516 research outputs found

    Effects of margin-parallel shortening and density contrasts on back-arc extension during subduction: Experimental insights and possible application to Anatolia

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    International audienceSo as to investigate the parameters influencing subduction and back-arc extension, we have done three series of laboratory experiments (32 in all) on physical models. Each model consisted of adjacent oceanic and continental plates, floating on an asthenosphere. In experiments of Series A, a wide rigid piston, moving horizontally, controlled the rate of convergence of the oceanic and continental plates, whereas, in Series B or C, a wide or narrow piston produced lateral compression, parallel to the continent-ocean boundary (COB) and perpendicular to the subduction direction. The parameters that we tested were (1) the velocity of plate convergence (Series A), (2) the width of the compressing piston (Series B and C), and (3) the density ratio between oceanic and continental plates (Series B and C). This density ratio was a key factor. For a ratio of 1.4, the amount of extension in the continental plate increased regularly throughout time; for a ratio of 1.3, the extension remained small, until the piston stopped moving laterally; and for a ratio of 1.1, there was little or no extension. The width of the compressing piston had a smaller effect, although a narrow piston provided more space, into which the continental plate could extend. One possible application of our models is to Anatolia. Despite similar geological settings, the areas north of the Hellenic and Cyprus subduction zones differ, in that extension is large in the former and much smaller in the latter. We suggest that one of the main driving forces for Aegean extension may have been a high density ratio between subducting oceanic lithosphere and a Hellenic-Balkanic upper plate

    How prior knowledge of LGB identities alters the effects of workplace disclosure

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    © 2017 Elsevier Inc. Decisions to reveal one\u27s sexual orientation are assumed to be a volitional choice. Prior research has shown, however, that people often learn about the lesbian, gay, or bisexual (LGB) identities of others through indirect means, such as gossip and stereotypical cues (Ambady, Hallahan, & Conner, 1999; Colgan, Creegan, McKearney, & Wright, 2007). We conduct two studies to determine the effects of these forms of prior identity-related knowledge on disclosure outcomes. First, a pre-test of study assumptions demonstrates that recipients of minority sexual orientation disclosures often have prior knowledge of those identities. Second, a survey study examining the target\u27s perspective finds that LGB people often suspect when others have prior knowledge of their identities, and this expected prior knowledge moderates the relationship between identity-management and subsequent experiences of discrimination. Lastly, a lab experiment manipulating the level of prior identity-related knowledge establishes that this information directly influences interpersonal workplace outcomes of disclosures through perceptions of awkwardness but not through liking. Together, these studies demonstrate support for our model of prior identity-related knowledge and highlight the importance of examining both prior identity-related knowledge as well as identity management strategies in predicting LGB workplace experiences

    a descriptive study on familiarity with, adherence to and trust in the WHO preventive measures

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    Background Risk communication is a key component of public health interventions during an outbreak. As the coronavirus pandemic unfolded in late 2019, the World Health Organization (WHO) was at the forefront in the development of risk communication strategies. The WHO introduced a range of activities with the purpose of enabling the public to avail verified and timely information on COVID-19 prevention behaviors. Given the various WHO activities to protect the public health during COVID-19, it is important to investigate the extent of familiarity and uptake of the WHO recommendations among the public during the first wave of the pandemic. Methods To do this, we conducted a large-scale Pan-European survey covering around 7500 individuals that are representative of populations from seven European countries, collected online during April 2-April 15, 2020. We use descriptive statistics including proportions and correlations and graphical representations such as bar charts to analyze and display the data. Results Our findings suggest that information from the WHO in the context of COVID-19 is well trusted and acted upon by the public. Overall familiarity and adherence were quite high in most countries. Adherence was higher for social distancing recommendations compared to hygiene measures. Familiarity and adherence were higher among older, female, and highly educated respondents. However, country level heterogeneities were observed in the level of trust in information from the WHO, with countries severely affected by the pandemic reporting lower levels of trust. Conclusion Our findings call for efforts from health authorities to get regular feedback from the public on their familiarity and compliance with recommendations for preventive measures at all stages of the pandemic, to further develop and adapt risk communication as the pandemic evolves.publishersversionpublishe


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    The article analyzes the literature on the role of autonomic dysfunction and other psychosomatic disorders in causing and progression of pancreatitis and associated gastrointestinal states. Investigated the influence of deviations balance regulation autonomic nervous system to the emergence of hemodynamic, metabolic, energy disorders in aforementioned pathological conditions.В статье проанализированы литературные источники о роли вегетативных дисфункций и других психосоматических расстройств в возникновении и течении панкреатита и объединенных желудочно-кишечных состояний. Исследуется влияние отклонения баланса регуляции вегетативной нервной системой появления гемодинамических, метаболических, энергетических нарушений при вышеуказанных патологических состояниях. У статті проаналізовано літературні джерела щодо ролі вегетативних дисфункцій та інших психосоматичних розладів у виникненні та перебігу панкреатиту і поєднаних шлунково-кишкових станів. Досліджується вплив відхилення балансу регуляції вегетативною нервовою системою на появу гемодинамічних, метаболічних, енергетичних порушень при вищевказаних патологічних станах.

