11 research outputs found

    Industrial demand flexibility: A German case study

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    Business opportunities for energy providers to utilize flexible industrial demand are platform-based, connecting small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) to a virtual power plant (VPP) in complex ecosystems. Unlike in other VPPs, the focus is on participation, data, and control sovereignty for the SMEs. An exemplary application for an existing cement mill demonstrates positive margins. Viable VPP business models for small and medium-sized utilities include the “orchestrator,” i.e., adding value by linking services of specialized providers, the “integrator,” i.e., incorporating internal and external processes and resources, as well as the “white label user,” i.e., using a turn-key VPP from an exclusive cooperation partner

    Contributions of flexible power generation from biomass to a secure and cost-effective electricity supply—a review of potentials, incentives and obstacles in Germany

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    Regulation for offshore wind power development in Brazil

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