337 research outputs found

    Aspectos da caça no alto rio Aripuanã

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    The amount of game killed by hunters in rain forest surrounding Dardanelos (Aripuanã, State of Mato Grosso, Brazil) in southern Amazonia, was recorded from January to april, 1978. White-lipped peccaries (Tayassu pecan), tapirs (Tapirus terrestris), and collared peccaries (Tayassu tajacu), represented 89% of the 8857kg of game killed. Wild moat was an important suplementary protein source, and was present in 19% of the meals. Only four hunters were responsible for over half of the game killed. The demography of the human population, as wel as the local hunting methods, are described and the necessity of conservation of wildlife in this region is discussed.Através de levantamentos entre janeiro e abril de 1978, com toda a população de Durdanelos (Aripuanã-MT) a caça abatida na área foi determinada. As queixadas (Tayassu pecari), as antas (Tapirus terrestris) e os caititus (Tayassu tajacu) representaram 89% dos 8857 kg de caça abatida neste período. A carne de caça representou uma importante fonte adicional de proteínas e estava presente em 19% das refeições. Os principais métodos de caça na área são descritos e a necessidade de conservação da fauna na região discutida

    Effects of Brazilian propolis on Leishmania amazonensis

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    Leishmaniasis, an endemic parasitosis that leads to chronic cutaneous, mucocutaneous or visceral lesions, is part of those diseases, which still requires improved control tools. Propolis has shown activities against different bacteria, fungi, and parasites. In this study we investigated the effect of four ethanolic extracts of typified propolis collected in different Brazilian states, on Leishmania amazonensis performing assays with promastigote forms, extracellular amastigotes, and on infected peritoneal macrophages. Ethanolic extracts of all propolis samples (BRG, BRPG, BRP-1, and BRV) were capable to reduce parasite load as monitored by the percentage of infected macrophages and the number of intracellular parasites. BRV sample called red propolis, collected in the state of Alagoas, and containing high concentration of prenylated and benzophenones compounds, was the most active extract against L. amazonensis. The anti-Leishmania effect of BRV sample was increased in a concentration and time dependent manner. BRV treatment proved to be non-toxic to macrophage cultures. Since BRV extract at the concentration of 25 µg/ml reduced the parasite load of macrophages while presented no direct toxic to promastigotes and extracellular amastigotes, it was suggested that constituents of propolis intensify the mechanism of macrophage activation leading to killing of L. amazonensis. Our results demonstrate, for the first time, that ethanolic extracts of Brazilian propolis reduce L. amazonensis infection in macrophages, and encourage further studies of this natural compound in animal models of leishmaniasis.21522

    Computer analysis of maternal–fetal heart rate recordings during labor in relation with maternal–fetal attachment and prediction of newborn acidemia

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    Abstract Objective: To assess combined maternal (MHR) and fetal heart rate (FHR) recordings during labor, in relation with maternal–fetal attachment and prediction of newborn acidemia.Study design: Fifty-nine simultaneous MHR and FHR recordings were acquired in the final minutes of labor. Computer analysis followed the FIGO guidelines with estimation of MHR and FHR baselines, accelerations, decelerations, short- (STV) and long-term variabilities. MHR and FHR characteristics, their differences and correlations were assessed in relation to labor progression and to newborn umbilical artery blood (UAB) pH lower than 7.15 and 7.20. To assess prediction of acidemia, areas under ROC curves (auROC) were calculated.Results: Progression of labor was associated with a significant increase in MHR accelerations and FHR decelerations both in the non-acidemic and acidemic fetuses (p50.01). At the same time there was an increase in MHR–FHR correlations and differences in accelerations and decelerations in acidemic fetuses. The auROC ranged between 0.50 for FHR accelerations and 0.77 for MHR baseline plus FHR STV. Conclusions: MHR and FHR respond differently during labor with signs of increased maternal– fetal attachment during labor progression in acidemic fetuses. Combined MHR–FHR analysis may help to improve prediction of newborn acidemia compared with FHR analysis alone.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    A mídia como forma de construção social do conhecimento em saúde mental

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    Resenha de: PALOMBINI, A. (org.); MARASCHIN, C. (org.); MOSCHEN, S. (org.). Tecnologias em rede: oficinas de fazer saúde mental. Porto Alegre: Sulina, 2012. 223 p. ISBN 9788520506189

