87 research outputs found

    Respuesta al estrés celular: Implicaciones en envejecimiento y otras patologías relacionadas con la edad.

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    Las células, de forma individual, pero también formando parte de organismos complejos, están expuestas a agresiones procedentes del ambiente que las rodea. Dichas agresiones constituyen lo que conocemos como estrés celular, al que células y organismos deben adaptarse para poder sobrevivir. La respuesta al estrés afecta especialmente a la expresión génica, es decir, al repertorio de proteínas presentes en las células y que se encargarán de dar una respuesta adecuada para mitigar los efectos nocivos del estrés y promover la adaptación celular a la nueva situación ambiental. Nuestros resultados de los últimos años han permitido establecer y confirmar la relevancia de un adecuado control del mecanismo de fabricación de las proteínas en distintas funciones básicas para la supervivencia de las células expuestas a distintas formas de estré

    Señalización intracelular mediada por los receptores de prolactina

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    Tesis doctoral inédita leída en la Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Facultad de Ciencias, Departamento de Biología Molecular, 19-1-199

    Integrating data warehouses with web data : a survey

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    This paper surveys the most relevant research on combining Data Warehouse (DW) and Web data. It studies the XML technologies that are currently being used to integrate, store, query, and retrieve Web data and their application to DWs. The paper reviews different DW distributed architectures and the use of XML languages as an integration tool in these systems. It also introduces the problem of dealing with semistructured data in a DW. It studies Web data repositories, the design of multidimensional databases for XML data sources, and the XML extensions of OnLine Analytical Processing techniques. The paper addresses the application of information retrieval technology in a DW to exploit text-rich document collections. The authors hope that the paper will help to discover the main limitations and opportunities that offer the combination of the DW and the Web fields, as well as to identify open research line

    Prolactin activates tyrosyl phosphorylation of insulin receptor substrate 1 and phosphatidylinositol-3-OH kinase

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    Prolactin (PRL) has been demonstrated to induce tyrosine phosphorylation and activation of the cytoplasmic tyrosine kinase JAK2. The present study represents an initial effort to identify the phosphorylation repertoire of the PRL receptor (PRLR). For this purpose we have modified the rat PRLR cDNA to encode an additional N-terminal epitope specifically designed to allow the rapid purification of the PRLR and associated proteins from transfected cells. The Flag-tagged PRLR was stably expressed in the human 293 cell line. PRL induced tyrosine phosphorylation of proteins of 85, 95, and 185 kDa from 10 to 30 min after PRL stimulation. Immunoblot analysis of immunoprecipitation indicates that p85 corresponds to the 85-kDa regulatory subunit of phosphatidylinositol (PI)-3' kinase, p95 to PRLR, and p185 to insulin receptor substrate 1 (IRS-1). Both PI-3' kinase and IRS-1 appear to associate with PRLR in a PRL-dependent manner. These results thus indicate that kinases other than JAK2, namely PI-3' kinase, are activated by PRL

    Compulsory Education Teachers’ Perceptions of Resources, Extracurricular Activities and Inclusive Pedagogical Training in Spain

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    Inclusive education is an issue of great interest and social and pedagogical significance in the quality of the education system. Its impact on the context, reality and training of teachers is a decisive impulse to build an open mind in relation to diversity as a characteristic element of education and today’s society. The objective of this study was to explore the perceptions of compulsory education teachers (primary and secondary) about teacher training, resources, and after-school activities in the care of students with specific educational support needs associated with disability in 12 Autonomous Communities of Spain. A survey has been carried out, for which an ad hoc questionnaire was built, involving 2457 docents. A descriptive and inferential analysis has been carried out by means of an average comparison between each issue and the different intrapersonal factors. Specifically, two types of tests have been used, using the SPSS version 25 program for analysis: testing independent samples (Levene test and t-test for equal means) and one-way ANOVA according to the type of independent variable considered. Among the results is the need to increase teacher training in inclusive education, the existence of divergences on the material, and spatial resources available for diversity care. Similarly, the relevance of after-school activities was identified as initiatives and spaces for the visibility of diversity and culture of inclusion in schools.R+D+I Research Project entitled “Evaluation of the response to students with Specific Educational Support Needs associated with disability in Compulsory Education: Current situation and proposal for improvement” (EDU2016-75574-P)Spanish Ministry of Economy, Industry and CompetitivenessERDF - European Unio

