239 research outputs found

    CloudSim Express: A Novel Framework for Rapid Low Code Simulation of Cloud Computing Environments

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    Cloud computing environment simulators enable cost-effective experimentation of novel infrastructure designs and management approaches by avoiding significant costs incurred from repetitive deployments in real Cloud platforms. However, widely used Cloud environment simulators compromise on usability due to complexities in design and configuration, along with the added overhead of programming language expertise. Existing approaches attempting to reduce this overhead, such as script-based simulators and Graphical User Interface (GUI) based simulators, often compromise on the extensibility of the simulator. Simulator extensibility allows for customization at a fine-grained level, thus reducing it significantly affects flexibility in creating simulations. To address these challenges, we propose an architectural framework to enable human-readable script-based simulations in existing Cloud environment simulators while minimizing the impact on simulator extensibility. We implement the proposed framework for the widely used Cloud environment simulator, the CloudSim toolkit, and compare it against state-of-the-art baselines using a practical use case. The resulting framework, called CloudSim Express, achieves extensible simulations while surpassing baselines with over a 71.43% reduction in code complexity and an 89.42% reduction in lines of code

    Negotiated economic grid brokering for quality of service

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    We demonstrate a Grid broker's job submission system and its selection process for finding the provider that is most likely to be able to complete work on time and on budget. We compare several traditional site selection mechanisms with an economic and Quality of Service (QoS) oriented approach. We show how a greater profit and QoS can be achieved if jobs are accepted by the most appropriate provider. We particularly focus upon the benefits of a negotiation process for QoS that enables our selection process to occur

    An energy-aware service composition algorithm for multiple cloud-based IoT applications

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    There has been a shift in research towards the convergence of the Internet-of-Things (IoT) and cloud computing paradigms motivated by the need for IoT applications to leverage the unique characteristics of the cloud. IoT acts as an enabler to interconnect intelligent and self-configurable nodes “things” to establish an efficient and dynamic platform for communication and collaboration. IoT is becoming a major source of big data, contributing huge amounts of streamed information from a large number of interconnected nodes, which have to be stored, processed, and presented in an efficient, and easily interpretable form. Cloud computing can enable IoT to have the privilege of a virtual resources utilization infrastructure, which integrates storage devices, visualization platforms, resource monitoring, analytical tools, and client delivery. Given the number of things connected and the amount of data generated, a key challenge is the energy efficient composition and interoperability of heterogeneous things integrated with cloud resources and scattered across the globe, in order to create an on-demand energy efficient cloud based IoT application. In many cases, when a single service is not enough to complete the business requirement; a composition of web services is carried out. These composed web services are expected to collaborate towards a common goal with large amount of data exchange and various other operations. Massive data sets have to be exchanged between several geographically distributed and scattered services. The movement of mass data between services influences the whole application process in terms of energy consumption. One way to significantly reduce this massive data exchange is to use fewer services for a composition, which need to be created to complete a business requirement. Integrating fewer services can result in a reduction in data interchange, which in return helps in reducing the energy consumption and carbon footprint. This paper develops a novel multi-cloud IoT service composition algorithm called (E2C2) that aims at creating an energy-aware composition plan by searching for and integrating the least possible number of IoT services, in order to fulfil user requirements. A formal user requirements translation and transformation modelling and analysis is adopted for the proposed algorithm. The algorithm was evaluated against four established service composition algorithms in multiple cloud environments (All clouds, Base cloud, Smart cloud, and COM2), with the results demonstrating the superior performance of our approach

    An Agent Architecture for Concurrent Bilateral Negotiations

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    Abstract. We present an architecture that makes use of symbolic decision-making to support agents participating in concurrent bilateral negotiations. The architecture is a revised version of previous work with the KGP model [23, 12], which we specialise with knowledge about the agent’s self, the negotiation opponents and the environment. Our work combines the specification of domain-independent decision-making with a new protocol for concurrent negotiation that revisits the well-known alternating offers protocol [22]. We show how the decision-making can be specialised to represent the agent’s strategies, utilities and prefer-ences using a Prolog-like meta-program. The work prepares the ground for supporting decision-making in concurrent bilateral negotiations that is more lightweight than previous work and contributes towards a fully developed model of the architecture

