85 research outputs found

    Diversity and Inclusivity in the Health Science Professions in the USA: A Case Study From Nursing History

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    The health science professions- nursing, occupational therapy, physical therapy, audiology and speech-language pathology -address diversity and inclusivity within their professional organizations and educational experiences. Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) courses serve as the gateway into these professions. Diversity and inclusion is a larger higher education issue in the USA, as these programs are housed in colleges and universities. This paper explores diversity and inclusivity in these professions today and uses a historical case study from nursing to understand the impact history has had on this issue over time. The case study reflects nursing’s struggle to develop educational and professional standards in the United States between the end of the 19th and the early part of the 20th century, a period when prejudice reigned either by law or by custom. Since several of the health science professions share a similar background to that of nursing, this profession can serve as an exemplar as to how it addressed racist laws and attitudes that permeated nursing education in hospital and university based programs. While some progress has been made, remnants of these segregating forces continue today as institutional racism and implicit bias negatively permeates educational settings and the health care delivery models. The data show who is missing from this larger conversations on campus, and unless we explore, question, and study the history of the health science professions, opportunity to be become more diverse and inclusive to meet the needs of the profession and the public will be missed. Résumé Les professions des sciences de la santé (sciences infirmières, ergothérapie, physiothérapie, audiologie et orthophonie) abordent la diversité et l’inclusion dans leurs organisations professionnelles et leurs expériences formatives. Les cours de science, de technologie, d’ingénierie et de mathématiques (STIM) sont une porte d’entrée vers ces professions. La diversité et l’inclusion sont davantage un problème au niveau des études supérieures aux États-Unis, car ces programmes sont offerts dans les collèges et les universités. Cet article explore la diversité et l’inclusion dans ces professions de nos jours et utilise une étude de cas historique des sciences infirmières pour comprendre les conséquences de l’histoire sur ce problème au fil du temps. L’étude de cas reflète la lutte des sciences infirmières pour établir des normes professionnelles et éducationnelles aux États-Unis entre la fin du 19e et le début du 20e siècle, une période pendant laquelle les préjudices régnaient, appuyés par la loi ou les coutumes. Comme plusieurs des professions en sciences de la santé partagent un contexte commun avec les sciences infirmières, cette profession peut illustrer la façon de contrecarrer les lois et attitudes racistes qui imprégnaient la formation en sciences infirmières dans les programmes situés dans les hôpitaux et les programmes universitaires. Bien que des progrès aient été constatés, des vestiges de cette ségrégation se font encore sentir avec les conséquences négatives du racisme institutionnel et des préjugés implicites dans les contextes éducatifs et les modèles de prestation de soins de santé. Les données montrent les absents de ce vaste dialogue sur les campus et à moins d’explorer, de questionner et d’étudier l’histoire des professions en sciences de la santé, l’occasion de devenir plus diversifié et inclusif pour répondre aux besoins de la profession et du public sera ratée

    Born to learn: The inspiration, progress, and future of evolved plastic artificial neural networks

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    Biological plastic neural networks are systems of extraordinary computational capabilities shaped by evolution, development, and lifetime learning. The interplay of these elements leads to the emergence of adaptive behavior and intelligence. Inspired by such intricate natural phenomena, Evolved Plastic Artificial Neural Networks (EPANNs) use simulated evolution in-silico to breed plastic neural networks with a large variety of dynamics, architectures, and plasticity rules: these artificial systems are composed of inputs, outputs, and plastic components that change in response to experiences in an environment. These systems may autonomously discover novel adaptive algorithms, and lead to hypotheses on the emergence of biological adaptation. EPANNs have seen considerable progress over the last two decades. Current scientific and technological advances in artificial neural networks are now setting the conditions for radically new approaches and results. In particular, the limitations of hand-designed networks could be overcome by more flexible and innovative solutions. This paper brings together a variety of inspiring ideas that define the field of EPANNs. The main methods and results are reviewed. Finally, new opportunities and developments are presented

    Upper extremity cumulative trauma disorder and return to work assessment

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