    A saúde imaginada: jornalismo e imaginário do risco

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    Journalism facilitates access to health information and reconfigures what it is to be / feel healthy in postmodernity. We use the notions of imaginary and imaginary technologies to understand the role of journalism as imaginary technology and the reconfiguration of health in postmodernity. Our corpus consists of 12 stories that address the notion of risk. The occurrences were published on Veja's website between January 1 and March 15, 2017, in the health magazine. We observed that the journalistic device evidence prescriptions and regulations that create ambience and configure reality as a threat. We call "imagined health" to the sphere that surpasses an experienced condition of physical and mental disposition, transfiguring itself to the symbolic sphere. The phenomenon tends to be presented as a desired state, modulated by the scientific and, above all, mediatic instance.O jornalismo facilita o acesso às informações sobre saúde e reconfigura o que é ser/sentir-se saudável na pós-modernidade. Utilizamos as noções de imaginário e tecnologias do imaginário para compreender a atuação do jornalismo como tecnologia do imaginário e a reconfiguração da saúde na pós-modernidade. Nosso corpus é constituído por doze matérias que abordam a noção de risco. As ocorrências foram publicadas no site da revista Veja entre os dias primeiro de janeiro e 15 de março de 2017, na editoria Saúde. Observamos que o dispositivo jornalístico evidencia prescrições e regramentos que criam ambiência e configuram a realidade como ameaça. Denominamos “saúde imaginada” à esfera que ultrapassa uma condição experenciada de disposição física e mental, transfigurando-se para a esfera simbólica. O fenômeno tende a ser apresentado como um estado ansiado, modulado pela instância científica e, sobretudo, midiática

    O Embate de Opiniões das Fontes no Discurso sobre a Reforma Psiquiátrica no Jornal Folha de S. Paulo

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    O jornal é um espaço discursivo em que os agentes sociais lutam pelo poder simbólico e procuram impor um modo próprio de interpretar a realidade. Este artigo analisa a representatividade das fontes e o valor do dito (CHARAUDEAU, 2012) no discurso sobre a reforma psiquiátrica do jornal Folha de S.Paulo (FSP). O corpus é constituído por 16 textos informativos escolhidos por meio das palavras-chave “reforma psiquiátrica” e “antimanicomial” nos anos de 1991, 2001 e 2011. Verificamos que as fontes institucionais predominam nos textos, estão ligadas ao poder psiquiátrico (46,80%) e produzem 37 efeitos, sendo 20 de opinião, três de decisão e 14 de saber. As fontes institucionais não têm poder de decisão nas políticas de saúde, mas projetam uma imagem democrática do jornal, que procura revelar diversos pontos de vista de entidades sobre o tema controverso

    Candida auris, an agent of hospital-associated outbreaks : which challenging issues do we need to have in mind?

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    © 2020 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland. This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/).The emergence of Candida auris is considered as one of the most serious problems associated with nosocomial transmission and with infection control practices in hospital environment. This multidrug resistant species is rapidly spreading worldwide, with several described outbreaks. Until now, this species has been isolated from different hospital surfaces, where it can survive for long periods. There are multiple unanswered questions regarding C. auris, such as prevalence in population, environmental contamination, effectiveness of infection prevention and control, and impact on patient mortality. In order to understand how it spreads and discover possible reservoirs, it is essential to know the ecology, natural environment, and distribution of this species. It is also important to explore possible reasons to this recent emergence, namely the environmental presence of azoles or the possible effect of climate change on this sudden emergence. This review aims to discuss some of the most challenging issues that we need to have in mind in the management of C. auris and to raise the awareness to its presence in specific indoor environments as hospital settings.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    A utilidade da terapia de oxigenação hiperbárica e própolis em potencializar a atividade leishmanicida do glucantime

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    In this study we investigated the efficacy of hyperbaric oxygen (HBO) therapy, alone or combined with the pentavalent antimonial glucantime on Leishmania amazonensis infection. In parallel, the effect of Brazilian red propolis gel (propain) alone or combined with glucantime on L. amazonensis infection was evaluated. The inhibition of the infection in macrophages treated with glucantime in combination with HBO exposition was greater than that of macrophages treated with glucantime alone or HBO alone. The susceptible mouse strain BALB/c infected in the shaved rump with L. amazonensis treated with glucantime and exposed to HBO showed: time points in the course of the disease in which lesions were smaller than those of mice treated with glucantime alone and revascularization of the skin in the lesion site; interferon-gamma (IFN-g) levels were not elevated in lymph node cells from these animals. Propain alone was not efficient against lesions, although less exudative lesions were observed in animals treated with propain alone or combined with glucantime. These results reveal the potential value of HBO and red propolis in combination with glucantime for treating cutaneous leishmaniasis and encourage further studies on the effect of more aggressive HBO, propolis and glucantime therapies on different mouse models of leishmaniasis.Nesse trabalho foi avaliada a eficácia da terapia da oxigenação hiperbárica (HBO), aplicada em combinação ou não com o tratamento com glucantime, durante a infecção com Leishmania amazonensis. O efeito de gel da própolis vermelha de origem brasileira (propaina) aplicado em combinação ou não com o tratamento com glucantime, também foi avaliado durante infecção com esse parasita. A inibição da infecção de macrófagos tratados com glucantime em combinação com HBO foi maior que a de macrófagos tratados apenas com glucantime ou HBO. A linhagem murina susceptível, BALB/c, infectada no dorso com L. amazonensis, tratada com glucantime e exposta a HBO, mostrou durante o curso da doença, fases em que as lesões eram menores do que a de camundongos apenas tratados com glucantime; observou-se revascularização da pele da lesão e baixa produção de interferon-gama em células de linfonodos desses animais. O tratamento com propaina não foi eficiente na cura das lesões, apesar de lesões menos exsudativas serem observadas em animais tratados com propaina ou propaina combinada ao tratamento com glucantime. Os resultados demonstram que tanto HBO como a própolis vermelha em combinação com glucantime, são promissoras no tratamento da leishmaniose cutânea. Novos estudos devem ser realizados para avaliar tratamentos e outros protocolos em diferentes modelos murinos da leishmanios

