79 research outputs found

    Molecular Networks in FGF Signaling: Flotillin-1 and Cbl-Associated Protein Compete for the Binding to Fibroblast Growth Factor Receptor Substrate 2

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    Fibroblast growth factor receptor substrate 2 (FRS2α) is a signaling adaptor protein that regulates downstream signaling of many receptor tyrosine kinases. During signal transduction, FRS2 can be both tyrosine and threonine phosphorylated and forms signaling complexes with other adaptor proteins and tyrosine phosphatases. We have here identified flotillin-1 and the cbl-associated protein/ponsin (CAP) as novel interaction partners of FRS2. Flotillin-1 binds to the phosphotyrosine binding domain (PTB) of FRS2 and competes for the binding with the fibroblast growth factor receptor. Flotillin-1 knockdown results in increased Tyr phosphorylation of FRS2, in line with the inhibition of ERK activity in the absence of flotillin-1. CAP directly interacts with FRS2 by means of its sorbin homology (SoHo) domain, which has previously been shown to interact with flotillin-1. In addition, the third SH3 domain in CAP binds to FRS2. Due to the overlapping binding domains, CAP and flotillin-1 appear to compete for the binding to FRS2. Thus, our results reveal a novel signaling network containing FRS2, CAP and flotillin-1, whose successive interactions are most likely required to regulate receptor tyrosine kinase signaling, especially the mitogen activated protein kinase pathway

    Doppel and PrPC co-immunoprecipitate in detergent-resistant membrane domains of epithelial FRT cells

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    Dpl (doppel) is a paralogue of the PrPC (cellular prion protein), whose misfolded conformer (the scrapie prion protein, PrPSc) is responsible for the onset of TSEs (transmissible spongiform encephalopathies) or prion diseases. It has been shown that the ectopic expression of Dpl in the brains of some lines of PrP-knockout mice provokes cerebellar ataxia, which can be rescued by the reintroduction of the PrP gene, suggesting a functional interaction between the two proteins. It is, however, still unclear where, and under which conditions, this event may occur. In the present study we addressed this issue by analysing the intracellular localization and the interaction between Dpl and PrPC in FRT (Fischer rat thyroid) cells stably expressing the two proteins separately or together. We show that both proteins localize prevalently on the basolateral surface of FRT cells, in both singly and doubly transfected clones. Interestingly we found that they associate with DRMs (detergent-resistant membranes) or lipid rafts, from where they can be co-immunoprecipitated in a cholesterol-dependent fashion. Although the interaction between Dpl and PrPC has been suggested before, our results provide the first clear evidence that this interaction occurs in rafts and is dependent on the integrity of these membrane microdomains. Furthermore, both Dpl and PrPC could be immunoprecipitated with flotillin-2, a raft protein involved in endocytosis and cell signalling events, suggesting that they share the same lipid environment

    Endocytic pathways: combined scanning ion conductance and surface confocal microscopy study

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    We introduce a novel high resolution scanning surface confocal microscopy technique that enables imaging of endocytic pits in apical membranes of live cells for the first time. The improved topographical resolution of the microscope together with simultaneous fluorescence confocal detection produces pairs of images of cell surfaces sufficient to identify single endocytic pits. Whilst the precise position and size of the pit is detected by the ion conductance microscope, the molecular nature of the pit, e.g. clathrin coated or caveolae, is determined by the corresponding green fluorescent protein fluorescence. Also, for the first time, we showed that flotillin 1 and 2 can be found co-localising with ~200-nm indentations in the cell membrane that supports involvement of this protein in endocytosis

    Wnt secretion and gradient formation.

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    Concentration gradients formed by the lipid-modified morphogens of the Wnt family are known for their pivotal roles during embryogenesis and adult tissue homeostasis. Wnt morphogens are also implicated in a variety of human diseases, especially cancer. Therefore, the signaling cascades triggered by Wnts have received considerable attention during recent decades. However, how Wnts are secreted and how concentration gradients are formed remains poorly understood. The use of model organisms such as Drosophila melanogaster has provided important advances in this area. For instance, we have previously shown that the lipid raft-associated reggie/flotillin proteins influence Wnt secretion and spreading in Drosophila. Our work supports the notion that producing cells secrete Wnt molecules in at least two pools: a poorly diffusible one and a reggie/flotillin-dependent highly diffusible pool which allows morphogen spreading over long distances away from its source of production. Here we revise the current views of Wnt secretion and spreading, and propose two models for the role of the reggie/flotillin proteins in these processes: (i) reggies/flotillins regulate the basolateral endocytosis of the poorly diffusible, membrane-bound Wnt pool, which is then sorted and secreted to apical compartments for long-range diffusion, and (ii) lipid rafts organized by reggies/flotillins serve as "dating points" where extracellular Wnt transiently interacts with lipoprotein receptors to allow its capture and further spreading via lipoprotein particles. We further discuss these processes in the context of human breast cancer. A better understanding of these phenomena may be relevant for identification of novel drug targets and therapeutic strategies

    Intracellular delivery of an anionic antisense oligonucleotide via receptor-mediated endocytosis