    Naturally occurring and engineered alphaviruses sensitive to double-stranded-RNA-activated protein kinase show restricted translation in mammalian cells, increased sensitivity to interferon, and marked oncotropism

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    Alphaviruses are insect-borne viruses that alternate between replication in mosquitoes and vertebrate species. Adaptation of some alphaviruses to vertebrate hosts has involved the acquisition of an RNA structure (downstream loop [DLP]) in viral subgenomic mRNAs that confers translational resistance to protein kinase (PKR)- mediated eIF2α phosphorylation. Here, we found that, in addition to promoting eIF2-independent translation of viral subgenomic mRNAs, presence of the DLP structure also increased the resistance of alphavirus to type I interferon (IFN). Aura virus (AURAV), an ecologically isolated relative of Sindbis virus (SV) that is poorly adapted to replication in vertebrate cells, displayed a nonfunctional DLP structure and dramatic sensitivity to type I IFN. Our data suggest that an increased resistance to IFN emerged during translational adaptation of alphavirus mRNA to vertebrate hosts, reinforcing the role that double-stranded RNA (dsRNA)-activated protein kinase (PKR) plays as both a constitutive and IFN-induced antiviral effector. Interestingly, a mutant SV lacking the DLP structure (SV-ΔDLP) and AURAV both showed a marked oncotropism for certain tumor cell lines that have defects in PKR expression and/or activation. AURAV selectively replicated in and killed some cell lines derived from human hepatocarcinoma (HCC) that lacked PKR response to infection or poly(I·C) transfection. The oncolytic activities of SV-ΔDLP and AURAV were also confirmed using tumor xenografts in mice, showing tumor regression activities comparable to wild-type SV. Our data show that translation of alphavirus subgenomic mRNAs plays a central role in IFN susceptibility and cell tropism, suggesting an unanticipated oncolytic potential that some naive arboviruses may have in virotherapy. IMPORTANCE Interferons (IFNs) induce the expression of a number of antiviral genes that protect the cells of vertebrates against viruses and other microbes. The susceptibility of cells to viruses greatly depends on the level and activity of these antiviral effectors but also on the ability of viruses to counteract this antiviral response. Here, we found that the level of one of the main IFN effectors in the cell, the dsRNAactivated protein kinase (PKR), greatly determines the permissiveness of cells to alphaviruses that lack mechanisms to counteract its activation. These naive viruses also showed a hypersensitivity to IFN, suggesting that acquisition of IFN resistance (even partial) has probably been involved in expanding the host range of alphaviruses in the past. Interestingly, some of these naive viruses showed a marked oncotropism for some tumor cell lines derived from human hepatocarcinoma (HCC), opening the possibility of their use in oncolytic therapy to treat human tumor

    GCN2 has inhibitory effect on human immunodeficiency virus-1 protein synthesis and is cleaved upon viral infection

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    The reversible phosphorylation of the alpha-subunit of eukaryotic translation initiation factor 2 (eIF2alpha) is a well-characterized mechanism of translational control in response to a wide variety of cellular stresses, including viral infection. Beside PKR, the eIF2alpha kinase GCN2 participates in the cellular response against viral infection by RNA viruses with central nervous system tropism. PKR has also been involved in the antiviral response against HIV-1, although this antiviral effect is very limited due to the distinct mechanisms evolved by the virus to counteract PKR action. Here we report that infection of human cells with HIV-1 conveys the proteolytic cleavage of GCN2 and that purified HIV-1 and HIV-2 proteases produce direct proteolysis of GCN2 in vitro, abrogating the activation of GCN2 by HIV-1 RNA. Transfection of distinct cell lines with a plasmid encoding an HIV-1 cDNA clone competent for a single round of replication resulted in the activation of GCN2 and the subsequent eIF2alpha phosphorylation. Moreover, transfection of GCN2 knockout cells or cells with low levels of phosphorylated eIF2alpha with the same HIV-1 cDNA clone resulted in a marked increase of HIV-1 protein synthesis. Also, the over-expression of GCN2 in cells led to a diminished viral protein synthesis. These findings suggest that viral RNA produced during HIV-1 infection activates GCN2 leading to inhibition of viral RNA translation, and that HIV-1 protease cleaves GCN2 to overcome its antiviral effect

