98 research outputs found

    Architecture-Based Unit Testing of the Flight Software Product Line

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    This paper presents an analysis of the unit testing approach developed and used by the Core Flight Software (CFS) product line team at the NASA GSFC. The goal of the analysis is to understand, review, and reconunend strategies for improving the existing unit testing infrastructure as well as to capture lessons learned and best practices that can be used by other product line teams for their unit testing. The CFS unit testing framework is designed and implemented as a set of variation points, and thus testing support is built into the product line architecture. The analysis found that the CFS unit testing approach has many practical and good solutions that are worth considering when deciding how to design the testing architecture for a product line, which are documented in this paper along with some suggested innprovennents

    The Diterpenoid 7-Keto-Sempervirol, Derived from Lycium chinense, Displays Anthelmintic Activity against both Schistosoma mansoni and Fasciola hepatica

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    BACKGROUND:Two platyhelminths of biomedical and commercial significance are Schistosoma mansoni (blood fluke) and Fasciola hepatica (liver fluke). These related trematodes are responsible for the chronic neglected tropical diseases schistosomiasis and fascioliasis, respectively. As no vaccine is currently available for anti-flukicidal immunoprophylaxis, current treatment is mediated by mono-chemical chemotherapy in the form of mass drug administration (MDA) (praziquantel for schistosomiasis) or drenching (triclabendazole for fascioliasis) programmes. This overreliance on single chemotherapeutic classes has dramatically limited the number of novel chemical entities entering anthelmintic drug discovery pipelines, raising significant concerns for the future of sustainable blood and liver fluke control. METHODOLOGY/ PRINCIPLE FINDINGS:Here we demonstrate that 7-keto-sempervirol, a diterpenoid isolated from Lycium chinense, has dual anthelmintic activity against related S. mansoni and F. hepatica trematodes. Using a microtiter plate-based helminth fluorescent bioassay (HFB), this activity is specific (Therapeutic index = 4.2, when compared to HepG2 cell lines) and moderately potent (LD50 = 19.1 μM) against S. mansoni schistosomula cultured in vitro. This anti-schistosomula effect translates into activity against both adult male and female schistosomes cultured in vitro where 7-keto-sempervirol negatively affects motility/behaviour, surface architecture (inducing tegumental holes, tubercle swelling and spine loss/shortening), oviposition rates and egg morphology. As assessed by the HFB and microscopic phenotypic scoring matrices, 7-keto-sempervirol also effectively kills in vitro cultured F. hepatica newly excysted juveniles (NEJs, LD50 = 17.7 μM). Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) evaluation of adult F. hepatica liver flukes co-cultured in vitro with 7-keto-sempervirol additionally demonstrates phenotypic abnormalities including breaches in tegumental integrity and spine loss. CONCLUSIONS/ SIGNIFICANCE:7-keto-sempervirol negatively affects the viability and phenotype of two related pathogenic trematodes responsible for significant human and animal infectious diseases. This plant-derived, natural product is also active against both larval and adult developmental forms. As such, the data collectively indicate that 7-keto-sempervirol is an important starting point for anthelmintic drug development. Medicinal chemistry optimisation of more potent 7-keto-sempervirol analogues could lead to the identification of novel chemical entities useful for future combinatorial or replacement anthelmintic control

    Synthesis of (+)-(R)-Tiruchanduramine

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    The absolute stereochemistry of the marine alkaloid (+)-(R)-tiruchanduramine was established via a convergent total synthesis in six steps and 15.5% overall yield from Fmoc-D-Dab(Boc)-OH

    An Abeis procera-derived tetracyclic triterpene containing a steroid-like nucleus core and a lactone side chain attenuates in vitro survival of both Fasciola hepatica and Schistosoma mansoni

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    Two economically and biomedically important platyhelminth species, Fasciola hepatica (liver fluke) and Schistosoma mansoni (blood fluke), are responsible for the neglected tropical diseases (NTDs) fasciolosis and schistosomiasis. Due to the absence of prophylactic vaccines, these NTDs are principally managed by the single class chemotherapies triclabendazole (F. hepatica) and praziquantel (S. mansoni). Unfortunately, liver fluke resistance to triclabendazole has been widely reported and blood fluke insensitivity/resistance to praziquantel has been observed in both laboratory settings as well as in endemic communities. Therefore, the identification of new anthelmintics is necessary for the sustainable control of these NTDs in both animal and human populations. Here, continuing our work with phytochemicals, we isolated ten triterpenoids from the mature bark of Abies species and assessed their anthelmintic activities against F. hepatica and S. mansoni larval and adult lifecycle stages. Full 1H and 13C NMR-mediated structural elucidation of the two most active triterpenoids revealed that a tetracyclic steroid-like nucleus core and a lactone side chain are associated with the observed anthelmintic effects. When compared to representative mammalian cell lines (MDBK and HepG2), the most potent triterpenoid (700015; anthelmintic EC50s range from 0.7 μM–15.6 μM) displayed anthelmintic selectivity (selectivity indices for F. hepatica: 13 for newly excysted juveniles, 46 for immature flukes, 2 for mature flukes; selectivity indices for S. mansoni: 14 for schistosomula, 9 for immature flukes, 4 for adult males and 3 for adult females) and induced severe disruption of surface membranes in both liver and blood flukes. S. mansoni egg production, a process responsible for pathology in schistosomiasis, was also severely inhibited by 700015. Together, our results describe the structural elucidation of a novel broad acting anthelmintic triterpenoid and support further investigations developing this compound into more potent analogues for the control of both fasciolosis and schistosomiasis. Keywords: Abies procera, Abies grandis, Triterpenoid, Anthelmintic drug discovery, Neglected tropical diseases, Fasciola hepatica, Schistosoma manson

