185 research outputs found

    Preliminary analysis of ocean color scanner data from Superflux III

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    The ocean color scanner collected data Superflux III Experiment Single channel gray scale data products generated 5 minutes after the scanner data were collected showed details of the Chesapeake Plume structure, suggesting that this quick-look capability could have potential use to experimenters in real time. The Chesapeake Bay Plume extended offshore between 5 and 7 nautical miles on two occasions. The scanner data also show many other water features within the lower bay itself

    Technique and computer program for calculating photographic film density variations

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    Film density data that have been digitalized and recorded in binary coded decimal (BCD) format are converted into a number representing the film density difference between the unexposed film border and any point on a photograph by program CONVERT. The difference AVERAGE, the BCD number representing the unexposed film area and the BCD number of a specific data point is calculated and then multiplied by three constants to produce the desired film density difference. The angle off the principal axis of the lens is computed for each data point in order that a correction factor be applied to compensate for atmospheric backscattering differences and light intensity fall-off, inherent in the camera lens system in use. The program is capable of plotting the calculated density differences. The percentage of points in specific density ranges can also be computed

    Analysis of ocean color scanner data from the Superflux III Experiment

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    The scanner collected data on October 15, 20, and 22, 1980. Single-channel gray-scale data products generated 5 minutes after the scanner were collected and showed details of the Chesapeake plume structure, suggesting that this quick-look capability could have potential use for experiments in real time. The Chesapeake Bay plume extended offshore about 5 nautical miles on October 15, and 7 nautical miles on October 20. Using the October 15 1980, data, a correlation coefficient of r = 0.889 was obtained between chlorophyll 'A' and the ratio of band 7 (664-684 nanometers) to band 9 (746-766 nanometers). This ratio was then used to calculate the average surface chlorophyll 'A' concentration of the water flowing out of the Chesapeak Bay. A ratio from the Ocean Color Scanner bands was created to simulate the ratio that the Multichannel Ocean Color Sensor uses to calculate chlorophyll A concentrations. Using the October 15, 1980, data set, this ratio has a correlation coefficient of r = -0.739 with the log of the chlorophyll 'A' and the ratio of band 2 minus band 4 to band 2 plus band 4 of the Ocean Color Scanner. No correlation is found between the Ocean Color Scanner data and total suspended solid measurements made on October 15, 1980

    Quantitative mapping by remote sensing of an ocean acid-waste dump

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    Results from quantitative analysis show that airplane remotely sensed spectral data can be used to quantify and map an acid-waste dump in terms of its particulate iron concentration. These same data, however, could not be used to map the dump in terms of total suspended solids, organic suspended solids, or inorganic suspended solids concentrations. A single-variable equation using the ratio of band 2 (440 to 490 nm) radiance to band 4 (540 to 580 nm) radiance was used to quantify the iron concentration in the acid-waste dump. The acid waste that was mapped varied in age from freshly dumped to 31/2 hr. Particulate iron concentrations in the acid waste were estimated to range up to 1.1 mg/l at a depth of 0.46 m. A classification technique was developed to identify pixels in the data set affected by sun glitter

    Die Umstellung auf Ausschreibungen im Zuge der EEG-Novelle 2014 – Auswirkungen auf Bürgerbeteiligung und Vielfalt der Akteure in der Energieversorgung

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    Das Engagement und die Investitionen von Bürgerinnen und Bürgern stellen eine zentrale treibende Kraft der Energiewende dar. Derzeit befindet sich fast die Hälft der Stromerzeugungskapazitäten aus erneuerbaren Energien in der Hand von privaten Kleinanlegern. Obwohl der Erhalt der Akteursvielfalt ein politisch klar definiertes Ziel ist, birgt das novellierte Förderverfahren des EEG das Risiko eines Rückgangs der Bürgerenergie und der Abnahme des Wettbewerbs im Markt der erneuerbaren Energien. Zwar wird es auch in Zukunft Bürgerengagement für erneuerbare Energien geben. Allerdings wird das Ausschreibungsverfahren voraussichtlich zu stärker zentralisierten Besitzstrukturen der Erzeugungsanlagen führen. Es ist zu befürchten, dass dies die Dynamik des Bürgerengagements für die Energiewende massiv eindämmt und die gesellschaftliche Akzeptanz der Energiewendeprojekte im Stromsektor abnimmt

