253 research outputs found

    On the morphology of ammonium nitrate (III): theory and observation

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    The aim of this paper is to derive on a theoretical basis the morphology of crystals of ammonium nitrate, phase III, and to compare the results with experimental growth forms. The theory used is based on the concepts of periodic bond chain (PBC), F face and connected net, developed by Hartman and Perdok. Further an Ising model is used to determine roughening temperatures. Based on different criteria theoretical growth forms are predicted and compared with experiments

    The structure of the agrochemical fungicidal 4-Chloro-3-(3,5-dichloropheny)-1H-pyrazole, RPA 406194 and related compounds

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    The difficulties to obtain convenient monocrystals of the important fungicide RPA 406194 have been overcome by a combination of solid state 13C NMR, X-ray powder diffraction and molecular modeling. The compound, a 3-aryl tautomer, crystallizes forming infinite chains of molecules bonded by N–H· · ·N hydrogen bonds, leading to needle-shaped crystals. The tautomerism (equilibrium constant and energy barrier) of this compound in solution has been studied

    Measurement, modelling, and closed-loop control of crystal shape distribution: Literature review and future perspectives

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    Crystal morphology is known to be of great importance to the end-use properties of crystal products, and to affect down-stream processing such as filtration and drying. However, it has been previously regarded as too challenging to achieve automatic closed-loop control. Previous work has focused on controlling the crystal size distribution, where the size of a crystal is often defined as the diameter of a sphere that has the same volume as the crystal. This paper reviews the new advances in morphological population balance models for modelling and simulating the crystal shape distribution (CShD), measuring and estimating crystal facet growth kinetics, and two- and three-dimensional imaging for on-line characterisation of the crystal morphology and CShD. A framework is presented that integrates the various components to achieve the ultimate objective of model-based closed-loop control of the CShD. The knowledge gaps and challenges that require further research are also identified

    Lanthanoid “Bottlebrush” Clusters: Remarkably Elongated Metal-Oxo Core Structures with Controllable Lengths

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    Large metal-oxo clusters consistently assume spherical or regular polyhedral morphologies rather than high-aspect-ratio structures. Access to elongated core structures has now been achieved by the reaction of lanthanoid salts with a tetrazole-functionalized calixarene in the presence of a simple carboxylate coligand.The resulting Ln19 and Ln12 clusters are constructed from apex-fused Ln5O6 trigonal bipyramids and are formed consistently under a range of reaction conditions and reagent ratios. Altering the carboxylate coligandstructure reliably controls the cluster length, giving access to a new class of rod-like clusters of variable length
