131 research outputs found

    La "ideología de género" en los medios de comunicación escrita : El Espectador

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    72 páginasThis document presents the analysis of how he approached, contributed and argued the web platform of El Espectador Newspaper in the debate about "gender ideology" in three different moments of national reality, which we have called landmarks. A first milestone will be related to the debate over the publication of alleged sex education cards, which were endorsed by the Mmistry of National Education and showed a couple of men having sex. A second milestone that takes place in the framework of the campaign for the peace plebiscite of 2016 and the proposals made after the "no" won at the polls. A third milestone that addresses the post-final agreement stage and that is limited to the study on October 4, 2017. The present study, was developed through the search for press releases, its systematization in a database, the study of it through a quantitative and qualitative analysis, finally through the framing methodology, answer sorne guiding questions and thus frame the conflict.Este documento presenta el análisis de cómo abordó, aportó y argumentó la plataforma web del Periódico El Espectador en el debate suscitado en torno a la "ideología de género" en tres momentos diferentes de la realidad nacional, los cuales hemos denominado hitos. Un primer hito será el relacionado con el debate por la publicación de unas supuestas cartillas de educación sexual, las cuales fueron endilgadas al Ministerio de Educación Nacional y que mostraban a una pareja de hombres sosteniendo relaciones sexuales. Un segundo hito que se desarrolla en el marco de la campaña por el plebiscito por la paz del año 2016 y las propuestas realizadas después de que en las urnas ganara el "no". Un tercer hito que aborda la etapa post acuerdo final y que tiene como límite para el estudio el 04 de octubre de 2017. El presente estudio, se desarrollo a través de la búsqueda de notas de prensa, su sistematización en una base de datos, el estudio de la misma a través de un análisis cuantitativo y cualitativo, para finalmente mediante la metodología del "framing', responder unas preguntas orientadoras y así encuadrar el conflicto.Magíster en DerechoMaestrí

    Efecto de la caries en el desarrollo infantil en preescolares de establecimientos Integra de Talca y Linares, desde 2014 al 2015

