (~ 5 x10^{-5} smaller compared with the relativistic/Newtonian second-order terms) due to the weak level anisotropy of the cosmic microwave background radiation. Still, there do exist pure general relativistic correction terms in third-order perturbations which could potentially become important in future development of precision cosmology. We include the cosmological constant in all our analyses.Comment: 20 pages, no figur

    Research in the Restricted Problems of Three and Four Bodies Final Scientific Report

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    Seven studies have been conducted on research in the existence and nature of solutions of the restricted problems of three and four bodies. The details and results of five of these research investigations have already been published, and the latest two studies will be published shortly. A complete bibliography of publications is included in this report. This research has been primarily qualitative and has yielded new information on the behavior of trajectories near the libration points in the Earth-Moon-Sun and Sun-Jupiter-Saturn systems, and on the existence of periodic trajectories about the libration points of the circular and elliptical restricted four-body models. We have also implemented Birkhoff's normalization process for conservative and nonconservative Hamiltonian systems with equilibrium points. This makes available a technique for analyzing stability properties of certain nonlinear dynamical systems, and we have applied this technique to the circular and elliptical restricted three-body models. A related study was also conducted to determine the feasibility of using cislunar periodic trajectories for various space missions. Preliminary results suggest that this concept is attractive for space flight safety operations in cislunar space. Results of this research will be of interest to mathematicians, particularly those working in ordinary differential equations, dynamical systems and celestial mechanics; to astronomers; and to space guidance and mission analysts

    Improving the value of public RNA-seq expression data by phenotype prediction.

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    Publicly available genomic data are a valuable resource for studying normal human variation and disease, but these data are often not well labeled or annotated. The lack of phenotype information for public genomic data severely limits their utility for addressing targeted biological questions. We develop an in silico phenotyping approach for predicting critical missing annotation directly from genomic measurements using well-annotated genomic and phenotypic data produced by consortia like TCGA and GTEx as training data. We apply in silico phenotyping to a set of 70 000 RNA-seq samples we recently processed on a common pipeline as part of the recount2 project. We use gene expression data to build and evaluate predictors for both biological phenotypes (sex, tissue, sample source) and experimental conditions (sequencing strategy). We demonstrate how these predictions can be used to study cross-sample properties of public genomic data, select genomic projects with specific characteristics, and perform downstream analyses using predicted phenotypes. The methods to perform phenotype prediction are available in the phenopredict R package and the predictions for recount2 are available from the recount R package. With data and phenotype information available for 70,000 human samples, expression data is available for use on a scale that was not previously feasible

    Charged multifluids in general relativity

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    The exact 1+3 covariant dynamical fluid equations for a multi-component plasma, together with Maxwell's equations are presented in such a way as to make them suitable for a gauge-invariant analysis of linear density and velocity perturbations of the Friedmann-Robertson-Walker model. In the case where the matter is described by a two component plasma where thermal effects are neglected, a mode representing high-frequency plasma oscillations is found in addition to the standard growing and decaying gravitational instability picture. Further applications of these equations are also discussed.Comment: 14 pages (example added), to appear in Class. Quantum Gra

    Gauge invariant Boltzmann equation and the fluid limit

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    This article investigates the collisionless Boltzmann equation up to second order in the cosmological perturbations. It describes the gauge dependence of the distribution function and the construction of a gauge invariant distribution function and brightness, and then derives the gauge invariant fluid limit.Comment: 36 page