    Maintaining friendships in early stage dementia: Factors to consider

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    Friendships and the importance of social connectiveness play a critical role in aging well, regardless of gender, race, social class, or impairment. Yet, dementia takes its toll on social relationships, and many friends withdraw and ‘disappear’, because they can no longer bear to see the changes that are taking place in their diagnosed friend. The dementia care literature documents this abandonment; however, this study examines the opposite occurrence. In order to understand more clearly the role of long-term friendships and how such friendships remain and continue, despite the diagnosis of dementia, this qualitative study examines in depth eight people in the early stages of dementia who have been able to maintain strong friendships despite the diagnosis. Factors that seem to play important roles are: (1) the importance of the friendships, (2) factors affecting the quality of the relationships, (3) mutually beneficial relationships, (4) core values, (5) acceptance and disclosure, and (6) recognition of strengths and understanding of limitations

    Лазерні та інформаційні технології контролю динамічних зміщень просторових структур об'єктів за дії активних техногенних і природних чинників ризику аварій

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    At the present stage of the development of science, for technological and technogenic energy-intensive systems, systematic methods of identification of structure, dynamics, and risk assessment are developed, while for spatial objects this problem is not fully solved. This applies to the construction and operation of the objects with a spatially distributed structure such as bridges, large pavilions, high-rise buildings, aggregate lines on a common foundation for colour printing, which are subject to a large dynamic, non-uniform load-capacity, operating over a long period of operation. Their destruction with the combined action of dynamic and static heterogeneous flow factors in time of high power leads to the accidents and human losses. The main factor that leads to cognitive errors in the design of spatial structures is that experts in the design process do not fully take into account the concepts of physical force, power and physical energy factors with stream random structure. In this aspect, the problem of dynamic structural stability under the influence of factors with a stochastic structure drew attention to Y.P. Drahan, introducing the notion of "stochastic process of finite energy" and "finite power of flows (sequences) of active physical force actions". Under certain conditions, the complex action of force factors leads to the emergence of solutions, i.e., the formation of the peak of energy and power at a certain time in the weakest node of the structure that destroys it. If the designer, by virtue of his cognitive abilities and level of knowledge, does not take into account the energetic nature of the factors as destructive forces, then this leads to the destruction of infrastructure objects (the bridge in Genoa, Italy 2015, built in 1967) devastating floods, fires, transport disasters, tsunami. As for the steel construction bridges in the USA (New York), built on the basis of the methods of vibration calculations by S. Tymoshenko, they are operated for more than 100 years, with appropriate technical maintenance. The assessment of the vibrational stability of spatial structures, both existing and new projects, remains a complex control problem that is not resolved to the fullest, and therefore the development of integrated intellectual methods for designing and controlling their state is relevant. The intensive development of infrastructure, both social and technogenic, results from the impact of transport flows, power plants, harmful emissions, to the growth of force environmental load on spatial structures, corrosion of metal components, and the growth of vibrational effects on elements of objects. Further development of such negative processes leads to a decrease in the strength of structures, their stability, operational reliability and destruction. Reducing the quality of bearing structures, due to neglected negative influences, enables forecasting the moment of emergency situations. Therefore, the development of methods for remote control of vibrations of spatial elements of bearing structures is the main problem for various industries.На сучасному етапі розвитку науки для технологічних і техногенних енергоактивних систем вироблено системні методи ідентифікації структури, динаміки, оцінення ризику, тоді як для просторових об'єктів цю проблему повною мірою не вирішено. Це стосується будівництва та експлуатації таких об'єктів з просторово розподіленою структурою, як мости, великі павільйони, висотні будинки, агрегатні лінії на спільному фундаменті для кольорового друку, які піддаються великим динамічним неоднорідним за потужністю навантаженням, що діють упродовж тривалого часу експлуатації. Їх руйнація при сукупній дії динамічних і статичних неоднорідних потокових у часі чинників великої енергетичної потужності, призводить до аварій і людських втрат. Основний чинник, який призводить до когнітивних помилок у проектуванні просторових конструкцій, є те, що фахівці у процесі розроблення проекту не до кінця враховують поняття фізичної сили, енергії потужності та фізичної енергії чинників з потоковою випадковою структурою. На цей аспект проблеми динамічної стійкості конструкції за дії чинників із стохастичною структурою звернув увагу Я. П. Драган, ввівши поняття "стохастичного процесу скінченої енергії" і "скінченої потужності потоків (послідовностей) активних фізичних силових дій". За певних умов комплексна дія силових чинників призводить до виникнення солітонів, тобто формування піку енергії та потужності у певний момент часу у найслабшому вузлі конструкції, що її руйнує. Якщо проектант, через свої когнітивні здібності і рівень знань, не враховує енергетичну сутність чинників як руйнівних сил, тоді це призводить до руйнування інфраструктурних об'єктів (міст у Генуї (Італія 2018 р.)), збудований у 1967 р., Китай 2019 р.), руйнівних повеней, пожарів, транспортних катастроф, цунамі. Щодо мостів з металоконструкцій у США (Нью-Йорк), побудованих з урахуванням методів вібраційних розрахунків С. Тимошенко, то вони експлуатуються понад 100 років, за відповідного технічного обслуговування. Оцінка вібраційної стійкості просторових конструкцій, як наявних, так і нових проектів, залишається складною проблемою створення систем контролю і діагностики, не вирішеною повною мірою, і тому розроблення інтегрованих інтелектуальних методів проектування систем контролю методом дистанційного лазерного зондування є актуальною. Інтенсивний розвиток як соціальної, так і техногенної інфраструктури призводить, внаслідок дії транспортних потоків, електростанцій, виробництв з шкідливими викидами, до росту силового екологічного навантаження на просторові конструкції, корозію металевих складників, росту вібраційних впливів на елементи об'єктів. Подальший розвиток таких негативних процесів призводить до зменшення міцності конструкцій, їхньої стійкості, експлуатаційної надійності та руйнування. Зниження якості несучих конструкцій, через невраховані негативні впливи, унеможливлює прогноз моменту настання аварійних ситуацій. Відповідно, розроблення методів дистанційного контролю вібрацій просторових елементів несучих конструкцій є для різних галузей актуальною проблемою