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    97 p.Introducción: La infancia constituye un periodo de intenso desarrollo cerebral, siendo considerada esencial para el desarrollo integral de un individuo. Existen diversos factores presentes durante este periodo que pueden alterar de manera directa o indirecta el desarrollo tanto físico como psicosocial de un niño/a. Actualmente, adquiere gran relevancia conocerlos para así contribuir a generar políticas públicas que resguarden un adecuado desarrollo infantil. Objetivo: Evaluar el efecto de la caries en el desarrollo infantil, de los niños/as de cuatro años, de los jardines infantiles pertenecientes a la Fundación Integra, de las comunas de Talca y Linares, entre el año 2014 y 2015. Métodos: La investigación corresponde a un estudio longitudinal, que contempla mediciones y análisis de datos efectuados el año 2014 y el 2015, en la misma población. El tamaño muestral corresponde a 77 niños/as, calculado de acuerdo a una estimación de proporción poblacional considerando medidas apareadas. Se evaluarán las características sociodemográficas de las familias de cada niño/a participe del estudio, desarrollo infantil cuantitativo mediante la relación peso/talla, desarrollo infantil cualitativo a través de la aplicación del TADI, además de la prevalencia, progresión y experiencia de caries mediante índice ceod. Para el análisis de las variables se utilizará Test Binomial, Test de Fischer y Test Mc Nemar. Resultados: la muestra alcanzada final fue de 73 niños/as dada la alta pérdida de seguimiento. Al comparar la experiencia de caries, la población estudiada pasó de un nivel muy bajo en 2014a un nivel moderado en 2015 en un 77,8% (n=7) (Mac Nemar, valor p= 0,001). Respecto a progresión de caries, al comparar la población estudiada en el año 2014 y 2015, se concluye que el 65,4% (n=17) niños/as del total con dentición sana (n=44) pasaron de presentar dentición sana a tener dientes con caries de esmalte (Mac Nemar, valor p= 0,007). En relación a desarrollo infantil, si se compara nivel de desarrollo infantil cualitativo, se establece que los niños/as que en el año anterior presentaban un desarrollo normal, en el año actual presentan un desarrollo normal con rezago en un 42,6% (n=23) (Mac Nemar, valor p= 0,001). Mientras que para el desarrollo infantil cuantitativo, se determinó que no existe diferencia estadísticamente significativa en el estado nutricional de los niños/as entre los años 2014 y 2015 (Mac Nemar, valor p= 0,683). Conclusiones: Dado el reducido tamaño muestral alcanzado en el 2015 y la alta pérdida de seguimiento, no fue evidenciada una asociación estadísticamente significativa entre la caries y el desarrollo infantil integral, tanto cualitativo como cuantitativo. Palabras clave: desarrollo infantil, crecimiento, caries dental, TADI./SUMMARY: Introduction: Childhood is a period of intense brain development, being considered essential for the overall development of an individual. There are several factors present during this period may be altered directly or indirectly both physical and psychosocial development of a child / a. Currently, it is more relevant to know in order to contribute to generate public policies that safeguard proper child development. Objective: To evaluate the effect of caries in child development, children / as four years, from kindergartens belonging to the Integra Foundation, the communes of Talca and Linares, between 2014 and 2015. Methods: The study corresponds to a longitudinal study that includes measurements and analysis carried out in 2014 and 2015, in the same population. The sample size corresponds to 77 children / as calculated according to an estimated population proportion considering paired measures. Sociodemographic characteristics of families for each child / be assessed to participate in the study, quantitative child development through weight / height, qualitative child development through the application of TADI addition to the prevalence, progression and relationship with caries experience index ceod. For analysis of the variables Binomial Test, Test of Fischer and McNemar test was used.Results: The final sample was reached 73 children / as given the high loss to follow. When comparing caries experience, the study population increased from a very low level in 2014th a moderate level in 2015 by 77.8% (n = 7) (Mac Nemar, p-value = 0.001). Regarding caries progression by comparing the population studied in 2014 and 2015, 65.4% (n = 17) children / as the total with healthy teeth (n = 44) concludes went to present healthy dentition have decayed teeth enamel (Mac Nemar, p-value = 0.007). In relation to child development, whether qualitative level compared child development, it states that children / as in the previous year had a normal development in the current year have a normal lag in development with 42.6% (n = 23) (Mac Nemar, p-value = 0.001). As for quantitative child development, it was determined that there is no statistically significant difference in the nutritional status of children / as between 2014 and 2015 (Mac Nemar, pvalue = 0.683). Conclusions: Given the small sample size in 2015 and reached high loss to follow up, there was evidenced a statistically significant association between caries and comprehensive child development, both qualitative and quantitative. Keywords: child development, growth, tooth decay, TAD

    La educación y las condiciones de las viviendas en ocho municipios de Caldas y su asociación con los eventos de interés en salud pública de notificación individual al Sivigila en 2015-2016

