237 research outputs found

    Needs Assessment for a Lifestyle Intervention Weight Loss Program for Hospital Employees

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    The rate of obesity is increasing in the United States. In Florida, almost 60% of the population will be obese by 2030. This increase is expected to contribute to millions of cases of preventable chronic diseases costing the state an estimated $34 billion dollars. Employer-sponsored health programs can positively influence employees\u27 lifestyle choices and support weight loss programs to reduce health-related costs to the employee and the employer. Guided by the transtheoretical model, the purpose of the project was to conduct an employee assessment to determine the need for, interest in, and readiness for a lifestyle intervention weight loss program. One-hundred sixteen employees from a participant pool of 1,500 employees of a community hospital completed an online survey by providing information on age, weight, gender, body mass index, and exercise patterns. They also answered the 36-item University of Rhode Island Change Assessment Scale to determine readiness for participating in the workplace-based Group Lifestyle Balance program. Data were summarized using descriptive statistics; 52% of respondents were between 26 and 55 years of age and 44% of respondents were obese. Scores on the Change Assessment Scale revealed that 46.4% (n = 54) of the respondents were thinking about making a lifestyle change within the next 6 months. The findings indicated that many hospital employees were in the contemplation stage of readiness for change and they were receptive to additional information about the weight loss program. The needs assessment was the first step toward establishing community-level social change, starting with hospital employees, to decrease obesity and improve population health

    Effects of an Educational Program on the Test Performance of Children with Psychoneurological Learning Disabilities

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    Student Personnel and Guidanc

    Psychologie im Umweltschutz - Handbuch zur Förderung nachhaltigen Handelns

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    Ob wir uns vegetarisch ernĂ€hren, Fahrrad fahren oder eine Solaranlage bauen: FortwĂ€hrend treffen wir Entscheidungen im Sinne der Umwelt - oder auch nicht. Was uns dabei leitet und motiviert, erforscht die Umweltpsychologie. Das Handbuch der Psychologie im Umweltschutz erklĂ€rt anhand eines psychologischen Modells, wie wir nachhaltiges Handeln besser verstehen und fördern können. Als erstes deutschsprachiges Werk fasst es den Wissensschatz der angewandten Umweltpsychologie wissenschaftlich fundiert und praxisnah zusammen. Wichtige Themen wie Selbstwirksamkeit, soziale Normen und Emotionen erhalten dabei jeweils ein eigenes Kapitel. Leitfragen und alltagsnahe Beispiele ermöglichen eine direkte Anwendung im Umweltschutz. Das Handbuch richtet sich damit an alle, die ihre Umweltschutzprojekte und ihre Kommunikation wirksamer gestalten möchten - sei es im pĂ€dagogischen Bereich, beim urbanen GĂ€rtnern, im Umweltaktivismus oder bei der Arbeit fĂŒr Umweltorganisationen

    Cancer Prevention Europe

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    The case for cancer prevention in Europe is the same as for all other parts of the world. The number of cancers is increasing, driven by demographic change and evolution in the exposure to risk factors, while the cost of treating patients is likewise spiralling. Estimations suggest that around 40% of cancers in Europe could be prevented if current understanding of risk and protective factors was translated into effective primary prevention, with further reductions in cancer incidence and mortality by screening, other approaches to early detection, and potentially medical prevention. However, the infrastructure for cancer prevention tends to be fragmented between and within different countries in Europe. This lack of a coordinated approach recently led to the foundation of Cancer Prevention Europe (Forman et al., 2018), a collaborative network with the main aims of strengthening cancer prevention in Europe by increasing awareness of the needs, the associated required resources and reducing inequalities in access to cancer prevention across Europe. This article showcases the need for strengthening cancer prevention and introduces the objectives of Cancer Prevention Europe and its foreseen future role in reducing the European cancer burden.</p

    Lichens Bite the Dust : A Bioweathering Scenario in the Atacama Desert

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    Bioweathering mediated by microorganisms plays a significant role in biogeochemical cycles on global scales over geological timescales. Single processes induced by specific taxa have been described but could rarely be demonstrated for complex communities that dominate whole landscapes. The recently discovered grit crust of the coastal Atacama Desert, which is a transitional community between a cryptogamic ground cover and a rock-bound lithic assemblage, offers the unique chance to elucidate various bioweathering processes that occur simultaneously. Here, we present a bioweathering scenario of this biocenosis including processes such as penetration of the lithomatrix, microbial responses to wet-dry cycles, alkalinolysis, enzyme activity, and mineral re-localization. Frequently occurring fog, for example, led to a volume increase of microorganisms and the lithomatrix. This, together with pH shifts and dust accumulation, consequently results in biophysical breakdown and the formation of a terrestrial protopedon, an initial stage of pedogenesis fueled by the grit crust. © 2020 The Author(s

    Commonality of Virulence-Promoting Function in Rhodococcus equi Virulence Associated Proteins (Vaps)

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    Rhodococcus equi is a Gram-positive facultative intracellular pathogen associated with life-threatening bronchopneumonial disease in foals. Key to R. equi’s intracellular survival in host macrophages is the production of virulence associated proteins (Vaps). Numerous vap genes are found on virulence plasmids isolated from different species, and the Vaps share a high degree of sequence identity. VapA has been extensively studied, and although vapK and vapN genes from other R. equi virulence plasmids have been shown to be essential for R. equi intracellular survival, their mode of action is less characterised. We, therefore, examined whether VapK and VapN worked mechanistically in the same way as VapA. Indeed, like VapA, VapK and VapN neutralised lysosomal pH and reduced lysosomal hydrolase activity. A loss of VapA and R. equi virulence could be regained by the presence of either VapK or VapN. The acid-neutralisation activity was also observed to a lesser extent with VapB. There was a differential activity across these virulence-promoting Vaps with the most “acid-neutralising” activity found with VapN, then VapA and K, and finally VapB. These data suggest that VapA production, which is often found in equine infections, can be substituted by VapK and B (produced by plasmids often found in porcine species) or VapN (produced by plasmids often isolated in bovine and human samples). These data imply that the molecular mechanism(s) that VapA uses to neutralise lysosomal acidity should also be seen in VapN and K which will help guide researchers in identifying their precise mode of action and aid the future development of targeted therapeutics

