335 research outputs found

    Développement du pompage de charges pour la caractérisation in-situ de nanocristaux de Si synthétisés localement dans SiO2 par implantation ionique basse énergie et lithographie stencil

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    Le regain d'attention des industriels pour les mémoires non volatiles intégrant des nanocristaux, illustré par l'introduction sur le marché de la Flexmemory de Freescale en technologie 90 nm, incite à poursuivre des études sur ce type de systèmes. Pour cela, nous avons mis au point des cellules mémoires élémentaires, à savoir des transistors MOS dont l'oxyde de grille contient une grille granulaire formée par un plan de nanocristaux de silicium (Si-ncx) stockant la charge électrique.Ce travail présente les principaux résultats issus de ces travaux, ceux-ci allant du procédé de fabrication à la caractérisation fine des dispositifs mémoires. Le parfait contrôle de l'élaboration de la grille granulaire de Si-ncx par implantation ionique à très basse énergie (ULE-IBS) est accompagné de caractéristiques mémoires répondant aux normes industrielles d'endurance et d'une discrimination des pièges responsables du chargement. Le stockage majoritaire par les Si-ncx est démontré, ce qui est essentiel pour la rétention de la charge. Nous avons développé une technique électrique permettant d'extraire à la fois la quantité de charge stockée par les Si-ncx mais également leurs principales caractéristiques structurales (taille, densité, position dans l'oxyde). Cette extension de la technique électrique de pompage de charges , non destructive et in-situ permet de suivre l'état du composant en fonctionnement et de caractériser des pièges (e.g. les Si-ncx) pour la première fois au-delà de 3 nm de profondeur dans l'oxyde. Ces résultats ont été validés par des observations TEM. La résolution du pompage de charge étant le piège unique, nous avons alors couplé l'ULE-IBS avec la lithographie Stencil pour réduire latéralement le nombre de Si-ncx synthétisés. Cette technique nous permet pour le moment de contrôler la synthèse locale à la position désirée dans l'oxyde de poches de Si-ncx de 400 nm. La synthèse de quelques Si-ncx est envisagée à très court terme. Nous serons alors en mesure de fabriquer des mémoires à nombre choisi de nanocristaux (par SM-ULE-IBS), dont les propriétés structurales (taille, densité, position) et électriques (quantité de charge stockée) seront vérifiées par pompage de charge, offrant ainsi des outils puissants pour la fabrication et la caractérisation de mémoires à nombre réduit de nanocristaux, notamment pour des longueurs de grilles inférieures à 90 nmThe aim of this thesis has been to fabricate and electrically characterize elementary memory cells containing silicon nanocrystals (Si-ncs), in other words MOSFET which insulating layer (SiO2) contains a Si-ncs array storing the electrical charge. We have shown that we perfectly control the synthesis of a 2D array of 3-4 nm Si-ncs embedded into the MOSFET oxide by low-energy ion implantation (1-3 keV) Reaching this goal implied two key steps: on the one hand develop a reliable MOSFET fabrication process incorporating the Si-ncs synthesis steps and on the other hand develop tools and methods for both memory window and Si-ncs array itself characterizations. We have developed an in-situ characterization technique based on the well-known charge pumping technique, allowing for the first time the extraction of traps depth (e.g. the Si-ncs array) further than 3 nm into the oxide layer leading to the characterization of both position of these Si-ncs into the SiO2 matrix and their structural properties (diameter, density). These results have been confirmed by EF-TEM measurements. Finally, we have worked on the improvement of controlled local synthesis of Si-ncs pockets by combining low-energy ion implantation and stencil lithography. We reduced the size of these pockets down to about 400 nm using this parallel, low cost and reliable technique and identified the limiting effect for the pockets size reduction. These results pave the way for memory cells containing a few Si-ncs with a well-defined position into the oxide and a well-controlled number of ncsTOULOUSE-INSA-Bib. electronique (315559905) / SudocSudocFranceF

    Structured ZnO-based contacts deposited by non-reactive rf magnetron sputtering on ultra-thin SiO2/Si through a stencil mask

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    In this paper, we study the localized deposition of ZnO micro and nanostructures deposited by non-reactive rf-magnetron sputtering through a stencil mask on ultra-thin (10 nm) SiO2 layers containing a single plane of silicon nanocrystals (NCs), synthetized by ultra-low energy ion implantation followed by thermal annealing. The localized ZnO-deposited areas are reproducing the exact stencil mask patterns. A resistivity of around 5×10−3 Ω cm is measured on ZnO layer. The as-deposited ZnO material is 97% transparent above the wavelength at 400 nm. ZnO nanostructures can thus be used as transparent electrodes for Si NCs embedded in the gate-oxide of MOS devices

    Effects of intrauterine exposure to synthetic glucocorticoids on fetal, newborn, and infant hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis function in humans : a systematic review

