7 research outputs found

    Reproductive health and burn-out among female physicians: nationwide, representative study from Hungary

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    BACKGROUND: There is a worldwide rising tendency of women deciding to become physicians; hence, one of the most remarkable fields of investigation is the wellbeing of female doctors. The aim of this study was to describe female physicians' reproductive health in Hungary and to explore the potential correlation between their reproductive disorders and burnout symptoms. Up to our present knowledge, there have not been any studies investigating the correlation between reproductive disorders and burnout of female physicians; therefore, our study represents a unique approach. METHODS: Data in this representative cross-sectional epidemiological study were obtained from online questionnaires completed by 3039 female physicians. Participants in a representative nationwide survey (Hungarostudy, 2013) served as controls (n = 1069). Differences between physicians and the control group were disclosed by chi-square test. Correlations between certain factors of reproductive health and the three dimensions of burnout were detected by Pearson correlations and X2 test. Binary logistic regression analysis was used to determine the association between burnout and reproductive health. RESULTS: Female physicians were more often characterised by time-to-pregnancy interval longer than one year (18.4% vs. 9.8%), were bearing more high-risk pregnancies (26.3% vs.16.3%), and were more likely to be undergoing infertility therapy (8.5% vs. 3.4%) and experiencing miscarriage (20.8% vs. 14.6%) during their reproductive years, compared with the general female population. With the exception of miscarriages, the difference remained significant in all comparisons with the professional control group. Both high-risk pregnancies and miscarriages of doctors were associated with depersonalisation (p = 0.028 and p = 0.012 respectively) and personal accomplishment (p = 0.016 and p = 0.008 respectively) dimensions of burnout. Results of the multivariate analysis showed that, beside traditional risk factors, depersonalisation acted as an important explanatory factor in case of high-risk pregnancies (OR = 1.086). CONCLUSIONS: There is a circulatory causality between burnout and the development of reproductive disorders. Burnout is an important risk factor for high-risk pregnancies and miscarriages, and it has a negative effect on the outcome of pregnancies. At the same time, women suffering from reproductive disorders are more likely to develop burnout syndrome. Improvement of working conditions and prevention of burnout in female doctors are equally important tasks

    The changing prevalence of infertility

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    Abstract Infertility is a major, multifaceted issue worldwide whose prevalence is increasing in both high- and low-income countries. The reasons are numerous, and may differ among world regions, but lifestyle and nutritional factors, epidemic infections, and sexually transmitted diseases are major determinants in most latitudes. Three other reasons may explain the increasing incidence of infertility. First, owing to the widespread use of contraception, the choice of delaying the first pregnancy until the third decade of life places men and women at higher risk for sexually transmitted diseases, and women at higher risk for uterine fibroids, endometriosis, polycystic ovary syndrome, and chronic anovulation. Second, prolonged exposure to chronic stress and environmental pollutants may play a critical role in decreasing fertility. Third, gonadotoxic oncologic treatments allow many patients to survive cancer, at the cost of their fertility. This consideration may justify the development of treatments that preserve fertility. © 2013 International Federation of Gynecology and Obstetrics

    Lifestyle factors in people seeking infertility treatment - A review

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    Background:  Clinical infertility is a prevalent problem with significant financial and psychosocial costs. Modifiable lifestyle factors exist that may affect a person’s time to conception and their chance of having a healthy, live birth. However, no guideline delineates what preconception advice should be offered to people presenting for infertility treatment. Aim:  The aim of this article is to review the literature regarding modifiable lifestyle factors in people seeking infertility treatment. Results:  A person’s time to pregnancy and their chance of having a healthy, live birth may be affected by factors such as weight, vitamin and iodine intake, alcohol and caffeine consumption, smoking, substance abuse, stress, environmental pollutants, vaccinations and oxidative stress. Conclusions:  Advice on modifiable lifestyle factors should be given to people presenting for infertility treatment to help them make positive changes that may improve their chances of pregnancy and delivering a healthy, live baby. Developing a guideline for this would be a prudent step towards helping clinicians to implement this aspect of preconception care.Kirsty Anderson, Vicki Nisenblat and Rob Norma