1,892 research outputs found

    Finite Size Analysis of the U(1) Phase Transition using the World-sheet Formulation

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    We present a high statistics analysis of the pure gauge compact U(1) lattice theory using the the world-sheet or Lagrangian loop representation. We have applied a simulation method that deals directly with (gauge invariant) integer variables on plaquettes. As a result we get a significant amelioration of the simulation that allows to work with large lattices avoiding the metaestability problems that appear using the standard Wilson formulation.Comment: 14 pages, 4 figures. REVTEX and eps

    The Lagrangian Loop Representation of Lattice U(1) Gauge Theory

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    It is showed how the Hamiltonian lattice looploop representationrepresentation can be cast straightforwardly in the Lagrangian formalism. The procedure is general and here we present the simplest case: pure compact QED. This connection has been shaded by the non canonical character of the algebra of the fundamental loop operators. The loops represent tubes of electric flux and can be considered the dual objects to the Nielsen-Olesen strings supported by the Higgs broken phase. The lattice loop classical action corresponding to the Villain form is proportional to the quadratic area of the loop world sheets and thus it is similar to the Nambu string action. This loop action is used in a Monte Carlo simulation and its appealing features are discussed.Comment: 13 pp, UAB-FT-341/9

    Monopole Percolation in pure gauge compact QED

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    The role of monopoles in quenched compact QED has been studied by measuring the cluster susceptibility and the order parameter nmax/ntotn_{max}/n_{tot} previously introduced by Hands and Wensley in the study of the percolation transition observed in non-compact QED. A correlation between these parameters and the energy (action) at the phase transition has been observed. We conclude that the order parameter nmax/ntotn_{max}/n_{tot} is a sensitive probe for studying the phase transition of pure gauge compact QED.Comment: LaTeX file + 4 PS figures, 12 pag., Pre-UAB-FT-308 ILL-(TH)-94-1


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    Blade/vane components used in aerospace turbines are of twisted aerofoil shape, made by the process of investment casting, using Ni based super-alloy materials. These castings operate at turbine inlet temperatures (TET) close to the melting point of the alloy, in order to maximize thermal efficiency and thrust of the engine. The castings are made hollow, with intricate features such as turbulator, pin-fin, etc built-in to maximize the effect of heat transfer during forced cooling through internal passages. The hollow geometry in the castings is produced during the investment casting process by using a suitable ceramic core made from Silica or Alumina based mixes. These ceramic cores are high pressure injected by forcing the ceramic mix into dedicated molds or dies. Development of such dies is an involved process by itself, addressing issues right from ceramic mix behavior to manufacturability of the injection mould. The present paper attempts to highlight issues related to tooling development for ceramic cores used in investment cast turbine blade/vane components

    In Vitro Analysis of Antioxidant Activities of Oxalis Corniculata Linn. Fractions in Various Solvents

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    As part of our search for natural antioxidants, this work presents an evaluation of antioxidant activities of methanolic extract of Oxalis corniculata and its sub-fractions in hexane, chloroform, ethyl acetate, n-butanol and water. The total phenolic contents in terms of μg of gallic acid equivalents per mg of dried mass were approximately 21.0, 28.2, 34.5, 162.0, 70.0, and 49.2 in methanolic, hexane, chloroform, ethyl acetate, n-butanolic and aqueous fractions respectively, while the flavonoid contents in these solvents were 362.4, 214.1, 317.1, 177.1, 98.8 and 53.5 respectively in terms of μg of rutin per mg of dried mass. In DPPH assay, the ethyl acetate fraction showed the highest free radical scavenging activity, 24.0% with 1 mg/mL concentration. The second strongest fraction was chloroform (21.5%). The EC50 and TEC50 values of the methanolic extract were 3.63 mg/mL and 23 min respectively. The FRAP values in terms of μg of ascorbic acid equivalents per mg of dried mass for these solvents were 288.0, 1705.3, 437.1, 72.0, 28.0, and 44.0 respectively while total antioxidant activity measured by phosphomolybdate assay in terms of μg of ascorbic acid equivalents per mg of dried mass were 50.0, 117.0, 78.6, 57.8, 3.4 and 8.3 respectively. All the samples showed remarkable ability to inhibit lipid peroxidation exhibiting much better and sustainable peroxidation inhibitory activity than the standard butylated hydroxyanisole