    Psychometric evaluation of the Mental Health Quality of Life (MHQoL) instrument in seven European countries

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    Introduction: To make efficient use of available resources, decision-makers in healthcare may assess the costs and (health) benefits of health interventions. For interventions aimed at improving mental health capturing the full health benefits is an important challenge. The Mental Health Quality of Life (MHQoL) instrument was recently developed to meet this challenge. Evaluating the pyschometric properties of this instrument in different contexts remains important. Methods: A psychometric evaluation of the MHQoL was performed using existing international, cross-sectional data with 7155 respondents from seven European countries (Denmark, France, Germany, Italy, Portugal, The Netherlands, Portugal and the United Kingdom). Reliability was examined by calculating Cronbach’s alpha, a measure of internal consistency of the seven MHQoL dimensions, and by examining the association of the MHQoL sum scores with the MHQoL-VAS scores. Construct validity was examined by calculating Spearman’s rank correlation coefficients between the MHQoL sum scores and EQ-5D index scores, EQ-VAS scores, EQ-5D anxiety/depression dimension scores, ICECAP-A index scores and PHQ-4 sum scores. Results: The MHQoL was found to have good internal consistency for all seven countries. The MHQoL sum score and the MHQoL-VAS had a high correlation. Spearman’s rank correlation coefficients were moderate to very high for all outcomes. Conclusion: Our results, based on data gathered in seven European countries, suggest that the MHQoL shows favourable psychometrical characteristics. While further validation remains important, the MHQoL may be a useful instrument in measuring mental health-related quality of life in the Western European context

    Social Cognition in Alzheimer's Disease: A Separate Construct Contributing to Dependence

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    The extent to which social cognitive changes reflect a discrete constellation of symptoms dissociable from general cognitive changes in Alzheimer's disease (AD) is unclear. Moreover, whether social cognitive symptoms contribute to disease severity and progression is unknown. The current multicenter study investigated cross-sectional and longitudinal associations between social cognition measured with six items from the Blessed Dementia Rating Scale, general cognition, and dependence in 517 participants with probable AD. Participants were monitored every 6 months for 5.5 years. Results from multivariate latent growth curve models adjusted for sex, age, education, depression, and recruitment site revealed that social cognition and general cognition were unrelated cross-sectionally and throughout time. However, baseline levels of each were related independently to dependence, and change values of each were related independently to change in dependence. These findings highlight the separability of social and general cognition in AD. Results underscore the relevance of considering social cognition when modeling disease and estimating clinical outcomes related to patient disability

    Copper-containing ceramic precursor synthesis: Solid-state transformations and materials technology

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    Three copper systems with relevance to materials technology are discussed. In the first, a CuS precursor, Cu4S1O (4-methylpyridine)(sub 4)- (4-MePy), was prepared by three routes: reaction of Cu2S, reaction of CuBr-SMe2, and oxidation of copper powder with excess sulfur in 4-methylpyridine by sulfur. In the second, copper powder was found to react with excess thiourea (H2NC(S)NH2) in 4-methylpyridine to produce thiocyanate (NCS(-)) complexes. Three isolated and characterized compounds are: Cu(NCS)(4-MePy)(sub 2), a polymer, (4-MePy-H)(Cu(NCS)(sub 3)(4-MePy)(sub 2)), a salt, and t-Cu(NCS)(sub 2)(4-MePy)(sub 4). Finally, an attempt to produce a mixed-metal sulfide precursor of Cu and Ga in N-methylimidazole (N-MeIm) resulted in the synthesis of a Cu-containing polymer, Cu(SO4)(N-MeIm). The structures are presented; the chemistry will be briefly discussed in the context of preparation and processing of copper-containing materials for aerospace applications