23 research outputs found

    Minas de la Reunión: contextualización, documentación y puesta en valor del paisaje de las Minas de La Reunión, Villanueva del Río y MInas

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    En la actualidad, muchos de los paisajes que nos rodean sólo es posible entenderlos a partir de su pasado industrial, a través de la huella depositada por la industria en el territorio. Este es el caso de las Minas de la Reunión en la localidad sevillana de Villanueva del Río y Minas. Esta investigación tiene como objetivo establecer los parámetros desde los que poder entender e interpretar el paisaje que han generado las estas minas de carbón sobre el territorio y proponer nuevos modos de intervención en el lugar para su integración como paisaje cultural. Para ello, las Minas de la Reunión se contextualizarán a nivel territorial y a nivel histórico a lo largo de la evolución del pueblo minero. Se desvelarán las capas y estratos ocultos que constituyen el terreno de la cuenca minera y el trazado de los túneles y galerías subterráneas utilizadas en el pasado, realizando planimetrías en planta y sección de las trazas y de la cuenca minera. Por último, se investigarán nuevos modos de intervención en las minas basados en actuaciones en otros lugares.Currently many of the surrounding landscapes are just possible to understand thanks to an industrial past, through the industrial mark deposited in the territory. This is the case of Las Minas de la Reunion in the Sevillian town of Villanueva del Río y Minas. This research aims to provide the parameters to understand and interpreted the landscape that these coal mines have generated on the territory and to propose new intervention ways in the place for its integration as cultural landscape. To that end, Las Minas de la Reunion will be contextualized at a territorial and historical level over the miner town evolution. During this investigation there will be revealed the layers and the strata of the mining basin and the tunnels and underground galleries’ layout used in the past, making plants and sections’ plans of the layouts and the mining basin. Finally, new intervention ways based on projects in other places will be researched in the mines.Universidad de Sevilla. Grado en Fundamentos de Arquitectur

    Impacto de la educación en la cultura del emprendimiento: estudio cualitativo

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    Entrepreneurship is a reality that is optimistic about the possibilities of development, progress and well-being. The economic policies of the most advanced countries encourage and promote actions for their citizens to implement their business ideas and generate their own jobs. In this research we will focus on the educational aspect that has traditionally been positively linked to formal entrepreneurship. The figure of the entrepreneur is key when generating social transformations and it is worth approaching not only his personal vision but also the perception that these promoters have different age groups.In this sense, the University of Burgos through the Interuniversity Program of Experience and in the framework of training for older people, launches concrete actions to meet the needs, experiences and expectations of university majors in relation to entrepreneurship. We consider it of great importance that the University, as a long-standing institution in the field of knowledge, supports the processes of entrepreneurship with all the resources at its disposal, among them, the great human capital that is not only among its faculty or staff, but also in their classrooms, mainly those of the elderly.We show in the present investigation the initial results of the qualitative study implemented through a discussion group in which the elders have discussed the concept of entrepreneurship, motives, aid, training and skills. The results will serve as a basis for future proposals and interventions.El emprendimiento es una realidad que se nos presenta optimista en cuanto a posibilidades de desarrollo, progreso y bienestar. Las políticas económicas de los países más avanzados animan y promueven acciones para que sus ciudadanos pongan en marcha sus ideas de negocio y generen sus propios puestos de trabajo. En la presente investigación nos centraremos en el aspecto educativo que tradicionalmente se ha vinculado positivamente con el emprendimiento formal. La figura del emprendedor es clave a la hora de generar transformaciones de tipo social y merece la pena acercarse no solo a su visión personal sino también a la percepción que de estos promotores tienen los diferentes grupos de edad.En este sentido, la Universidad de Burgos a través del Programa Interuniversitario de la Experiencia y en el marco de la formación para personas mayores, pone en marcha acciones concretas para conocer las necesidades, experiencias y expectativas de los mayores universitarios en relación con el emprendimiento. Consideramos de gran importancia que la Universidad, como institución de larga trayectoria en el campo del saber, apoye los procesos de emprendimiento con todos los recursos a su alcance, entre ellos, el gran capital humano que no solo se encuentra entre su profesorado o personal, sino también en sus aulas, principalmente en las de las personas mayores.Mostramos en la presente investigación los resultados iniciales del estudio cualitativo implementado a través de un grupo de discusión en el que los mayores han dialogado sobre el concepto de emprendimiento, motivos, ayudas, formación y competencias. Los resultados nos servirán de base para futuras propuestas e intervenciones

    Buenas Prácticas en los Programas Universitarios para Mayores en España

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    Ana Isabel Muñoz Alcón y Francisco Trullén Galve (Universidad Catolica de Ávila); María P. García de la Torre y Francisco Ascón Belver (Universidad de A Coruña); M. Isabel Luis Rico, Ángel Gañán Adánez, Tamara de la Torre Cruz, Vanesa Baños Martínez (Universidad de Burgos); Yolanda Lázaro Fernández y Jaime Cuenca Amigo (Universidad de Deusto); Camino Caballero Posado (Universidad de Extremadura); Mª Adoración Holgado Sánchez y Mª Teresa Ramos Bernal (Universidad Pontificia de Salamanca); Sara Serrate González, Javier Alba Barrios y José Manuel Muñoz Rodríguez; Miguel Ángel Nombela Castaño (Universidad de Vigo