    Monopole Percolation in the Compact Abelian Higgs Model

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    We have studied the monopole-percolation phenomenon in the four dimensional Abelian theory that contains compact U(1) gauge fields coupled to unitary norm Higgs fields. We have determined the location of the percolation transition line in the plane (βg,βH)(\beta_g, \beta_H). This line overlaps the confined-Coulomb and the confined-Higgs phase transition lines, originated by a monopole-condensation mechanism, but continues away from the end-point where this phase transition line stops. In addition, we have determined the critical exponents of the monopole percolation transition away from the phase transition lines. We have performed the finite size scaling in terms of the monopole density instead of the coupling, because the density seems to be the natural parameter when dealing with percolation phenomena.Comment: 13 pages. REVTeX. 16 figs. included using eps

    An Experiment to Evaluate Skylab Earth Resources Sensors for Detection of the Gulf Stream

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    The author has identified the following significant results. An experiment to evaluate the Skylab earth resources package for observing ocean currents was performed in the Straits of Florida in January 1974. Data from the S190 photographic facility, S191 spectroradiometer and S192 multispectral scanner, were compared with surface observations. The anticyclonic edge of the Gulf Stream could be identified in the Skylab S190A and B photographs, but the cyclonic edge was obscured by clouds. The aircraft photographs were judged not useful for spectral analysis because vignetting caused the blue/green ratios to be dependent on the position in the photograph. The spectral measurement technique could not identify the anticyclonic front, but mass of Florida Bay water which was in the process of flowing into the Straits could be identified and classified. Monte Carlo simulations of the visible spectrum showed that the aerosol concentration could be estimated and a correction technique was devised

    ABO and Rh Blood Group Distribution Among Kunbis (Maratha) population of Amravati District, Maharashtra

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    The present study reports the distribution of ABO and Rh blood groups among the Kunbis (Maratha) population of Amravati district. The phenotypic frequency of blood group B is observed highest (33.06) percent, O (31.04), A (27.02) and AB is lowest (08.33) percent. The phenotypic frequency of Rh negative is (04.26) percent. TheKunbis (Maratha) population shows close genetic relationship with the Gujratis

    Cold atoms in non-Abelian gauge potentials: From the Hofstadter "moth" to lattice gauge theory

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    We demonstrate how to create artificial external non-Abelian gauge potentials acting on cold atoms in optical lattices. The method employs nn internal states of atoms and laser assisted state sensitive tunneling. Thus, dynamics are communicated by unitary n×nn\times n-matrices. By experimental control of the tunneling parameters, the system can be made truly non-Abelian. We show that single particle dynamics in the case of intense U(2) vector potentials lead to a generalized Hofstadter butterfly spectrum which shows a complex ``moth''-like structure. We discuss the possibility to employ non-Abelian interferometry (Aharonov-Bohm effect) and address methods to realize matter dynamics in specific classes of lattice gauge fields.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figure

    Unusual case of non-resolving necrotizing pneumonia: a last resort measure for cure.

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    Abstract To our knowledge, this is an unusual case of a community-acquired pneumonia (CAP) with sepsis secondary to Streptococcus pneumoniae that required lung resection for a non-resolving consolidation. A 74 year old previously healthy woman, presented with acute fever, chills and pleuritic chest pain in Emergency Department (ED). A diagnosis of CAP was established with a Pneumonia Severity Index CURB-65 score of 5/5. In the ER, she was promptly and appropriately managed with antibiotics and aggressive supportive therapy. She remained on ten days of intravenous antibiotics. However, 48 hours post antibiotic course, she returned to ER with fever and signs of sepsis. Despite timely and appropriate management, the consolidated lobe remained the focus of sepsis for over four weeks. The patient recovered after the offending lobe was resected. Histopathology of the lung tissue revealed acute and chronic inflammation. However, no malignancy, bacterial infection or broncho-pleural fistula was found. Eighteen months post-surgery, the patient remains well