468 research outputs found

    Retail concentration in spanish seafood industry.

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    The seafood production sector in Spain is adapting to face the challenges of increasing retail market concentration. Supermarket chains and other retailers are imposing various requirements on suppliers. In a review of government data on seafood sales and prices, the authors found the salmon sector is totally involved in retail concentration. Seabass and sea bream are between identification as products of mass consumption or niche products. Trout and turbot are more traditional species not affected by competition across retail outlets

    Study of the within-breed genetic diversity in the murciano-granadina goat with microsatellites

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    Granadina goats, Murciana goats and their crosses are included in the same genealogical book that is managed by two different breeders associations: the Asociación Nacional de Criadores de Caprinos de Raza Murciano-Granadina and the Asociación de Criadores de Cabras Murcianas ACRIMUR. Both populations form the Murciano-Granadina breed, reported in this way in the Catálogo Oficial de Razas de Ganado de España. This common genetic management has had excellent benefits like the international recognition of the Murciano-Granadina breed, but it is possible that the no distinction between crossbreed animals would produce a genetic absorption of the Granadina population by the Murciana one. This fact would conduce to an important lost of genetic diversity, especially for Andalucía that would lost one of their most emblematic genetic resource. There are a lot of scientific publications about productive, reproductive or genetic characters of the Murciano-Granadina considering one unique population. In this work we study the within-breed diversity of the Murciano-Granadina breed in order to determine the real genetic differences between these two populations: Murciana and Granadina.Actualmente tanto las cabras Granadinas como las cabras Murcianas, así como sus cruces se inscriben en un único libro genealógico gestionado por dos asociaciones de criadores: la Asociación Nacional de Criadores de Caprinos de Raza Murciano-Granadina y la Asociación de Criadores de Cabras Murcianas ACRIMUR. Oficialmente ambas poblaciones se integran en una única raza llamada Murciano-Granadina, incluida como tal en el catálogo Oficial de Razas de Ganado de España. Esta gestión genética común por una parte ha producido efectos muy beneficiosos como ha sido el reconocimiento internacional de la raza Murciano-Granadina, pero puede que no discriminar animales cruzados entre ambas poblaciones esté produciendo un fenómeno de absorción de la cabra Granadina tradicional por parte de la cabra Murciana, algo que sería una pérdida de diversidad muy grave, especialmente para Andalucía que estaría perdiendo uno de sus recursos genéticos más emblemáticos. Debido a la gran importancia que tiene esta raza caprina como la más representativa de España en el panorama internacional, son muchos los trabajos científicos que se han desarrollado sobre distintos aspectos productivos, reproductivos e incluso genéticos, todos ellos considerando una única población denominada Murciano-Granadina. En este estudio se aborda el estudio de la diversidad genética intrarracial de la raza Murciano-Granadina para determinar de una manera fiable y objetiva las diferencias genéticas reales entre estas dos poblaciones caprinas: Murciana y Granadina

    Estimation of morphoestructural traits in moxoto breed goats

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    The raising goat systems in Brazil are characterized as extensive or semi-extensive in the majority of them. In native breeds dominate the extensive system, being common introduction of exotic breed as Anglo Nubian and Boer. In addition, the geographic isolation difficulty change of sires, promote genetic isolation and changes in breed pattern, consequently. The objective of the present work were to evaluate eleven quantitative morphoestructural traits: raised to the withers (RW), raised to the entrance of croup (RC), thoracic perimeter (PT), width of croup (WC), length of croup (LC), width of head (WH), face length (FL), width of face (WF), ear size (ES), shin circumference of the cinnamon (CCi) of 313 Moxoto animal breed of several municipality of Pernambuco and Paraíba States, northeastern, semi arid region of Brazil. According to canonical analyses it is possible to verify diferentiation and sub populations formation.Os sistemas de produção de caprinos no Brasil caracterizam-se na sua maioria como extensivo ou semi-extensivo. Porém, na criação de caprinos nativos predomina o sistema ultra-extensivo, sendo comum a introdução de animais exóticos, principalmente das raças Anglo Nubiana e Boer para cruzamento com o rebanho local, fato que tem contribuído para diluição genética e perda das características raciais.. Além disso, o isolamento geográfico a que estão submetidos, dificulta a troca de reprodutores entre rebanhos, promove isolamento genético e como conseqüência final, mudanças no padrão racial. O presente trabalho teve como objetivo utilizar onze variáveis morfo-estruturais de natureza quantitativas, tais como: longitude da cabeça (LC); longitude do rosto (LR); largura da cabeça (LCa); comprimento do corpo (CC); perímetro torácico (PT); altura da cernelha (AC); altura da região sacral (ARS); largura da garupa (LG); longitude da garupa (LGa); perímetro da canela (PCa) e; tamanho da orelha (TO) de 313 animais da raça caprina Moxotó, de diferentes municípios dos Estados de Pernambuco e Paraíba, região semi-árida do Nordeste brasileiro. Pela análise canônica foi possível verificar diferenciação e formação de sub-populações dentro da raça

