98 research outputs found

    Estimación de la influencia de la PTAR Totora en la calidad del agua del río Alameda, Ayacucho 2023

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    El objetivo de la presente investigación fue examinar la influencia del efluente de la PTAR Totora en la calidad del río Alameda, así mismo la relación que esta tiene con la presencia de metales pesados en hortalizas y en suelos agrícolas cercanos, pertenecientes a las comunidades de Viña Chiquita y Yuraq Chacra durante el año 2023. Se tomaron muestras del río Alameda en dos puntos, uno a 50 metros río arriba y otro a 200 metros río abajo, ambos puntos tomados como referencia desde el punto de vertimiento del efluente de la PTAR. Así mismo, se recolectaron 8 muestras de suelo de dos áreas de cultivo colindantes al río Alameda, uno al margen izquierdo y otro al margen derecho, ambas áreas fueron ubicadas cercanas al punto de monitoreo 200 metros río abajo del efluente de la PTAR. Complementariamente se tomaron muestras de hortalizas cultivadas en los dos terrenos analizados, en uno de ellos se tomaron 3 lechugas y en el otro 3 rabanitos. Todas las muestras fueron llevadas a laboratorio para su respectivo análisis para posteriormente ser comparados con los Estándares de Calidad Ambiental (ECA’s) de Agua y suelo, con los Límites Máximos Permisibles (LMP’S) para Plantas de Tratamiento de Aguas Residuales Domésticas y con el Codex Alimentarius. Dicho todo esto, mediante los procedimientos de investigación detallados en esta tesis, se determinó que la descarga o vertimiento del efluente de la PTAR Totora afecta notoriamente la calidad el río Alameda sobrepasando ciertos parámetros del ECA-Agua y que existe una probable relación con la presencia de metales pesados en los cultivos de las áreas colindantes al río Alameda cuyo sistema de riego usa agua de dicho río. Los metales pesados encontrados en el suelo y en las hortalizas sobrepasan los niveles máximos permitidos por el Codex Alimentarius

    Correlations between soluble alpha/beta forms of amyloid precursor protein and Abeta38, 40 and 42 in human cerebrospinal fluid

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    International audienceCerebrospinal fluid (CSF) biomarkers are now widely used for diagnosis of Alzheimer disease (AD) in atypical clinical forms, for differential and early diagnosis, or for stratification of patients in clinical trials. Among these biomarkers, different forms of amyloid peptides (Aβ) produced by the cleavage of a transmembrane precursor protein called APP (amyloid precursor protein) have a major role. Aβ peptides exist in different length the most common ones having 40 (Aβ40), 42 (Aβ42), or 38 (Aβ38) amino acids in length. APP processing by gamma-secretase releases also an amino-terminal secreted fragment called sAβPP-beta while an alternative nonamyloidogenic cleavage of APP, through an alpha-secretase, liberates another fragment called sAβPP-alpha. To decipher the molecular and pathological mechanisms leading to the production and the detection of these entities is essential for the comprehension and the prevention of AD. In this report, we present the results of the Keywords: Biomarkers CSF Soluble amyloid precursor proteins Aβ fragment peptides Alzheimer disease Dementi

    Decreased sAβPPβ, Aβ38, and Aβ40 Cerebrospinal Fluid Levels in Frontotemporal Dementia.