    Stability of a vacuum nonsingular black hole

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    This is the first of series of papers in which we investigate stability of the spherically symmetric space-time with de Sitter center. Geometry, asymptotically Schwarzschild for large rr and asymptotically de Sitter as r→0r\to 0, describes a vacuum nonsingular black hole for m≄mcrm\geq m_{cr} and particle-like self-gravitating structure for m<mcrm < m_{cr} where a critical value mcrm_{cr} depends on the scale of the symmetry restoration to de Sitter group in the origin. In this paper we address the question of stability of a vacuum non-singular black hole with de Sitter center to external perturbations. We specify first two types of geometries with and without changes of topology. Then we derive the general equations for an arbitrary density profile and show that in the whole range of the mass parameter mm objects described by geometries with de Sitter center remain stable under axial perturbations. In the case of the polar perturbations we find criteria of stability and study in detail the case of the density profile ρ(r)=ρ0e−r3/r02rg\rho(r)=\rho_0 e^{-r^3/r_0^2 r_g} where ρ0\rho_0 is the density of de Sitter vacuum at the center, r0r_0 is de Sitter radius and rgr_g is the Schwarzschild radius.Comment: 18 pages, 8 figures, submitted to "Classical and Quantum Gravity

    Experiments to Find or Exclude a Long-Lived, Light Gluino

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    Gluinos in the mass range ~1 1/2 - 3 1/2 GeV are absolutely excluded. Lighter gluinos are allowed, except for certain ranges of lifetime. Only small parts of the mass-lifetime parameter space are excluded for larger masses unless the lifetime is shorter than ~ 2 10^{-11} (m_{gluino}/ GeV) sec. Refined mass and lifetime estimates for R-hadrons are given, present direct and indirect experimental constraints are reviewed, and experiments to find or definitively exclude these possibilities are suggested.Comment: 27 pp, latex with 1 uufiled figure, RU-94-35. New version amplifies discussion of some points and corresponds to version for Phys. Rev.

    Exact inhomogeneous cosmologies whose source is a radiation-matter mixture with consistent thermodynamics

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    We derive a new class of exact solutions of Einstein's equations providing a physically plausible hydrodynamical description of cosmological matter in the radiative era (106K>T>103K10^6 K > T > 10^3 K), between nucleosynthesis and decoupling. The solutions are characterized by the Lema\^{\i}tre-Tolman -Bondi metric with a viscous fluid source, subjected to the following conditions: (a) the equilibrium state variables satisfy the equation of state of a mixture of an ultra-relativistic and a non-relativistic ideal gases, where the internal energy of the latter has been neglected, (b) the particle numbers of the mixture components are independently conserved, (c) the viscous stress is consistent with the transport equation and entropy balance law of Extended Irreversible Thermodynamics, with the coefficient of shear viscosity provided by Kinetic Theory for the `radiative gas' model. The fulfilment of (a), (b) and (c) restricts initial conditions in terms of an initial value function, Δi(s)\Delta_i^{(s)}, related to the average of spatial gradients of the fluctuations of photon entropy per baryon in the initial hypersurface. Constraints on the observed anisotropy of the microwave cosmic radiation and the condition that decoupling occurs at T=TD≈4×103T=T_{_D}\approx 4\times 10^3 K yield an estimated value: ∣Δi(s)∣≈10−8|\Delta_i^{(s)}|\approx 10^{-8} which can be associated with a bound on promordial entropy fluctuations. The Jeans mass at decoupling is of the same order of magnitude as that of baryon dominated perturbation models (≈1016M⊙\approx 10^{16} M_\odot)Comment: LaTeX with revtex (PRD macros). Contains 9 figures (ps). To be published in Physics Review

    Training to self-care: fitness tracking, biopedagogy and the healthy consumer

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    In this article, we provide an account of Fitbit, a wearable sensor device, using two complementary analytical approaches: auto-ethnography and media analysis. Drawing on the concept of biopedagogy, which describes the processes of learning and training bodies how to live, we focus on how users learn to self-care with wearable technologies through a series of micropractices that involve processes of mediation and the sharing of their own data via social networking. Our discussion is oriented towards four areas of analysis: data subjectivity and sociality; making meaning; time and productivity and brand identity. We articulate how these micropractices of knowing one’s body regulate the contemporary ‘fit’ and healthy subject, and mediate expertise about health, behaviour and data subjectivity
