3,596 research outputs found

    Unpublished phoencian-punic incense-burners from La Caleta (Cádiz, Spain) : analysis of the items and historiographic remarks

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    Se estudian en este artículo siete nuevos ejemplares de quemaperfumes de doble cazoleta cerámicos procedentes de los fondos subacuáticos del entorno de La Caleta, en el reborde marítimo al noroeste de la actual ciudad de Cádiz. Las piezas, que fueron donadas al Museo Histórico Municipal de San Fernando en los años noventa del siglo pasado, permiten actualizar el debate sobre la cronología y función de estos pebeteros abundantemente hallados en los bajos cercanos al canal de La Caleta. Asimismo, se reflexiona brevemente sobre la historiografía relativa a estas piezas y al hecho de que la mayor parte de ellas carece de contextos arqueológicos definidos, debido a su recuperación furtiva durante décadas antes del inicio de las actuaciones científicas en la zona.The paper focus on seven unpublished ceramic incense-burners found off the coastal area of La Caleta, close to the northwestern part of the present-day city of Cadiz. The items were granted to the Museo Historico Municipal of San Fernando more than two decades ago. Their study makes possible to update the discussion about the chronology and function of these censers, recovered in significant quantity from the underwater sites close to La Caleta beach. Additionally, some reflections on the previous historiography are provided, focusing on the fact that most of the ceramic perfume-burners lack of a defined archaeological context due to its clandestine discovery over the second half of the 20th century before the first scientific campaigns started in the area

    Escritura académica y enseñanza de portugués como lengua extranjera: como escribir reseñas en portugués

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    Anais do VI Encontro de Iniciação Científica e II Encontro Anual de Iniciação ao Desenvolvimento Tecnológico e Inovação – EICTI 2017 - 04 a 06 de outubro de 2017- temática Linguística, Letras e ArtesLa investigación que realizamos en el transcurso de este proyecto busca concentrar sus esfuerzos para dos objetivos: establecer investigaciones que puedan contribuir para el perfil egresado visado por el curso de Letras Portugués e Español como Lenguas Extranjeras – LEPLE – profesionales aptos a la promoción y difusión global de las lenguas portuguesa y española; contribuir para la misión institucional de la UNILA en la integración transregional del continente latino-americano. En ese contexto, en el ámbito de la enseñanza de Portugués como Lengua Extranjera para hispano-hablantes, investigamos propuestas de enseñanza que atendieran a las necesidades lingüísticas de estudiantes universitarios en contextos institucionales, sobretodo en el que toca la dimensión de la compresión y producción de géneros académicos, áreas fundamentales para el desarrollo satisfactorio de las actividades realizadas por los estudiantes en la universidadUniversidade Federal da Integração Latino-Americana (Unila); Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq); Fundação Araucária; Parque Tecnológico Itaipu (PTI) e Companhia de Saneamento do Paraná (SANEPAR

    Recent underwater archaeological research at La Caleta (Cadiz bay, Spain). An update on punic evidence (6th-3rd centuries BC)

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    La zona costera de La Caleta, en el extremo noroccidental de la isla de Cádiz, constituye desde los inicios de la investigación subacuática en la bahía gaditana uno de los principales escenarios de investigación a partir tanto de destacados hallazgos puntuales como de actuaciones geo-arqueológicas científicas. La interpretación de este conjunto de datos ha sido muy dispar, tanto como el grado de publicación de las campañas arqueológicas realizadas, y la información disponible se encuentra actualmente muy dispersa. Asimismo, algunas cuestiones como la aparición de materiales que han sido tradicionalmente considerados como evidencias cultuales (anforillas, quemaperfumes, terracotas, etc.) y su relación con los templos citados en las fuentes literarias clásicas han focalizado hasta ahora la mayor parte de estudios, dejando en segundo plano temas de gran importancia histórica. Se propone en estas páginas una revisión panorámica de la documentación generada por hallazgos casuales y campañas precedentes, conjugando estas evidencias con las proporcionadas por actuaciones sistemáticas desarrolladas recientemente (2008-2010), atendiendo especialmente a los restos materiales relativos a la etapa púnica (siglos VI-III a.C.). Adicionalmente, se plantearán algunas nuevas propuestas de interpretación de La Caleta en este periodo, acerca de su configuración geo-arqueológica y su relación con actividades portuarias, comerciales, cultuales o funerarias prerromanas