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    Introducción: En Caldas se implementó un instrumento denominado “Ficha familiar” para obtener información de su población. El propósito de la misma es hacer seguimiento a las condiciones de vida de las familias caldenses con el propósito de aportar a la construcción de soluciones integrales en salud. Objetivos: Describir la distribución de unas variables de educación y condiciones de las viviendas de unos individuos con eventos de interés en salud pública notificados en Caldas en 2015 y 2016; determinar las asociaciones entre estas variables y los eventos y estimar la probabilidad de ocurrencia de estos últimos. Materiales y Métodos: Estudio transversal analítico con información de las Fichas familiares y del Sistema de Vigilancia Epidemiológica. Resultados: Se encontraron 1735 eventos. Los niveles educativos más comunes fueron “media y/o básica secundaria” y “básica primaria y/o preescolar”. La mayoría de las viviendas tenían buen “Abastecimiento de agua salubre en cantidad suficiente”, “Sistema de desagüe y eliminación higiénica de excretas”, “Estado de la vivienda” e “Iluminación”; regular “Eliminación de desechos sólidos e higiene personal y de la vivienda” y no presentaban “Contaminación del aire interior” ni “Hacinamiento”. Hubo asociaciones estadísticamente significativas de algunos niveles educativos con varicela, zika, enfermedad transmitida por alimentos, lesiones de causa externa y exposición al flúor; de “abastecimiento de agua salubre en cantidad suficiente” y/o “sistema de desagüe y eliminación higiénica de excretas” con dengue, chikungunya y leishmaniasis; “estado de la vivienda” con Exposición al flúor y “hacinamiento” con Violencia contra la mujer-intrafamiliar-sexual/violencia de género. Sin embargo, su poder predictivo fue predominante bajo. Conclusiones: Las variables tuvieron una distribución similar a la descrita en otras poblaciones y se identificaron algunas asociaciones estadísticamente significativas. Sin embargo, su valor predictivo fue predominantemente bajo.Introduction: In Caldas, an instrument called “Family File” was implemented to obtain information on its population. Its purpose is to monitor the living conditions of Caldense families with the purpose of contributing to the construction of comprehensive health solutions. Objectives: Describe the distribution of some variables of education and housing conditions of some individuals with events of interest in public health reported in Caldas in 2015 and 2016; determine the associations between these variables and the events and estimate the probability of occurrence of the latter. Materials and Methods: Analytical cross-sectional study with information from the Family Records and the Epidemiological Surveillance System. Results: 1735 events were found. The most common educational levels were “middle and / or basic secondary” and “basic primary and / or preschool”. Most of the houses had a good “Supply of safe water in sufficient quantity”, “Drainage system and hygienic elimination of excreta”, “Condition of the house” and “Lighting”; regulate “Solid waste disposal and personal and home hygiene” and did not show “Indoor air pollution” or “Overcrowding”. There were statistically significant associations of some educational levels with chickenpox, Zika, foodborne illness, injuries of external cause and exposure to fluoride; of “supply of safe water in sufficient quantity” and / or “system of drainage and hygienic elimination of excreta” with dengue, chikungunya and leishmaniasis; “State of the house” with Exposure to fluoride and “overcrowding” with Violence against women-intrafamily-sexual / gender violence. However, its predictive power was predominantly low. Conclusions: The variables had a similar distribution to that described in other populations and some statistically significant associations were identified. However, its predictive value was predominantly low

    Participación sacramental eucarística en perspectiva moral en la Parroquia San Francisco de Asís de la ciudad de Cúcuta

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    El presente trabajo lleva por título: Participación sacramental eucarística en perspectiva moral en la parroquia San Francisco de Asís de Cúcuta . El objetivo general que se pretende con este estudio es: Analizar cuáles son las causas de la disminución en la participación de la liturgia eucarística de los (as) niños (as) que han recibido el sacramento de la Eucaristía en el año 2015 y diseñar estrategias pedagógico-morales para una mayor participación . La investigación se origina al observar que los niños en general, una vez realizan la primera comunión se alejan del banquete eucarístico y no vuelven a aparecer sino con motivo de la recepción del sacramento de la confirmación. Lo anterior lleva a indagar las causas sociales, culturales, morales, religiosas, que motivan dicha dispersión. Una vez se realiza la investigación y observando que el padre de familia tiene una gran responsabilidad en la citada dispersión, se diseña una propuesta que contenga estrategias pedagógico-morales que solucionen el problema de dispersión y se logre una mayor participación. El alcance de este trabajo es sólo para aplicar en la parroquia San Francisco de Asís de Cúcuta y se limita a las causalidades de disminución eucarística en la citada parroquia."The present work is entitled: ""Eucharistic sacramental participation in moral perspective in the parish of St. Francis of Assisi de Cúcuta"". The general objective of this study is: ""To analyze the causes of the decrease in the participation of the Eucharistic liturgy of the (as) children (as) who received the sacrament of the Eucharist in the year 2015 and to design the Pedagogical-moral strategies for greater participation "". The research shows that children in general, once they make the first communion, move away from the Eucharistic banquet and do not reappear except on the occasion of the reception of the sacrament of Confirmation. This leads to an inquiry into the social, cultural, moral, and religious causes that motivate this dispersion. Once the research is done and observing that the parent has a great responsibility in the aforementioned dispersion, there is an idea that contains strategies that seek solutions to the problem of dispersion and achieve greater participation. The scope of this work is only to apply in the parish of St. Francis of Assisi in Cúcuta and is limited to the causes of eucharistic decline in the city of Parish."Licenciado (a) en Ciencias ReligiosasPregrad

    The human papillomavirus type 18 E6 oncoprotein induces Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor 121 (VEGF121) transcription from the promoter through a p53-independent mechanism

