625 research outputs found

    Spectrometric fluorescence and Raman lidar: absolute calibration of aerosol fluorescence spectra and fluorescence correction of humidity measurements

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    RAMSES is the operational spectrometric fluorescence and Raman lidar at the Lindenberg Meteorological Observatory. It employs three spectrometers, with the UVA spectrometer (378–458 nm spectral range) being the latest to be implemented in 2018. The UVA spectrometer extends the fluorescence measurement range to shorter wavelengths than previously accessible, and its water vapor measurements can be corrected for fluorescence effects. First the new experimental setup of the RAMSES near-range receiver, which integrates the UVA spectrometer, is described. Then it is detailed how the fluorescence measurement with the UVA spectrometer is absolutely calibrated and how the fluorescence spectra are merged with those obtained with the second fluorescence spectrometer (440–750 nm spectral range). The second part of this study is dedicated to the effect of aerosol fluorescence on water vapor measurements with Raman lidars. When aerosols are present, a fluorescence-induced error always arises and therefore requires thorough analysis, even though it is particularly significant (in relative terms) only when the atmosphere is dry, the fluorescence signal strong, or the bandwidth of the Raman detection channels wide. For moisture measurements with the UVA spectrometer, a method is introduced that effectively eliminates the systematic fluorescence error. However, the increase in trueness comes at the expense of precision. The investigations further show that an accurate correction for fluorescence is impossible when the Raman lidar is not equipped with a spectrometer but with a single fluorescence receiver channel only, at least for biomass burning aerosol, because for a given fluorescence backscatter coefficient at the wavelength of the auxiliary detection channel, the induced error in humidity can vary widely due to the changing shape of the fluorescence spectrum, which depends on aerosol type and atmospheric state and possibly also on other factors.</p

    Product Service System Innovation in the Smart City

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    Product service systems (PSS) may usefully form part of the mix of innovations necessary to move society toward more sustainable futures. However, despite such potential, PSS implementation is highly uneven and limited. Drawing on an alternate socio-technical perspective of innovation, this paper provides fresh insights, on among other things the role of context in PSS innovation, to address this issue. Case study research is presented focusing on a use orientated PSS in an urban environment: the Copenhagen city bike scheme. The paper shows that PSS innovation is a situated complex process, shaped by actors and knowledge from other locales. It argues that further research is needed to investigate how actors interests shape PSS innovation. It recommends that institutional spaces should be provided in governance landscapes associated with urban environments to enable legitimate PSS concepts to co-evolve in light of locally articulated sustainability principles and priorities

    Using seasonal stochastic dynamic programming to identify optimal management decisions that achieve maximum economic sustainable yields from grasslands under climate risk

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    There are significant challenges in managing the trade-offs between the production of pastures and grazing livestock for profit in the short term, and the persistence of the pasture resource in the longer term under stochastic climatic conditions. The profitability of using technologies such as grazing management, fertiliser inputs and the renovation of pastures are all influenced by complex inter-temporal relations that need to be considered to provide suitable information for managers to enhance tactical and strategic decision making. In this study pasture is viewed as an exploitable renewable resource with its state defined by total pasture quantity and the proportion of desirable species in the sward. The decision problem was formulated as a stochastic dynamic programming (SDP) model where the decision variables are seasonal stocking rate and pasture re-sowing and the objective is to maximise the present value of future economic returns. The solution defines the optimal seasonal decisions for all intervening states of the system as uncertainty unfolds. The model was applied to a representative farm in the high rainfall temperate pasture zone of Australia and the pasture states under which tactical grazing rest, low stocking rates and pasture re-sowing are optimal were identified. Results provide useful general insights as well as specific prescriptions for the case study farm. The framework developed in this paper provides a means of identifying optimal tactical and strategic decisions that achieve maximum sustainable economic yields from grazing system

