15 research outputs found

    Pre- And postdiagnosis growth failure, adult short stature, and untreated growth hormone deficiency in radiotherapy-treated long-term survivors of childhood brain tumor

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    Purpose Growth failure is common in radiotherapy-treated long-term survivors of pediatric brain tumors, but studies on longitudinal growth in this patient group are lacking. Here, the aim was to assess the changes in growth patterns before and after brain tumor diagnosis, the adult height, and the risk factors for compromised growth. The incidence and treatment practices of growth hormone deficiency were analyzed. Methods A cohort of 73 survivors of childhood brain tumor (median age 27.2 years, range 16.2 to 43.8 years) was studied after a median follow-up period of 20.4 years from diagnosis (IQR 14.9 to 22.9 years). Patients were treated in five university hospitals in Finland between 1970 and 2008. Growth curves, final height, and patient- and disease-related risk factors for compromised growth during different growth periods were analyzed. Laboratory analyses for IGF-1 and IGFBP-3 were performed at the follow-up. Results Growth failure was evident at diagnosis, with a mean height decline of -0.6 SDS (standard deviation score) from birth (95% CI -1.15 to -0.05). Mean height SDS decline after the diagnosis was -1.09 SDS (95%CI -1.51 to -0.66). At follow-up, 37% of the study subjects (27/73) had true short stature (height < -2 SDS). The mean height deficit corrected for target height was -1.9 SDS (95% CI -1.45 to -2.40). Growth failure was associated with the age at diagnosis, corticosteroid dose, radiotherapy modality and mean dose of irradiation in the thalamic area. Low IGF-1 level (below -2.0 SDS) was found in 32% (23/72), and untreated growth hormone deficiency in 40% (29/72) of the subjects. Conclusion Longitudinal growth impairment was common in radiotherapy-treated survivors of childhood brain tumor, resulting in compromised adult height. Loss of growth potential was evident already at diagnosis and further accelerated by the treatments. At young adulthood, unrecognized growth hormone deficiency was common.publishedVersionPeer reviewe

    Pre- and postdiagnosis growth failure, adult short stature, and untreated growth hormone deficiency in radiotherapy-treated long-term survivors of childhood brain tumor

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    PurposeGrowth failure is common in radiotherapy-treated long-term survivors of pediatric brain tumors, but studies on longitudinal growth in this patient group are lacking. Here, the aim was to assess the changes in growth patterns before and after brain tumor diagnosis, the adult height, and the risk factors for compromised growth. The incidence and treatment practices of growth hormone deficiency were analyzed.MethodsA cohort of 73 survivors of childhood brain tumor (median age 27.2 years, range 16.2 to 43.8 years) was studied after a median follow-up period of 20.4 years from diagnosis (IQR 14.9 to 22.9 years). Patients were treated in five university hospitals in Finland between 1970 and 2008. Growth curves, final height, and patient- and disease-related risk factors for compromised growth during different growth periods were analyzed. Laboratory analyses for IGF-1 and IGFBP-3 were performed at the follow-up.ResultsGrowth failure was evident at diagnosis, with a mean height decline of -0.6 SDS (standard deviation score) from birth (95% CI -1.15 to -0.05). Mean height SDS decline after the diagnosis was -1.09 SDS (95%CI -1.51 to -0.66). At follow-up, 37% of the study subjects (27/73) had true short stature (height ConclusionLongitudinal growth impairment was common in radiotherapy-treated survivors of childhood brain tumor, resulting in compromised adult height. Loss of growth potential was evident already at diagnosis and further accelerated by the treatments. At young adulthood, unrecognized growth hormone deficiency was common.</p

    Expression of CPPED1 in human trophoblasts is associated with timing of term birth

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    Understanding of timing of human parturition is incomplete. Therefore, we carried out proteomic analyses of full-term placentas from uncomplicated pregnancies to identify protein signatures associated with the onset of spontaneous delivery. We found quantitative associations of 10 proteins with spontaneous term birth, evident either in the basal or in the chorionic plates or in both. Additional 18 proteins were associated according to the location within placenta indicating local variations in protein amounts. Calcineurin-like phosphoesterase domain-containing 1 (CPPED1), a phosphatase previously suggested dephosphorylating AKT1/PKB, was one of the identified proteins. qRT-PCR revealed the mRNA level of CPPED1 was higher in elective caesarean deliveries than in spontaneous births, while immunohistochemistry showed CPPED1 in cytotrophoblasts, syncytiotrophoblasts and extravillous trophoblasts. Noteworthy, phosphorylation status of AKT1 did not differ between placentas from elective caesarean and spontaneous deliveries. Additionally, analyses of samples from infants indicated that single-nucleotide polymorphisms rs11643593 and rs8048866 of CPPED1 were associated with duration of term pregnancy. Finally, post-transcriptional silencing of CPPED1 in cultured HTR8/SVneo cells by siRNAs affected gene expression in pathways associated with inflammation and blood vessel development. We postulate that functions regulated by CPPED1 in trophoblasts at choriodecidual interphase have a role in the induction of term labour, but it may be independent of AKT1