    Phoenician pottery from underwater sites in La Caleta (Cadiz, Spain): contextualization and historical interpretation

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    El carácter esencialmente marítimo y comercial de la fundación fenicia de Gadir en la bahía gaditana es un tópico histórico recurrente en la investigación de la protohistoria del Occidente mediterráneo desde hace décadas, debatido casi tanto como la propia ubicación del primer núcleo del hábitat fenicio. Recientes hallazgos en el área insular septentrional de la isla de Cádiz han proporcionado nuevos datos acerca de estas zonas residenciales, artesanales y cultuales de época fenicia y púnica vinculadas con Gadir, iniciando una nueva fase de la investigación y del diálogo histórico con los yacimientos amurallados situados en los rebordes continentales de la bahía. En este trabajo se pretende aportar un modesto pero interesante conjunto de testimonios materiales vinculados a otra parte fundamental del asentamiento gaderita como debió ser el litoral insular usado como fondeadero o puerto. En particular, se discute un conjunto de cerámicas recuperadas en actuaciones arqueológicas recientes en el entorno de La Caleta las cuales documentan el tránsito marítimo en la zona durante la fase fenicia arcaica y su relación con los yacimientos de carácter cultual y residencial de las inmediaciones.The maritime and commercial nature of the foundation of Phoenician Gadir in the Bay of Cadiz has been a recurring topic for the research of the pre-Classical history of the Mediterranean West for decades, discussed almost as much as the very location of the first Phoenician habitat. Recent findings in the northern insular area of Cadiz Island have provided new data on these residential, industrial and cultic areas of Phoenician and Punic Gadir, initiating a new phase of historical research and a new-fangled dialogue with the walled settlements located in the continental shores of the bay. This paper aims to provide a modest but interesting set of material evidence linked to the insular coastal section probably used as an anchorage or port, another fundamental part of Gaderitan settlement. Concretely, a collection of ceramics recovered in recent archaeological activities in the vicinity of La Caleta is discussed. The pottery supplies explicit evidence on the maritime traffic in the area during the Phoenician stage and also on the connection of La Caleta with the nearby residential and cultic areas

    Use of Essential Oils to Inhibit Alicyclobacillus Acidoterrestris: A Short Overview of the Literature

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    Essential oils (EOs) are promising and friendly antimicrobials for the prolongation of the shelf life of many foods. They have been extensively used to inhibit spoiling and pathogenic microorganisms of many kinds of products like fruit juices and acidic drinks. Therefore, they could be used successfully to control the germination of spores of Alicyclobacillus acidoterrestris, that finds in these products an optimal environment for growth. This paper reports a brief overview of the literature available, focusing on the effects of EOs toward alicyclobacilli

    Selection of Yeasts as Starter Cultures for Table Olives: A Step-by-Step Procedure

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    The selection of yeasts intended as starters for table olives is a complex process, including a characterization step at laboratory level and a validation at lab level and factory-scale. The characterization at lab level deals with the assessment of some technological traits (growth under different temperatures and at alkaline pHs, effect of salt, and for probiotic strains the resistance to preservatives), enzymatic activities, and some new functional properties (probiotic traits, production of vitamin B-complex, biological debittering). The paper reports on these traits, focusing both on their theoretical implications and lab protocols; moreover, there are some details on predictive microbiology for yeasts of table olives and on the use of multivariate approaches to select suitable starters