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    BACKGROUND: Synthetic glucocorticoids are commonly used in reproductive medicine. Fetal organ systems are highly sensitive to changes in the intrauterine environment, including overexposure to glucocorticoids. Structural and functional alterations resulting from such changes may persist throughout life and have been associated with diverse diseases. One system that could be particularly sensitive to fetal glucocorticoid overexposure is the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (hpa) axis. Many human studies have investigated this possibility, but a systematic review to identify consistent, emergent findings is lacking. METHODS: We systematically review 49 human studies, assessing the effects of intrauterine exposure to synthetic glucocorticoids on fetal, neonate, and infant hpa function. RESULTS: Study quality varied considerably, but the main findings held true after restricting the analyses to higher-quality studies: intrauterine exposure to synthetic glucocorticoids reduces offspring hpa activity under unstimulated conditions after pain but not pharmacological challenge. Although reduced unstimulated hpa function appears to recover within the first 2 wk postpartum, blunted hpa reactivity to pain is likely to persist throughout the first 4 months of life. There is some evidence that the magnitude of the effects is correlated with the total amount of glucocorticoids administered and varies with the time interval between glucocorticoid exposure and hpa assessment. CONCLUSIONS: This systematic review has allowed the demonstration of the way in which intrauterine exposure to various regimens of synthetic glucocorticoids affects various forms of hpa function. As such, it guides future studies in terms of which variables need to be focused on in order to further strengthen the understanding of such therapy, whilst continuing to profit from its clinical benefits

    Tissue-specific alternative splicing of TCF7L2

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    Common variants in the transcription factor 7-like 2 (TCF7L2) gene have been identified as the strongest genetic risk factors for type 2 diabetes (T2D). However, the mechanisms by which these non-coding variants increase risk for T2D are not well-established. We used 13 expression assays to survey mRNA expression of multiple TCF7L2 splicing forms in up to 380 samples from eight types of human tissue (pancreas, pancreatic islets, colon, liver, monocytes, skeletal muscle, subcutaneous adipose tissue and lymphoblastoid cell lines) and observed a tissue-specific pattern of alternative splicing. We tested whether the expression of TCF7L2 splicing forms was associated with single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs), rs7903146 and rs12255372, located within introns 3 and 4 of the gene and most strongly associated with T2D. Expression of two splicing forms was lower in pancreatic islets with increasing counts of T2D-associated alleles of the SNPs: a ubiquitous splicing form (P = 0.018 for rs7903146 and P = 0.020 for rs12255372) and a splicing form found in pancreatic islets, pancreas and colon but not in other tissues tested here (P = 0.009 for rs12255372 and P = 0.053 for rs7903146). Expression of this form in glucose-stimulated pancreatic islets correlated with expression of proinsulin (r2 = 0.84–0.90, P < 0.00063). In summary, we identified a tissue-specific pattern of alternative splicing of TCF7L2. After adjustment for multiple tests, no association between expression of TCF7L2 in eight types of human tissue samples and T2D-associated genetic variants remained significant. Alternative splicing of TCF7L2 in pancreatic islets warrants future studies. GenBank Accession Numbers: FJ010164–FJ010174

    Phyto-oestrogens and breast cancer chemoprevention

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    Phytoestrogens are polyphenol compounds of plant origin that exhibit a structural similarity to the mammalian steroid hormone 17β-oestradiol. In Asian nations the staple consumption of phyto-oestrogen-rich foodstuffs correlates with a reduced incidence of breast cancer. Human dietary intervention trials have noted a direct relationship between phyto-oestrogen ingestion and a favourable hormonal profile associated with decreased breast cancer risk. However, these studies failed to ascertain the precise effect of dietary phyto-oestrogens on the proliferation of mammary tissue. Epidemiological and rodent studies crucially suggest that breast cancer chemoprevention by dietary phyto-oestrogen compounds is dependent on ingestion before puberty, when the mammary gland is relatively immature. Phyto-oestrogen supplements are commercially marketed for use by postmenopausal women as natural and safe alternatives to hormone replacement therapy. Of current concern is the effect of phyto-oestrogen compounds on the growth of pre-existing breast tumours. Data are contradictory, with cell culture studies reporting both the oestrogenic stimulation of oestrogen receptor-positive breast cancer cell lines and the antagonism of tamoxifen activity at physiological phyto-oestrogen concentrations. Conversely, phyto-oestrogen ingestion by rodents is associated with the development of less aggressive breast tumours with reduced metastatic potential. Despite the present ambiguity, current data do suggest a potential benefit from use of phyto-oestrogens in breast cancer chemoprevention and therapy. These aspects are discussed

    Utopie et certitude ou le doux-leurre de la certitude

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    Benassayag Miguel. Utopie et certitude ou le doux-leurre de la certitude. In: Matériaux pour l'histoire de notre temps, n°9, 1987. Crise des utopies, crise des idéologies, sous la direction de Stéphane Courtois. pp. 8-14

    Pour une intégration définitive dans la communauté nationale

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    Benassayag Maurice. Pour une intégration définitive dans la communauté nationale. In: Hommes et Migrations, n°1135, septembre 1990. Les Harkis et leurs enfants. pp. 3-4