    Late vertebral side effects in long-term survivors of irradiated childhood brain tumor

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    Purpose: Long-term side effects of the treatments are common in survivors of irradiated pediatric brain tumors. Ionizing radiation in combination with surgery and chemotherapy during childhood may reduce vertebral height and bone mineral density (BMD), and cause growth failure. The aim of this study was to evaluate the late consequences of tumor treatments on vertebrae in survivors of childhood brain tumors.Methods: 72 adult survivors (mean age 27.8 years, standard deviation 6.7) of irradiated childhood brain tumor were studied by spinal magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) for vertebral abnormalities from the national cohort of Finland. Patients were treated in five university hospitals in Finland between the years 1970 and 2008. Subject height and weight were measured and body mass index (BMI) was calculated. The morphology and height/ depth ratio of the vertebrae in the middle of the kyphotic thoracic curvature (Th8) and lumbar lordosis (L3) were examined. Vertebrae were analyzed by Genant's semiquantative (SQ) method and spinal deformity index (SDI) was calculated. BMD was measured by using dual X-ray absorptiometry.Results: 4.2% (3/72) of the patients had undiagnosed asymptomatic vertebral fracture and 5.6% (4/72) of patients had radiation- induced decreased vertebral body height. Male patients had flatter vertebrae compared with females. Patient age at the time of irradiation, BMI and irradiation area correlated to vertebral morphology differentially in males and females. BMD had no association with the vertebral shape. Patients who had received craniospinal irradiation were shorter than the general population.Conclusion: Childhood brain tumor survivors had a high number of vertebral abnormalities in young adulthood. Irradiation was associated with abnormal vertebral morphology and compromised final height. Male gender may predispose vertebrae to the side effects of irradiation.</div

    GLI1(+) progenitor cells in the adrenal capsule of the adult mouse give rise to heterotopic gonadal-like tissue

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    As certain strains of mice age, hyperplastic lesions resembling gonadal tissue accumulate beneath the adrenal capsule. Gonadectomy (GDX) accelerates this heterotopic differentiation, resulting in the formation of wedge-shaped adrenocortical neoplasms that produce sex steroids. Stem/progenitor cells that reside in the adrenal capsule and retain properties of the adrenogonadal primordium are thought to be the source of this heterotopic tissue. Here, we demonstrate that GLI1(+) progenitors in the adrenal capsule give rise to gonadal-like cells that accumulate in the subcapsular region. A tamoxifen-inducible Cre driver (Glil-creER(T2)) and two reporters (R26R-lacZ, R26R-confetti) were used to track the fate of GLI1(+) cells in the adrenal glands of B6D2F2 mice, a strain that develops both GDX-induced adrenocortical neoplasms and age-dependent subcapsular cell hyperplasia. In gonadectomized B6D2F2 mice GLI1(+) progenitors contributed to long-lived adrenal capsule cells and to adrenocortical neoplasms that expressed Gata4 and Foxl2, two prototypical gonadal markers. Pdgfra, a gene expressed in adrenocortical stromal cells, was upregulated in the GDX-induced neoplasms. In aged non-gonadectomized B6D2F2 mice GLI1(+) progenitors gave rise to patches of subcapsular cell hyperplasia. Treatment with GANT61, a small-molecule GLI antagonist, attenuated the upregulation of gonadal-like markers (Gata4, Foxl2) in response to GDX. These findings support the premise that GLI1(+) progenitor cells in the adrenal capsule of the adult mouse give rise to heterotopic tissue. (C) 2016 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.Peer reviewe

    Vuonna 2020 aloittaneiden ammattikorkeakouluopiskelijoiden alkoholinkäyttö koronaviruspandemian aikana