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    Altered angiogenic response is associated with high-grade cervical dysplasia and with invasive squamous carcinoma of the cervix. Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor (VEGF) is one of the most potent inducers of angiogenesis and is up-regulated in carcinoma of the cervix. Infection by high-risk human papillomavirus and persistent expression of viral oncogene E6 are etiologically linked to the development of cervical cancer. E6 is able to immortalize cells and induce malignant transformation by inactivating p53. In cervical cancer, regulation of VEGF expression is poorly described. Thus, we investigated whether E6 oncoprotein could regulate VEGF expression in HPV18-positive cervical cancer-derived HeLa cells harboring a wild-type p53. The alternative splicing of vegf mRNA renders three major isoforms of 121, 165 and 189 amino-acids in humans. We have designed isoform specific real time QRT-PCR assays to quantitate vegf transcripts and VEGF121 was the predominant isoform. Silencing HPV18 E6 mRNA with specific siRNA reduced VEGF121 expression by at least 50% whereas silencing of p53 did not alter its expression. Treatment with cycloheximide did not inhibit E6-induced VEGF121 expression. Collectively, these results suggest that HPV18 E6 oncoprotein contributes to tumor angiogenesis by inducing VEGF transcription from the promoter in a p53-independent manner

    GPER mediates the angiocrine actions induced by IGF1 through the HIF-1α/VEGF pathway in the breast tumor microenvironment

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    The G protein estrogen receptor GPER/GPR30 mediates estrogen action in breast cancer cells as well as in breast cancer-associated fibroblasts (CAFs), which are key components of microenvironment driving tumor progression. GPER is a transcriptional target of hypoxia inducible factor 1 alpha (HIF-1α) and activates VEGF expression and angiogenesis in hypoxic breast tumor microenvironment. Furthermore, IGF1/IGF1R signaling, which has angiogenic effects, has been shown to activate GPER in breast cancer cells. We analyzed gene expression data from published studies representing almost 5000 breast cancer patients to investigate whether GPER and IGF1 signaling establish an angiocrine gene signature in breast cancer patients. Next, we used GPER-positive but estrogen receptor (ER)-negative primary CAF cells derived from patient breast tumours and SKBR3 breast cancer cells to investigate the role of GPER in the regulation of VEGF expression and angiogenesis triggered by IGF1. We performed gene expression and promoter studies, western blotting and immunofluorescence analysis, gene silencing strategies and endothelial tube formation assays to evaluate the involvement of the HIF-1α/GPER/VEGF signaling in the biological responses to IGF1. We first determined that GPER is co-expressed with IGF1R and with the vessel marker CD34 in human breast tumors (n = 4972). Next, we determined that IGF1/IGF1R signaling engages the ERK1/2 and AKT transduction pathways to induce the expression of HIF-1α and its targets GPER and VEGF. We found that a functional cooperation between HIF-1α and GPER is essential for the transcriptional activation of VEGF induced by IGF1. Finally, using conditioned medium from CAFs and SKBR3 cells stimulated with IGF1, we established that HIF-1α and GPER are both required for VEGF-induced human vascular endothelial cell tube formation. These findings shed new light on the essential role played by GPER in IGF1/IGF1R signaling that induces breast tumor angiogenesis. Targeting the multifaceted interactions between cancer cells and tumor microenvironment involving both GPCRs and growth factor receptors has potential in future combination anticancer therapies

    Hypertonic Stress Induces VEGF Production in Human Colon Cancer Cell Line Caco-2: Inhibitory Role of Autocrine PGE2