    Compact Multilayer Filter in Empty Substrate Integrated Waveguide With Transmission Zeros

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    © 2018 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permissíon from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting/republishing this material for advertisíng or promotional purposes, creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other works.[EN] The empty substrate integrated waveguide (ESIW) technology is recently receiving special attention, since it preserves the many advantages of SIW circuits but provides an enhanced behavior due to avoidance of dielectric filling. Many circuits have been designed in the ESIW technology, including several filters with different performances. The next challenge is to achieve the maximum possible compactness degree for these circuits. In this paper, we present the design of a multilayer empty substrate integrated filter with the same performance as if it were manufactured in a single layer but significantly increasing its compactness and mechanical resistance.This work was supported by the Ministerio de Economia y Competitividad, Spanish Government, under Grant TEC2016-75934-C4-3-R and Grant TEC2016-75934-C4-1-R.Belenguer Martínez, Á.; Fernández-Berlanga, MD.; Ballesteros, JA.; De Dios, JJ.; Esteban González, H.; Boria Esbert, VE. (2018). Compact Multilayer Filter in Empty Substrate Integrated Waveguide With Transmission Zeros. IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques. 66(6):2993-3000. https://doi.org/10.1109/TMTT.2018.2823306S2993300066

    Grado de predicción de la motivación hacia las actividades físicodeportivas a través de la orientación de metas, la percepción del éxito y el grado de satisfacción. Un análisis transcultural.

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    El objetivo de este estudio fue conocer en qué medida se puede predecir el tipo de motivación hacia la práctica de actividad físicodeportiva en función de la orientación de metas, la percepción del éxito y el grado de satisfacción, mediante un análisis transcultural en tres países latinos: España, México y Costa Rica. Se evaluaron 2 168 escolares de edades entre 11 y 16 años, utilizando cuatro instrumentos: Sport Motivation Scale (SMS), Task and Ego Orientation Sport Questionnaire (TEOSQ), Satisfaction Instrument (SSI) y Beliefs about the Causes of Sport Success Questionnaire (BACS). Los resultados mostraron que valores altos en orientación a la tarea, diversión y esfuerzo pueden predecir significativamente la manifestación de motivación intrínseca en los sujetos de los tres países.post-print978 K

    Evaluación del Entorno de Aprendizaje Clínico con la versión española de la escala CLES+T: el antes y el después de la Declaración de Bolonia

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    En esencia la enfermería es una profesión basada en la práctica, y consecuentemente, la formación durante las prácticas clínicas de las y los estudiantes, resultan un componente esencial del curriculum de pregrado en el conjunto de países vinculados al Espacio Europeo de Educación Superior. La firma de la Declaración de Bolonia, supuso para los países europeos la implicación en la restructuración del sistema educativo, la adecuación de los programas educativos a la legislación comunitaria, y la promoción de la movilidad de discentes y de docentes entre los mismos. Acontecidos los principales cambios y desarrollados e implantados los programas de pregrado, nos hemos propuesto en este trabajo determinar cómo evalúan los estudiantes del grado en Enfermería de la Universidad de Alicante el entorno de aprendizaje clínico hospitalario, y comparar estos resultados con las evaluaciones emitidas por las/los anteriores estudiantes de la diplomatura. Para tal fin se realiza un estudio transversal en el que se utiliza como instrumento la versión española de la escala CLES+T (Clinical Learning Environment, Supervision and Nurse Teacher)