1,436 research outputs found

    Rho meson form factors in a confining Nambu--Jona-Lasinio model

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    Elastic electromagnetic form factors for the ρ+\rho^+ meson are calculated in a Nambu--Jona-Lasinio model which incorporates quark confinement through the use of the proper-time regularization scheme. A comparison is made with recent lattice QCD results and previous quark model calculations for static quantities and the Sachs form factors. The results are qualitatively in good agreement with the lattice QCD calculations, with the exception of the quadrupole moment and corresponding form factor, which may be related to a lack of spherical symmetry on the lattice.Comment: 8 pages, 11 figure

    Baryon Octet Electromagnetic Form Factors in a confining NJL model

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    Electromagnetic form factors of the baryon octet are studied using a Nambu--Jona-Lasinio model which utilizes the proper-time regularization scheme to simulate aspects of colour confinement. In addition, the model also incorporates corrections to the dressed quarks from vector meson correlations in the t-channel and the pion cloud. Comparison with recent chiral extrapolations of lattice QCD results shows a remarkable level of consistency. For the charge radii we find the surprising result rEp<rEΣ+r_{E}^p < r_{E}^{\Sigma^+} and rEn<rEΞ0|r_{E}^n| < |r_{E}^{\Xi^0}|, whereas the magnetic radii have a pattern largely consistent with a naive expectation based on the dressed quark masses.Comment: 7 pages, 4 figure

    The Lick AGN Monitoring Project: Alternate Routes to a Broad-line Region Radius

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    It is now possible to estimate black hole masses across cosmic time, using broad emission lines in active galaxies. This technique informs our views of how galaxies and their central black holes coevolve. Unfortunately, there are many outstanding uncertainties associated with these "virial" mass estimates. One of these comes from using the accretion luminosity to infer a size for the broad-line region. Incorporating the new sample of low-luminosity active galaxies from our recent monitoring campaign at Lick Observatory, we recalibrate the radius-luminosity relation with tracers of the accretion luminosity other than the optical continuum. We find that the radius of the broad-line region scales as the square root of the X-ray and Hbeta luminosities, in agreement with recent optical studies. On the other hand, the scaling appears to be marginally steeper with narrow-line luminosities. This is consistent with a previously observed decrease in the ratio of narrow-line to X-ray luminosity with increasing total luminosity. The radius of the broad-line region correlates most tightly with Hbeta luminosity, while the X-ray and narrow-line relations both have comparable scatter of a factor of two. These correlations provide useful alternative virial BH masses in objects with no detectable optical/UV continuum emission, such as high-redshift galaxies with broad emission lines, radio-loud objects, or local active galaxies with galaxy-dominated continua.Comment: 8 pages, 1 figure, accepted for publication in Ap

    The Lick AGN Monitoring Project: Photometric Light Curves and Optical Variability Characteristics

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    The Lick AGN Monitoring Project targeted 13 nearby Seyfert 1 galaxies with the intent of measuring the masses of their central black holes using reverberation mapping. The sample includes 12 galaxies selected to have black holes with masses roughly in the range 10^6-10^7 solar masses, as well as the well-studied AGN NGC 5548. In conjunction with a spectroscopic monitoring campaign, we obtained broad-band B and V images on most nights from 2008 February through 2008 May. The imaging observations were carried out by four telescopes: the 0.76-m Katzman Automatic Imaging Telescope (KAIT), the 2-m Multicolor Active Galactic Nuclei Monitoring (MAGNUM) telescope, the Palomar 60-in (1.5-m) telescope, and the 0.80-m Tenagra II telescope. Having well-sampled light curves over the course of a few months is useful for obtaining the broad-line reverberation lag and black hole mass, and also allows us to examine the characteristics of the continuum variability. In this paper, we discuss the observational methods and the photometric measurements, and present the AGN continuum light curves. We measure various variability characteristics of each of the light curves. We do not detect any evidence for a time lag between the B- and V-band variations, and we do not find significant color variations for the AGNs in our sample.Comment: 16 pages, 20 figures, 8 tables, accepted for publication in ApJ

    The Lick AGN Monitoring Project: Broad-Line Region Radii and Black Hole Masses from Reverberation Mapping of Hbeta

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    We have recently completed a 64-night spectroscopic monitoring campaign at the Lick Observatory 3-m Shane telescope with the aim of measuring the masses of the black holes in 12 nearby (z < 0.05) Seyfert 1 galaxies with expected masses in the range ~10^6-10^7 M_sun and also the well-studied nearby active galactic nucleus (AGN) NGC 5548. Nine of the objects in the sample (including NGC 5548) showed optical variability of sufficient strength during the monitoring campaign to allow for a time lag to be measured between the continuum fluctuations and the response to these fluctuations in the broad Hbeta emission. We present here the light curves for the objects in this sample and the subsequent Hbeta time lags for the nine objects where these measurements were possible. The Hbeta lag time is directly related to the size of the broad-line region, and by combining the lag time with the measured width of the Hbeta emission line in the variable part of the spectrum, we determine the virial mass of the central supermassive black hole in these nine AGNs. The absolute calibration of the black hole masses is based on the normalization derived by Onken et al. We also examine the time lag response as a function of velocity across the Hbeta line profile for six of the AGNs. The analysis of four leads to ambiguous results with relatively flat time lags as a function of velocity. However, SBS 1116+583A exhibits a symmetric time lag response around the line center reminiscent of simple models for circularly orbiting broad-line region (BLR) clouds, and Arp 151 shows an asymmetric profile that is most easily explained by a simple gravitational infall model. Further investigation will be necessary to fully understand the constraints placed on physical models of the BLR by the velocity-resolved response in these objects.Comment: 24 pages, 16 figures and 13 tables, submitted to Ap

