233 research outputs found

    Lexical Phonological Networks in Children with Down Syndrome: An Initial Syllable Similarity Priming Task with an Eye-Tracking Method

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    Typically-developing (TD) infants as young as 24 months of age use phonological information to establish links between the words of their early lexicons (Mani & Plunkett, 2010; 2011), which facilitates word recognition and learning. However, Down syndrome (DS) children are reported to have difficulties in learning phonological representations (Jarrold & Thorn & Stephens, 2009). The present study aimed to evaluate if DS children establish lexical networks based on phonological similarity by exploring the effects of lexical competition in a phonological priming task. We evaluated 24 children with DS (mental verbal age; M= 40 months) and 24 children with TD (mental verbal age; M= 40 months), matched by receptive vocabulary size, with a phonological priming adaptation of the intermodal preferential looking task. Children with DS showed inhibition of target recognition in related trials compared to unrelated trials. Children with TD showed an absence of priming effects. Further analysis revealed a relationship between the prime cohort size and the level of inhibition of target recognition for both groups. Our results suggest children with DS possess sufficiently detailed phonological representations that allow them to efficiently cluster their lexical entries based on phonological similarities. Moreover, results are thought to reflect differences in the lexical competition processes between the TD and DS groups

    Plan estratégico de marketing para incrementar el posicionamiento de la cooperativa de ahorro y crédito ¿Escencia Indígena¿ de la matriz Ibarra y sucursal otavalo de la provincia de Imbabura

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    Elaborar un plan estratégico de marketing, utilizando técnicas y herramientas que permitan incrementar el posicionamiento de la cooperativa de ahorro y crédito “ESCENCIA INDÍGENA” de la matriz Ibarra y sucursal Otavalo de la provincia de Imbabura.El plan de marketing estratégico para incrementar el posicionamiento de la Cooperativa de Ahorro y Crédito ¿ESCENCIA INDÍGENA.¿ De la matriz Ibarra y sucursal Otavalo, consiste en crear estrategias mercadológicas que influyan sobre el segmento establecido por la institución financiera para mitigar los riesgos ocasionados por las debilidades internas de la empresa a fin de convertirlas en fortalezas, para ello se realiza una investigación del micro entorno y macro entorno para determinar los aspectos sobre los cuales se trabajan y posteriormente se plantean objetivos, estrategias y actividades individuales ordenadas sistemáticamente en tiempo y recurso que sumen esfuerzo para alcanzar el fin general del proyecto respecto al incremento de posicionamiento así como la confiabilidad y la cuota de mercado para ello se abarca compendios de la empresa como: organización, imagen, comunicación, empleados y calidad, entre otros que le permitan perfeccionar los procesos del funcionamiento de la empresa para alcanzar mayores niveles de eficiencia. La cooperativa con este proyecto podrá incrementar el posicionamiento en el mercado en un 18% al cabo de un año, lo que representa más clientes nuevos y potenciales que aportarán a la empresa sus recursos económicos para que la, institución financiera obtenga mayor utilidad en el negocio financiero, y así hacerlo más competitivo en el segmento en el que se desarrolla

    Diseño de políticas contables de acuerdo a las Normas Internacionales de Información Financiera NIIF para Pymes, para el ciclo de inventarios de la distribuidora de concentrados "Distri Yoli"

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    El presente estudio pretende diseñar políticas contables para el ciclo de inventarios en la empresa DISTRI YOLI, para que estas empresas del sector comercial dedicado a la comercialización de alimentos para animales puedan determinar la trascendencia del proceso de implementación de la norma internacional y tomen decisiones respecto a este. Para lograr este fin se realizara en la empresa DISTRI YOLI una revisión y diagnóstico del estado actual de sus actividades financieras especialmente las que involucren las existencias, lo cual se tendrá como referente para presentar unas políticas contables a emplear en la implementación de la Norma Internacional de Información Financiera para PYMES. Para una mejor comprensión de la presente monografía, se procede a realizar la investigación en cuatro capítulos, en el primer capítulo se analiza que se ha hecho anteriormente en las pequeñas y medianas empresas respecto a la implementación de normas internacionales de información financiera NIIF y se toma como referencia seis documentos monográficos referentes al tema. Se analiza, se plantea, se formula y se procesa el problema de investigación, relatando porque es importante la realización del estudio en la empresa en cuestión, de igual manera se define que el objetivo general del presente estudio será diseñar políticas contables de acuerdo a las normas internacionales de información financiera NIIF, para el ciclo de inventarios en la distribuidora de concentrados Distri Yoli, planteando cuatro objetivos específicos que serán el sustento para cumplir a cabalidad con el objetivo general; también se define una hipótesis donde se concreta a que normatividades y obligaciones está sujeto el ente económico.PregradoCONTADOR(A) PÚBLIC