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    International audienceTo improve the etiological diagnosis of neurodegenerative dementias like Alzheimer's disease (AD) or frontotemporal dementia (FTD), we evaluated the value of individual and combined measurements of the following relevant cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) biomarkers: Tau, 181p-Tau, Aβ38, Aβ40, Aβ42, sAβPPα, and sAβPPβ. This study conducted in two centers included patients with FTD (n = 34), AD (n = 52), as well as a control group of persons without dementia (CTRL, n = 42). Identical clinical criteria and pre-analytical conditions were used while CSF biomarkers were measured using commercial single and multiplex quantitative immunoassays. Thorough statistical analyses, including ROC curves, logistic regressions, and decision trees, were performed. We validated in AD the specific increase of p-Tau levels and the decrease of Aβ42 levels, two biological hallmarks of this disease. Tau concentrations were highest in AD and intermediate in FTD when compared to CTRL. The most interesting results were obtained by focusing on amyloid biomarkers as we found out in FTD a significant decrease of sAβPPβ, Aβ38, and Aβ40 levels. Aβ38 in particular was the most useful biomarker to differentiate FTD subjects from the CTRL population. Combining p-Tau and Aβ38 led us to correctly classifying FTD patients with sensitivity at 85% and specificity at 82%. Significant changes in amyloid biomarkers, particularly for Aβ38, are therefore seen in FTD. This could be quite useful for diagnosis purposes and it might provide additional evidence on the interrelationship between Tau and AβPP biology which understanding is essential to progress towards optimal therapeutic and diagnostic approaches of dementia

    Usefulness of event-related potentials in the assessment of mild cognitive impairment

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The aim of this study was to determine if changes in latencies and amplitudes of the major waves of Auditory Event-Related Potentials (AERP), correlate with memory status of patients with mild cognitive impairment (MCI) and conversion to Alzheimer's disease (AD).</p> <p>91 patients with MCI (mean ± SD age = 66.6 ± 5.4, MMSE score = 27.7) and 30 age-matched healthy control (AMHC) subjects (mean ± SD age = 68.9 ± 9.9) were studied. 54 patients were re-examined after an average period of 14(± 5.2) months. During this time period 5 patients converted to AD. Between-group differences in latency and amplitude of the major AERP waves (N200, P300 and Slow Wave) were determined. Within each group, correlation coefficients (CC) between these characteristics of the different AERP waves were calculated. Finally, for patients, CCs were determined among each AERP wave and their age and MMSE scores. Confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) was used to examine the underlying structure of waveforms both in the control and the patient groups.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Latencies of all major AERP components were prolonged in patients compared to controls. Patients presented with significantly higher N200 amplitudes, but no significant differences were observed in P300 amplitudes. Significant differences between follow-up and baseline measurements were found for P300 latency (p = 0.009), N200 amplitude (p < 0.001) and P300 amplitude (p = 0.05). MMSE scores of patients did not correlate with latency or amplitude of the AERP components. Moreover, the establishment of a N200 latency cut-off value of 287 ms resulted in a sensitivity of 100% and a specificity of 91% in the prediction of MCI patients that converted to AD.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Although we were not able to establish significant correlations between latencies and amplitudes of N200, P300 and SW and the patients' performance in MMSE, which is a psychometric test for classifying patients suffering from MCI, our results point out that the disorganization of the AERP waveform in MCI patients is a potential basis upon which a neurophysiologic methodology for identifying and "staging" MCI can be sought. We also found that delayed N200 latency not only identifies memory changes better than the MMSE, but also may be a potential predictor of the MCI patients who convert to AD.</p

    Measures of Resting State EEG Rhythms for Clinical Trials in Alzheimer’s Disease:Recommendations of an Expert Panel

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    The Electrophysiology Professional Interest Area (EPIA) and Global Brain Consortium endorsed recommendations on candidate electroencephalography (EEG) measures for Alzheimer's disease (AD) clinical trials. The Panel reviewed the field literature. As most consistent findings, AD patients with mild cognitive impairment and dementia showed abnormalities in peak frequency, power, and "interrelatedness" at posterior alpha (8-12Hz) and widespread delta (&lt;4Hz) and theta (4-8Hz) rhythms in relation to disease progression and interventions. The following consensus statements were subscribed: (1) Standardization of instructions to patients, resting state EEG (rsEEG) recording methods, and selection of artifact-free rsEEG periods are needed; (2) power density and "interrelatedness" rsEEG measures (e.g., directed transfer function, phase lag index, linear lagged connectivity, etc.) at delta, theta, and alpha frequency bands may be use for stratification of AD patients and monitoring of disease progression and intervention; and (3) international multisectoral initiatives are mandatory for regulatory purposes