    A study on the children's literary of the Brazilian writer Elias José (1936-2008) : a trajectory built by many works

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    Orientador: Cláudia Beatriz de Castro Nascimento OmettoDissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Faculdade de EducaçãoResumo: Esta pesquisa tem como objetivo apresentar o escritor brasileiro Elias José, inventariar sua produção literária e situá-la no contexto histórico de produção do livro infantil no Brasil. O corpus da pesquisa é formado por cento e setenta e oito livros produzidos para o público infantojuvenil e adulto. Fazem parte do inventário as obras paradidáticas, as organizadas pelo escritor e aquelas em que ele participou com algum poema ou conto. O estudo desenvolve-se em duas direções: a primeira, que se propõe a apresentar a biografia de Elias José e inventariar a sua produção literária, utiliza-se da coleta de documentos sobre o escritor e do levantamento de dados sobre suas obras, como o título, a data de lançamento, a editora, o ilustrador, a categoria, se escrita em prosa ou em verso e o leitor, se adulto ou infantojuvenil, buscando conhecer a produção como um todo. E a segunda, após a separação das obras infantojuvenis, seleciona algumas destas para apresentar uma interlocução com as instâncias de legitimação do livro infantil no Brasil, a saber, o PNBE e a FNLIJ e também com a LDB e PCN, documentos oficiais que norteiam o trabalho pedagógico no país, no intuito de apresentar as contribuições dessa produção no âmbito da literatura infantojuvenil e escolar. A pesquisa fundamenta-se nos referenciais teóricos da História Cultural, trazidos por Roger Chartier em relação às representações de leitor e leitura sugeridos nas obras; na perspectiva Enunciativo-Discursiva de Bakhtin, acerca na natureza social do signo e da enunciação e, na proposição teórico metodológica de Vigotski, sobre o desenvolvimento da mente humana, centrada no contexto Histórico-Cultural. Para situar as obras de Elias José no contexto histórico da literatura infantil e escolar, foram trazidos os estudos de Lajolo e Zilberman, Coelho, Arroyo e Saviani. Esta pesquisa buscou reunir algumas formulações enquanto recortes desses autores supracitados e, por meio de articulações interdiscursivas foi possível pressupor as representações de leitor e de leitura implícitas na materialidade de algumas obras analisadas, bem como as contribuições do escritor no âmbito da literatura infantil e escolar. Considerando que o livro é um material impresso que dá visibilidade a modelos culturais de usos que circulam numa determinada época, o presente estudo, ao inventariar a produção literária de Elias José, situá-la no contexto histórico educacional e da produção de livro infantil, dá visibilidade às tendências de um momento histórico da literatura infantil e escolar assim como a modelos de usos e circulação do livro de uma determinada época, contribuindo e reforçando com as pesquisas já existentes nessa áreaAbstract: This research aims to present the Brazilian writer Elias José, to inventory his literary production and situate it in the historical context of the production of children's books in Brazil. The selected corpus is formed by one hundred and seventy-eight books, produced for the child, youth and adult audience. The inventory is composed of the paradidate works, those organized by the writer and those in which he participated with some poem or short story. The study is developed into two directions: the first one, which proposes to present the biography of the author and to inventory his literary production, uses the collection of documents about the writer and the collection of data about his works, such as the title, the date of release, the publisher, the illustrator, the category, if written in prose or verse and the reader, if adult or children and young people, seeking to know the production as a whole. And the second one, after the separation of the children/youth's works, selects some to present an interlocution with the instances of legitimation of the children/youth's book in Brazil, namely PNBE and FNLIJ and also with LDB and PCN, official documents that guide the work pedagogy in the country, in order to present the contributions of this production in the context of children/youth and school literature. The research is based on the theoretical references of Cultural History, brought by Roger Chartier in relation to the representations of reader and reading suggested in the works; in Bakhtin's Enunciative-Discursive Perspective, on the social nature of sign and enunciation and in Vygotsky's theoretical methodological proposition, on the development of the human mind, centered on the Historical-Cultural context. In order to situate the works of the author Elias José in the historical context of children's and school literature, the studies of Lajolo and Zilberman, Coelho, Arroyo and Saviani were brought. This study sought to gather some formulations as cutbacks of these authors mentioned above and, through interdiscursive articulations, it was possible to presuppose the representations of reader and reading implied in the materiality of some works analyzed, as well as the contributions of the writer in the scope of children's and school literature. Considering that the book is a printed material that gives visibility to cultural models of uses that circulate in a given epoch, this research, in inventorying the literary production of the writer Elias José, situate it in the historical educational context and the production of children's book, gives visibility to the tendencies of a historical moment of the children's and educational literature, as well as to models of uses and circulation of the book of a given time, contributing and reinforcing with the existing researches in this areaMestradoEducaçãoMestra em Educaçã