    Effect of the ionic liquid [bmim]Cl and high pressure on the activity of cellulase

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    The effect of the ionic liquid 1-butyl-3-methylimidazolium chloride ([bmim]Cl) and of high pressure on the activity of cellulase from Aspergillus niger were studied separately and in combination. The enzyme activity decreased with increasing concentrations of [bmim]Cl, reaching 50% the value in aqueous buffer with 20% [bmim]Cl. However, when the enzyme is held in 10% [bmim]Cl and is then assayed in 1% [bmim]Cl, it showed only 8% reduction of activity. These results can be explained by the fact that the activity of the enzyme in [bmim]Cl is linearly correlated with the decrease of the thermodynamic water activity (aw). Under pressure the enzyme activity varied from less 60% (at 200MPa) to equal (at 400 MPa), compared to atmospheric pressure. In 10% [bmim]Cl under pressure, cellulase activity is improved compared to atmospheric pressure, varying from equal (at 600 MPa) to 1.7-fold higher (at 100 MPa). This opens the possibility to improve cellulase activity in ionic liquids, and possibly of other enzymes, by carrying out the reaction under pressure

    Distâncias genéticas em equinos (Equus caballus) por meio de marcadores microssatélites.

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    A raça Marajoara é bastante difundida e utilizada nas fazendas da ilha de Marajó e está sendo mantida em conservação no Banco de Germoplasma Animal da Amazônia Oriental ? BAGAM, da Embrapa Amazônia Oriental, sendo altamente adaptada às condições climáticas e ao relevo que caracterizam essa região. Foram utilizadas amostras da raça Marajoara (54), Puruca (47),Mangalarga (30), Puro Sangue Inglês (47), Árabe (25), Pantaneiro (63) coletados no Brasil e Lusitano (93), Árabe (48), Asturcon (39), Pura Raça Espanhola (60), Puro Sangue Inglês (46), Losino(59), Mallorquina (30), Menorquina (69) e Potoka (27) coletados na Espanha. Foram utilizados 22iniciadores (HTG4, AHT4, HMS7, ASB2, ASB17, HMS6, ASB23, HTG10, HMS3, LEX33, T287, T294,T297, T301, T312, T321, T325, T333, T341, T394, T343 e T344) amplificados pelo método de Reação em Cadeia da Polimerase (PCR). Os produtos da PCR foram separados em gel desnaturante de poliacrilamida 6%. Foram detectados 236 alelos, com média igual a 7,5 alelos/locus, variando entre 16 e 6 alelos. As médias de Conteúdo de Informação Polimórfica (PIC) e as heterozigosidades observadas (Ho) e esperadas (He), conforme as raças estudadas, foram respectivamente, 0,7610, 0,7873 e 0,7413. A estimativa da estatística F de Wright (1978) mostrou que a variação entre as raças foi maior (Fst 8,1%) do que dentro delas (Fis 0,78%), demonstrando que a diferenciação genética neste estudo foi maior entre as raças do que dentro de cada uma delas. Foram observados poucos desvios em relação ao equilíbrio de Hardy ? Weinberg. A menor distância genética observada foi entre a raça Marajoara e a Puruca seguida da Mangalarga. Os resultados sugerem que a raça Marajoara representa um grupo genético claramente distinto deoutras raças excetuando-se a Puruca que pode ser utilizada como reservatório de genes para esta, com razoável variabilidade genética. Medidas de conservação e manejo devem ser intensificadas nesse importante recurso genético brasileiro a fim de evitar a sua descaracterização e perda de identidade genética

    Locally adapted brazilian sheep: a model of adaptation to Semiarid region.

