292 research outputs found

    Implications of solar flare hard X-ray "knee" spectra observed by RHESSI

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    We analyse the RHESSI photon spectra of four flares that exhibit significant deviations from power laws - i.e. changes in the "local" Hard X-ray spectral index. These spectra are characterised by two regions of constant power law index connected by a region of changing spectral index - the "knee". We develop theoretical and numerical methods of describing such knees in terms of variable photon spectral indices and we study the results of their inversions for source mean thin target and collisional thick target injection electron spectra. We show that a particularly sharp knee can produce unphysical negative values in the electron spectra, and we derive inequalities that can be used to test for this without the need for an inversion to be performed. Such unphysical features would indicate that source model assumptions were being violated, particularly strongly for the collisional thick target model which assumes a specific form for electron energy loss. For all four flares considered here we find that the knees do not correspond to unphysical electron spectra. In the three flares that have downward knees we conclude that the knee can be explained in terms of transport effects through a region of non-uniform ionisation. In the other flare, which has an upward knee, we conclude that it is most likely a feature of the accelerated spectrum

    Functional C-terminally Encoded Peptide (CEP) plant hormone domains evolved de novo in the plant parasite Rotylenchulus reniformis

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    This work was supported by the Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council (BBSRC) and The James Hutton Institute through a PhD studentship to SE-vdA. The James Hutton Institute receives funding from the Scottish Government Rural and Environment Science and Analytical Services division. SE-vdA is supported by BBSRC grant BB/M014207/1.Sedentary Plant-Parasitic Nematodes (PPNs) induce and maintain an intimate relationship with their host, stimulating cells adjacent to root vascular tissue to re-differentiate into unique and metabolically active β€œfeeding sites”. The interaction between PPNs and their host is mediated by nematode effectors. We describe the discovery of a large and diverse family of effector genes, encoding C-terminally Encoded Peptide (CEP) plant hormone mimics (RrCEPs), in the syncytia-forming plant-parasite Rotylenchulus reniformis. The particular attributes of RrCEPs distinguish them from all other CEPs, regardless of origin. Together with the distant phylogenetic relationship of R. reniformis to the only other CEP-encoding nematode genus identified to date (Meloidogyne), this suggests CEPs likely evolved de novo in R. reniformis. We have characterised the first member of this large gene family (RrCEP1), demonstrating its significant upregulation during the plant-nematode interaction and expression in the effector-producing pharyngeal gland cell. All internal CEP domains of multi-domain RrCEPs are followed by di-basic residues, suggesting a mechanism for cleavage. A synthetic peptide corresponding to RrCEP1 domain 1 is biologically active and capable of upregulating plant nitrate transporter (AtNRT2.1) expression, while simultaneously reducing primary root elongation. When a non-CEP containing, syncytia-forming PPN species (Heterodera schachtii) infects Arabidopsis in a CEP-rich environment a smaller feeding site is produced. We hypothesise that CEPs of R. reniformis represent a two-fold adaptation to sustained biotrophy in this species; 1) increasing host nitrate uptake while 2) limiting the size of the syncytial feeding site produced.Publisher PDFPeer reviewe

    Correlated X-ray and Optical Variability in V404 Cyg in Quiescence

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    We report simultaneous X-ray and optical observations of V404 Cyg in quiescence. The X-ray flux varied dramatically by a factor of >20 during a 60ks observation. X-ray variations were well correlated with those in Halpha, although the latter include an approximately constant component as well. Correlations can also be seen with the optical continuum, although these are less clear. We see no large lag between X-ray and optical line variations; this implies they are causally connected on short timescales. As in previous observations, Halpha flares exhibit a double-peaked profile suggesting emission distributed across the accretion disk. The peak separation is consistent with material extending outwards to at least the circularization radius. The prompt response in the entire Halpha line confirms that the variability is powered by X-ray (and/or EUV) irradiation.Comment: 5 pages; Accepted for publication in the Astrophysical Journal Letter

    Negotiating the horizon - living Christianity in Melanesia

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    [W]here is the horizon that separates the foreign and the indigenous, and who can successfully claim to make foreign powers indigenous or to β€˜make the global local’? The boundaries of the foreign and the indigenous are fluid and contestedβ€”especially between genders and generations. Moreover, such contests are configured in part by the differences between localities (Jolly 2005, p. 138).Alison Dundo

    Effector gene birth in plant parasitic nematodes: Neofunctionalization of a housekeeping glutathione synthetase gene.

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    Plant pathogens and parasites are a major threat to global food security. Plant parasitism has arisen four times independently within the phylum Nematoda, resulting in at least one parasite of every major food crop in the world. Some species within the most economically important order (Tylenchida) secrete proteins termed effectors into their host during infection to re-programme host development and immunity. The precise detail of how nematodes evolve new effectors is not clear. Here we reconstruct the evolutionary history of a novel effector gene family. We show that during the evolution of plant parasitism in the Tylenchida, the housekeeping glutathione synthetase (GS) gene was extensively replicated. New GS paralogues acquired multiple dorsal gland promoter elements, altered spatial expression to the secretory dorsal gland, altered temporal expression to primarily parasitic stages, and gained a signal peptide for secretion. The gene products are delivered into the host plant cell during infection, giving rise to "GS-like effectors". Remarkably, by solving the structure of GS-like effectors we show that during this process they have also diversified in biochemical activity, and likely represent the founding members of a novel class of GS-like enzyme. Our results demonstrate the re-purposing of an endogenous housekeeping gene to form a family of effectors with modified functions. We anticipate that our discovery will be a blueprint to understand the evolution of other plant-parasitic nematode effectors, and the foundation to uncover a novel enzymatic function