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    We describe the synthesis and characterization of a 5′ conjugate between a 2′-O-Me phosphorothioate antisense oligonucleotide and a bivalent RGD (arginine–glycine–aspartic acid) peptide that is a high-affinity ligand for the αvβ3 integrin. We used αvβ3-positive melanoma cells transfected with a reporter comprised of the firefly luciferase gene interrupted by an abnormally spliced intron. Intranuclear delivery of a specific antisense oligonucleotide (termed 623) corrects splicing and allows luciferase expression in these cells. The RGD–623 conjugate or a cationic lipid-623 complex produced significant increases in luciferase expression, while ‘free’ 623 did not. However, the kinetics of luciferase expression was distinct; the RGD–623 conjugate produced a gradual increase followed by a gradual decline, while the cationic lipid-623 complex caused a rapid increase followed by a monotonic decline. The subcellular distribution of the oligonucleotide delivered using cationic lipids included both cytoplasmic vesicles and the nucleus, while the RGD–623 conjugate was primarily found in cytoplasmic vesicles that partially co-localized with a marker for caveolae. Both the cellular uptake and the biological effect of the RGD–623 conjugate were blocked by excess RGD peptide. These observations suggest that the bivalent RGD peptide–oligonucleotide conjugate enters cells via a process of receptor-mediated endocytosis mediated by the αvβ3 integrin

    Membrane dynamics in cell migration

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    Migration of cells is required in multiple tissue-level processes, such as in inflammation or cancer metastasis. Endocytosis is an extremely regulated cellular process by which cells uptake extracellular molecules or internalise cell surface receptors. While the role of endocytosis of focal adhesions (FA) and plasma membrane (PM) turnover at the leading edge of migratory cells is wide known, the contribution of endocytic proteins per se in migration has been frequently disregarded. In this review, we describe the novel functions of the most well-known endocytic proteins in cancer cell migration, focusing on clathrin, caveolin, flotillins and GRAF1. In addition, we highlight the relevance of the macropinocytic pathway in amoeboid-like cell migration

    Flotillins Interact with PSGL-1 in Neutrophils and, upon Stimulation, Rapidly Organize into Membrane Domains Subsequently Accumulating in the Uropod

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    BACKGROUND: Neutrophils polarize and migrate in response to chemokines. Different types of membrane microdomains (rafts) have been postulated to be present in rear and front of polarized leukocytes and disruption of rafts by cholesterol sequestration prevents leukocyte polarization. Reggie/flotillin-1 and -2 are two highly homologous proteins that are ubiquitously enriched in detergent resistant membranes and are thought to shape membrane microdomains by forming homo- and hetero-oligomers. It was the goal of this study to investigate dynamic membrane microdomain reorganization during neutrophil activation. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: We show now, using immunofluorescence staining and co-immunoprecipitation, that endogenous flotillin-1 and -2 colocalize and associate in resting spherical and polarized primary neutrophils. Flotillins redistribute very early after chemoattractant stimulation, and form distinct caps in more than 90% of the neutrophils. At later time points flotillins accumulate in the uropod of polarized cells. Chemotactic peptide-induced redistribution and capping of flotillins requires integrity and dynamics of the actin cytoskeleton, but does not involve Rho-kinase dependent signaling related to formation of the uropod. Both flotillin isoforms are involved in the formation of this membrane domain, as uropod location of exogenously expressed flotillins is dramatically enhanced by co-overexpression of tagged flotillin-1 and -2 in differentiated HL-60 cells as compared to cells expressing only one tagged isoform. Flotillin-1 and -2 associate with P-selectin glycoprotein ligand 1 (PSGL-1) in resting and in stimulated neutrophils as shown by colocalization and co-immunoprecipitation. Neutrophils isolated from PSGL-1-deficient mice exhibit flotillin caps to the same extent as cells isolated from wild type animals, implying that PSGL-1 is not required for the formation of the flotillin caps. Finally we show that stimulus-dependent redistribution of other uropod-located proteins, CD43 and ezrin/radixin/moesin, occurs much slower than that of flotillins and PSGL-1. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: These results suggest that flotillin-rich actin-dependent membrane microdomains are importantly involved in neutrophil uropod formation and/or stabilization and organize uropod localization of PSGL-1

    Duox, Flotillin-2, and Src42A Are Required to Activate or Delimit the Spread of the Transcriptional Response to Epidermal Wounds in Drosophila

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    The epidermis is the largest organ of the body for most animals, and the first line of defense against invading pathogens. A breach in the epidermal cell layer triggers a variety of localized responses that in favorable circumstances result in the repair of the wound. Many cellular and genetic responses must be limited to epidermal cells that are close to wounds, but how this is regulated is still poorly understood. The order and hierarchy of epidermal wound signaling factors are also still obscure. The Drosophila embryonic epidermis provides an excellent system to study genes that regulate wound healing processes. We have developed a variety of fluorescent reporters that provide a visible readout of wound-dependent transcriptional activation near epidermal wound sites. A large screen for mutants that alter the activity of these wound reporters has identified seven new genes required to activate or delimit wound-induced transcriptional responses to a narrow zone of cells surrounding wound sites. Among the genes required to delimit the spread of wound responses are Drosophila Flotillin-2 and Src42A, both of which are transcriptionally activated around wound sites. Flotillin-2 and constitutively active Src42A are also sufficient, when overexpressed at high levels, to inhibit wound-induced transcription in epidermal cells. One gene required to activate epidermal wound reporters encodes Dual oxidase, an enzyme that produces hydrogen peroxide. We also find that four biochemical treatments (a serine protease, a Src kinase inhibitor, methyl-ß-cyclodextrin, and hydrogen peroxide) are sufficient to globally activate epidermal wound response genes in Drosophila embryos. We explore the epistatic relationships among the factors that induce or delimit the spread of epidermal wound signals. Our results define new genetic functions that interact to instruct only a limited number of cells around puncture wounds to mount a transcriptional response, mediating local repair and regeneration