9 research outputs found

    Power and the Definition of the Sacred; Popular Religious Regime Formation in Former Yugoslavia

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    Bosnia-Herzegovina is the site of a striking number of World War II monuments erected on or in the immediate vicinity of mass graves. These memorials are bones of contention and generate violent inter- -ethnic animosity. This article gives an extensive description of the trials and tribulations of one of these war monuments and the Serb and Croat communities involved. It addresses an aspect of ethnic cleansing that has hitherto been the focus of very little research, i.e. the destruction of mass graves. It is hypothesized that mass graves and the related commemorative ceremonies constitute a key to understanding the stagnating ethnic identification and the recent revival of war violence in rural Bosnia-Herzegovina. The article advocates a more systematic inquiry into the local sources of the war in this part of the former Yugoslavia.U Bosni i Hercegovini nalazi se iznimno veliki broj memorijalnih spomenika žrtvama Drugoga svjetskog rata podignutih u neposrednoj blizini masovnih grobnica. Ti su spomenici predmet razdora i izazivaju međuetnički animozitet. U radu se opisuje sudbina jednoga od tih spomenika oko kojega se spore Srbi i Hrvati. Članak se bavi aspektom etničkoga čišćenja koji dosad nije bio u središtu istraživanja — uništavanjem masovnih grobnica. Pretpostavlja se da se masovne grobnice i s njima povezane komemoracije mogu tumačiti kao ključ za razumijevanje nepromjenjive etničke identifikacije i nedavne obnove ratnog nasilja u ruralnoj Bosni i Hercegovini. Autor se zalaže za sustavnija istraživanja lokalnih uzroka rata u tome dijelu bivše Jugoslavije

    The Apparitions of the Virgin Mary in Medjugorje: The convergence of Croation nationalism on her apparitions

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    This article concerns the alleged apparitions of the Virgin Mary in one of the most popular, 'active' apparitional sites in the world: Medjugorje in Bosnia and Herzegovina. The connection between nationalist discourse and apparitions has often been observed and noted in the literature on nationalism; however, the examples of this connection are scattered in the literature and the question why the apparitional phenomenon so easily lends itself to co-option into nationalist discourse has never been addressed. This article explores this question by showing that what binds the two phenomena together is the idea of 'chosenness' and 'specialness', which in turn can be theoretically linked to discussions about national election in the literature on nationalism. This article illustrates the convergence of nationalist and apparitional discourses by drawing on a selected number of examples of how the apparitions in Medjugorje have been appropriated by Croatian nationalist discourse

    Guidelines on the prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of infective endocarditis (new version 2009): the Task Force on the Prevention, Diagnosis, and Treatment of Infective Endocarditis of the European Society of Cardiology (ESC). Endorsed by the European Society of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases (ESCMID) and the International Society of Chemotherapy (ISC) for Infection and Cancer.

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    International audienc

    Quellen- und Literaturverzeichnis

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