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    TIIVISTELMÄ Julia Anttonen, Anna Simu & Iris Vestenius Vuonna 2020 aloittaneiden ammattikorkeakouluopiskelijoiden alkoholinkäyttö koronaviruspandemian aikana 42 sivua ja 2 liitettä Syksy 2023 Diakonia-ammattikorkeakoulu ja Yrkeshögskolan Arcada (kaksikielinen yhteistyökoulutus) Sosiaali- ja terveysalan ammattikorkeakoulututkinto Sairaanhoitaja (AMK) Opinnäytetyön tarkoituksena oli verkkokyselyn avulla tutkia, onko alkoholinkäyttö muuttunut koronaviruspandemian aikana niillä suomalaisilla ammattikorkeakouluopiskelijoilla, jotka aloittivat opiskelun vuonna 2020 eli juuri ennen COVID-19 pandemian alkua tai sen jo alettua. Tämän pohjalta opinnäytetyön tavoitteena oli tuottaa ajankohtaista ja tutkittua tietoa siitä, onko ammattikorkeakouluopiskelijoiden alkoholinkäyttö muuttunut koronaviruspandemian aikana. Opinnäytetyön tutkimusympäristönä oli Diakonia-ammattikorkeakoulu sekä Yrkeshögskolan Arcada. Kyselyyn vastanneet olivat aloittaneet opiskelut vuonna 2020 ja opiskelivat sairaan- tai terveydenhoitajiksi tai sosionomeiksi. Aineistonkeruumenetelmänä käytettiin Webropolia. Kyselyyn vastanneet jaettiin kahteen ryhmään. Alkoholia koronaviruspandemian aikana käyttäneet ja raittiina olleet. Kysely lähetettiin 498 opiskelijalle, joista 166 vastasi kyselyyn. Vastanneista 25 eivät ole käyttäneet alkoholia koronaviruspandemian aikana, joista 20 ovat olleet raittiina ennen koronaviruspandemian alkua. Suurin osa vastanneista kertoi raittiuden syyn olleen elämäntapa tai vakaumus. Vastanneista 141 ovat käyttäneet alkoholia koronaviruspandemian aikana. Suurimmalla osalla alkoholin käyttö pysyi samanlaisena koronaviruspandemian aikana, mutta 39,4 %:lla alkoholin käyttö vähentyi ja 19,2 %:lla lisääntyi. Syitä alkoholin käyttöön koronaviruspandemian aikana oli useita, muun muassa masennus, ahdistuneisuus, yksinäisyys ja lisääntynyt stressi. Tästä opinnäytetyöstä saatua tietoa voidaan myös hyödyntää tulevissa samaan aihepiiriin liittyvissä tutkimuksissa. Asiasanat: alkoholinkäyttö, ammattikorkeakouluopiskelija, koronavirus, terveyden edistämine

    Live lectures and videos do not differ in relation to learning outcomes of dental ergonomics

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    Abstract Objectives: This study aimed to compare the knowledge attained by third‐year dental students in physical ergonomics altering live lectures and videos in teaching. The second aim was to investigate implementation of the theoretical knowledge on ergonomics into practice. Material and methods: Forty‐five students divided into two groups attended a live lecture (45 min) or viewed videos (45 min). After the first teaching session, the groups changed parts. All students answered a questionnaire with 13 true or false‐questions on ergonomics at baseline and immediately after both teaching sessions. Friedman's test and Wilcoxon signed rank test were used to compare questionnaire scores of the student groups. Additionally, we photographed 17 randomly selected students 3 months after baseline during a simulation workshop on endodontics. We analyzed the photographs for ergonomic postures using a specific 12‐point checklist. Results: At baseline, no difference in the knowledge between the two groups was discovered, when both scored 72%. After the first teaching session, significant improvement in both groups (p &lt; .05) was found; and there was no statistically significant difference in the scores between the groups (88% in the lecture‐first and 82% in the video‐first group). After the second teaching session, the scores were similar in both groups. Overall all improvement in both groups was significant (p &lt; .001). The photograph analysis showed half of the postures being in accord with the ergonomic guidelines. Conclusions: Both live lectures and videos showed similar outcomes in teaching ergonomics. Implementation of the knowledge on ergonomics is insufficient. Videos provide an easy‐to‐organize alternative to live lectures in teaching dental ergonomics. New means are needed to have dental students implement their knowledge on ergonomics into practice

    Late vertebral side effects in long-term survivors of irradiated childhood brain tumor

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    Purpose Long-term side effects of the treatments are common in survivors of irradiated pediatric brain tumors. Ionizing radiation in combination with surgery and chemotherapy during childhood may reduce vertebral height and bone mineral density (BMD), and cause growth failure. The aim of this study was to evaluate the late consequences of tumor treatments on vertebrae in survivors of childhood brain tumors. Methods 72 adult survivors (mean age 27.8 years, standard deviation 6.7) of irradiated childhood brain tumor were studied by spinal magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) for vertebral abnormalities from the national cohort of Finland. Patients were treated in five university hospitals in Finland between the years 1970 and 2008. Subject height and weight were measured and body mass index (BMI) was calculated. The morphology and height/ depth ratio of the vertebrae in the middle of the kyphotic thoracic curvature (Th8) and lumbar lordosis (L3) were examined. Vertebrae were analyzed by Genant's semiquantative (SQ) method and spinal deformity index (SDI) was calculated. BMD was measured by using dual X-ray absorptiometry. Results 4.2% (3/72) of the patients had undiagnosed asymptomatic vertebral fracture and 5.6% (4/72) of patients had radiation- induced decreased vertebral body height. Male patients had flatter vertebrae compared with females. Patient age at the time of irradiation, BMI and irradiation area correlated to vertebral morphology differentially in males and females. BMD had no association with the vertebral shape. Patients who had received craniospinal irradiation were shorter than the general population. Conclusion Childhood brain tumor survivors had a high number of vertebral abnormalities in young adulthood. Irradiation was associated with abnormal vertebral morphology and compromised final height. Male gender may predispose vertebrae to the side effects of irradiation.Peer reviewe