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    Abstract: Well adapted animals are characterized by maintain homeostasis under natural conditions. The present study aimed to evaluate physiological and morphological responses, as well as identify the relationship between these parameters in order to maintain homoeothermic status, in the dry and rainy season. Measurements were taken from 383 Morada Nova hair ewes, under dry and rainy season. The studied variables included rectal temperature (RT), respiratory rate (RR), coat thickness (CT), hair length (HL), hair diameter (HD) and hair density (D). Blood samples were collected for determining biochemical, erythrogam and hormone concentration. The evaluated blood parameters from the Morada Nova breed did not demonstrate any variation from the reference interval established for sheep, confirming its adaptability profile even under high radiation and air temperatures. Multivariate analyses were performed in order to determine relationship between morphological, biochemical, erythrocyte and hormonal traits in each season. Differences correlations were observed according to season of the year. In the dry season, the correlations were significant among RT, RR, Packed cell volume (PCV), thyroxine (T4), Glucose (GLU), CT, HL, Globulin (GLO) and Total Protein (TP), whereas in dry season the characteristics that showed greater correlation were Mean corpuscular volume (MCV), thyroid hormones, Creatinine, GLO, TP, PCV and GLU. In conclusion, Morada Nova ewes was able to maintain homeothermy, even in the most stressful environmental conditions. Their hematological, biochemical and hormonal profile were within the normal range for sheep, confirming the adaptability of this local breed to the Brazilian semiarid environment. [Ovelha brasileira localmente adaptada: um modelo de adaptação para o semiárido]. Resumo: Os animais bem adaptados são caracterizados por manter a homeostase em condições naturais. O presente estudo teve como objetivo avaliar as respostas fisiológicas e morfológicas, bem como identificar a relação entre esses parâmetros a fim de, manter o estado homeotérmico, na estação seca e chuvosa. As medições foram tomadas em 383 ovelhas da raça Morada Nova, na época seca e chuvosa. As variáveis estudadas incluíram temperatura retal (TR), frequência respiratória (FR), espessura do pelame (EP), comprimento do pelo (CP), diâmetro do pelo (D) e densidade numérica (DN). Foram coletadas amostras de sangue para determinar a concentração bioquímica, eritrogama e hormonal. Os parâmetros de sangue avaliados da raça Morada Nova não demonstraram variação do intervalo de referência estabelecido para ovinos, confirmando que seu perfil de adaptabilidade, mesmo sob alta radiação e temperaturas do ar. Foram realizadas análises multivariadas para determinar a relação entre características morfológicas, bioquímicas, eritrocitárias e hormonais em cada estação. As correlações de diferenças foram observadas de acordo com a estação do ano. Na estação seca, as correlações foram significativas entre TR, FR, PCV, T4, GLU, CT, HL, GLO e TP, enquanto que na estação seca as características que apresentaram maior correlação foram MCV, T4, T3, CRE, GLO, TP PCV e GLU. Em conclusão, as ovelhas Morada Nova conseguem manter a homeotermia, mesmo nas condições ambientais mais estressantes. Seu perfil hematológico, bioquímico e hormonal permanecem dentro da faixa de normalidade para ovinos, confirmando a adaptabilidade dessa raça local ao ambiente semiárido brasileiro

    A bio-based alginate aerogel as an ionic liquid support for the efficient synthesis of cyclic carbonates from co2 and epoxides

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    Funding Information: This work was supported by Ministerio de Ciencia y Universidades (project RTI2018-097456-B-I00) and Funda??o para a Ci?ncia e Tecnologia FCT/MCTES (project PTDC/EQU-EPQ/31926/2017), UIDB/50006/2020 of the Associate Laboratory for Green Chemistry?LAQV and UIDB/00100/2020 of Centro de Qu?mica Estrutural. This work was also supported by a Short Term Scientific Mission of the CMST COST Action CM1206. A.B. Paninho is thankful to FCT for the doctoral fellowship PD/BD/52497/2014 and pos-doctoral fellowship PTDC/EQU-EPQ/31926/2017. The authors also thanks to the project ?SunStorage-Harvesting and storage of solar energy?, with reference POCI-01-0145-FEDER-016387, funded by European Regional Development Fund (ERDF), through COMPETE 2020-Operational Program. The NMR spectrometers at FCT NOVA are part of Rede Nacional de RMN (PTNMR), supported by FCT/MCTES through ROTEIRO/0031/2013? PINFRA/22161/2016 and co-financed by FEDER through COMPETE 2020, POCI, and PORL and FCT/MCTES through PIDDAC.In this work, the ionic liquid [Aliquat][Cl] was supported into alginate and silica aerogel matrices and applied as a catalyst in the cycloaddition reaction between CO2 and a bio-based epoxide (limonene oxide). The efficiency of the alginate aerogel system is much higher than that of the silica one. The method of wet impregnation was used for the impregnation of the aerogel with [Aliquat][Cl] and a zinc complex. The procedure originated a well-defined thin solvent film on the surface of support materials. Final materials were characterised by Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy, N2 Adsorption–Desorption Analysis, X-ray diffraction, atomic absorption and Field Emission Scanning Microscopy. Several catalytic tests were performed in a high-pressure apparatus at 353.2 K and 4 MPa of CO2.publishersversionpublishe

    Studying and Treating Schizophrenia Using Virtual Reality: A New Paradigm

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    Understanding schizophrenia requires consideration of patients’ interactions in the social world. Misinterpretation of other peoples’ behavior is a key feature of persecutory ideation. The occurrence and intensity of hallucinations is affected by the social context. Negative symptoms such as anhedonia, asociality, and blunted affect reflect difficulties in social interactions. Withdrawal and avoidance of other people is frequent in schizophrenia, leading to isolation and rumination. The use of virtual reality (VR)—interactive immersive computer environments—allows one of the key variables in understanding psychosis, social environments, to be controlled, providing exciting applications to research and treatment. Seven applications of virtual social environments to schizophrenia are set out: symptom assessment, identification of symptom markers, establishment of predictive factors, tests of putative causal factors, investigation of the differential prediction of symptoms, determination of toxic elements in the environment, and development of treatment. The initial VR studies of persecutory ideation, which illustrate the ascription of personalities and mental states to virtual people, are highlighted. VR, suitably applied, holds great promise in furthering the understanding and treatment of psychosis