    Physical Activity and Survival After Prostate Cancer

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    AbstractBackgroundDespite the high global prevalence of prostate cancer (PCa), few epidemiologic studies have assessed physical activity in relation to PCa survival.ObjectiveTo evaluate different types, intensities, and timing of physical activity relative to PCa survival.Design, setting, and participantsA prospective study was conducted in Alberta, Canada, in a cohort of 830 stage II–IV incident PCa cases diagnosed between 1997 and 2000 with follow-up to 2014 (up to 17 yr). Prediagnosis lifetime activity was self-reported at diagnosis. Postdiagnosis activity was self-reported up to three times during follow-up.Outcome measurements and statistical analysisCox proportional hazards models related physical activity to all-cause and PCa-specific deaths and to first recurrence/progression of PCa.Results and limitationsA total of 458 deaths, 170 PCa-specific deaths, and, after first follow-up, 239 first recurrences/progressions occurred. Postdiagnosis total activity (>119 vs ≀42 metabolic equivalent [MET]-hours/week per year) was associated with a significantly lower all-cause mortality risk (hazard ratio [HR]: 0.58; 95% confidence interval [CI], 0.42–0.79; p value for trend <0.01). Postdiagnosis recreational activity (>26 vs ≀4 MET-hours/week per year) was associated with a significantly lower PCa-specific mortality risk (HR: 0.56; 95% CI, 0.35–0.90; p value for trend = 0.01). Sustained recreational activity before and after diagnosis (>18–20 vs <7–8 MET-hours/week per year) was associated with a lower risk of all-cause mortality (HR: 0.66; 95% CI, 0.49–0.88). Limitations included generalisability to healthier cases and an observational study design.ConclusionsThese findings support emerging recommendations to increase physical activity after the diagnosis of PCa and would inform a future exercise intervention trial examining PCa outcomes.Patient summaryIn a 17-yr prostate cancer (PCa) survival study, men who survived at least 2 yr who were more physically active postdiagnosis or performed more recreational physical activity before and after diagnosis survived longer. Recreational physical activity after diagnosis was associated with a lower risk of PCa death

    White matter microstructure of the extended limbic system in male and female youth with conduct disorder

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    BackgroundPrevious studies of conduct disorder (CD) have reported structural and functional alterations in the limbic system. However, the white matter tracts that connect limbic regions have not been comprehensively studied. The uncinate fasciculus (UF), a tract connecting limbic to prefrontal regions, has been implicated in CD. However, CD-related alterations in other limbic tracts, such as the cingulum and the fornix, have not been investigated. Furthermore, few studies have examined the influence of sex and none have been adequately powered to test whether the relationship between CD and structural connectivity differs by sex. We examined whether adolescent males and females with CD exhibit differences in structural connectivity compared with typically developing controls.MethodsWe acquired diffusion-weighted magnetic resonance imaging data from 101 adolescents with CD (52 females) and 99 controls (50 females). Data were processed for deterministic spherical deconvolution tractography. Virtual dissections of the UF, the three subdivisions of the cingulum [retrosplenial cingulum (RSC), parahippocampal and subgenual cingulum], and the fornix were performed and measures of fractional anisotropy (FA) and hindrance-modulated orientational anisotropy (HMOA) were analysed.ResultsThe CD group had lower FA and HMOA in the right RSC tract relative to controls. Importantly, these effects were moderated by sex – males with CD significantly lower FA compared to male controls, whereas CD and control females did not differ.ConclusionsOur results highlight the importance of considering sex when studying the neurobiological basis of CD. Sex differences in RSC connectivity may contribute to sex differences in the clinical presentation of CD

    The Evolution of Fangs, Venom, and Mimicry Systems in Blenny Fishes

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    Venom systems have evolved on multiple occasions across the animal kingdom, and they can act as key adaptations to protect animals from predators. Consequently, venomous animals serve as models for a rich source of mimicry types, as non-venomous species benefit from reductions in predation risk by mimicking the coloration, body shape, and/or movement of toxic counterparts. The frequent evolution of such deceitful imitations provides notable examples of phenotypic convergence and are often invoked as classic exemplars of evolution by natural selection. Here, we investigate the evolution of fangs, venom, and mimetic relationships in reef fishes from the tribe Nemophini (fangblennies). Comparative morphological analyses reveal that enlarged canine teeth (fangs) originated at the base of the Nemophini radiation and have enabled a micropredatory feeding strategy in non-venomous Plagiotremus spp. Subsequently, the evolution of deep anterior grooves and their coupling to venom secretory tissue provide Meiacanthus spp. with toxic venom that they effectively employ for defense. We find that fangblenny venom contains a number of toxic components that have been independently recruited into other animal venoms, some of which cause toxicity via interactions with opioid receptors, and result in a multifunctional biochemical phenotype that exerts potent hypotensive effects. The evolution of fangblenny venom has seemingly led to phenotypic convergence via the formation of a diverse array of mimetic relationships that provide protective (Batesian mimicry) and predatory (aggressive mimicry) benefits to other fishes. Our results further our understanding of how novel morphological and biochemical adaptations stimulate ecological interactions in the natural world