    Changes in Body Composition in Anorexia Nervosa: Predictors of Recovery and Treatment Outcome

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    The restoration of body composition (BC) parameters is considered to be one of the most important goals in the treatment of patients with anorexia nervosa (AN). However, little is known about differences between AN diagnostic subtypes [restricting (AN-R) and binge/purging (AN-BP)] and weekly changes in BC during refeeding treatment. Therefore, the main objectives of our study were twofold: 1) to assess the changes in BC throughout nutritional treatment in an AN sample and 2) to analyze predictors of BC changes during treatment, as well as predictors of treatment outcome. The whole sample comprised 261 participants [118 adult females with AN (70 AN-R vs. 48 AN-BP), and 143 healthy controls]. BC was measured weekly during 15 weeks of day-hospital treatment using bioelectrical impedance analysis (BIA). Assessment measures also included the Eating Disorders Inventory-2, as well as a number of other clinical indices. Overall, the results showed that AN-R and AN-BP patients statistically differed in all BC measures at admission. However, no significant time×group interaction was found for almost all BC parameters. Significant time×group interactions were only found for basal metabolic rate (p = .041) and body mass index (BMI) (p = .035). Multiple regression models showed that the best predictors of pre-post changes in BC parameters (namely fat-free mass, muscular mass, total body water and BMI) were the baseline values of BC parameters. Stepwise predictive logistic regressions showed that only BMI and age were significantly associated with outcome, but not with the percentage of body fat. In conclusion, these data suggest that although AN patients tended to restore all BC parameters during nutritional treatment, only AN-BP patients obtained the same fat mass values as healthy controls. Put succinctly, the best predictors of changes in BC were baseline BC values, which did not, however, seem to influence treatment outcome

    Como peces en el agua

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    Se desarrolla un proyecto de innovación educativa dirigido a Educación Infantil y Educación Primaria en el que se realizan actividades en torno al tema del agua. El sistema de trabajo ha consistido en el siguiente: en primer lugar la realización de trabajos y actividades conjuntas entre alumnado de distintas escuelas sobre el tema, desarrollando actitudes de cooperación y socialización; se han incluido volúmenes adaptados al tema del agua en la biblioteca itinerante; se ha contado con la colaboración de otros miembros de la comunidad educativa, especialmente las familias; se han utilizado recursos tecnológicos como una radio escolar e Internet, y materiales ya existentes sobre el tema como libros o películas; se han realizado salidas escolares y experimentos físicos relacionados con el agua. El proyecto se ha llevado a cabo en tres fases: la primera dedicada a la motivación en la que se ha realizado un acercamiento al tema del agua, para ello se han realizado diversas actividades, talleres o charlas; la segunda fase ha consistido en el desarrollo del proyecto en el que se han realizado actividades de aula, celebración de la Navidad, Carnaval, Semana Cultural del agua y diversas salidas; en la tercera fase se realiza una exposición de los materiales generados página Web, instrumentos musicales, murales, cuadernos, manualidades, disfraces, marca páginas, maquetas, juegos, una revista y se realiza una excursión. El proyecto se valora positivamente, destacando la participación del profesorado y el fortalecimiento de las relaciones interpersonales lo que ha generado en unos materiales y recursos de calidad.Castilla y LeónConsejería de Educación. Dirección General de Universidades e Investigación; Monasterio de Nuestra Señora de Prado, Autovía Puente Colgante s. n.; 47071 Valladolid; +34983411881; +34983411939ES

    Changes in body composition in anorexia nervosa: predictors of recovery and treatment outcome.

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    The restoration of body composition (BC) parameters is considered to be one of the most important goals in the treatment of patients with anorexia nervosa (AN). However, little is known about differences between AN diagnostic subtypes [restricting (AN-R) and binge/purging (AN-BP)] and weekly changes in BC during refeeding treatment. Therefore, the main objectives of our study were twofold: 1) to assess the changes in BC throughout nutritional treatment in an AN sample and 2) to analyze predictors of BC changes during treatment, as well as predictors of treatment outcome. The whole sample comprised 261 participants [118 adult females with AN (70 AN-R vs. 48 AN-BP), and 143 healthy controls]. BC was measured weekly during 15 weeks of day-hospital treatment using bioelectrical impedance analysis (BIA). Assessment measures also included the Eating Disorders Inventory-2, as well as a number of other clinical indices. Overall, the results showed that AN-R and AN-BP patients statistically differed in all BC measures at admission. However, no significant time×group interaction was found for almost all BC parameters. Significant time×group interactions were only found for basal metabolic rate (p = .041) and body mass index (BMI) (p = .035). Multiple regression models showed that the best predictors of pre-post changes in BC parameters (namely fat-free mass, muscular mass, total body water and BMI) were the baseline values of BC parameters. Stepwise predictive logistic regressions showed that only BMI and age were significantly associated with outcome, but not with the percentage of body fat. In conclusion, these data suggest that although AN patients tended to restore all BC parameters during nutritional treatment, only AN-BP patients obtained the same fat mass values as healthy controls. Put succinctly, the best predictors of changes in BC were baseline BC values, which did not, however, seem to influence treatment outcome