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    Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor (VEGF) is a major regulator of angiogenesis. VEGF expression is up regulated in response to micro-environmental cues related to poor blood supply such as hypoxia. However, regulation of VEGF expression in cancer cells is not limited to the stress response due to increased volume of the tumor mass. Lipid mediators in particular arachidonic acid-derived prostaglandin (PG)E2 are regulators of VEGF expression and angiogenesis in colon cancer. In addition, increased osmolarity that is generated during colonic water absorption and feces consolidation seems to activate colon cancer cells and promote PGE2 generation. Such physiological stimulation may provide signaling for cancer promotion. Here we investigated the effect of exposure to a hypertonic medium, to emulate colonic environment, on VEGF production by colon cancer cells. The role of concomitant PGE2 generation and MAPK activation was addressed by specific pharmacological inhibition. Human colon cancer cell line Caco-2 exposed to a hypertonic environment responded with marked VEGF and PGE2 production. VEGF production was inhibited by selective inhibitors of ERK 1/2 and p38 MAPK pathways. To address the regulatory role of PGE2 on VEGF production, Caco-2 cells were treated with cPLA2 (ATK) and COX-2 (NS-398) inhibitors, that completely block PGE2 generation. The Caco-2 cells were also treated with a non selective PGE2 receptor antagonist. Each treatment significantly increased the hypertonic stress-induced VEGF production. Moreover, addition of PGE2 or selective EP2 receptor agonist to activated Caco-2 cells inhibited VEGF production. The autocrine inhibitory role for PGE2 appears to be selective to hypertonic environment since VEGF production induced by exposure to CoCl2 was decreased by inhibition of concomitant PGE2 generation. Our results indicated that hypertonicity stimulates VEGF production in colon cancer cell lines. Also PGE2 plays an inhibitory role on VEGF production by Caco-2 cells exposed to hyperosmotic stress through EP2 activation

    Global analysis of estrogen receptor beta binding to breast cancer cell genome reveals an extensive interplay with estrogen receptor alpha for target gene regulation

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    Background: Estrogen receptors alpha (ERa) and beta (ERb) are transcription factors (TFs) that mediate estrogen signaling and define the hormone-responsive phenotype of breast cancer (BC). The two receptors can be found co-expressed and play specific, often opposite, roles, with ERb being able to modulate the effects of ERa on gene transcription and cell proliferation. ERb is frequently lost in BC, where its presence generally correlates with a better prognosis of the disease. The identification of the genomic targets of ERb in hormone-responsive BC cells is thus a critical step to elucidate the roles of this receptor in estrogen signaling and tumor cell biology. Results: Expression of full-length ERb in hormone-responsive, ERa-positive MCF-7 cells resulted in a marked reduction in cell proliferation in response to estrogen and marked effects on the cell transcriptome. By ChIP-Seq we identified 9702 ERb and 6024 ERa binding sites in estrogen-stimulated cells, comprising sites occupied by either ERb, ERa or both ER subtypes. A search for TF binding matrices revealed that the majority of the binding sites identified comprise one or more Estrogen Response Element and the remaining show binding matrixes for other TFs known to mediate ER interaction with chromatin by tethering, including AP2, E2F and SP1. Of 921 genes differentially regulated by estrogen in ERb+ vs ERb- cells, 424 showed one or more ERb site within 10 kb. These putative primary ERb target genes control cell proliferation, death, differentiation, motility and adhesion, signal transduction and transcription, key cellular processes that might explain the biological and clinical phenotype of tumors expressing this ER subtype. ERb binding in close proximity of several miRNA genes and in the mitochondrial genome, suggests the possible involvement of this receptor in small non-coding RNA biogenesis and mitochondrial genome functions. Conclusions: Results indicate that the vast majority of the genomic targets of ERb can bind also ERa, suggesting that the overall action of ERb on the genome of hormone-responsive BC cells depends mainly on the relative concentration of both ERs in the cell

    Identification of the traditional and non-traditional sulfate-reducing bacteria associated with corroded ship hull

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    Pitting corrosion due to microbial activity is the most severe type of corrosion that occurs in ship hull. Since biogenic sulfide produced by sulfate-reducing bacteria (SRB) is involved in the acceleration of pitting corrosion of marine vessels, so it is important to collect information about SRB community involved in maritime vessel failure. We investigated the SRB community on corroded hull portion of the ship. With the use of common cultural method and 16S rDNA sequencing, ten bacteria with sulfate reduction ability were isolated and identified. They belonged to both traditional (Desulfovibrio, Desulfotomaculum) and non-traditional (Citrobacter) sulfate-reducing bacteria. All the isolates were able to produce a high amount of sulfide. However, only traditional isolates were showing the amplification for the SRB-specific gene, dsrAB. Further studies on corrosion potential of these two groups of bacteria showed that in spite of high sulfide and biofilm production by non-traditional SRB, they are less aggressive towards the mild steel compare to the traditional group