    Progress in the treatment of Alzheimer’s disease is needed – position statement of European Alzheimer’s Disease Consortium (EADC) investigators

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    β-amyloid-targeting antibodies represent the first generation of effective causal treatment of Alzheimer’s disease (AD) and can be considered historical research milestones. Their effect sizes, side effects, implementation challenges and costs, however, have stimulated debates about their overall value. In this position statement academic clinicians of the European Alzheimer’s Disease Consortium (EADC) discuss the critical relevance of introducing these new treatments in clinical care now. Given the complexity of AD it is unlikely that molecular single-target treatments will achieve substantially larger effects than those seen with current β-amyloid-targeting antibodies. Larger effects will most likely only be achieved incrementally by continuous optimization of molecular approaches, patient selection and combinations therapies. To be successful in this regard, drug development must be informed by the use of innovative treatments in real world practice, because full understanding of all facets of novel treatments requires experience and data of real-world care beyond those of clinical trials. Regarding the antibodies under discussion we consider their effects meaningful and potential side effects manageable. We assume that the number of eventually treated patient will only be a fraction of all early AD patients due to narrow eligibility criteria and barriers of access. We strongly endorse the use of these new compound in clinical practice in selected patients with treatment documentation in registries. We understand this as a critical step in advancing the field of AD treatment, and in shaping the health care systems for the new area of molecular-targeted treatment of neurodegenerative diseases

    Situación actual de los cultivos frutales de mayor importancia en Venezuela

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    Las frutas representan una fuente importante de vitaminas y minerales en la dieta humana; as&iacute; como suministran compuestos no nutritivos tales como an&shy;tioxidantes, fibra diet&eacute;tica, entre otros; que favorecen la prevenci&oacute;n de muchas enfermedades importantes en el organismo. Por otra parte, los frutales son cultivos de tradici&oacute;n y arraigo en muchas zonas productoras del pa&iacute;s, que generan sustento para numerosas familias de las cuales depende su modo de vida. Dentro del sector agr&iacute;cola vegetal, la fruticul&shy;tura en Venezuela ocupa un lugar de relevancia, luego de los cereales, ca&ntilde;a de az&uacute;car y hortalizas. Su capacidad de ser consumida en forma fresca o procesada, permite vis&shy;lumbrar perspectivas y nichos de mercado interesantes a nivel nacional e inter&shy;nacional; no obstante, la situaci&oacute;n de los rubros con mayor importancia ha sido altamente perjudicada por diversas circunstancias; donde una de las de mayor peso, es la carencia de adecuadas pol&iacute;ticas agr&iacute;colas por parte del Estado, para fomentar la productividad, adecuada zonificaci&oacute;n de cultivos y financiamientos oportunos, suficientes y asistidos t&eacute;cnicamente. Del mismo modo, factores como la inseguridad jur&iacute;dica y de tipo personal, han provocado disminuci&oacute;n de los agri&shy;cultores en permanecer produciendo sus tierras, sumado al hecho que cada vez, la mano de obra es m&aacute;s dif&iacute;cil su consecuci&oacute;n en las zonas productoras. En el presente trabajo se realiza una breve descripci&oacute;n de los principales frutales sembrados en el pa&iacute;s, en funci&oacute;n de aquellos que poseen la mayor superfi&shy;cie cosechada y volumen de producci&oacute;n. Se describen los sistemas de producci&oacute;n y se hizo un an&aacute;lisis cr&iacute;tico de su situaci&oacute;n con base a los &uacute;ltimos a&ntilde;os de registros estad&iacute;sticos oficiales (MAT, 2010) en cuanto a superficie, producci&oacute;n y rendi&shy;miento, lo cual se corresponder&aacute; con el periodo 1998-2010