    La Influencia del Número de Objetos y las Claves Verbales en la Distinción Temprana del Plural

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    The linguistic distinction of plurals in early developmental stages is dependent on the verbal cues provided and on the number of members in a set. More than two objects in a set facilitate plural production. Also, multiple verbal cues help understand plurals in contrast to single verbal cues such as the noun morphology alone. It remains unknown whether in a comprehension task a set with only 2 objects is associated to a plural frame, and whether the verbal cues provided play a fundamental role on the aforesaid association. Two preferential looking experiments were carried out with 24-month-old toddlers. Their ability to associate multiple plural verbal cues (E1) and morphology noun alone to a set of 2 objects (E2) was evaluated. Toddlers associated a set of 2 objects to verbal frames containing multiple cues of plurality, but not to the noun morphology alone. These findings show that, as in production, there is a certain difficulty in linguistically distinguishing a set with few objects as a representation of plural during early childhood. Nonetheless, this difficulty is diminished when multiple verbal cues are provided. This demonstrates toddlers’ ability to retrieve information from enriched syntactical frames. El lenguaje permite explorar el mundo y expresar lo que se conoce de él. En el caso del número gramatical, poder asociar claves verbales de singular o plural con uno o más objetos permite a los niños tanto inferir significado como discriminar, anticipar y rastrear referentes. La comprensión temprana del plural está supeditada a las claves verbales proporcionadas; mientras que la producción, al número de ejemplares de un conjunto. No obstante, se desconoce la interrelación que guardan ambos factores en la comprensión temprana del plural en una lengua morfológicamente rica como el español. Así, el objetivo del presente trabajo es explorar si el número de claves verbales influye en la habilidad de niños de 24 meses de edad, aprendices del español, para distinguir el plural compuesto por un conjunto pequeño de objetos (2 versus 1). Se realizaron dos experimentos utilizando el Paradigma Intermodal de Atención Preferencial. Se evaluó si los niños asociaban claves verbales múltiples (E1) y claves en la terminación del sustantivo (E2) indicativas de plural a un conjunto de dos objetos. Los niños asociaron las claves múltiples de pluralidad, pero no la terminación del sustantivo, al conjunto de dos objetos. Los resultados sugieren cierto nivel de dificultad en la comprensión temprana del plural cuando un conjunto está integrado por dos objetos; no obstante, se confirma la capacidad de los niños para extraer información de marcos sintácticos enriquecidos.&nbsp

    Variables para cálculo automatizado de niveles de percepción en encuesta de peligro, vulnerabilidad y riesgo. (Original)

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    The study was carried out at the municipalities of the province Guantánamo, for the sake of diagnosing the perception of danger, vulnerability and risk for environmental events, to make easy the overtaking the Defense Council in these territories The computerized parcel was used for the introduction of the data SPSS Data Entry version 4,0 and for processing, the parcel SPSS 25,0 for Windows. The introduction of a set of new variables and making good use of the SPSS's functionalities danger, vulnerability and environmental risk of the respondents in each of the questions of the opinion poll, eliminating the possible human error in calculations that way calculated of automated way the perceptual levels themselves.El estudio se realizó en los municipios de la provincia Guantánamo con el objetivo de diagnosticar la percepción de peligro, vulnerabilidad y riesgo por eventos ambientales, para facilitar la toma de decisiones del Consejo de Defensa en estos territorios. Para la introducción de los datos fue utilizado el paquete computarizado SPSS Data Entry, versión 4.0, y para el procesamiento, el paquete SPSS 25.0 para Windows. Con la introducción de un conjunto de variables nuevas y aprovechando las funcionalidades del SPSS, se calcularon, de manera automatizada, los niveles de percepción peligro, vulnerabilidad y riesgo ambiental de los encuestados en cada una de las preguntas, eliminando así el posible error humano en los cálculos