    Thermal Instability and Current-Voltage Scaling in Superconducting Fault Current Limiters

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    We have developed a computer model for the simulation of resistive superconducting fault current limiters in three dimensions. The program calculates the electromagnetic and thermal response of a superconductor to a time-dependent overload voltage, with different possible cooling conditions for the surfaces, and locally variable superconducting and thermal properties. We find that the cryogen boil-off parameters critically influence the stability of a limiter. The recovery time after a fault increases strongly with thickness. Above a critical thickness, the temperature is unstable even for a small applied AC voltage. The maximum voltage and maximum current during a short fault are correlated by a simple exponential law.Comment: submitted to Superconductor Science and Technology (Dec 2003

    Shared transcriptional control and disparate gain and loss of aphid parasitism genes

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    This work was supported by the Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council (BB/M014207/1 to SEvdA), European Research Council (310190- APHIDHOST to JIBB), and Royal Society of Edinburgh (fellowship to JIBB).Aphids are a diverse group of taxa that contain agronomically important species, which vary in their host range and ability to infest crop plants. The genome evolution underlying agriculturally important aphid traits is not well understood. We generated draft genome assemblies for two aphid species: Myzus cerasi (black cherry aphid), and the cereal specialist Rhopalosiphum padi. Using a de novo gene prediction pipeline on both these, and three additional aphid genome assemblies (Acyrthosiphon pisum, D. noxia and M. persicae), we show that aphid genomes consistently encode similar gene numbers. We compare gene content, gene duplication, synteny, and putative effector repertoires between these five species to understand the genome evolution of globally important plant parasites. Aphid genomes show signs of relatively distant gene duplication, and substantial, relatively recent, gene birth. Putative effector repertoires, originating from duplicated and other loci have an unusual genomic organisation and evolutionary history. We identify a highly conserved effector-pair that is tightly physically-linked in the genomes of all aphid species tested. In R. padi, this effector pair is tightly transcriptionally-linked, and shares an unknown transcriptional control mechanism with a subset of approximately 50 other putative effectors and secretory proteins. This study extends our current knowledge on the evolution of aphid genomes and reveals evidence for an as of yet unknown shared control mechanism, which underlies effector expression, and ultimately plant parasitism.Publisher PDFPeer reviewe

    Host phenotype characteristics and MC1R in relation to early-onset basal cell carcinoma.

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    Basal cell carcinoma (BCC) incidence is increasing, particularly among adults under the age of 40 years. Pigment-related characteristics are associated with BCC in older populations, but epidemiologic studies among younger individuals and analyses of phenotype-genotype interactions are limited. We examined self-reported phenotypes and melanocortin 1 receptor gene (MC1R) variants in relation to early-onset BCC. BCC cases (n=377) and controls with benign skin conditions (n=390) under the age of 40 years were identified through Yale's Dermatopathology database. Factors most strongly associated with early-onset BCC were skin reaction to first summer sun for 1 hour (severe sunburn vs. tan odds ratio (OR)=12.27, 95% confidence interval (CI)=4.08-36.94) and skin color (very fair vs. olive OR=11.06, 95% CI=5.90-20.74). Individuals with two or more MC1R non-synonymous variants were 3.59 times (95% CI=2.37-5.43) more likely to have BCC than those without non-synonymous variants. All host characteristics and MC1R were more strongly associated with multiple BCC case status (37% of cases) than a single BCC case status. MC1R, number of moles, skin reaction to first summer sun for 1 hour, and hair and skin color were independently associated with BCC. BCC risk conferred by MC1R tended to be stronger among those with darker pigment phenotypes, traditionally considered to be at low risk of skin cancer

    Understanding communication pathways to foster community engagement for health improvement in North West Pakistan

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    Background: This paper describes the community engagement process undertaken to ascertain the focus, development and implementation of an intervention to improve iodised salt consumption in rural communities in North West Pakistan. The Jirga is a traditional informal structure, which gathers men respected within their community and acts in a governing and decision making capacity in the Pukhtoon culture. The Jirga system had a dual purpose for the study; to access men from the community to discuss the importance of iodised salt, and as an engagement process for the intervention. Methods: A number of qualitative data collection activities were undertaken, with Jirga members and their wives, male and female outreach workers and two groups of women, under and over forty years old. The aim of these were to highlight the communication channels and levers of influence on health behaviour, which were multiple and complex and all needed to be taken into consideration in order to ensure successful and locally sensitive community engagement. Results: Communication channels are described within local families and the communities around them. The key influential role of the Jirga is highlighted as linked both to the standing of its members and the community cohesion ethos that it embodies. Engaging Jirga members in discussions about iodised salt was key in designing an intervention that would activate the most influential levers to decision making in the community. Gendered decision making-processes within the household have been highlighted as restricting women’s autonomy. Whilst in one respect our data confirm this, a more complex hierarchy of decisional power has been highlighted, whereby the concept of β€˜wisdom’, an amalgamation of age, experience and education, presents important possibilities. Community members with the least autonomy are the youngest uneducated females, who rely on a web of socially and culturally determined ways to influence decision-making. Conclusions: The major lines of communication and influence in the local community described are placed within the wider literature on community engagement in health improvement. The process of maximisation of local cultural knowledge as part of a community engagement effort is one that has application well beyond the particular setting of this study
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