    Intramolecular epoxide ring opening cyclisation reactions involving guanidines

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    The cyclisation of N-allyl- and N-homoallylguanidines using DMDO leading to the formation of novel 5- and 6-membered guanidine heterocycles is reported. Several of the products formed displayed weak inhibition of glycosidase enzymes

    Latent profile analysis in frontotemporal lobar degeneration and related disorders: clinical presentation and SPECT functional correlates

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Frontotemporal Lobar Degeneration (FTLD) thus recently renamed, refers to a spectrum of heterogeneous conditions. This same heterogeneity of presentation represents the major methodological limit for the correct evaluation of clinical designation and brain functional correlates. At present, no study has investigated clinical clusters due to specific cognitive and behavioural disturbances beyond current clinical criteria.</p> <p>The aim of this study was to identify clinical FTLD presentation, based on cognitive and behavioural profile, and to define their SPECT functional correlations.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Ninety-seven FTLD patients entered the study. A clinical evaluation and standardised assessment were preformed, as well as a brain SPECT perfusion imaging study. Latent Profile Analysis on clinical, neuropsychological, and behavioural data was performed. Voxel-basis analysis of SPECT data was computed.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Three specific clusters were identified and named "pseudomanic behaviour" (LC1), "cognitive" (LC2), and "pseudodepressed behaviour" (LC3) endophenotypes. These endophenotypes showed a comparable hypoperfusion in left temporal lobe, but a specific pattern involving: medial and orbitobasal frontal cortex in LC1, subcortical brain region in LC2, and right dorsolateral frontal cortex and insula in LC3.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>These findings provide evidence that specific functional-cluster symptom relationship can be delineated in FTLD patients by a standardised assessment. The understanding of the different functional correlates of clinical presentations will hopefully lead to the possibility of individuating diagnostic and treatment algorithms.</p

    World checklist of hornworts and liverworts

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    A working checklist of accepted taxa worldwide is vital in achieving the goal of developing an online flora of all known plants by 2020 as part of the Global Strategy for Plant Conservation. We here present the first-ever worldwide checklist for liverworts (Marchantiophyta) and hornworts (Anthocerotophyta) that includes 7486 species in 398 genera representing 92 families from the two phyla. The checklist has far reaching implications and applications, including providing a valuable tool for taxonomists and systematists, analyzing phytogeographic and diversity patterns, aiding in the assessment of floristic and taxonomic knowledge, and identifying geographical gaps in our understanding of the global liverwort and hornwort flora. The checklist is derived from a working data set centralizing nomenclature, taxonomy and geography on a global scale. Prior to this effort a lack of centralization has been a major impediment for the study and analysis of species richness, conservation and systematic research at both regional and global scales. The success of this checklist, initiated in 2008, has been underpinned by its community approach involving taxonomic specialists working towards a consensus on taxonomy, nomenclature and distribution

    Myosin-driven peroxisome partitioning in S. cerevisiae

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    In Saccharomyces cerevisiae, the class V myosin motor Myo2p propels the movement of most organelles. We recently identified Inp2p as the peroxisome-specific receptor for Myo2p. In this study, we delineate the region of Myo2p devoted to binding peroxisomes. Using mutants of Myo2p specifically impaired in peroxisome binding, we dissect cell cycle–dependent and peroxisome partitioning–dependent mechanisms of Inp2p regulation. We find that although total Inp2p levels oscillate with the cell cycle, Inp2p levels on individual peroxisomes are controlled by peroxisome inheritance, as Inp2p aberrantly accumulates and decorates all peroxisomes in mother cells when peroxisome partitioning is abolished. We also find that Inp2p is a phosphoprotein whose level of phosphorylation is coupled to the cell cycle irrespective of peroxisome positioning in the cell. Our findings demonstrate that both organelle positioning and cell cycle progression control the levels of organelle-specific receptors for molecular motors to ultimately achieve an equidistribution of compartments between mother and daughter cells

    A classification system for teachers’ motivational behaviors recommended in self-determination theory interventions

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    Teachers’ behavior is a key factor that influences students’ motivation. Many theoretical models have tried to explain this influence, with one of the most thoroughly researched being self-determination theory (SDT). We used a Delphi method to create a classification of teacher behaviors consistent with SDT. This is useful because SDT-based interventions have been widely used to improve educational outcomes. However, these interventions contain many components. Reliably classifying and labeling those components is essential for implementation, reproducibility, and evidence synthesis. We used an international expert panel (N = 34) to develop this classification system. We started by identifying behaviors from existing literature, then refined labels, descriptions, and examples using the Delphi panel’s input. Next, the panel of experts iteratively rated the relevance of each behavior to SDT, the psychological need that each behavior influenced, and its likely effect on motivation. To create a mutually exclusive and collectively exhaustive list of behaviors, experts nominated overlapping behaviors that were redundant, and suggested new ones missing from the classification. After three rounds, the expert panel agreed upon 57 teacher motivational behaviors (TMBs) that were consistent with SDT. For most behaviors (77%), experts reached consensus on both the most relevant psychological need and influence on motivation. Our classification system provides a comprehensive list of TMBs and consistent terminology in how those behaviors are labeled. Researchers and practitioners designing interventions could use these behaviors to design interventions, to reproduce interventions, to assess whether these behaviors moderate intervention effects, and could focus new research on areas where experts disagreed. (PsycInfo Database Record (c) 2023 APA, all rights reserved