    A methodological investigation of the Intermodal Preferential Looking paradigm: Methods of analyses, picture selection and data rejection criteria

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    The Intermodal Preferential Looking paradigm provides a sensitive measure of a child's online word comprehension. To complement existing recommendations (Fernald, Zangl, Portillo, & Marchman, 2008), the present study evaluates the impact of experimental noise generated by two aspects of the visual stimuli on the robustness of familiar word recognition with and without mispronunciations: the presence of a central fixation point and the level of visual noise in the pictures (as measured by luminance saliency). Twenty-month-old infants were presented with a classic word recognition IPL procedure in 3 conditions: without a fixation stimulus (No Fixation - noisiest condition), with a fixation stimulus before trial onset (Fixation, intermediate), and with a fixation stimulus, a neutral background and equally salient images (Fixation Plus - least noisy). Data were systematically analyzed considering a range of data selection criteria and dependent variables (proportion of looking time towards the target, longest look, and time-course analysis). Critically, the expected pronunciation and naming interaction was only found in the Fixation Plus condition. We discuss the impact of data selection criteria and the dependent variable choice on the modulation of these effects across the different conditions

    NMR Study on Laccase Polymerization of Kraft Lignin Using Different Enzymes Source

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    The usage of laccases is a sustainable and environmentally friendly approach to modifying the Kraft lignin structure for use in certain applications. However, the inherent structure of Kraft lignin, as well as that resulting from laccase modification, still presents challenges for fundamental comprehension and successful lignin valorization. In this study, bacterial and fungal laccases were employed to modify eucalypt Kraft lignin. To evaluate the type and range of the chemical and structural changes of laccase-treated lignins, different NMR techniques, including solution 1H and 2D NMR (heteronuclear single quantum correlation (HSQC)), and solid-state 13C NMR, were applied. Size exclusion chromatography and infrared spectroscopy were also used. Interestingly, HSQC analysis showed substantial changes in the oxygenated aliphatic region of lignins, showing an almost complete absence of signals corresponding to side-chains due to laccase depolymerization. Simultaneously, a significant loss of aromatic signals was observed by HSQC and 1H NMR, which was attributed to a deprotonation of the lignin benzenic rings due to polymerization/condensation by laccase reactions. Then, condensed structures, such as α-5′, 5-5′, and 4-O-5′, were detected by HSQC and 13C NMR, supporting the increment in molecular weight, as well as the phenolic content reduction determined in lignins.This research was funded by Comunidad de Madrid via Project SUSTEC-CM S2018/EMT-4348; MCINN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033 and by “ERDF A way of making Europe” via Project RTI2018-096080-B-C22; and MCINN via Project TED2021-132122B-C21

    Free classification of large sets of everyday objects is more thematic than taxonomic

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    Traditionally it has been thought that the overall organisation of categories in the brain is taxonomic. To examine this assumption, we had adults sort 140–150 diverse, familiar objects from different basic-level categories. Almost all the participants (80/81) sorted the objects more thematically than taxonomically. Sorting was only weakly modulated by taxonomic priming, and people still produced many thematically structured clusters when explicitly instructed to sort taxonomically. The first clusters that people produced were rated as having equal taxonomic and thematic structure. However, later clusters were rated as being increasingly thematically organised. A minority of items were consistently clustered taxonomically, but the overall dominance of thematically structured clusters suggests that people know more thematic than taxonomic relations among everyday objects. A final study showed that the semantic relations used to sort a given item in the initial studies predicted the proportion of thematic to taxonomic word associates generated to that item. However, unlike the results of the sorting task, most of these single word associates were related taxonomically. This latter difference between the results of large-scale, free sorting tasks versus single word association tasks suggests that thematic relations may be more numerous, but weaker, than taxonomic associations in our stored conceptual network. Novel statistical and numerical methods for objectively measuring sorting consistency were developed during the course of this investigation, and have been made publicly available