    On the Benefits of Transparent Compression for Cost-Effective Cloud Data Storage

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    International audienceInfrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS) cloud computing has revolutionized the way we think of acquiring computational resources: it allows users to deploy virtual machines (VMs) at large scale and pay only for the resources that were actually used throughout the runtime of the VMs. This new model raises new challenges in the design and development of IaaS middleware: excessive storage costs associated with both user data and VM images might make the cloud less attractive, especially for users that need to manipulate huge data sets and a large number of VM images. Storage costs result not only from storage space utilization, but also from bandwidth consumption: in typical deployments, a large number of data transfers between the VMs and the persistent storage are performed, all under high performance requirements. This paper evaluates the trade-off resulting from transparently applying data compression to conserve storage space and bandwidth at the cost of slight computational overhead. We aim at reducing the storage space and bandwidth needs with minimal impact on data access performance. Our solution builds on BlobSeer, a distributed data management service specifically designed to sustain a high throughput for concurrent accesses to huge data sequences that are distributed at large scale. Extensive experiments demonstrate that our approach achieves large reductions (at least 40%) of bandwidth and storage space utilization, while still attaining high performance levels that even surpass the original (no compression) performance levels in several data-intensive scenarios

    Critical analysis of vendor lock-in and its impact on cloud computing migration: a business perspective

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    Vendor lock-in is a major barrier to the adoption of cloud computing, due to the lack of standardization. Current solutions and efforts tackling the vendor lock-in problem are predominantly technology-oriented. Limited studies exist to analyse and highlight the complexity of vendor lock-in problem in the cloud environment. Consequently, most customers are unaware of proprietary standards which inhibit interoperability and portability of applications when taking services from vendors. This paper provides a critical analysis of the vendor lock-in problem, from a business perspective. A survey based on qualitative and quantitative approaches conducted in this study has identified the main risk factors that give rise to lock-in situations. The analysis of our survey of 114 participants shows that, as computing resources migrate from on-premise to the cloud, the vendor lock-in problem is exacerbated. Furthermore, the findings exemplify the importance of interoperability, portability and standards in cloud computing. A number of strategies are proposed on how to avoid and mitigate lock-in risks when migrating to cloud computing. The strategies relate to contracts, selection of vendors that support standardised formats and protocols regarding standard data structures and APIs, developing awareness of commonalities and dependencies among cloud-based solutions. We strongly believe that the implementation of these strategies has a great potential to reduce the risks of vendor lock-in

    AI augmented Edge and Fog computing: trends and challenges

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    In recent years, the landscape of computing paradigms has witnessed a gradual yet remarkable shift from monolithic computing to distributed and decentralized paradigms such as Internet of Things (IoT), Edge, Fog, Cloud, and Serverless. The frontiers of these computing technologies have been boosted by shift from manually encoded algorithms to Artificial Intelligence (AI)-driven autonomous systems for optimum and reliable management of distributed computing resources. Prior work focuses on improving existing systems using AI across a wide range of domains, such as efficient resource provisioning, application deployment, task placement, and service management. This survey reviews the evolution of data-driven AI-augmented technologies and their impact on computing systems. We demystify new techniques and draw key insights in Edge, Fog and Cloud resource management-related uses of AI methods and also look at how AI can innovate traditional applications for enhanced Quality of Service (QoS) in the presence of a continuum of resources. We present the latest trends and impact areas such as optimizing AI models that are deployed on or for computing systems. We layout a roadmap for future research directions in areas such as resource management for QoS optimization and service reliability. Finally, we discuss blue-sky ideas and envision this work as an anchor point for future research on AI-driven computing systems