    A summary of the test procedures and operational details of a Delaware River and an ocean dumping pollution monitoring experiment conducted 28 August 1975

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    Two remote sensor evaluation experiments are discussed. One experiment was conducted at the DuPont acid-dump site off the Delaware coast. The second was conducted at an organic waste outfall in the Delaware River. The operational objective of obtaining simultaneous sea truth sampling with remote sensors overpasses was met. Descriptions of the test sites, sensors, sensor platforms, flight lines, sea truth data collected, and operational chronology are presented

    NASA Langley Research Center National Aero-Space Plane Mission simulation profile sets

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    To provide information on the potential for long life service of oxidation resistant carbon-carbon (ORCC) materials in the National Aero-Space Plane (NASP) airframe environment, NASP ascent, entry, and cruise trajectories were analytically flown. Temperature and pressure profiles were generated for 20 vehicle locations. Orbital (ascent and entry) and cruise profile sets from four locations are presented along with the humidity exposure and testing sequences that are being used to evaluate ORCC materials. The four profiles show peak temperatures during the ascent leg of an orbital mission of 2800, 2500, 2000, and 1700 F. These profiles bracket conditions where carbon-carbon might be used on the NASP vehicle

    Constellation analysis as a means of interdisciplinary innovation research: theory formation from the bottom up

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    "Constellation Analysis is a methodological approach of innovation research that aims at understanding highly complex processes of invention and diffusion. It was developed as a tool for inter- and transdisciplinary research on technology, sustainability and innovation. Its set of tools facilitates access to a scientific object from different perspectives, using different approaches. The methodology is characterized in particular by two factors: Heterogeneous factors of influence and their effectiveness in innovation processes are principally considered equivalent, existing in relation to one another and thus fitting together into constellations. Furthermore, the methodology facilitates a bottom-up approach, similar to the Grounded Theory Approach. According to this principle, constellations are described based on their singular units and their relationships to each other. The methodology is thus appropriate to the individual course of innovation processes. It enables the search for new patterns through the comparison of different innovation biographies and allows experimentation with strategic approaches as a special form of validation." (author's abstract

    Current research in oxidation-resistant carbon-carbon composites at NASA. Langley Research Center

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    The significant potential of carbon-carbon composites for high-temperature structural applications is well established. For hypersonic vehicle applications, desirable properties include low density, high specific strength and stiffness, low coefficients of thermal expansion, and retention of mechanical properties above 3000 F. A significant problem associated with carbon materials, however, is that they oxidize rapidly in air at temperatures above about 800 F, and therefore must be protected from oxidation. Successful development of effective methods of oxidation protection is key to the eventual utilization of carbon-carbon composites on hypersonic vehicles such as NASP. In this presentation, the basic elements of an oxidation-protection system are described. Results from oxidation-performance evaluations of state-of-the-art ACC-4 type material in simulated airframe vehicle environments (temperature, pressure, and time) conducted at NASA Langley are also presented. NASA Langley has an active research effort to improve the oxidation resistance of carbon-carbon materials for airframe structural and vehicle thermal protection applications. Conversion coating and sealant development research is highlighted

    Analysis of six broadband optical filters for measuring chlorophyll alpha and suspended solids in the Patuxent River

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    Kodak Wratten broadband optical filters numbered 47B (400 to 500 nm), 57 (500 to 600 nm), 58 (500 to 600 nm), 12 (500 to 700 nm), 25 (600 to 700 nm), and 89B (690 to 900 nm) were tested on October 17, 1972, to see whether each spectral band by itself could be used to quantify chlorophyll a and suspended sediment in the Patuxent River. Band 690 to 900 nm showed promise in being able to detect gross changes in chlorophyll a above 28 micrograms/l. None of the broad spectral bands seem capable of measuring chlorophyll a concentrations less than 28 micrograms/l in turbid estuarine water. Except for the 47B spectral band, the bands do show promise for measuring suspended solids