    Risk assessment of lifting operations at the construction site

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    В статье проводится оценка риска при работе с грузоподъёмными механизмами на строительной площадке. Применение новой методики оценки риска, которая учитывает тяжесть вреда от воздействия опасности, вероятность возникновения, опыт компаний, длительность воздействия и вероятность невыполнения мероприятий позволил провести расчёт величины риска и выявить слабые стороны работы с грузоподъёмными механизмами на строительной площадке. Для выявленных опасностей были рекомендованы мероприятия по повышению безопасности при эксплуатации грузоподъемных механизмов.The article reviews the calculation of the risk during the operation of lifting mechanisms at the construction site. The use of a new risk assessment methodology, which takes into account the severity of harm from the impact of the hazard, the likelihood of occurrence, the experience of companies, the duration of exposure and the likelihood of non-compliance with measures, made it possible to calculate the magnitude of the risk and identify weaknesses in working with lifting mechanisms at the construction site. For the identified hazards, measures were recommended to improve safety during the operation of hoisting mechanisms

    Vulnerability analysis of satellite-based synchronized smart grids monitoring systems

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    The large-scale deployment of wide-area monitoring systems could play a strategic role in supporting the evolution of traditional power systems toward smarter and self-healing grids. The correct operation of these synchronized monitoring systems requires a common and accurate timing reference usually provided by a satellite-based global positioning system. Although these satellites signals provide timing accuracy that easily exceeds the needs of the power industry, they are extremely vulnerable to radio frequency interference. Consequently, a comprehensive analysis aimed at identifying their potential vulnerabilities is of paramount importance for correct and safe wide-area monitoring system operation. Armed with such a vision, this article presents and discusses the results of an experimental analysis aimed at characterizing the vulnerability of global positioning system based wide-area monitoring systems to external interferences. The article outlines the potential strategies that could be adopted to protect global positioning system receivers from external cyber-attacks and proposes decentralized defense strategies based on self-organizing sensor networks aimed at assuring correct time synchronization in the presence of external attacks

    Atmospheric mixing ratios of methyl ethyl ketone (2-butanone) in tropical, boreal, temperate and marine environments

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    Methyl ethyl ketone (MEK) enters the atmosphere following direct emission from vegetation and anthropogenic activities, as well as being produced by the gas-phase oxidation of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) such as n-butane. This study presents the first overview of ambient MEK measurements at six different locations, characteristic of forested, urban and marine environments. In order to understand better the occurrence and behaviour of MEK in the atmosphere, we analyse diel cycles of MEK mixing ratios, vertical profiles, ecosystem flux data, and HYSPLIT back trajectories, and compare with co-measured VOCs. MEK measurements were primarily conducted with proton-transfer-reaction mass spectrometer (PTR-MS) instruments. Results from the sites under biogenic influence demonstrate that vegetation is an important source of MEK. The diel cycle of MEK follows that of ambient temperature and the forest structure plays an important role in air mixing. At such sites, a high correlation of MEK with acetone was observed (e.g. r2 = 0.96 for the SMEAR Estonia site in a remote hemiboreal forest in Tartumaa, Estonia, and r2 = 0.89 at the ATTO pristine tropical rainforest site in central Amazonia). Under polluted conditions, we observed strongly enhanced MEK mixing ratios. Overall, the MEK mixing ratios and flux data presented here indicate that both biogenic and anthropogenic sources contribute to its occurrence in the global atmosphere

    Simultaneous visualization of flow fields and oxygen concentrations to unravel transport and metabolic processes in biological systems

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    From individual cells to whole organisms, O2 transport unfolds across micrometer- tomillimeter-length scales and can change within milliseconds in response to fluid flows and organismal behavior. The spatiotemporal complexity of these processes makes the accurate assessment ofO2 dynamics via currently availablemethods difficult or unreliable. Here, we present ‘‘sensPIV,’’ a method to simultaneously measure O2 concentrations and flow fields. By tracking O2-sensitive microparticles in flow using imaging technologies that allow for instantaneous referencing,we measuredO2 transport within (1) microfluidic devices, (2) sinking model aggregates, and (3) complex colony-forming corals. Through the use of sensPIV, we find that corals use ciliary movement to link zones of photosynthetic O2 production to zones of O2 consumption. SensPIV can potentially be extendable to study flow-organism interactions across many life-science and engineering applications