    Interaction and coherence of a plasmon-exciton polariton condensate

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    Polaritons are quasiparticles arising from the strong coupling of electromagnetic waves in cavities and dipolar oscillations in a material medium. In this framework, localized surface plasmon in metallic nanoparticles defining optical nanocavities have attracted increasing interests in the last decade. This interest results from their sub-diffraction mode volume, which offers access to extremely high photonic densities by exploiting strong scattering cross-sections. However, high absorption losses in metals have hindered the observation of collective coherent phenomena, such as condensation. In this work we demonstrate the formation of a non-equilibrium room temperature plasmon-exciton-polariton condensate with a long range spatial coherence, extending a hundred of microns, well over the excitation area, by coupling Frenkel excitons in organic molecules to a multipolar mode in a lattice of plasmonic nanoparticles. Time-resolved experiments evidence the picosecond dynamics of the condensate and a sizeable blueshift, thus measuring for the first time the effect of polariton interactions in plasmonic cavities. Our results pave the way to the observation of room temperature superfluidity and novel nonlinear phenomena in plasmonic systems, challenging the common belief that absorption losses in metals prevent the realization of macroscopic quantum states.Comment: 23 pages, 5 figures, SI 7 pages, 5 figure

    The role of detraining in tendon mechanobiology

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    INTRODUCTION: Several conditions such as training, aging, estrogen deficiency and drugs could affect the biological and anatomo-physiological characteristics of the tendon. Additionally, recent preclinical and clinical studies examined the effect of detraining on tendon, showing alterations in its structure and morphology and in tenocyte mechanobiology. However, few data evaluated the importance that cessation of training might have on tendon. Basically, we do not fully understand how tendons react to a phase of training followed by sudden detraining. Therefore, within this review, we summarize the studies where tendon detraining was examined. MATERIALS AND METHODS: A descriptive systematic literature review was carried out by searching three databases (PubMed, Scopus and Web of Knowledge) on tendon detraining. Original articles in English from 2000 to 2015 were included. In addition, the search was extended to the reference lists of the selected articles. A public reference manager (www.mendeley.com) was adopted to remove duplicate articles. RESULTS: An initial literature search yielded 134 references (www.pubmed.org: 53; www.scopus.com: 11; www.webofknowledge.com: 70). Fifteen publications were extracted based on the title for further analysis by two independent reviewers. Abstracts and complete articles were after that reviewed to evaluate if they met inclusion criteria. CONCLUSIONS: The revised literature comprised four clinical studies and an in vitro and three in vivo reports. Overall, the results showed that tendon structure and properties after detraining are compromised, with an alteration in the tissue structural organization and mechanical properties. Clinical studies usually showed a lesser extent of tendon alterations, probably because preclinical studies permit an in-depth evaluation of tendon modifications, which is hard to perform in human subjects. In conclusion, after a period of sudden detraining (e.g., after an injury), physical activity should be taken with caution, following a targeted rehabilitation program. However, further research should be performed to fully understand the effect of sudden detraining on tendons

    Implementación de una red Profibus DP en un sistema automatizado

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    Este trabajo propone el diseño y la implementación de una red de comunicación usando el protocolo Profibus DP en un sistema automatizado, además de la realización de una investigación acerca de dicho protocolo, dando como resultado la documentación teórica de su funcionamiento, con el fin de crear una herramienta de consulta pública referente al tema. Para tales propósitos se diseña una red de comunicación entre una maqueta didáctica para taladrado de piezas, y una estación de Control de Presión de aire comprimido, documentándose paso a paso el proceso

    Association of Klotho with physical performance and frailty in middle-aged and older adults: A systematic review

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    Abstract Ageing is an inevitable process of physical deterioration that impairs functional autonomy and quality of life, becoming a public health issue. Since the percentage of people over 60 years is increasing worldwide, the use of easily detectable biomarkers of ageing is a relevant tool for monitoring of the ageing process and treatment. Among them, Klotho, an ageing suppressor gene because its deficiency leads to ageing like phenotype, seems particularly promising. This systematic review includes the last 10 years clinical studies that evaluated the association between plasma Klotho and body composition, physical performance and frailty in both sedentary and active middle-aged and older adults. Sixteen studies have been found: nine regarding the association between Klotho and body composition, two the association of Klotho and frailty and finally five concerning the effects of physical activity on Klotho. The results of these studies, albeit with some exceptions, point out that Klotho is positively associated with muscle strength and negatively with osteoporosis, frailty, disability and mortality while physical activity generally increases Klotho levels. Moreover, even if there are still few clinical studies, Klotho might be positively associated with bone mineral density, muscle strength, longevity, mobility and robustness during ageing