    Festival Juvenil de Teatro Grecolatino de Segóbriga : historia, actividades, dimensión educativa del festival, guías didácticas y trabajos escolares

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    Resumen tomado de la publicaciónLos profesores asturianos de lenguas clásicas pretenden acercar el teatro clásico a los escolares. Estructurada en cuatro apartados (Historia y actividades del festival; Dimensión educativa del festival; Guías didácticas; Trabajos escolares premiados en la sede de Gijón),la publicación repasa las actividades que el festival ha llevado a cabo en sus trece años de existencia, presenta veintisiete guías didácticas con el fin de facilitar y ahondar en la lectura de los escritores grecolatinos en el aula y recoge los trabajos realizados por alumnos de ESO y bachillerato premiados en los concursos que cada primavera convoca este Festival.AsturiasUniversidad de Oviedo. Facultad de Ciencias de la Educación; Calle Aniceto Sela s. n.; 33005 Oviedo; +34985103215; +34985103214;ES

    Memoria del cuarto encuentro internacional sobre el poder en el pasado y el presente de América Latina

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    Este volumen está compuesto por veinte trabajos que abordan temas relativos a las distintas manifestaciones -tanto democráticas como autoritarias- de un aspecto de la realidad presente en la vida de todas las personas: el poder. En ocasiones, constituyen reflexiones teóricas, pero en su mayoría enfrentan problemas sobre el pasado y el presente de México

    Changes in Body Composition in Anorexia Nervosa: Predictors of Recovery and Treatment Outcome

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    The restoration of body composition (BC) parameters is considered to be one of the most important goals in the treatment of patients with anorexia nervosa (AN). However, little is known about differences between AN diagnostic subtypes [restricting (AN-R) and binge/purging (AN-BP)] and weekly changes in BC during refeeding treatment. Therefore, the main objectives of our study were twofold: 1) to assess the changes in BC throughout nutritional treatment in an AN sample and 2) to analyze predictors of BC changes during treatment, as well as predictors of treatment outcome. The whole sample comprised 261 participants [118 adult females with AN (70 AN-R vs. 48 AN-BP), and 143 healthy controls]. BC was measured weekly during 15 weeks of day-hospital treatment using bioelectrical impedance analysis (BIA). Assessment measures also included the Eating Disorders Inventory-2, as well as a number of other clinical indices. Overall, the results showed that AN-R and AN-BP patients statistically differed in all BC measures at admission. However, no significant time×group interaction was found for almost all BC parameters. Significant time×group interactions were only found for basal metabolic rate (p = .041) and body mass index (BMI) (p = .035). Multiple regression models showed that the best predictors of pre-post changes in BC parameters (namely fat-free mass, muscular mass, total body water and BMI) were the baseline values of BC parameters. Stepwise predictive logistic regressions showed that only BMI and age were significantly associated with outcome, but not with the percentage of body fat. In conclusion, these data suggest that although AN patients tended to restore all BC parameters during nutritional treatment, only AN-BP patients obtained the same fat mass values as healthy controls. Put succinctly, the best predictors of changes in BC were baseline BC values, which did not, however, seem to influence treatment outcome

    Changes in Body Composition in Anorexia Nervosa: Predictors of Recovery and Treatment Outcome

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    The restoration of body composition (BC) parameters is considered to be one of the most important goals in the treatment of patients with anorexia nervosa (AN). However, little is known about differences between AN diagnostic subtypes [restricting (AN-R) and binge/purging (AN-BP)] and weekly changes in BC during refeeding treatment. Therefore, the main objectives of our study were twofold: 1) to assess the changes in BC throughout nutritional treatment in an AN sample and 2) to analyze predictors of BC changes during treatment, as well as predictors of treatment outcome. The whole sample comprised 261 participants [118 adult females with AN (70 AN-R vs. 48 AN-BP), and 143 healthy controls]. BC was measured weekly during 15 weeks of day-hospital treatment using bioelectrical impedance analysis (BIA). Assessment measures also included the Eating Disorders Inventory-2, as well as a number of other clinical indices. Overall, the results showed that AN-R and AN-BP patients statistically differed in all BC measures at admission. However, no significant time×group interaction was found for almost all BC parameters. Significant time×group interactions were only found for basal metabolic rate (p = .041) and body mass index (BMI) (p = .035). Multiple regression models showed that the best predictors of pre-post changes in BC parameters (namely fat-free mass, muscular mass, total body water and BMI) were the baseline values of BC parameters. Stepwise predictive logistic regressions showed that only BMI and age were significantly associated with outcome, but not with the percentage of body fat. In conclusion, these data suggest that although AN patients tended to restore all BC parameters during nutritional treatment, only AN-BP patients obtained the same fat mass values as healthy controls. Put succinctly, the best predictors of changes in BC were baseline BC values, which did not, however, seem to influence treatment outcome