    Swift/UVOT grism monitoring of NGC 5548 in 2013: an attempt at MgII reverberation mapping

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    Reverberation-mapping-based scaling relations are often used to estimate the masses of black holes from single-epoch spectra of AGN. While the radius-luminosity relation that is the basis of these scaling relations is determined using reverberation mapping of the Hβ\beta line in nearby AGN, the scaling relations are often extended to use other broad emission lines, such as MgII, in order to get black hole masses at higher redshifts when Hβ\beta is redshifted out of the optical waveband. However, there is no radius-luminosity relation determined directly from MgII. Here, we present an attempt to perform reverberation mapping using MgII in the well-studied nearby Seyfert 1, NGC 5548. We used Swift to obtain UV grism spectra of NGC 5548 once every two days from April to September 2013. Concurrent photometric UV monitoring with Swift provides a well determined continuum lightcurve that shows strong variability. The MgII emission line, however, is not strongly correlated with the continuum variability, and there is no significant lag between the two. We discuss these results in the context of using MgII scaling relations to estimate high-redshift black hole masses.Comment: 8 pages, 7 figures, accepted for publication in Ap

    Synchronous vs. asynchronous dynamics of diffusion-controlled reactions

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    An analytical method based on the classical ruin problem is developed to compute the mean reaction time between two walkers undergoing a generalized random walk on a 1d lattice. At each time step, either both walkers diffuse simultaneously with probability pp (synchronous event) or one of them diffuses while the other remains immobile with complementary probability (asynchronous event). Reaction takes place through same site occupation or position exchange. We study the influence of the degree of synchronicity pp of the walkers and the lattice size NN on the global reaction's efficiency. For odd NN, the purely synchronous case (p=1p=1) is always the most effective one, while for even NN, the encounter time is minimized by a combination of synchronous and asynchronous events. This new parity effect is fully confirmed by Monte Carlo simulations on 1d lattices as well as for 2d and 3d lattices. In contrast, the 1d continuum approximation valid for sufficiently large lattices predicts a monotonic increase of the efficiency as a function of pp. The relevance of the model for several research areas is briefly discussed.Comment: 21 pages (including 12 figures and 4 tables), uses revtex4.cls, accepted for publication in Physica

    The Lick AGN Monitoring Project: Recalibrating Single-Epoch Virial Black Hole Mass Estimates

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    We investigate the calibration and uncertainties of black hole mass estimates based on the single-epoch (SE) method, using homogeneous and high-quality multi-epoch spectra obtained by the Lick Active Galactic Nucleus (AGN) Monitoring Project for 9 local Seyfert 1 galaxies with black hole masses < 10^8 M_sun. By decomposing the spectra into their AGN and stellar components, we study the variability of the single-epoch Hbeta line width (full width at half-maximum intensity, FWHM_Hbeta; or dispersion, sigma_Hbeta) and of the AGN continuum luminosity at 5100A (L_5100). From the distribution of the "virial products" (~ FWHM_Hbeta^2 L_5100^0.5 or sigma_Hbeta^2 L_5100^0.5) measured from SE spectra, we estimate the uncertainty due to the combined variability as ~ 0.05 dex (12%). This is subdominant with respect to the total uncertainty in SE mass estimates, which is dominated by uncertainties in the size-luminosity relation and virial coefficient, and is estimated to be ~ 0.46 dex (factor of ~ 3). By comparing the Hbeta line profile of the SE, mean, and root-mean-square (rms) spectra, we find that the Hbeta line is broader in the mean (and SE) spectra than in the rms spectra by ~ 0.1 dex (25%) for our sample with FWHM_Hbeta < 3000 km/s. This result is at variance with larger mass black holes where the difference is typically found to be much less than 0.1 dex. To correct for this systematic difference of the Hbeta line profile, we introduce a line-width dependent virial factor, resulting in a recalibration of SE black hole mass estimators for low-mass AGNs.Comment: Accepted for publication in ApJ. 18 pages, 17 figure

    The Lick AGN Monitoring Project: Reverberation Mapping of Optical Hydrogen and Helium Recombination Lines

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    We have recently completed a 64-night spectroscopic monitoring campaign at the Lick Observatory 3-m Shane telescope with the aim of measuring the masses of the black holes in 12 nearby (z < 0.05) Seyfert 1 galaxies with expected masses in the range ~10^6-10^7M_sun and also the well-studied nearby active galactic nucleus (AGN) NGC 5548. Nine of the objects in the sample (including NGC 5548) showed optical variability of sufficient strength during the monitoring campaign to allow for a time lag to be measured between the continuum fluctuations and the response to these fluctuations in the broad Hbeta emission, which we have previously reported. We present here the light curves for the Halpha, Hgamma, HeII 4686, and HeI 5876 emission lines and the time lags for the emission-line responses relative to changes in the continuum flux. Combining each emission-line time lag with the measured width of the line in the variable part of the spectrum, we determine a virial mass of the central supermassive black hole from several independent emission lines. We find that the masses are generally consistent within the uncertainties. The time-lag response as a function of velocity across the Balmer line profiles is examined for six of the AGNs. Finally we compare several trends seen in the dataset against the predictions from photoionization calculations as presented by Korista & Goad. We confirm several of their predictions, including an increase in responsivity and a decrease in the mean time lag as the excitation and ionization level for the species increases. Further confirmation of photoionization predictions for broad-line gas behavior will require additional monitoring programs for these AGNs while they are in different luminosity states. [abridged]Comment: 37 pages, 18 figures and 15 tables, accepted for publication in the Astrophysical Journa